<?php session_start(); include_once 'lib/Helpiq_SSO_Support.php'; $helpiq_api_key = '9d1e2693fe4fc477cf26bc0df3372985'; $helpiq_site_url = 'b00017.helpdocsonline.com'; $helpiq_sso_support = new Helpiq_SSO_Support($helpiq_api_key, $helpiq_site_url); $helpiq_sso_support->logout_helpiq();
<?php session_start(); require_once 'lib/Helpiq_SSO_Support.php'; //enter your API key here $helpiq_api_key = '9d1e2693fe4fc477cf26bc0df3372985'; //enter your site URL here $helpiq_site_url = 'mysite.helpdocsonline.com'; // parameter site_access: this defines which sites are allowed, separate multiple sites by comma // If no value is set and the parameter is not included then we allow access to all sites. // If the parameter is set, then we only allow access to whatever sites are included // If the user tries to go to a site they do not have permission we just take them to a site they do have permission $helpiq_site_access = ''; $helpiq_sso_support = new Helpiq_SSO_Support($helpiq_api_key, $helpiq_site_url); $helpiq_sso_support->do_helpiq_authorization($helpiq_site_access);