  * Clusterize Transactions
  * @param array $transactions array((int)ID => array((int|string)attr1, attr2, ...), ...)
  * @param array $params array('repulsion' => (float)$number)
  * @return array
 public function clusterize($transactions, $params)
     $this->repulsion = $params['repulsion'];
     // Add transactions
     foreach ($transactions as $id => $transaction) {
         $data = array('ClopeTransaction' => array('custom_id' => $id), 'ClopeAttribute' => Hash::map($transaction, '{n}', function ($attr) {
             return array('attribute' => $attr);
         $this->ClopeTransaction->saveAssociated($data, array('deep' => true));
     // Clustering
     // Result
     $groupedByCluster = array();
     foreach ($transactions as $id => &$transaction) {
         $groupedByCluster[$this->ClopeTransaction->clusterID($id)][$id] = $transaction;
     return $groupedByCluster;
Example #2
  * Adds any new plugins on WordPress.org, and queues them up for updates.
  * @return int Shell return code.
 function main()
     $this->out(__('Fetching list of plugins from SVN repository...'));
     $repo_url = Configure::read('App.svn_url');
     $command = "svn list {$repo_url} | sed 's/\\/\$//'";
     $results = shell_exec($command);
     if (is_null($results)) {
         $this->error(__('Error'), __('Failed to fetch list of plugins using SVN.'));
         return 1;
     $plugins = explode("\n", $results);
     $this->out(__('Looking for new plugins that have not been added yet...'));
     $plugins = array_filter($plugins, function ($value) {
         return preg_match('/^[-0-9a-z_]+$/i', $value);
     $plugins = array_diff($plugins, $this->Plugin->find('list', array('fields' => array('slug'))));
     if (empty($plugins)) {
         $this->out(__('<info>No new plugins to add.</info>'));
         return 0;
     // TODO: Remove once live, or testing repo is in place.
     $plugins = array_slice($plugins, 0, 1000);
     $this->out(__('Saving %d new plugins...', count($plugins)));
     $plugins = Hash::map($plugins, '{n}', array($this, '_newPluginMap'));
     if ($this->Plugin->saveAll($plugins, array('deep' => true))) {
         $this->out(__('<info>All new plugins added successfully.</info>'));
         return 0;
     $this->error(__('Database Error'), __('Failed adding %d new plugins to the database.', count($plugins)));
     return 1;
Example #3
  * список групп, для просмотра в профиле пользователя 
  * @param int $userId 
  * @return array
 public function getUserGroupsList($userId)
     $data = $this->getUserGroups($userId, -1, 0);
     $groupIds = Hash::extract($data, '{n}.Group.id');
     $this->membersCount = $this->groupMembersCount($groupIds);
     $fields = array('GroupCategory.id', 'GroupCategory.name');
     $this->groupCategories = $this->GroupCategory->find('list', compact('fields'));
     $data = Hash::map($data, '{n}', array($this, 'userGroupsCallback'));
     $results = Hash::extract($data, '{n}.Group');
     return $results;
Example #4
  * Test map()
  * @return void
 public function testMap()
     $data = static::articleData();
     $result = Hash::map($data, '{n}.Article.id', array($this, 'mapCallback'));
     $expected = array(2, 4, 6, 8, 10);
     $this->assertEquals($expected, $result);
  * Save circular notice content
  * @param array $data input data
  * @return bool
  * @throws InternalErrorException
 public function saveCircularNoticeContent($data)
     // 必要なモデル読み込み
     $this->loadModels(['CircularNoticeContent' => 'CircularNotices.CircularNoticeContent', 'CircularNoticeChoice' => 'CircularNotices.CircularNoticeChoice', 'CircularNoticeTargetUser' => 'CircularNotices.CircularNoticeTargetUser']);
     try {
         $users = array();
         if (isset($data['CircularNoticeTargetUser'])) {
             $users = $data['CircularNoticeTargetUser'];
         // ルームに所属する全ユーザが対象の場合、ルームの参加者を取得
         if ($data['CircularNoticeContent']['is_room_target']) {
             $this->loadModels(['RolesRoomsUser' => 'Rooms.RolesRoomsUser']);
             $rolesRoomsUsers = $this->RolesRoomsUser->getRolesRoomsUsers(array('Room.id' => Current::read('Room.id')));
             $targetUsers = Hash::extract($rolesRoomsUsers, '{n}.RolesRoomsUser.user_id');
             $users = $targetUsers;
             // 取得したUserでデータを差し替え
             $targetUsers = array();
             foreach ($users as $userId) {
                 $targetUsers[] = array('CircularNoticeTargetUser' => array('id' => null, 'user_id' => $userId));
         } else {
             $this->setTopicUsers(Hash::extract($users, '{n}.user_id'));
             $targetUsers = Hash::map($users, '{n}.user_id', function ($value) {
                 return array('CircularNoticeTargetUser' => array('id' => null, 'user_id' => $value));
         $data['CircularNoticeTargetUsers'] = $targetUsers;
         // データセット+検証
         if (!$this->CircularNoticeChoice->validateCircularChoices($data)) {
             $this->validationErrors = Hash::merge($this->validationErrors, $this->CircularNoticeChoice->validationErrors);
         if ($this->validationErrors) {
             return false;
         // メール処理
         $sendTimes = array($data['CircularNoticeContent']['publish_start']);
         $mailSendUserIdArr = Hash::extract($data, 'CircularNoticeTargetUsers.{n}.CircularNoticeTargetUser.user_id');
         $this->setSetting(MailQueueBehavior::MAIL_QUEUE_SETTING_USER_IDS, $mailSendUserIdArr);
         // CircularNoticeContentを保存
         if (!($content = $this->save(null, false))) {
             throw new InternalErrorException(__d('net_commons', 'Internal Server Error'));
         // 保存されたCircularNoticeContentでデータを差し替え
         $data['CircularNoticeContent'] = $content['CircularNoticeContent'];
         // CircularNoticeChoices・CircularNoticeTargetUsersを保存
         if (!$this->__saveChoiceAndTargetUsers($data)) {
             return false;
     } catch (Exception $ex) {
         throw $ex;
     return $data;
Example #6
  * Выдает список статей по категории 
  * @param int $userId
  * @param int $categoryId 
  * @return array
 public function categoryArticles($userId, $categoryId)
     $fields = array('Article.id', 'Article.title', 'Article.owner_id', 'Article.group_id', 'Article.published', 'Article.created', 'ArticleMedia.*', 'Group.owner_id');
     $conditions = array('Article.cat_id' => $categoryId, 'OR' => array(array('Article.published' => 1), array('Article.owner_id' => $userId, 'published' => 0)));
     $order = array('Article.created DESC');
     $limit = 25;
     //администраторы группы
     $joins = array(array('table' => 'groups', 'alias' => 'Group', 'type' => 'LEFT', 'conditions' => array('`Group`.id = `Article`.group_id AND `Article`.group_id IS NOT NULL')));
     $articles = $this->Article->find('all', compact('conditions', 'fields', 'joins', 'order', 'limit'));
     $articleIds = Hash::extract($articles, '{n}.Article.id');
     $this->commentsCount = $this->ApiArticleEvent->getCommentsCount($articleIds);
     $result['Articles'] = Hash::map($articles, '{n}', array($this, 'articlesListCallback'));
     return $result;
  * Convert array using given paths into chart array format
  * Chart short names:
  *   - c means cell
  *   - v means value
  *   - f means formatted value
  * @param array $data
  * @param array $paths
  * @return array
 public function dataFromArray(array $data, array $paths)
     if (count($paths) === 0 || count($data) === 0) {
         return array();
     $resultData = array('cols' => array(), 'rows' => array());
     $paths2 = array();
     foreach ($paths as $pathName => $path) {
         if (is_numeric($pathName) && !empty($path['names'])) {
             $names = Hash::extract($data, $path['names']);
             foreach ($names as $name) {
                 $callback = function ($element) use($name) {
                     return sprintf($element, $name);
                 $paths2[$name] = Hash::map($path['values'], '', $callback);
     $paths += $paths2;
     $dataRaw = array_combine(array_keys($paths), array_fill(0, count($paths), array()));
     foreach ($dataRaw as $type => &$one) {
         if (is_array($paths[$type])) {
             foreach ($paths[$type] as $variable => $path) {
                 $part = Hash::extract($data, $path);
                 $partCount = count($part);
                 for ($i = 0; $i < $partCount; $i++) {
                     if (!isset($one[$i])) {
                         $one[$i] = array();
                     $one[$i][$variable] = $part[$i];
         } else {
             $one = Hash::extract($data, $paths[$type]);
             foreach ($one as &$value) {
                 $value = array('v' => $value, 'f' => (string) $value);
     $headers = array_keys($dataRaw);
     foreach ($headers as $header) {
         $value = isset($dataRaw[$header][0]['v']) ? $dataRaw[$header][0]['v'] : (isset($dataRaw[$header][0]) ? $dataRaw[$header][0] : '');
         $decodedHeader = json_decode($header, true);
         if ($decodedHeader) {
             $col = array('p' => $decodedHeader);
         } else {
             $col = array('id' => $header, 'label' => $header);
         $resultData['cols'][] = $col + array('type' => gettype($value) !== 'string' ? strlen((string) $value) === 10 ? 'datetime' : 'number' : 'string');
     $dataRawCount = count($dataRaw[$headers[0]]);
     for ($i = 0; $i < $dataRawCount; $i++) {
         $resultDataPart = array();
         foreach ($headers as $header) {
             $resultDataPart[] = isset($dataRaw[$header][$i]) ? $dataRaw[$header][$i] : null;
         $resultData['rows'][] = array('c' => $resultDataPart);
     return $resultData;
 private function updateUserRanking($mw, $tasks)
     if (!$this->User) {
     $valid = $this->Evaluation->EvaluationResult->isValidRating($tasks);
     // extract a list of all ratings
     $ratings = Hash::map($tasks, '{n}.answer.0.rating', function ($rating) {
         // remove description text from rating
         if (strpos($rating, ' ') !== FALSE) {
             $rating = substr($rating, 0, strpos($rating, ' '));
         return (int) $rating;
     foreach ($tasks as $i => $task) {
         $this->User->readFromTaskId($mw, $task['taskid']);
         // evaluate the current effect on the rating
         if ($valid) {
             $current_rating = 1;
             // user did a good job
         } else {
             // check is at least half of the ratings are near this particial one
             $current = $this->Evaluation->EvaluationResult->getRatingValue($task['rating']);
             $matching = 0;
             foreach ($ratings as $rating) {
                 if (abs($rating - $current) <= 1) {
             if ($matching < count($rating) / 2) {
                 // this one is a bad one
                 $current_rating = -1;
         // update the evaluations and rating
         $rating = $this->User->data['User']['rating'] + $current_rating;
         // after the first saveField data gets reset
         $this->User->saveField('evaluations', $this->User->data['User']['evaluations'] + 1);
         $this->User->saveField('rating', $rating);
         if ($this->User->data['User']['rating'] + $current_rating <= 0) {
             // bann the user from the system
             $this->User->saveField('banned', 1);