public static function logout($sessionID) { self::loadConfig(); $url = self::$config['syncURLPrefix'] . "logout"; $response = HTTP::post($url, array("version" => self::$config['apiVersion'], "sessionid" => $sessionID)); self::checkResponse($response); $xml = new SimpleXMLElement($response->getBody()); if (!$xml->loggedout) { throw new Exception("Error logging out"); } }
public function __call($method, $args) { $url = (defined('PHPFOX_API_URL') ? PHPFOX_API_URL : '') . $method; $Http = new HTTP($url); $Http->auth($this->_id, $this->_key); if (\Phpfox::isTrial()) { $Http->header('PHPFOX_IS_TRIAL', '1'); } $Http->using(['domain' => \Phpfox::getParam('core.path')]); $Http->using(['version' => \Phpfox::VERSION]); foreach ($args as $key => $value) { if (is_string($value)) { // $value = [$key => $value]; } $Http->using($value); } return $Http->post(); }
public function testAddFileClientZip() { API::userClear(self::$config['userID']); $auth = array('username' => self::$config['username'], 'password' => self::$config['password']); // Get last storage sync $response = API::userGet(self::$config['userID'], "laststoragesync?auth=1", array(), $auth); $this->assert404($response); $xml = API::createItem("book", false, $this); $data = API::parseDataFromItemEntry($xml); $key = $data['key']; $fileContentType = "text/html"; $fileCharset = "UTF-8"; $fileFilename = "file.html"; $fileModtime = time(); $xml = API::createAttachmentItem("imported_url", $key, $this); $data = API::parseDataFromItemEntry($xml); $key = $data['key']; $etag = $data['etag']; $json = json_decode($data['content']); $json->contentType = $fileContentType; $json->charset = $fileCharset; $json->filename = $fileFilename; $response = API::userPut(self::$config['userID'], "items/{$key}?key=" . self::$config['apiKey'], json_encode($json), array("Content-Type: application/json", "If-Match: {$etag}")); $this->assert200($response); // Get file info $response = API::userGet(self::$config['userID'], "items/{$data['key']}/file?auth=1&iskey=1&version=1&info=1", array(), $auth); $this->assert404($response); $zip = new ZipArchive(); $file = "work/{$key}.zip"; if ($zip->open($file, ZIPARCHIVE::CREATE) !== TRUE) { throw new Exception("Cannot open ZIP file"); } $zip->addFromString($fileFilename, self::getRandomUnicodeString()); $zip->addFromString("file.css", self::getRandomUnicodeString()); $zip->close(); $hash = md5_file($file); $filename = $key . ".zip"; $size = filesize($file); $fileContents = file_get_contents($file); // Get upload authorization $response = API::userPost(self::$config['userID'], "items/{$data['key']}/file?auth=1&iskey=1&version=1", $this->implodeParams(array("md5" => $hash, "filename" => $filename, "filesize" => $size, "mtime" => $fileModtime, "zip" => 1)), array("Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded"), $auth); $this->assert200($response); $this->assertContentType("application/xml", $response); $xml = new SimpleXMLElement($response->getBody()); self::$toDelete[] = "{$hash}/{$filename}"; $boundary = "---------------------------" . rand(); $postData = ""; foreach ($xml->params->children() as $key => $val) { $postData .= "--" . $boundary . "\r\nContent-Disposition: form-data; " . "name=\"{$key}\"\r\n\r\n{$val}\r\n"; } $postData .= "--" . $boundary . "\r\nContent-Disposition: form-data; " . "name=\"file\"\r\n\r\n" . $fileContents . "\r\n"; $postData .= "--" . $boundary . "--"; // Upload to S3 $response = HTTP::post((string) $xml->url, $postData, array("Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=" . $boundary)); $this->assert201($response); // // Register upload // $response = API::userPost(self::$config['userID'], "items/{$data['key']}/file?auth=1&iskey=1&version=1", "update=" . $xml->key . "&mtime=" . $fileModtime, array("Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded"), $auth); $this->assert204($response); // Verify attachment item metadata $response = API::userGet(self::$config['userID'], "items/{$data['key']}?key=" . self::$config['apiKey'] . "&content=json"); $xml = API::getXMLFromResponse($response); $json = json_decode(array_shift($xml->xpath('/atom:entry/atom:content'))); $this->assertEquals($hash, $json->md5); $this->assertEquals($fileFilename, $json->filename); $this->assertEquals($fileModtime, $json->mtime); $response = API::userGet(self::$config['userID'], "laststoragesync?auth=1", array(), array('username' => self::$config['username'], 'password' => self::$config['password'])); $this->assert200($response); $mtime = $response->getBody(); $this->assertRegExp('/^[0-9]{10}$/', $mtime); // File exists $response = API::userPost(self::$config['userID'], "items/{$data['key']}/file?auth=1&iskey=1&version=1", $this->implodeParams(array("md5" => $hash, "filename" => $filename, "filesize" => $size, "mtime" => $fileModtime + 1000, "zip" => 1)), array("Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded"), $auth); $this->assert200($response); $this->assertContentType("application/xml", $response); $this->assertEquals("<exists/>", $response->getBody()); }
public static function post($url, $data, $headers = array(), $auth = false) { $url = self::$config['apiURLPrefix'] . $url; if (self::$apiVersion) { $headers[] = "Zotero-API-Version: " . self::$apiVersion; } if (!$auth && self::$apiKey) { $headers[] = "Authorization: Bearer " . self::$apiKey; } $response = HTTP::post($url, $data, $headers, $auth); return $response; }
/** * Takes a photo ID, returns owner's NSID and path_alias * (the username which appears in the URL), if available. * @param string $flickrPhotoId * @return array an array containing the NSID first and the path_alias second. The path_alias * is not guaranteed to exist, in which case the array will have a single item; * if there is no such photo (or some other error happened), the array will be empty. */ protected function getUserIdsFromPhotoId($flickrPhotoId) { $userIds = array(); $params = array('postData' => array('method' => '', 'api_key' => $this->flickrApiKey, 'photo_id' => $flickrPhotoId, 'format' => 'json', 'nojsoncallback' => 1)); $response = HTTP::post($this->flickrApiUrl, $params); if ($response !== false) { $response = json_decode($response, true); } if (isset($response['photo']['owner']['nsid'])) { $userIds[] = $response['photo']['owner']['nsid']; } // what Flickr calls 'username' can change at any time and so is worthless for blacklisting // path_alias is the username in the pretty URL; once set, it cannot be changed. if (isset($response['photo']['owner']['path_alias'])) { $userIds[] = $response['photo']['owner']['path_alias']; } return $userIds; }
protected function _execute($data) { $request = new HTTP($this->_apiURL); $response = $request->post($data); return $this->_parseResponse($response); }
require '../../model/'; require '../../model/'; class Z_Tests { public static $AWS; } // // Set up AWS service factory // $awsConfig = ['region' => $config['awsRegion']]; // IAM role authentication if (empty($config['awsAccessKey'])) { $awsConfig['credentials.cache'] = new Guzzle\Cache\DoctrineCacheAdapter(new Doctrine\Common\Cache\FilesystemCache('work/cache')); } else { $awsConfig['key'] = $config['awsAccessKey']; $awsConfig['secret'] = $config['awsSecretKey']; } Z_Tests::$AWS = \Aws\Common\Aws::factory($awsConfig); unset($awsConfig); // Wipe data and create API key require_once ''; $response = HTTP::post($config['apiURLPrefix'] . "test/setup?u=" . $config['userID'], " ", [], ["username" => $config['rootUsername'], "password" => $config['rootPassword']]); $json = json_decode($response->getBody()); if (!$json) { echo $response->getBody(); throw new Exception("Invalid test setup response"); } $config['apiKey'] = $json->apiKey; \Zotero\Tests\Config::update($config); // Set up groups require '';
public function testPOSTFileKV() { $res = HTTP::post('')->attach('asset', __DIR__ . '/files/cat.png')->send(); $this->assertFalse($res->error()); $this->assertEquals(200, $res->status()); $this->assertEquals((object) array('asset' => 'data:image/jpeg;base64,' . base64_encode(file_get_contents(__DIR__ . '/files/cat.png'))), $res->body()->files); }
public static function post($url, $data, $headers = array(), $auth = false) { self::loadConfig(); $url = self::$config['apiURLPrefix'] . $url; $response = HTTP::post($url, $data, $headers, $auth); return $response; }
private static function req($sessionID, $path, $params = array(), $gzip = false, $allowError = false) { $url = self::$config['syncURLPrefix'] . $path; $params = array_merge(array("sessionid" => $sessionID, "version" => self::$config['syncVersion']), $params ? $params : array()); if ($gzip) { $data = ""; foreach ($params as $key => $val) { $data .= $key . "=" . urlencode($val) . "&"; } $data = gzdeflate(substr($data, 0, -1)); $headers = ["Content-Type: application/octet-stream", "Content-Encoding: gzip"]; } else { $data = $params; $headers = []; } if (!empty(self::$config['zoteroVersion'])) { $headers[] = "X-Zotero-Version: " . self::$config['zoteroVersion']; } $response = HTTP::post($url, $data, $headers); self::checkResponse($response, $allowError); return $response; }
private function req($path, $params = array(), $gzip = false) { $url = self::$config['syncURLPrefix'] . $path; $params = array_merge(array("sessionid" => self::$sessionID, "version" => self::$config['apiVersion']), $params); if ($gzip) { $data = ""; foreach ($params as $key => $val) { $data .= $key . "=" . urlencode($val) . "&"; } $data = gzdeflate(substr($data, 0, -1)); $headers = array("Content-Type: application/octet-stream", "Content-Encoding: gzip"); } else { $data = $params; $headers = array(); } $response = HTTP::post($url, $data, $headers); Sync::checkResponse($response); return $response; }