function showStaffTotals($option)
    // Show hours logged for all staff transactions,
    // and commissions for Al
    $db =& JFactory::getDBO();
    global $mainframe;
    $curYear = date('Y');
    $curMonth = date('m');
    $lastDayInMonth = date('t');
    $dateStartDefault = "{$curYear}-{$curMonth}-01";
    $dateEndDefault = "{$curYear}-{$curMonth}-{$lastDayInMonth}";
    // not working w/ this php version?
    //$dateStartDefault = date("Y-m-d", strtotime("first day of this month"));
    //$dateEndDefault = date("Y-m-d", strtotime("first day of next month"));
    $dateStart = $mainframe->getUserStateFromRequest($option . '.staff.dateStart', 'dateStart', $dateStartDefault, 'string');
    $dateEnd = $mainframe->getUserStateFromRequest($option . '.staff.dateEnd', 'dateEnd', $dateEndDefault, 'string');
    if ($dateStart == "") {
        $dateStart = $dateStartDefault;
    if ($dateEnd == "") {
        $dateEnd = $dateEndDefault;
    $dateStart = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($dateStart));
    $dateEnd = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($dateEnd));
    // Look up all staff hours logged this period, by user
    $queryHours = "SELECT\n      t.memberID,\n      m.nameFirst,\n      m.nameLast,\n      SUM(t.totalTime) AS totalTimeSeconds,\n      COUNT(*) AS clockins,\n      MAX( t.totalTime ) AS longestClockIn,\n      AVG( t.totalTime ) AS avgClockIn\n    FROM\n      #__cbodb_transactions t,\n      #__cbodb_members m\n    WHERE\n      t.type = 4 AND\n      t.dateOpen >= '{$dateStart} 00:00:00' AND\n      t.dateOpen <= '{$dateEnd} 23:59:59' AND\n      t.memberID =\n    GROUP BY\n      t.memberID\n    ORDER BY\n      m.nameLast, m.nameFirst ASC";
    $rowsHours = $db->loadObjectList();
    if ($db->getErrorNum()) {
        echo $db->stderr();
        return false;
    // Look up all commissions earned this period, by user
    // Right now just getting Al's, since that's all we seem to care about
    $queryCommissions = "SELECT\n \tcommissionUserID,\n \tnameFirst,\n \tnameLast,\n \tSUM(cash) AS commissionCash,\n \tSUM(credits) AS commissionCredits\n FROM\n\t((SELECT\n\t      i.commissionUserID AS commissionUserID,\n\t      m.nameFirst AS nameFirst,\n\t      m.nameLast AS nameLast,\n\t\t AS cash,\n\t\t t.credits AS credits\n\t    FROM\n\t      #__cbodb_transactions t,\n\t      #__cbodb_items i,\n\t      #__cbodb_members m\n\t    WHERE\n\t      t.type = 1001 AND\n\t      i.commissionUserID <> 0 AND\n\t      t.itemID = i.tag AND\n\t      t.dateOpen >= '{$dateStart} 00:00:00' AND\n\t      t.dateOpen <= '{$dateEnd} 23:59:59' AND\n\t = i.commissionUserID) ct)\n\tGROUP BY commissionUserID";
    $rowsCommissions = $db->loadObjectList();
    if ($db->getErrorNum()) {
        echo $db->stderr();
        return false;
    // Merge commissions rows into hours rows
    foreach ($rowsCommissions as $cRow) {
        $found = false;
        $hRowIndex = 0;
        foreach ($rowsHours as $hRow) {
            if ($hRow->memberID == $cRow->commissionUserID) {
                $found = true;
            } else {
        if (!$found) {
            // Member with commissions doesn't have staff hours: add them
            $hRowIndex = count($rowsHours);
            $rowsHours[$hRowIndex] = new stdClass();
            $rowsHours[$hRowIndex]->memberID = $cRow->commissionUserID;
            $rowsHours[$hRowIndex]->nameFirst = $cRow->nameFirst;
            $rowsHours[$hRowIndex]->nameLast = $cRow->nameLast;
        $rowsHours[$hRowIndex]->commissionCash = $cRow->commissionCash;
        $rowsHours[$hRowIndex]->commissionCredits = $cRow->commissionCredits;
    HTML_cbodb::showStaffTotals($option, $rowsHours, $dateStart, $dateEnd);