 * Draws a progress bar
 * @param array    $modules  The modules used in the course
 * @param stdClass $config   The blocks configuration settings
 * @param array    $events   The possible events that can occur for modules
 * @param int      $userid   The user's id
 * @param int      instance  The block instance (in case more than one is being displayed)
 * @param array    $attempts The user's attempts on course activities
 * @param bool     $simple   Controls whether instructions are shown below a progress bar
 * @return string  Progress Bar HTML content
function block_progress_bar($modules, $config, $events, $userid, $instance, $attempts, $course, $simple = false)
    global $OUTPUT, $CFG;
    $now = time();
    $numevents = count($events);
    $dateformat = get_string('strftimerecentfull', 'langconfig');
    $tableoptions = array('class' => 'progressBarProgressTable', 'cellpadding' => '0', 'cellspacing' => '0');
    // Get colours and use defaults if they are not set in global settings.
    $colournames = array('attempted_colour' => 'attempted_colour', 'notattempted_colour' => 'notAttempted_colour', 'futurenotattempted_colour' => 'futureNotAttempted_colour');
    $colours = array();
    foreach ($colournames as $name => $stringkey) {
        if (get_config('block_progress', $name)) {
            $colours[$name] = get_config('block_progress', $name);
        } else {
            $colours[$name] = get_string('block_progress', $stringkey);
    // Place now arrow.
    if ((!isset($config->orderby) || $config->orderby == 'orderbytime') && $config->displayNow == 1 && !$simple) {
        $content = HTML_WRITER::start_tag('table', $tableoptions);
        // Find where to put now arrow.
        $nowpos = 0;
        while ($nowpos < $numevents && $now > $events[$nowpos]['expected']) {
        $content .= HTML_WRITER::start_tag('tr');
        $nowstring = get_string('now_indicator', 'block_progress');
        if ($nowpos < $numevents / 2) {
            for ($i = 0; $i < $nowpos; $i++) {
                $content .= HTML_WRITER::tag('td', '&nbsp;', array('class' => 'progressBarHeader'));
            $celloptions = array('colspan' => $numevents - $nowpos, 'class' => 'progressBarHeader', 'style' => 'text-align:left;');
            $content .= HTML_WRITER::start_tag('td', $celloptions);
            $content .= $OUTPUT->pix_icon('left', $nowstring, 'block_progress');
            $content .= $nowstring;
            $content .= HTML_WRITER::end_tag('td');
        } else {
            $celloptions = array('colspan' => $nowpos, 'class' => 'progressBarHeader', 'style' => 'text-align:right;');
            $content .= HTML_WRITER::start_tag('td', $celloptions);
            $content .= $nowstring;
            $content .= $OUTPUT->pix_icon('right', $nowstring, 'block_progress');
            $content .= HTML_WRITER::end_tag('td');
            for ($i = $nowpos; $i < $numevents; $i++) {
                $content .= HTML_WRITER::tag('td', '&nbsp;', array('class' => 'progressBarHeader'));
        $content .= HTML_WRITER::end_tag('tr');
    } else {
        $tableoptions['class'] = 'progressBarProgressTable noNow';
        $content = HTML_WRITER::start_tag('table', $tableoptions);
    // Start progress bar.
    $width = 100 / $numevents;
    $content .= HTML_WRITER::start_tag('tr');
    $counter = 1;
    foreach ($events as $event) {
        $attempted = $attempts[$event['type'] . $event['id']];
        $action = isset($config->{'action_' . $event['type'] . $event['id']}) ? $config->{'action_' . $event['type'] . $event['id']} : $modules[$event['type']]['defaultAction'];
        // A cell in the progress bar.
        $celloptions = array('class' => 'progressBarCell', 'id' => '', 'width' => $width . '%', 'onmouseover' => 'M.block_progress.showInfo(' . $instance . ',' . $userid . ',' . $event['cm']->id . ');', 'style' => 'background-color:');
        if ($attempted === true) {
            $celloptions['style'] .= $colours['attempted_colour'] . ';';
            $cellcontent = $OUTPUT->pix_icon(isset($config->progressBarIcons) && $config->progressBarIcons == 1 ? 'tick' : 'blank', '', 'block_progress');
        } else {
            if ((!isset($config->orderby) || $config->orderby == 'orderbytime') && $event['expected'] < $now || $attempted === 'failed') {
                $celloptions['style'] .= $colours['notattempted_colour'] . ';';
                $cellcontent = $OUTPUT->pix_icon(isset($config->progressBarIcons) && $config->progressBarIcons == 1 ? 'cross' : 'blank', '', 'block_progress');
            } else {
                $celloptions['style'] .= $colours['futurenotattempted_colour'] . ';';
                $cellcontent = $OUTPUT->pix_icon('blank', '', 'block_progress');
        if (!empty($event['cm']->available)) {
            $celloptions['onclick'] = 'document.location=\'' . $CFG->wwwroot . '/mod/' . $event['type'] . '/view.php?id=' . $event['cm']->id . '\';';
        if ($counter == 1) {
            $celloptions['id'] .= 'first';
        if ($counter == $numevents) {
            $celloptions['id'] .= 'last';
        $content .= HTML_WRITER::tag('td', $cellcontent, $celloptions);
    $content .= HTML_WRITER::end_tag('tr');
    $content .= HTML_WRITER::end_tag('table');
    // Add the info box below the table.
    $divoptions = array('class' => 'progressEventInfo', 'id' => 'progressBarInfo' . $instance . '-' . $userid . '-info');
    $content .= HTML_WRITER::start_tag('div', $divoptions);
    if (!$simple) {
        if (isset($config->showpercentage) && $config->showpercentage == 1) {
            $progress = block_progress_percentage($events, $attempts);
            $content .= get_string('progress', 'block_progress') . ': ';
            $content .= $progress . '%' . HTML_WRITER::empty_tag('br');
        $content .= get_string('mouse_over_prompt', 'block_progress');
    $content .= HTML_WRITER::end_tag('div');
    // Add hidden divs for activity information.
    $displaydate = (!isset($config->orderby) || $config->orderby == 'orderbytime') && (!isset($config->displayNow) || $config->displayNow == 1);
    foreach ($events as $event) {
        $attempted = $attempts[$event['type'] . $event['id']];
        $action = isset($config->{'action_' . $event['type'] . $event['id']}) ? $config->{'action_' . $event['type'] . $event['id']} : $modules[$event['type']]['defaultAction'];
        $divoptions = array('class' => 'progressEventInfo', 'id' => 'progressBarInfo' . $instance . '-' . $userid . '-' . $event['cm']->id, 'style' => 'display: none;');
        $content .= HTML_WRITER::start_tag('div', $divoptions);
        $link = '/mod/' . $event['type'] . '/view.php?id=' . $event['cm']->id;
        $text = $OUTPUT->pix_icon('icon', '', $event['type'], array('class' => 'moduleIcon')) . s($event['name']);
        if (!empty($event['cm']->available)) {
            $content .= $OUTPUT->action_link($link, $text);
        } else {
            $content .= $text;
        $content .= HTML_WRITER::empty_tag('br');
        $content .= get_string($action, 'block_progress') . '&nbsp;';
        $icon = $attempted && $attempted !== 'failed' ? 'tick' : 'cross';
        $content .= $OUTPUT->pix_icon($icon, '', 'block_progress');
        $content .= HTML_WRITER::empty_tag('br');
        if ($displaydate) {
            $content .= HTML_WRITER::start_tag('div', array('class' => 'expectedBy'));
            $content .= get_string('time_expected', 'block_progress') . ': ';
            $content .= userdate($event['expected'], $dateformat, $CFG->timezone);
            $content .= HTML_WRITER::end_tag('div');
        $content .= HTML_WRITER::end_tag('div');
    return $content;
  * Creates the blocks main content
  * @return string
 public function get_content()
     global $USER, $COURSE, $CFG, $OUTPUT, $DB;
     // If content has already been generated, don't waste time generating it again.
     if ($this->content !== null) {
         return $this->content;
     $this->content = new stdClass();
     $this->content->text = '';
     $this->content->footer = '';
     $blockinstancesonpage = array();
     // Guests do not have any progress. Don't show them the block.
     if (!isloggedin() or isguestuser()) {
         return $this->content;
     // Draw the multi-bar content for the Dashboard and Front page.
     if (block_progress_on_site_page()) {
         $courses = enrol_get_my_courses();
         $coursenametoshow = get_config('block_progress', 'coursenametoshow') ?: 'shortname';
         $sql = "SELECT bi.id,\n                           bp.id AS blockpositionid,\n                           COALESCE(bp.region, bi.defaultregion) AS region,\n                           COALESCE(bp.weight, bi.defaultweight) AS weight,\n                           COALESCE(bp.visible, 1) AS visible,\n                           bi.configdata\n                      FROM {block_instances} bi\n                 LEFT JOIN {block_positions} bp ON bp.blockinstanceid = bi.id\n                                               AND " . $DB->sql_like('bp.pagetype', ':pagetype', false) . "\n                     WHERE bi.blockname = 'progress'\n                       AND bi.parentcontextid = :contextid\n                  ORDER BY region, weight, bi.id";
         foreach ($courses as $courseid => $course) {
             // Get specific block config and context.
             $modules = block_progress_modules_in_use($course->id);
             if ($course->visible && !empty($modules)) {
                 $context = block_progress_get_course_context($course->id);
                 $params = array('contextid' => $context->id, 'pagetype' => 'course-view-%');
                 $blockinstances = $DB->get_records_sql($sql, $params);
                 $blockinstancesonpage = array_merge($blockinstancesonpage, array_keys($blockinstances));
                 foreach ($blockinstances as $blockid => $blockinstance) {
                     $blockinstance->config = unserialize(base64_decode($blockinstance->configdata));
                     if (!empty($blockinstance->config)) {
                         $blockinstance->events = block_progress_event_information($blockinstance->config, $modules, $course->id);
                         $blockinstance->events = block_progress_filter_visibility($blockinstance->events, $USER->id, $context, $course);
                     if ($blockinstance->visible == 0 || empty($blockinstance->config) || $blockinstance->events == 0 || !empty($blockinstance->config->group) && !has_capability('moodle/site:accessallgroups', $context) && !groups_is_member($blockinstance->config->group, $USER->id)) {
                 // Output the Progress Bar.
                 if (!empty($blockinstances)) {
                     $courselink = new moodle_url('/course/view.php', array('id' => $course->id));
                     $linktext = HTML_WRITER::tag('h3', s($course->{$coursenametoshow}));
                     $this->content->text .= HTML_WRITER::link($courselink, $linktext);
                 foreach ($blockinstances as $blockid => $blockinstance) {
                     if ($blockinstance->config->progressTitle != '') {
                         $this->content->text .= HTML_WRITER::tag('p', s(format_string($blockinstance->config->progressTitle)));
                     $attempts = block_progress_attempts($modules, $blockinstance->config, $blockinstance->events, $USER->id, $course->id);
                     $this->content->text .= block_progress_bar($modules, $blockinstance->config, $blockinstance->events, $USER->id, $blockinstance->id, $attempts, $course->id);
         // Show a message explaining lack of bars, but only while editing is on.
         if ($this->page->user_is_editing() && $this->content->text == '') {
             $this->content->text = get_string('no_blocks', 'block_progress');
     } else {
         // Check if user is in group for block.
         if (!empty($this->config->group) && !has_capability('moodle/site:accessallgroups', $this->context) && !groups_is_member($this->config->group, $USER->id)) {
             return $this->content;
         // Check if any activities/resources have been created.
         $modules = block_progress_modules_in_use($COURSE->id);
         if (empty($modules)) {
             if (has_capability('moodle/block:edit', $this->context)) {
                 $this->content->text .= get_string('no_events_config_message', 'block_progress');
             return $this->content;
         // Check if activities/resources have been selected in config.
         $events = block_progress_event_information($this->config, $modules, $COURSE->id);
         $context = block_progress_get_course_context($COURSE->id);
         $events = block_progress_filter_visibility($events, $USER->id, $context);
         if ($events === null || $events === 0) {
             if (has_capability('moodle/block:edit', $this->context)) {
                 $this->content->text .= get_string('no_events_message', 'block_progress');
                 if ($USER->editing) {
                     $parameters = array('id' => $COURSE->id, 'sesskey' => sesskey(), 'bui_editid' => $this->instance->id);
                     $url = new moodle_url('/course/view.php', $parameters);
                     $label = get_string('selectitemstobeadded', 'block_progress');
                     $this->content->text .= $OUTPUT->single_button($url, $label);
                     if ($events === 0) {
                         $url->param('turnallon', '1');
                         $label = get_string('addallcurrentitems', 'block_progress');
                         $this->content->text .= $OUTPUT->single_button($url, $label);
             return $this->content;
         } else {
             if (empty($events)) {
                 if (has_capability('moodle/block:edit', $this->context)) {
                     $this->content->text .= get_string('no_visible_events_message', 'block_progress');
                 return $this->content;
         // Display progress bar.
         $attempts = block_progress_attempts($modules, $this->config, $events, $USER->id, $COURSE->id);
         $this->content->text = block_progress_bar($modules, $this->config, $events, $USER->id, $this->instance->id, $attempts, $COURSE->id);
         $blockinstancesonpage = array($this->instance->id);
         // Allow teachers to access the overview page.
         if (has_capability('block/progress:overview', $this->context)) {
             $parameters = array('progressbarid' => $this->instance->id, 'courseid' => $COURSE->id);
             $url = new moodle_url('/blocks/progress/overview.php', $parameters);
             $label = get_string('overview', 'block_progress');
             $options = array('class' => 'overviewButton');
             $this->content->text .= $OUTPUT->single_button($url, $label, 'post', $options);
     // Organise access to JS.
     $jsmodule = array('name' => 'block_progress', 'fullpath' => '/blocks/progress/module.js', 'requires' => array(), 'strings' => array());
     $arguments = array($blockinstancesonpage, array($USER->id));
     $this->page->requires->js_init_call('M.block_progress.init', $arguments, false, $jsmodule);
     return $this->content;
 protected function specific_definition($mform)
     global $CFG, $COURSE, $DB, $OUTPUT, $SCRIPT;
     // The My home version is not configurable.
     if (block_progress_on_my_page()) {
     $turnallon = optional_param('turnallon', 0, PARAM_INT);
     $dbmanager = $DB->get_manager();
     // Loads ddl manager and xmldb classes.
     $count = 0;
     $usingweeklyformat = $COURSE->format == 'weeks' || $COURSE->format == 'weekscss' || $COURSE->format == 'weekcoll';
     // Start block specific section in config form.
     $mform->addElement('header', 'configheader', get_string('blocksettings', 'block'));
     // Set Progress block instance title.
     $mform->addElement('text', 'config_progressTitle', get_string('config_title', 'block_progress'));
     $mform->setDefault('config_progressTitle', '');
     $mform->setType('config_progressTitle', PARAM_MULTILANG);
     $mform->addHelpButton('config_progressTitle', 'why_set_the_title', 'block_progress');
     // Allow icons to be turned on/off on the block.
     $mform->addElement('selectyesno', 'config_progressBarIcons', get_string('config_icons', 'block_progress') . '&nbsp;' . $OUTPUT->pix_icon('tick', '', 'block_progress') . '&nbsp;' . $OUTPUT->pix_icon('cross', '', 'block_progress'));
     $mform->setDefault('config_progressBarIcons', 0);
     $mform->addHelpButton('config_progressBarIcons', 'why_use_icons', 'block_progress');
     // Control order of items in Progress Bar.
     $orderingoptions = array('orderbytime' => get_string('config_orderby_due_time', 'block_progress'), 'orderbycourse' => get_string('config_orderby_course_order', 'block_progress'));
     $orderbylabel = get_string('config_orderby', 'block_progress');
     $mform->addElement('select', 'config_orderby', $orderbylabel, $orderingoptions);
     $mform->setDefault('config_orderby', 'orderbytime');
     $mform->addHelpButton('config_orderby', 'how_ordering_works', 'block_progress');
     // Allow NOW to be turned on or off.
     $mform->addElement('selectyesno', 'config_displayNow', get_string('config_now', 'block_progress') . '&nbsp;' . $OUTPUT->pix_icon('left', '', 'block_progress') . get_string('now_indicator', 'block_progress'));
     $mform->setDefault('config_displayNow', 1);
     $mform->addHelpButton('config_displayNow', 'why_display_now', 'block_progress');
     $mform->disabledif('config_displayNow', 'config_orderby', 'eq', 'orderbycourse');
     // Allow progress percentage to be turned on for students.
     $mform->addElement('selectyesno', 'config_showpercentage', get_string('config_percentage', 'block_progress'));
     $mform->setDefault('config_showpercentage', 0);
     $mform->addHelpButton('config_showpercentage', 'why_show_precentage', 'block_progress');
     // Allow the block to be visible to a single group.
     $groups = groups_get_all_groups($COURSE->id);
     if (!empty($groups)) {
         $groupsmenu = array();
         $groupsmenu[0] = get_string('allparticipants');
         foreach ($groups as $group) {
             $groupsmenu[$group->id] = format_string($group->name);
         $grouplabel = get_string('config_group', 'block_progress');
         $mform->addElement('select', 'config_group', $grouplabel, $groupsmenu);
         $mform->setDefault('config_group', '0');
         $mform->addHelpButton('config_group', 'how_group_works', 'block_progress');
     // Get course section information.
     $sections = block_progress_course_sections($COURSE->id);
     // Determine the time at the end of the week, less 5min.
     if (!$usingweeklyformat) {
         $currenttime = time();
         $timearray = localtime($currenttime, true);
         $endofweektimearray = localtime($currenttime + (7 - $timearray['tm_wday']) * 86400, true);
         $endofweektime = mktime(23, 55, 0, $endofweektimearray['tm_mon'] + 1, $endofweektimearray['tm_mday'], $endofweektimearray['tm_year'] + 1900);
     // Go through each type of activity/resource that can be monitored to find instances in the course.
     $modules = block_progress_monitorable_modules();
     $unsortedmodules = array();
     foreach ($modules as $module => $details) {
         // Get data about instances of activities/resources of this type in this course.
         if ($dbmanager->table_exists($module)) {
             $sql = 'SELECT id, name';
             if ($module == 'assignment') {
                 $sql .= ', assignmenttype';
             if (array_key_exists('defaultTime', $details)) {
                 $sql .= ', ' . $details['defaultTime'] . ' as due';
             $sql .= ' FROM {' . $module . '} WHERE course=\'' . $COURSE->id . '\' ORDER BY name';
             $instances = $DB->get_records_sql($sql);
         // If there are instances of activities/resources of this type, get more info about them.
         if (!empty($instances)) {
             foreach ($instances as $i => $instance) {
                 $moduleinfo = new stdClass();
                 $moduleinfo->module = $module;
                 $moduleinfo->instanceid = $instance->id;
                 $moduleinfo->uniqueid = $module . $instance->id;
                 $moduleinfo->label = get_string($module, 'block_progress');
                 $moduleinfo->instancename = $instance->name;
                 $moduleinfo->lockpossible = isset($details['defaultTime']);
                 $moduleinfo->instancedue = $moduleinfo->lockpossible && $instance->due;
                 // Get position of activity/resource on course page.
                 $coursemodule = get_coursemodule_from_instance($module, $instance->id, $COURSE->id);
                 $moduleinfo->section = $coursemodule->section;
                 $moduleinfo->position = array_search($coursemodule->id, $sections[$coursemodule->section]->sequence);
                 $moduleinfo->coursemoduleid = $coursemodule->id;
                 $moduleinfo->completion = $coursemodule->completion;
                 $moduleinfo->completionexpected = $coursemodule->completionexpected;
                 // Find type labels for assignment types.
                 $asslabel = '';
                 if (isset($instance->assignmenttype)) {
                     $type = $instance->assignmenttype;
                     if (get_string_manager()->string_exists('type' . $type, 'mod_assignment')) {
                         $asslabel = get_string('type' . $type, 'assignment');
                     } else {
                         $asslabel = get_string('type' . $type, 'assignment_' . $type);
                     $moduleinfo->label .= ' (' . $asslabel . ')';
                 // Determine a time/date for a activity/resource.
                 $expected = null;
                 $datetimepropery = 'date_time_' . $module . $instance->id;
                 if (isset($this->block->config) && property_exists($this->block->config, $datetimepropery)) {
                     $expected = $this->block->config->{$datetimepropery};
                 // If there is a date associated with the activity/resource, use that.
                 $lockedproperty = 'locked_' . $module . $instance->id;
                 if (isset($details['defaultTime']) && $instance->due != 0 && (isset($this->block->config) && property_exists($this->block->config, $lockedproperty) && $this->block->config->{$lockedproperty} == 1 || empty($expected))) {
                     $expected = progress_default_value($instance->due);
                     if (isset($this->block->config) && property_exists($this->block->config, $datetimepropery)) {
                         $this->block->config->{$datetimepropery} = $expected;
                 if (empty($expected)) {
                     // If a expected date is set in the activity completion, use that.
                     if ($moduleinfo->completion != 0 && $moduleinfo->completionexpected != 0) {
                         $expected = $moduleinfo->completionexpected;
                     } else {
                         if ($usingweeklyformat) {
                             $expected = $COURSE->startdate + ($moduleinfo->section > 0 ? $moduleinfo->section : 1) * 604800 - 300;
                         } else {
                             $expected = $endofweektime;
                 $moduleinfo->expected = $expected;
                 // Get the list of possible actions for the event.
                 $actions = array();
                 foreach ($details['actions'] as $action => $sql) {
                     // Before allowing pass marks, see that Grade to pass value is set.
                     if ($action == 'passed' || $action == 'passedby') {
                         $params = array('courseid' => $COURSE->id, 'itemmodule' => $module, 'iteminstance' => $instance->id);
                         $gradetopass = $DB->get_record('grade_items', $params, 'id,gradepass', IGNORE_MULTIPLE);
                         if ($gradetopass && $gradetopass->gradepass > 0) {
                             $actions[$action] = get_string($action, 'block_progress');
                     } else {
                         $actions[$action] = get_string($action, 'block_progress');
                 if (!empty($CFG->enablecompletion)) {
                     if ($moduleinfo->completion != 0) {
                         $actions['activity_completion'] = get_string('activity_completion', 'block_progress');
                 $moduleinfo->actions = $actions;
                 // Add the module to the array.
                 $unsortedmodules[] = $moduleinfo;
     // Sort the array by coursemodule.
     $modulesinform = array();
     foreach ($unsortedmodules as $key => $moduleinfo) {
         $modulesinform[$moduleinfo->coursemoduleid] = $moduleinfo;
     // Output the form elements for each module.
     if ($count > 0) {
         foreach ($sections as $i => $section) {
             if (count($section->sequence) > 0) {
                 // Output the section header.
                 $sectionname = get_string('section') . ':&nbsp;' . get_section_name($COURSE, $section);
                 $mform->addElement('header', 'section' . $i, format_string($sectionname));
                 if (method_exists($mform, 'setExpanded')) {
                     $mform->setExpanded('section' . $i);
                 // Display each monitorable activity/resource as a row.
                 foreach ($section->sequence as $coursemoduleid) {
                     if (array_key_exists($coursemoduleid, $modulesinform)) {
                         $moduleinfo = $modulesinform[$coursemoduleid];
                         // Start box.
                         $attributes = array('class' => 'progressConfigBox');
                         $moduleboxstart = HTML_WRITER::start_tag('div', $attributes);
                         $mform->addElement('html', $moduleboxstart);
                         // Icon, module type and name.
                         $modulename = get_string('pluginname', $moduleinfo->module);
                         $icon = $OUTPUT->pix_icon('icon', $modulename, 'mod_' . $moduleinfo->module);
                         $text = '&nbsp;' . $moduleinfo->label . ':&nbsp;' . format_string($moduleinfo->instancename);
                         $attributes = array('class' => 'progressConfigModuleTitle');
                         $moduletitle = HTML_WRITER::tag('div', $icon . $text, $attributes);
                         $mform->addElement('html', $moduletitle);
                         // Allow monitoring turned on or off.
                         $mform->addElement('selectyesno', 'config_monitor_' . $moduleinfo->uniqueid, get_string('config_header_monitored', 'block_progress'));
                         $mform->setDefault('config_monitor_' . $moduleinfo->uniqueid, $turnallon);
                         $mform->addHelpButton('config_monitor_' . $moduleinfo->uniqueid, 'what_does_monitored_mean', 'block_progress');
                         // Allow locking turned on or off.
                         if ($moduleinfo->lockpossible && $moduleinfo->instancedue != 0) {
                             $mform->addElement('selectyesno', 'config_locked_' . $moduleinfo->uniqueid, get_string('config_header_locked', 'block_progress'));
                             $mform->setDefault('config_locked_' . $moduleinfo->uniqueid, 1);
                             $mform->disabledif('config_locked_' . $moduleinfo->uniqueid, 'config_monitor_' . $moduleinfo->uniqueid, 'eq', 0);
                             $mform->addHelpButton('config_locked_' . $moduleinfo->uniqueid, 'what_locked_means', 'block_progress');
                         // Print the date selector.
                         $mform->addElement('date_time_selector', 'config_date_time_' . $moduleinfo->uniqueid, get_string('config_header_expected', 'block_progress'));
                         $mform->disabledif('config_date_time_' . $moduleinfo->uniqueid, 'config_locked_' . $moduleinfo->uniqueid, 'eq', 1);
                         $mform->disabledif('config_date_time_' . $moduleinfo->uniqueid, 'config_monitor_' . $moduleinfo->uniqueid, 'eq', 0);
                         $mform->disabledif('config_date_time_' . $moduleinfo->uniqueid, 'config_orderby', 'eq', 'orderbycourse');
                         $mform->disabledif('config_locked_' . $moduleinfo->uniqueid, 'config_orderby', 'eq', 'orderbycourse');
                         $mform->setDefault('config_date_time_' . $moduleinfo->uniqueid, $moduleinfo->expected);
                         $mform->addHelpButton('config_date_time_' . $moduleinfo->uniqueid, 'what_expected_by_means', 'block_progress');
                         // Print the action selector for the event.
                         if (count($moduleinfo->actions) == 1) {
                             $moduleinfo->actions = array_keys($moduleinfo->actions);
                             $action = $moduleinfo->actions[0];
                             $mform->addElement('static', 'config_action_static_' . $moduleinfo->uniqueid, get_string('config_header_action', 'block_progress'), get_string($action, 'block_progress'));
                             $mform->addElement('hidden', 'config_action_' . $moduleinfo->uniqueid, $action);
                         } else {
                             $mform->addElement('select', 'config_action_' . $moduleinfo->uniqueid, get_string('config_header_action', 'block_progress'), $moduleinfo->actions);
                             if ((!$moduleinfo->lockpossible || $moduleinfo->instancedue == 0) && array_key_exists('activity_completion', $moduleinfo->actions)) {
                                 $defaultaction = 'activity_completion';
                             } else {
                                 $defaultaction = $details['defaultAction'];
                             $mform->setDefault('config_action_' . $moduleinfo->uniqueid, $defaultaction);
                             $mform->disabledif('config_action_' . $moduleinfo->uniqueid, 'config_monitor_' . $moduleinfo->uniqueid, 'eq', 0);
                         $mform->setType('config_action_' . $moduleinfo->uniqueid, PARAM_ALPHANUMEXT);
                         $mform->addHelpButton('config_action_' . $moduleinfo->uniqueid, 'what_actions_can_be_monitored', 'block_progress');
                         // End box.
                         $moduleboxend = HTML_WRITER::end_tag('div');
                         $mform->addElement('html', $moduleboxend);
     } else {
         $mform->addElement('html', get_string('no_events_config_message', 'block_progress'));
Example #4
  * Creates the block's main content
  * @return string
 public function get_content()
     global $USER, $OUTPUT, $CFG;
     if (isset($this->content)) {
         return $this->content;
     // Establish settings variables based on instance config.
     $showserverclock = !isset($this->config->show_clocks) || $this->config->show_clocks == B_SIMPLE_CLOCK_SHOW_BOTH || $this->config->show_clocks == B_SIMPLE_CLOCK_SHOW_SERVER_ONLY;
     $showuserclock = !isset($this->config->show_clocks) || $this->config->show_clocks == B_SIMPLE_CLOCK_SHOW_BOTH || $this->config->show_clocks == B_SIMPLE_CLOCK_SHOW_USER_ONLY;
     $showicons = !isset($this->config->show_icons) || $this->config->show_icons == 1;
     $showseconds = isset($this->config->show_seconds) && $this->config->show_seconds == 1;
     $showday = isset($this->config->show_day) && $this->config->show_day == 1;
     $show24hrtime = isset($this->config->twenty_four_hour_time) && $this->config->twenty_four_hour_time == 1;
     // Start the content, which is primarily a table.
     $this->content = new stdClass();
     $this->content->text = '';
     $this->content->footer = '';
     $table = new html_table();
     $table->attributes = array('class' => 'clockTable');
     // First item added is the server's clock.
     if ($showserverclock) {
         $row = array();
         if ($showicons) {
             $alt = get_string('server', 'block_simple_clock');
             $usingie = false;
             if (class_exists('core_useragent')) {
                 $usingie = core_useragent::is_ie();
             } else {
                 $usingie = check_browser_version('MSIE');
             if ($usingie) {
                 $servericon = $OUTPUT->pix_icon('server', $alt, 'block_simple_clock');
             } else {
                 $servericon = $OUTPUT->pix_icon('favicon', $alt, 'theme');
             $row[] = $servericon;
         $row[] = get_string('server', 'block_simple_clock') . ':';
         $attributes = array();
         $attributes['class'] = 'clock';
         $attributes['id'] = 'block_progress_serverTime';
         $attributes['value'] = get_string('loading', 'block_simple_clock');
         $row[] = HTML_WRITER::empty_tag('input', $attributes);
         $table->data[] = $row;
     // Next item is the user's clock.
     if ($showuserclock) {
         $row = array();
         if ($showicons) {
             if ($USER->id != 0) {
                 $userpictureparams = array('size' => 16, 'link' => false, 'alt' => 'User');
                 $userpicture = $OUTPUT->user_picture($USER, $userpictureparams);
                 $row[] = $userpicture;
             } else {
                 $row[] = '';
         $row[] = get_string('you', 'block_simple_clock') . ':';
         $attributes = array();
         $attributes['class'] = 'clock';
         $attributes['id'] = 'block_progress_youTime';
         $attributes['value'] = get_string('loading', 'block_simple_clock');
         $row[] = HTML_WRITER::empty_tag('input', $attributes);
         $table->data[] = $row;
     $this->content->text .= HTML_WRITER::table($table);
     // Set up JavaScript code needed to keep the clock going.
     $noscriptstring = get_string('javascript_disabled', 'block_simple_clock');
     $this->content->text .= HTML_WRITER::tag('noscript', $noscriptstring);
     if ($CFG->timezone != 99) {
         // Ensure that the Moodle timezone is set correctly.
         $date = new DateTime('now', new DateTimeZone(core_date::normalise_timezone($CFG->timezone)));
         $moodletimeoffset = $date->getOffset();
         // + dst_offset_on(time(), $CFG->timezone);
         $servertimeoffset = date_offset_get(new DateTime());
         $timearray = localtime(time() + $moodletimeoffset - $servertimeoffset, true);
     } else {
         // Ensure that the server timezone is set.
         // From 2.9 onwards, this should never happen.
         $timearray = localtime(time(), true);
     $arguments = array($showserverclock, $showuserclock, $showseconds, $showday, $show24hrtime, $timearray['tm_year'] + 1900, $timearray['tm_mon'], $timearray['tm_mday'], $timearray['tm_hour'], $timearray['tm_min'], $timearray['tm_sec'] + 2);
     $jsmodule = array('name' => 'block_simple_clock', 'fullpath' => '/blocks/simple_clock/module.js', 'requires' => array(), 'strings' => array(array('clock_separator', 'block_simple_clock'), array('before_noon', 'block_simple_clock'), array('after_noon', 'block_simple_clock'), array('day_names', 'block_simple_clock')));
     $this->page->requires->js_init_call('M.block_simple_clock.initSimpleClock', $arguments, false, $jsmodule);
     $this->content->footer = '';
     return $this->content;
Example #5
    function progress_bar($modules, $events, $userid, $attempts) {

        global $OUTPUT, $CFG;
        $simple = true;
        $now = time();
        $numevents = count($events);
        $dateformat = get_string('date_format', 'local_dashboard');
        $tableoptions = array('class' => 'progressBarProgressTable',
            'cellpadding' => '0',
            'cellspacing' => '0');
        /* added for solution */
        $default = $modules['defaultAction'];
        $progressBarIcons = 1;
        $orderby = 'orderbytime';
        $showpercentage = 1;
        $displayNow = 1;
        // Place now arrow.
        if ((!isset($orderby) || $orderby == 'orderbytime') && $displayNow == 1 && !$simple) {
            $content = HTML_WRITER::start_tag('table', $tableoptions);
            // Find where to put now arrow.
            $nowpos = 0;
            while ($nowpos < $numevents && $now > $events[$nowpos]['expected']) {
            $content .= HTML_WRITER::start_tag('tr');
            $nowstring = get_string('now_indicator', 'local_dashboard');
            if ($nowpos < $numevents / 2) {
                for ($i = 0; $i < $nowpos; $i++) {
                    $content .= HTML_WRITER::tag('td', '&nbsp;', array('class' => 'progressBarHeader'));
                $celloptions = array('colspan' => $numevents - $nowpos,
                    'class' => 'progressBarHeader',
                    'style' => 'text-align:left;');
                $content .= HTML_WRITER::start_tag('td', $celloptions);
                $content .= $OUTPUT->pix_icon('left', $nowstring, 'local_dashboard');
                $content .= $nowstring;
                $content .= HTML_WRITER::end_tag('td');
            } else {
                $celloptions = array('colspan' => $nowpos,
                    'class' => 'progressBarHeader',
                    'style' => 'text-align:right;');
                $content .= HTML_WRITER::start_tag('td', $celloptions);
                $content .= $nowstring;
                $content .= $OUTPUT->pix_icon('right', $nowstring, 'local_dashboard');
                $content .= HTML_WRITER::end_tag('td');
                for ($i = $nowpos; $i < $numevents; $i++) {
                    $content .= HTML_WRITER::tag('td', '&nbsp;', array('class' => 'progressBarHeader'));
            $content .= HTML_WRITER::end_tag('tr');
        } else {
            $tableoptions['class'] = 'progressBarProgressTable noNow';
            $content = HTML_WRITER::start_tag('table', $tableoptions);
        // Start progress bar.
        $width = 100 / $numevents;
        $content .= HTML_WRITER::start_tag('tr');
        $counter = 1;

        foreach ($events as $event) {
            $attempted = $attempts[$event['type'] . $event['id']];
            $action = isset($default) ? $default : $modules[$event['type']]['defaultAction'];

            // A cell in the progress bar.
            $celloptions = array(
                'class' => 'progressBarCell',
                'id' => '',
                'width' => $width . '%',
                'onclick' => 'document.location=\'' . $CFG->wwwroot . '/mod/' . $event['type'] .
                '/view.php?id=' . $event['cmid'] . '\';',
//            'onmouseover' => 'M.local_dashboard.showInfo('.
//                '\''.$event['type'].'\', '.
//                '\''.addslashes(get_string($event['type'], 'local_dashboard')).'\', '.
//                '\''.$event['cmid'].'\', '.
//                '\''.addslashes($event['name']).'\', '.
//                '\''.addslashes(get_string($action, 'local_dashboard')).'\', '.
//                '\''.addslashes(userdate($event['expected'], $dateformat, $CFG->timezone)).'\', '.
//                '\''.$userid.'\', '.
//                '\''.($attempted === true ? 'tick' : 'cross').'\''.
//                ');',
                'style' => 'background-color:');
            if ($attempted === true) {
                $celloptions['style'] .= get_string('attempted_colour', 'local_dashboard') . ';';
//            $cellcontent = $OUTPUT->pix_icon(
//                               isset($progressBarIcons) && $progressBarIcons == 1 ?
//                               'tick' : 'blank', '', 'local_dashboard');
            } else if (((!isset($orderby) || $orderby == 'orderbytime') && $event['expected'] < $now) ||
                    ($attempted === 'failed')) {
                $celloptions['style'] .= get_string('notAttempted_colour', 'local_dashboard') . ';';
//            $cellcontent = $OUTPUT->pix_icon(
//                               isset($progressBarIcons) && $progressBarIcons == 1 ?
//                               'cross':'blank', '', 'local_dashboard');
            } else {
                $celloptions['style'] .= get_string('futureNotAttempted_colour', 'local_dashboard') . ';';
                $cellcontent = $OUTPUT->pix_icon('blank', '', 'local_dashboard');
            if ($counter == 1) {
                $celloptions['id'] .= 'first';
            if ($counter == $numevents) {
                $celloptions['id'] .= 'last';
            $content .= HTML_WRITER::tag('td', $cellcontent, $celloptions);
        $content .= HTML_WRITER::end_tag('tr');
        $content .= HTML_WRITER::end_tag('table');

        // Add the info box below the table.
        $divoptions = array('class' => 'progressEventInfo',
            'id' => 'progressBarInfouser' . $userid);
        $content .= HTML_WRITER::start_tag('div', $divoptions);
        if (!$simple) {
            if (isset($showpercentage) && $showpercentage == 1) {
                $progress = $this->progress_percentage($events, $attempts);
                $content .= get_string('progress', 'local_dashboard') . ': ';
                $content .= $progress . '%' . HTML_WRITER::empty_tag('br');
            $content .= get_string('mouse_over_prompt', 'local_dashboard');
        $content .= HTML_WRITER::end_tag('div');

        return $content;
Example #6
 * Draws a progress bar
 * @param array    $modules  The modules used in the course
 * @param stdClass $config   The blocks configuration settings
 * @param array    $events   The possible events that can occur for modules
 * @param int      $userid   The user's id
 * @param int      instance  The block instance (incase more than one is being displayed)
 * @param array    $attempts The user's attempts on course activities
 * @param bool     $simple   Controls whether instructions are shown below a progress bar
function progress_bar($modules, $config, $events, $userid, $instance, $attempts, $simple = false)
    global $OUTPUT, $CFG;
    $now = time();
    $numevents = count($events);
    $dateformat = get_string('date_format', 'block_progress');
    $tableoptions = array('class' => 'progressBarProgressTable', 'cellpadding' => '0', 'cellspacing' => '0');
    $content = HTML_WRITER::start_tag('table', $tableoptions);
    // Place now arrow
    if ($config->displayNow == 1 && !$simple) {
        // Find where to put now arrow
        $nowpos = 0;
        while ($nowpos < $numevents && $now > $events[$nowpos]['expected']) {
        $content .= HTML_WRITER::start_tag('tr');
        $nowstring = get_string('now_indicator', 'block_progress');
        if ($nowpos < $numevents / 2) {
            for ($i = 0; $i < $nowpos; $i++) {
                $content .= HTML_WRITER::tag('td', '&nbsp;', array('class' => 'progressBarHeader'));
            $celloptions = array('colspan' => $numevents - $nowpos, 'class' => 'progressBarHeader', 'style' => 'text-align:left;');
            $content .= HTML_WRITER::start_tag('td', $celloptions);
            $content .= $OUTPUT->pix_icon('left', $nowstring, 'block_progress');
            $content .= $nowstring;
            $content .= HTML_WRITER::end_tag('td');
        } else {
            $celloptions = array('colspan' => $nowpos, 'class' => 'progressBarHeader', 'style' => 'text-align:right;');
            $content .= HTML_WRITER::start_tag('td', $celloptions);
            $content .= $nowstring;
            $content .= $OUTPUT->pix_icon('right', $nowstring, 'block_progress');
            $content .= HTML_WRITER::end_tag('td');
            for ($i = $nowpos; $i < $numevents; $i++) {
                $content .= HTML_WRITER::tag('td', '&nbsp;', array('class' => 'progressBarHeader'));
        $content .= HTML_WRITER::end_tag('tr');
    // Start progress bar
    $width = 100 / $numevents;
    $content .= HTML_WRITER::start_tag('tr');
    foreach ($events as $event) {
        $attempted = $attempts[$event['type'] . $event['id']];
        // A cell in the progress bar
        $celloptions = array('class' => 'progressBarCell', 'width' => $width . '%', 'onclick' => 'document.location=\'' . $CFG->wwwroot . '/mod/' . $event['type'] . '/view.php?id=' . $event['cmid'] . '\';', 'onmouseover' => 'M.block_progress.showInfo(\'' . $event['type'] . '\', \'' . get_string($event['type'], 'block_progress') . '\', \'' . $event['cmid'] . '\', \'' . addslashes($event['name']) . '\', \'' . get_string($config->{'action_' . $event['type'] . $event['id']}, 'block_progress') . '\', \'' . userdate($event['expected'], $dateformat, $CFG->timezone) . '\', \'' . $instance . '\', \'' . $userid . '\', \'' . ($attempted ? 'tick' : 'cross') . '\');', 'style' => 'background-color:');
        if ($attempted) {
            $celloptions['style'] .= get_string('attempted_colour', 'block_progress') . ';';
            $cellcontent = $OUTPUT->pix_icon(isset($config->progressBarIcons) && $config->progressBarIcons == 1 ? 'tick' : 'blank', '', 'block_progress');
        } else {
            if ($event['expected'] < $now) {
                $celloptions['style'] .= get_string('notAttempted_colour', 'block_progress') . ';';
                $cellcontent = $OUTPUT->pix_icon(isset($config->progressBarIcons) && $config->progressBarIcons == 1 ? 'cross' : 'blank', '', 'block_progress');
            } else {
                $celloptions['style'] .= get_string('futureNotAttempted_colour', 'block_progress') . ';';
                $cellcontent = $OUTPUT->pix_icon('blank', '', 'block_progress');
        $content .= HTML_WRITER::tag('td', $cellcontent, $celloptions);
    $content .= HTML_WRITER::end_tag('tr');
    $content .= HTML_WRITER::end_tag('table');
    // Add the info box below the table
    $divoptions = array('class' => 'progressEventInfo', 'id' => 'progressBarInfo' . $instance . 'user' . $userid);
    $content .= HTML_WRITER::start_tag('div', $divoptions);
    if (!$simple) {
        if (isset($config->showpercentage) && $config->showpercentage == 1) {
            $progress = get_progess_percentage($events, $attempts);
            $content .= get_string('progress', 'block_progress') . ': ';
            $content .= $progress . '%' . HTML_WRITER::empty_tag('br');
        $content .= get_string('mouse_over_prompt', 'block_progress');
    $content .= HTML_WRITER::end_tag('div');
    return $content;
Example #7
function progress_bar($modules, $config, $events, $userid, $instance, $attempts, $simple = false)
    global $OUTPUT, $CFG, $DB;
    $count = 0;
    foreach ($events as $event) {
        $section = $DB->get_records_sql("SELECT s.section FROM {course_sections} s \n                                            JOIN  {course_modules} cm \n                                              ON s.id = cm.section \n                                           WHERE cm.id = '" . $event['cmid'] . "'", null);
        $event['section'] = current($section)->section;
        $events[$count] = $event;
    usort($events, 'ev_cmp');
    $now = time();
    $numevents = count($events);
    $dateformat = get_string('date_format', 'block_progress');
    $tableoptions = array('class' => 'progressBarProgressTable', 'cellpadding' => '0', 'cellspacing' => '0');
    $content = HTML_WRITER::start_tag('table', $tableoptions);
    // Start progress bar
    $width = 100 / $numevents;
    $content .= HTML_WRITER::start_tag('tr');
    //	mail("*****@*****.**","DEBUG A", print_r($attempts,true));
    foreach ($events as $event) {
        $attempted = $attempts[$event['type'] . $event['id']];
        // A cell in the progress bar
        $celloptions = array('class' => 'progressBarCellT', 'width' => $width . '%', 'style' => 'background-color:');
        if ($attempted) {
            $celloptions['style'] .= '#33CC00;';
            $cellcontent = $OUTPUT->pix_icon(isset($config->progressBarIcons) && $config->progressBarIcons == 1 ? 'tick' : 'blank', '', 'block_progress');
        } else {
            if ($event['active']) {
                $celloptions['style'] .= '#F7F719;';
                $cellcontent = $OUTPUT->pix_icon(isset($config->progressBarIcons) && $config->progressBarIcons == 1 ? 'cross' : 'blank', '', 'block_progress');
            } else {
                $celloptions['style'] .= '#CFCCCD;';
                $cellcontent = $OUTPUT->pix_icon('blank', '', 'block_progress');
        $content .= HTML_WRITER::tag('td', $cellcontent, $celloptions);
    $content .= HTML_WRITER::end_tag('tr');
    $content .= HTML_WRITER::end_tag('table');
    // Add the info box below the table
    $divoptions = array('class' => 'progressEventInfo', 'id' => 'progressBarInfo' . $instance . 'user' . $userid, 'style' => 'position: relative; top: -17px; left:5%;');
    $content .= HTML_WRITER::start_tag('div', $divoptions);
    $content .= HTML_WRITER::end_tag('div');
    return $content;