Example #1
function InitProgressBar($increment = 1)
    global $progress_bar;
    $progress_bar = new HTML_Progress();
    //$progress_bar->setIncrement( (int)$increment );
    $ui =& $progress_bar->getUI();
    $ui->setCellAttributes('active-color=#3874B4 inactive-color=#CCCCCC width=10');
    $ui->setBorderAttributes('width=1 color=navy');
    $ui->setStringAttributes('width=60 font-size=14 background-color=#FFFFFF align=center');
	<style type="text/css">
    echo $progress_bar->getStyle();

	body {
			background-color: #FFFFFF;
			color: #FFFFFF;
			font-family: Verdana, freesans;

	a:visited, a:active, a:link {
			color: yellow;
	// -->
	<script type="text/javascript">
    echo $progress_bar->getScript();

	<div align="center">
    echo $progress_bar->toHtml();
Example #2

 * Natural Horizontal with background images ProgressBar example.
 * See also ProgressMaker usage with pre-set UI model 'BgImages'.
 * @version    $Id: bgimages.php,v 1.2 2005/07/25 10:25:30 farell Exp $
 * @author     Laurent Laville <*****@*****.**>
 * @package    HTML_Progress
 * @subpackage Examples
require_once 'HTML/Progress.php';
$bar = new HTML_Progress();
$ui =& $bar->getUI();
$ui->setTab('    ');
$ui->setCellAttributes(array('active-color' => '#000084', 'inactive-color' => '#3A6EA5', 'width' => 25, 'spacing' => 0, 'background-image' => 'download.gif'));
$ui->setBorderAttributes('width=1 style=inset color=white');
$ui->setStringAttributes(array('width' => 60, 'font-size' => 10, 'background-color' => '#C3C6C3', 'align' => 'center', 'valign' => 'left'));
<!DOCTYPE html
    PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"

<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en">
<title>BgImages Progress example</title>
<style type="text/css">
        $contextFormat = $options['contextFormat'];
        $file = $err['context']['file'];
        $line = $err['context']['line'];
        $func = $err['context']['class'];
        $func .= $err['context']['type'];
        $func .= $err['context']['function'];
        $context = sprintf($contextFormat, $file, $line, $func);
        printf($lineFormat . "<br />\n", ucfirst($err['level']), $err['message'], $context);
$logger['push_callback'] = '_pushCallback';
$logger['error_handler'] = '_errorHandler';
$options = array('lineFormat' => '<b>%1$s</b>: %2$s <hr>%3$s', 'contextFormat' => '<b>Function</b>: %3$s<br/><b>File</b>: %1$s<br/><b>Line</b>: %2$s');
$logger['handler']['display'] = array('conf' => $options);
$bar = new HTML_Progress($logger);
$e = $bar->setAnimSpeed('100');
// < - - - will generate an API exception
if (is_object($e)) {
    if (is_a($e, 'PEAR_Error')) {
        die('<h1>Catch PEAR_Error API exception</h1>' . $e->toString());
if (HTML_Progress::hasErrors()) {
    $err = HTML_Progress::getError();
    echo '<pre>';
    echo '</pre>';
    die('<h1>Catch HTML_Progress exception</h1>');
$e = $bar->setAnimSpeed(10000);
// < - - - will generate an API error
Example #4
  * Creates a progress bar with options choosen on all wizard tabs.
  * @since      1.1
  * @access     public
 function createProgressBar()
     $progress = $this->exportValues();
     $bar = new HTML_Progress();
     if ($progress['model'] != '') {
         $bar->setModel($progress['model'], 'iniCommented');
         $ui =& $bar->getUI();
     } else {
         $bar->setBorderPainted($progress['borderpainted'] == '1');
         $bar->setStringPainted($progress['stringpainted'] == '1');
         $ui =& $bar->getUI();
         $structure = array();
         /* Page 1: Progress attributes **************************************************/
         if (strlen(trim($progress['progressclass'])) > 0) {
             $structure['progress']['class'] = $progress['progressclass'];
         if (strlen(trim($progress['progresssize']['bgcolor'])) > 0) {
             $structure['progress']['background-color'] = $progress['progresssize']['bgcolor'];
         if (strlen(trim($progress['progresssize']['width'])) > 0) {
             $structure['progress']['width'] = $progress['progresssize']['width'];
         if (strlen(trim($progress['progresssize']['height'])) > 0) {
             $structure['progress']['height'] = $progress['progresssize']['height'];
         $structure['progress']['auto-size'] = $progress['autosize'] == '1';
         $orient = $progress['shape'] == '1' ? HTML_PROGRESS_BAR_HORIZONTAL : HTML_PROGRESS_BAR_VERTICAL;
         /* Page 2: Cell attributes ******************************************************/
         if (strlen(trim($progress['cellid'])) > 0) {
             $structure['cell']['id'] = $progress['cellid'];
         if (strlen(trim($progress['cellclass'])) > 0) {
             $structure['cell']['class'] = $progress['cellclass'];
         if (strlen(trim($progress['cellvalue']['min'])) > 0) {
         if (strlen(trim($progress['cellvalue']['max'])) > 0) {
         if (strlen(trim($progress['cellvalue']['inc'])) > 0) {
         if (strlen(trim($progress['cellsize']['width'])) > 0) {
             $structure['cell']['width'] = $progress['cellsize']['width'];
         if (strlen(trim($progress['cellsize']['height'])) > 0) {
             $structure['cell']['height'] = $progress['cellsize']['height'];
         if (strlen(trim($progress['cellsize']['spacing'])) > 0) {
             $structure['cell']['spacing'] = $progress['cellsize']['spacing'];
         if (strlen(trim($progress['cellsize']['count'])) > 0) {
         if (strlen(trim($progress['cellcolor']['active'])) > 0) {
             $structure['cell']['active-color'] = $progress['cellcolor']['active'];
         if (strlen(trim($progress['cellcolor']['inactive'])) > 0) {
             $structure['cell']['inactive-color'] = $progress['cellcolor']['inactive'];
         if (strlen(trim($progress['cellfont']['family'])) > 0) {
             $structure['cell']['font-family'] = $progress['cellfont']['family'];
         if (strlen(trim($progress['cellfont']['size'])) > 0) {
             $structure['cell']['font-size'] = $progress['cellfont']['size'];
         if (strlen(trim($progress['cellfont']['color'])) > 0) {
             $structure['cell']['color'] = $progress['cellfont']['color'];
         /* Page 3: Border attributes ****************************************************/
         if (strlen(trim($progress['borderclass'])) > 0) {
             $structure['border']['class'] = $progress['borderclass'];
         if (strlen(trim($progress['borderstyle']['width'])) > 0) {
             $structure['border']['width'] = $progress['borderstyle']['width'];
         if (strlen(trim($progress['borderstyle']['style'])) > 0) {
             $structure['border']['style'] = $progress['borderstyle']['style'];
         if (strlen(trim($progress['borderstyle']['color'])) > 0) {
             $structure['border']['color'] = $progress['borderstyle']['color'];
         /* Page 4: String attributes ****************************************************/
         if (strlen(trim($progress['stringid'])) > 0) {
             $structure['string']['id'] = $progress['stringid'];
         if (strlen(trim($progress['stringsize']['width'])) > 0) {
             $structure['string']['width'] = $progress['stringsize']['width'];
         if (strlen(trim($progress['stringsize']['height'])) > 0) {
             $structure['string']['height'] = $progress['stringsize']['height'];
         if (strlen(trim($progress['stringsize']['bgcolor'])) > 0) {
             $structure['string']['background-color'] = $progress['stringsize']['bgcolor'];
         if (strlen(trim($progress['stringalign'])) > 0) {
             $structure['string']['align'] = $progress['stringalign'];
         if (strlen(trim($progress['stringvalign'])) > 0) {
             $structure['string']['valign'] = $progress['stringvalign'];
         if (strlen(trim($progress['stringfont']['family'])) > 0) {
             $structure['string']['font-family'] = $progress['stringfont']['family'];
         if (strlen(trim($progress['stringfont']['size'])) > 0) {
             $structure['string']['font-size'] = $progress['stringfont']['size'];
         if (strlen(trim($progress['stringfont']['color'])) > 0) {
             $structure['string']['color'] = $progress['stringfont']['color'];
     // end-if-no-model
     return $bar;
Example #5
        if ($this->progress->getPercentComplete() == 1) {
        } else {
// 2. defines the progress meter
$meter = new HTML_Progress();
$ui =& $meter->getUI();
$ui->setProgressAttributes(array('background-color' => '#e0e0e0'));
$ui->setStringAttributes(array('color' => '#996', 'background-color' => '#CCCC99'));
$ui->setCellAttributes(array('active-color' => '#996'));
// get space for the string
// but don't paint it
// progress meter start in indeterminate mode
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<title>FTP/Progress Observer example</title>
<style type="text/css">
Example #6
 * @subpackage Examples
require_once 'HTML/Progress.php';
$ui1 =& $bar1->getUI();
$ui1->setCellAttributes('active-color=#970038 inactive-color=#FFDDAA width=50 height=13');
$ui1->setBorderAttributes('width=1 color=#000000');
$ui1->setStringAttributes(array('font-size' => 8, 'color' => '#FF0000', 'background-color' => '#C3C6C3', 'align' => 'center', 'valign' => 'bottom'));
$ui2 =& $bar2->getUI();
$ui2->setCellAttributes('active-color=#3874B4 inactive-color=#FFDDAA width=50 height=13');
$ui2->setBorderAttributes('width=1 style=dashed color=#000000');
$ui2->setStringAttributes(array('font-size' => 8, 'color' => 'navy', 'background-color' => '#C3C6C3', 'align' => 'center', 'valign' => 'bottom'));
<!DOCTYPE html
    PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"

<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en">
Example #7
    } else {
        for ($i = 0; $i < $obj->_anim_speed * 1000; $i++) {
   Which version of html_progress: (stable)1.1 or (beta)1.2.0 RC1, RC2 or RC3
$version = _methodExists('run') ? 1.2 : 1.1;
$progress = new HTML_Progress();
$observer = new logsUpload();
// prepare the progress meter to logs all upload operations
// progress bar run in indeterminate mode
// get space for the string
// but don't paint it
if ($version > 1.1) {
    // set a progress handler required at least version 1.2.0RC3
$ui =& $progress->getUI();
$ui->setBorderAttributes('width=1 style=inset color=white');
$ui->setCellAttributes(array('active-color' => '#000084', 'inactive-color' => '#3A6EA5', 'width' => 25, 'spacing' => 0, 'background-image' => 'download.gif'));
$ui->setStringAttributes(array('width' => 60, 'font-size' => 10, 'background-color' => '#C3C6C3'));
Example #8
                        // updates $bar2 because $bar1 has completed a full loop
// 2. Creates ProgressBar
// 3. Creates and attach a listener
$observer = new Bar1Observer();
$ok = $bar1->addListener($observer);
if (!$ok) {
    die("Cannot add a valid listener to progress bar !");
// 4. Changes look-and-feel of ProgressBar
$ui1 =& $bar1->getUI();
$ui1->setComment('Complex Observer ProgressBar example');
$ui1->setProgressAttributes(array('background-color' => '#e0e0e0'));
$ui1->setStringAttributes(array('valign' => 'left', 'color' => 'red', 'background-color' => 'lightblue'));
Example #9
class myClassHandler
    function myMethodHandler($progressValue, &$bar)
        if (fmod($progressValue, 10) == 0) {
            echo "myMethodHandler -> progress value is = {$progressValue} <br/>\n";
$obs = new myClassHandler();
$monitor = new HTML_Progress_Monitor('frmMonitor3', array('button' => array('style' => 'width:80px;')));
$progress = new HTML_Progress();
// Attach a progress ui-model
$progress->setProgressHandler(array(&$obs, 'myMethodHandler'));
<title>ProgressBar Monitor - Default renderer </title>
<style type="text/css">
.progressStatus {
echo $monitor->getStyle();

require_once 'HTML/Progress.php';
// get space for the string
// but don't paint it
// progress start in indeterminate mode
$ui =& $bar->getUI();
$ui->setCellAttributes('active-color=#970038 inactive-color=#FFDDAA width=50 height=13');
$ui->setBorderAttributes('width=1 color=#000000');
$ui->setStringAttributes(array('font-size' => 8, 'color' => '#FF0000', 'background-color' => '#C3C6C3', 'align' => 'center', 'valign' => 'bottom'));
<!DOCTYPE html
    PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"

<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en">
<title>setIndeterminate example</title>
<style type="text/css">
echo $bar->getStyle();
Example #11
            $log = isset($event['log']) ? $event['log'] : "undefined event id.";
            $val = isset($event['value']) ? $event['value'] : "unknown value";
            $msg = "{$log} = {$val}";
        } else {
            $msg = $event;
        if ($this->_out == 'file') {
            error_log("{$msg} \n", 3, $this->_console);
        } else {
            print "{$msg} <br />\n";
// 2. Creates ProgressBar
$bar = new HTML_Progress();
// 3. Creates and attach a listener
$observer = new MyObserver($_GET['out']);
$ok = $bar->addListener($observer);
if (!$ok) {
    die("Cannot add a valid listener to progress bar !");
// 4. Changes look-and-feel of ProgressBar
$ui = $bar->getUI();
$ui->setComment('Simple Observer ProgressBar example');
<title>Simple Observer ProgressBar example</title>
<style type="text/css">
Example #12
            case 70:
                $pic = 'picture3.jpg';
                $pic = null;
        if (!is_null($pic)) {
            $obj->setCaption('upload <b>%file%</b> in progress ... Start at %percent%%', array('file' => $pic, 'percent' => $progressValue));
        $bar =& $obj->getProgressElement();
        // slow animation because we do noting else
$monitor = new HTML_Progress_Monitor('frmMonitor5', array('title' => 'Upload your pictures', 'start' => 'Upload', 'cancel' => 'Stop', 'button' => array('style' => 'width:80px;')));
$monitor->setProgressHandler(array('my2ClassHandler', 'my1Method'));
$progress = new HTML_Progress();
$tpl =& new HTML_Template_ITX('../templates');
$tpl->setVariable(array('qf_style' => "body {font-family: Verdana, Arial; } \n" . $monitor->getStyle(), 'qf_script' => $monitor->getScript()));
$renderer =& new HTML_QuickForm_Renderer_ITDynamic($tpl);
$renderer->setElementBlock(array('buttons' => 'qf_buttons'));
// Display progress uploader dialog box
echo '<p>&lt;&lt; <a href="../index.html">Back examples TOC</a></p>';
Example #13
$colors = array('#FFFFFF' => 'white', '#0000FF' => 'blue', '#7B7B88' => '#7B7B88');
$form->addElement('select', 'color', 'border color:', $colors);
$defaultValues['border'] = 'solid';
$defaultValues['color'] = '#7B7B88';
if ($form->validate()) {
    $arr = $form->getElementValue('border');
    $border = $arr[0];
    $arr = $form->getElementValue('color');
    $color = $arr[0];
} else {
    $border = $defaultValues['border'];
    $color = $defaultValues['color'];
$bar = new HTML_Progress();
// get space for the string
// but don't paint it
$ui =& $bar->getUI();
$ui->setCellAttributes('active-color=#7B7B88 inactive-color=#D0D0D0 width=10');
$ui->setBorderAttributes(array('width' => 2, 'color' => $color, 'style' => $border));
$ui->setStringAttributes(array('width' => 320, 'font-size' => 10, 'align' => 'left', 'valign' => 'bottom', 'background-color' => '#D0D0D0'));
$tpl->setVariable("L_STYLESHEET", $bar->getStyle());
$tpl->setVariable("L_JAVASCRIPT", $ui->getScript());
$tpl->setVariable("L_PROGRESS_BAR", $bar->toHtml());

require_once 'HTML/Progress.php';
$bar = new HTML_Progress();
$ui =& $bar->getUI();
$ui->setStringAttributes('valign=bottom align=center width=90 height=30');
$ui->setCellAttributes(array('width' => 15, 'height' => 15, 'active-color' => 'red', 'inactive-color' => 'orange'));
$ui->setCellCoordinates(6, 4);
// Rectangle 6x4
<title>setCellCoordinates example</title>
<style type="text/css">
echo $bar->getStyle();
// -->
<script type="text/javascript">
echo $ui->getScript();