Example #1
require_once 'HTML/Javascript.php';
require_once 'HTML/Javascript/Convert.php';
// ,array(741,742,743)
$test = array("foo1" => "this \\ is a string test &\" and 'nothing' must failed", "foo2" => 2, "foo3" => 3, "foo4" => 4, "foo5" => 5, "foo6" => 6, "foo7" => array(71, 72, 73, "foo74" => array(741, 742, 743)));
$js = new HTML_Javascript();
echo $js->startScript();
echo HTML_Javascript_Convert::convertArray($test, 'arTest', true);
echo HTML_Javascript::alert('toto');
echo HTML_Javascript::prompt('toto', 'toto');
echo $js->confirm('sure', 'Are you sure?!');
echo $js->popup('win', './test.html', 'window', 200, 200, false);
echo $js->popupWrite('win2', 'Foo? Bar!', 'window2222222222222222222222', 200, 200, true);
echo $js->endScript();

function interrogate(what) {
    var output = '';
    for (var i in what){
        output += i+ " ";

Example #2
  * Converts  a PHP array into a JS array
  * supports of multu-dimensional array.
  * Keeps keys as they are (associative arrays).
  * @access public
  * @param  string  $arr     the array to convert
  * @param  string  $varname the variable name to declare
  * @param  boolean $global  if true, the JS var will be global
  * @param  int     $level   Not public, used for recursive calls
  * @return mixed   a PEAR_Error if no script was started
  *                 or the converted array
 function convertArray($arr, $varname, $global = false, $level = 0)
     $var = '';
     if ($global) {
         $var = 'var ';
     if (is_array($arr)) {
         $length = sizeof($arr);
         $var .= $varname . ' = Array(' . $length . ')' . HTML_JAVASCRIPT_NL;
         foreach ($arr as $key => $cell) {
             $jskey = '"' . $key . '"';
             if (is_array($cell)) {
                 $var .= HTML_Javascript_Convert::convertArray($cell, 'tmp' . $level, $global, $level);
                 $var .= $varname . "[{$jskey}] = tmp{$level}" . HTML_JAVASCRIPT_NL;
                 $var .= "tmp{$level} = null" . HTML_JAVASCRIPT_NL;
             } else {
                 $value = is_string($cell) ? '"' . HTML_Javascript_Convert::escapeString($cell) . '"' : $cell;
                 $var .= $varname . "[{$jskey}] = {$value}" . HTML_JAVASCRIPT_NL;
         return $var;
     } else {
         return HTML_Javascript::raiseError(HTML_JAVASCRIPT_ERROR_INVVAR);
Example #3
  * Creates a new popup window containing a string. Inside the popup windows
  * you can access the opener window with the opener var.
  * @param  string $assign   the JS variable to assign the window to
  * @param  string $str      the string that will appear in the new window
  *                          (HTML tags would be parsed by the browser, of course)
  * @param  string $title    the title of the window
  * @param  int    $width    the width of the window
  * @param  int    $height   the height of the window
  * @param  mixed  $attr     see popup()
  * @param  int    $top      distance from the top (in pixels
  * @param  int    $left     distance from the left (in pixels)
  * @see    popup()
  * @return the processed string
 function popupWrite($assign, $str, $title, $width, $height, $attr, $top = 300, $left = 300)
     static $cnt_popup;
     $str = HTML_Javascript_Convert::escapeString($str);
     $assign = strlen($assign) == 0 ? 'pearpopup' . $cnt_popup++ : $assign;
     if ($attr) {
         $attr = array('yes', 'yes', 'yes', 'yes', 'yes', 'yes', $top, $left);
     } else {
         $attr = array('no', 'no', 'no', 'no', 'no', 'no', $top, $height);
     $windows = $assign . "= window.open(\"\"," . " \"{$title}\"," . " \"width={$width}, height={$height}," . " resizable={$attr['0']}, scrollbars={$attr['1']}," . " menubar={$attr['2']}, toolbar={$attr['3']}," . " status={$attr['4']}, location={$attr['5']}," . " top={$attr['6']}, left={$attr['7']}\")" . HTML_JAVASCRIPT_NL;
     $windows .= "\n                        if ({$assign}){\n                            {$assign}.focus();\n                            {$assign}.document.open();\n                            {$assign}.document.write('{$str}');\n                            {$assign}.document.close();\n                            if ({$assign}.opener == null) {$assign}.opener = self;\n                        }\n                      ";
     $ret = HTML_Javascript::_out($windows);
     return $ret;
Example #4

* A file intended for testing output direction in the HTML_Javascript class
require_once 'HTML/Javascript.php';
$js = new HTML_Javascript();
$js->setOutputMode(HTML_JAVASCRIPT_OUTPUT_FILE, '/tmp/out.js');
$js->prompt('Foo?', 'foo', 'Bar!');
Example #5
 * HTML_Javascript::Javascript Sample usage
 * Show how to use the base of HTML_Javascript
 * @author Pierre-Alain Joye <*****@*****.**>
 * @package HTML_Javascript
 * @filesource
/** requires the main class */
require_once 'HTML/Javascript.php';
$htmljs = new HTML_Javascript();
// Starts the JS script
echo $htmljs->startScript();
echo $htmljs->writeLine('<h2>document.write</h2>');
// document.write methods
 * Simple usage of write and writeLine
 * See the confirm, prompt examples to see these methods
 * usage with JS variables.
echo $htmljs->writeLine('writeln: Test JS Line 1', false);
echo $htmljs->write('write: Test JS Line 2', false);
echo $htmljs->write('write: Test JS still Line 2', false);
echo $htmljs->writeLine('<h2>Interaction with the users, prompt, alert and confirm</h2>');
echo $htmljs->alert('I will ask you three questions and write back the answers.');
// alert, confirm and prompt methods
    protected function _resolve()
        $match = $this->_view_manager->head->getElementsBy('tag', 'scripts');
        if (empty($match)) {
            throw new Template_Invalid_Structure_Exception('scripts tag missing in head template');
        $scripts = $match[0];
        $required = array('id', 'lat', 'lng');
        foreach ($required as $attr) {
            if ($this->{$attr} === null) {
                throw new Data_Insufficient_Exception($attr);
        $markers_js = '';
        if ($this->marker) {
            if ($this->mlat === null) {
                throw new Data_Insufficient_Exception('mlat');
            if ($this->mlng === null) {
                throw new Data_Insufficient_Exception('mlng');
            $marker_ids = explode(';', $this->marker);
            $marker_lats = explode(';', $this->mlat);
            $marker_lngs = explode(';', $this->mlng);
            $marker_icons = explode(';', $this->micon);
            if ($this->mtitle) {
                $marker_titles = explode($this->titles_separator, $this->mtitle);
            } else {
                $marker_titles = array();
            if ($this->mopen) {
                $marker_open = explode(';', $this->mopen);
            } else {
                $marker_open = array();
            $mcount = count($marker_ids);
            if ($mcount > count($marker_lats)) {
                throw new Data_Insufficient_Exception('mlat');
            if ($mcount > count($marker_lngs)) {
                throw new Data_Insufficient_Exception('mlng');
            $innerHTML_str = $this->setContentByString ? '.innerHTML' : '';
            for ($mi = 0; $mi < $mcount; ++$mi) {
                if ($marker_ids[$mi] !== '' && $marker_ids[$mi] != '#') {
                    $markers_js .= <<<EOT

\t\tvar contentElem{$mi} = document.getElementById("{$marker_ids[$mi]}").cloneNode(true);
\t\tvar infowindow{$mi} = new google.maps.InfoWindow({content: contentElem{$mi}{$innerHTML_str}});
                $markers_js .= <<<EOT

\t\tvar markerPos{$mi} = new google.maps.LatLng({$marker_lats[$mi]}, {$marker_lngs[$mi]});
                if (array_key_exists($mi, $marker_icons)) {
                    $marker_icon_js = ", icon: '" . str_replace("'", "\\'", $marker_icons[$mi]) . "'";
                } else {
                    $marker_icon_js = '';
                if (array_key_exists($mi, $marker_titles)) {
                    $marker_title_js = ", title: '{$marker_titles[$mi]}'";
                } else {
                    $marker_title_js = '';
                $markers_js .= <<<EOT

\t\tvar marker{$mi} = new google.maps.Marker({position: markerPos{$mi}, map: map{$marker_icon_js}{$marker_title_js}});
                if ($marker_ids[$mi] !== '' && $marker_ids[$mi] != '#') {
                    $markers_js .= <<<EOT

\t\tgoogle.maps.event.addListener(marker{$mi}, 'click', function() { infowindow{$mi}.open(map, marker{$mi}); });
                    if (array_key_exists($mi, $marker_open) && $marker_open[$mi]) {
                        $markers_js .= <<<EOT

\t\tinfowindow{$mi}.open(map, marker{$mi});
        if ($this->navigationControl) {
            $navigationControl_js = <<<EOT

\t\t\tnavigationControl: true,
            if ($this->navigationControl !== true) {
                $navigationControl_js .= <<<EOT

\t\t\tnavigationControlOptions: {style: google.maps.NavigationControlStyle.{$this->navigationControl}},
        } else {
            $navigationControl_js = <<<EOT

\t\t\tnavigationControl: false,
        if ($this->mapTypeControl) {
            $mapTypeControl_js = <<<EOT

\t\t\tmapTypeControl: true,
            if ($this->mapTypeControl !== true) {
                $mapTypeControl_js .= <<<EOT

\t\t\tmapTypeControlOptions: {style: google.maps.MapTypeControlStyle.{$this->mapTypeControl}},
        } else {
            $mapTypeControl_js = <<<EOT

\t\t\tmapTypeControl: false,
        if ($this->scaleControl) {
            $scaleControl_js = <<<EOT

\t\t\tscaleControl: true,
        } else {
            $scaleControl_js = <<<EOT

\t\t\tscaleControl: false,
        $init_js_src = <<<EOT

\tfunction initialize_googlemap_{$this->id}()
\t\tvar myLatlng = new google.maps.LatLng({$this->lat}, {$this->lng});
\t\tvar myOptions =
\t\t\tzoom: {$this->zoom},
\t\t\tcenter: myLatlng,{$navigationControl_js}{$mapTypeControl_js}{$scaleControl_js}
\t\t\tmapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.{$this->type}
\t\tvar map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById("{$this->id}"), myOptions);{$markers_js}

        $init_js = new HTML_Javascript();
        $init_js->add(new HTML_Text($init_js_src));
        $sensor = $this->sensor ? 'true' : 'false';
        $scripts->addUnique(new HTML_JavaScript("http://www.google.com/jsapi?autoload=" . urlencode("{modules:[{name:\"maps\",version:3,other_params:\"sensor={$sensor}\"}]}")));