protected function subscribeLabel($id = '', $class = 'main', $checked = true)
     // Create subscribe checkbox label element
     $subscribe_label = new HTMLTag('label');
     $subscribe_label->createAttribute('for', 'hashover-subscribe');
     if (!empty($id)) {
         $subscribe_label->appendAttribute('for', '-' . $this->injectVar($id), false);
     $subscribe_label->createAttribute('class', 'hashover-' . $class . '-label');
     $subscribe_label->createAttribute('title', $this->locales->locale('subscribe_tip', $this->addcslashes));
     // Create subscribe element checkbox
     $subscribe = new HTMLTag('input', true);
     $subscribe->createAttribute('id', 'hashover-subscribe');
     if (!empty($id)) {
         $subscribe->appendAttribute('id', '-' . $this->injectVar($id), false);
     $subscribe->createAttribute('type', 'checkbox');
     $subscribe->createAttribute('name', 'subscribe');
     // Check checkbox
     if ($checked) {
         $subscribe->createAttribute('checked', 'true');
     // Add subscribe checkbox element to subscribe checkbox label element
     // Add text to subscribe checkbox label element
     $subscribe_label->appendInnerHTML($this->locales->locale('subscribe', $this->addcslashes));
     return $subscribe_label;
Example #2
 public function initialHTML($hashover_wrapper = true)
     // Create element that HashOver comments will appear in
     $hashover_element = new HTMLTag('div', false, false);
     $hashover_element->createAttribute('id', 'hashover');
     // Add class for differentiating desktop and mobile styling
     if ($this->setup->isMobile === true) {
         $hashover_element->appendAttribute('class', 'hashover-mobile');
     } else {
         $hashover_element->appendAttribute('class', 'hashover-desktop');
     // Add class to indicate user login status
     if ($this->setup->userIsLoggedIn === true) {
         $hashover_element->appendAttribute('class', 'hashover-logged-in');
     } else {
         $hashover_element->appendAttribute('class', 'hashover-logged-out');
     // Create element for jump anchor
     $jump_anchor = new HTMLTag('span');
     $jump_anchor->createAttribute('id', 'comments');
     // Add jump anchor to HashOver element
     // Create primary form wrapper element
     $form_section = new HTMLTag('div', false, false);
     $form_section->createAttribute('id', 'hashover-form-section');
     // Create element for "Post Comment" title
     $post_title = new HTMLTag('span');
     $post_title->createAttribute('class', 'hashover-title');
     $post_title->appendAttribute('class', 'hashover-main-title');
     $post_title->appendAttribute('class', 'hashover-dashed-title');
     $post_comment_locale = $this->locales->locale('post_comment_on', $this->addcslashes);
     // Add optional "on <page title>" to "Post Comment" title
     if ($this->setup->displaysTitle === true) {
         $on_title = str_replace('_TITLE_', $this->pageTitle, $post_comment_locale[1]);
         $post_title->appendInnerHTML($on_title, false);
     // Add "Post Comment" element to primary form wrapper
     // Create element for various messages when needed
     $message_element = new HTMLTag('div');
     $message_element->createAttribute('id', 'hashover-message');
     $message_element->createAttribute('class', 'hashover-title');
     $message_element->appendAttribute('class', 'hashover-message');
     // Check if message cookie is set
     if (!empty($_COOKIE['message']) or !empty($_COOKIE['error'])) {
         if ($this->setup->mode === 'php') {
             $message_element->appendAttribute('class', 'hashover-message-open');
         if (!empty($_COOKIE['message'])) {
             $message = $_COOKIE['message'];
         } else {
             $message = $_COOKIE['error'];
             $message_element->appendAttribute('class', 'hashover-message-error');
         // If so, put current message into message element
     // Add message element to primary form wrapper
     // Create main HashOver form
     $main_form = new HTMLTag('form');
     $main_form->createAttribute('id', 'hashover-form');
     $main_form->createAttribute('class', 'hashover-balloon');
     $main_form->createAttribute('name', 'hashover-form');
     $main_form->createAttribute('action', $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']);
     $main_form->createAttribute('method', 'post');
     // Create wrapper element for styling inputs
     $main_inputs = new HTMLTag('div');
     $main_inputs->createAttribute('class', 'hashover-inputs');
     // If avatars are enabled
     if ($this->setup->iconMode !== 'none') {
         // Create avatar element for main HashOver form
         $main_avatar = new HTMLTag('div');
         $main_avatar->createAttribute('class', 'hashover-avatar-image');
         // Add count element to avatar element
         // Add avatar element to inputs wrapper element
     // Logged in
     if ($this->setup->userIsLoggedIn === true) {
         if (!empty($this->setup->userName)) {
             $user_name = $this->setup->userName;
         } else {
             $user_name = $this->setup->defaultName;
         $user_website =& $this->setup->userWebsite;
         $name_class = 'hashover-name-plain';
         $is_twitter = false;
         // Check if user's name is a Twitter handle
         if ($user_name[0] === '@') {
             $user_name = substr($user_name, 1);
             $name_class = 'hashover-name-twitter';
             $is_twitter = true;
             $name_length = mb_strlen($user_name);
             if ($name_length > 1 and $name_length <= 30) {
                 if (empty($user_website)) {
                     $user_website = '' . $user_name;
         // Create element for logged user's name
         $main_form_column_spanner = new HTMLTag('div', false, false);
         $main_form_column_spanner->createAttribute('class', 'hashover-comment-name');
         $main_form_column_spanner->appendAttribute('class', 'hashover-top-name');
         // Check if user gave website
         if (!empty($user_website)) {
             if ($is_twitter === false) {
                 $name_class = 'hashover-name-website';
             // Create link to user's website
             $main_form_hyperlink = new HTMLTag('a', false, false);
             $main_form_hyperlink->createAttribute('href', $user_website);
             $main_form_hyperlink->createAttribute('target', '_blank');
             // Add username hyperlink to main form column spanner
         } else {
             // No website
         // Set classes user's name spanner
         $main_form_column_spanner->appendAttribute('class', $name_class);
         // Add main form column spanner to inputs wrapper element
     } else {
         // Logged out
         // Use default login inputs
     // Add inputs wrapper to form element
     // Create fake "required fields" element as a SPAM trap
     $required_fields = new HTMLTag('div');
     $required_fields->createAttribute('id', 'hashover-requiredFields');
     $fake_fields = array('summary' => 'text', 'age' => 'hidden', 'lastname' => 'text', 'address' => 'text', 'zip' => 'hidden');
     // Create and append fake input elements to fake required fields
     foreach ($fake_fields as $name => $type) {
         $fake_input = new HTMLTag('input', true);
         $fake_input->createAttribute('type', $type);
         $fake_input->createAttribute('name', $name);
         // Add fake summary input element to fake required fields
     // Add fake input elements to form element
     // Create label element for comment textarea
     if ($this->setup->usesLabels === true) {
         $main_comment_label = new HTMLTag('label', false, false);
         $main_comment_label->createAttribute('for', 'hashover-main-comment');
         $main_comment_label->createAttribute('class', 'hashover-comment-label');
         $main_comment_label->innerHTML($this->locales->locale('comment_form', $this->addcslashes));
         // Add comment label to form element
     // Create main textarea
     $main_textarea = new HTMLTag('textarea');
     $main_textarea->createAttribute('id', 'hashover-main-comment');
     $main_textarea->createAttribute('class', 'hashover-textarea');
     $main_textarea->appendAttribute('class', 'hashover-main-textarea');
     $main_textarea->createAttribute('cols', '63');
     $main_textarea->createAttribute('name', 'comment');
     $main_textarea->createAttribute('rows', '5');
     $main_textarea->createAttribute('title', $this->locales->locale('form_tip', $this->addcslashes));
     $main_textarea->createAttribute('placeholder', $this->locales->locale('comment_form', $this->addcslashes));
     // Add a red border to main textarea upon posting error
     if (isset($_COOKIE['success']) and $_COOKIE['success'] === 'no') {
         $main_textarea->createAttribute('style', 'border: 2px solid #FF0000 !important;');
         $main_textarea->createAttribute('placeholder', $this->locales->locale('reply_form', $this->addcslashes));
     // Add main textarea element to form element
     // Create hidden page title input element
     $main_page_title_input = new HTMLTag('input', true);
     $main_page_title_input->createAttribute('type', 'hidden');
     $main_page_title_input->createAttribute('name', 'title');
     $main_page_title_input->createAttribute('value', $this->pageTitle);
     // Add hidden page title input element to form element
     // Create hidden page URL input element
     $main_page_url_input = new HTMLTag('input', true);
     $main_page_url_input->createAttribute('type', 'hidden');
     $main_page_url_input->createAttribute('name', 'url');
     $main_page_url_input->createAttribute('value', $this->pageURL);
     // Add hidden page title input element to form element
     // Create hidden reply to input element
     if (!empty($_COOKIE['replied'])) {
         $reply_to_input = new HTMLTag('input', true);
         $reply_to_input->createAttribute('type', 'hidden');
         $reply_to_input->createAttribute('name', 'reply_to');
         $reply_to_input->createAttribute('value', $_COOKIE['replied']);
         // Add hidden reply to input element to form element
     // Create wrapper element for main form footer
     $main_form_footer = new HTMLTag('div');
     $main_form_footer->createAttribute('class', 'hashover-form-footer');
     // Add checkbox label element to main form buttons wrapper element
     if ($this->setup->allowsEmails !== false) {
         if ($this->setup->userIsLoggedIn === false or !empty($this->setup->userEmail)) {
     // Create wrapper for form buttons
     $main_form_buttons_wrapper = new HTMLTag('span');
     $main_form_buttons_wrapper->createAttribute('class', 'hashover-form-buttons');
     // Create "Login" / "Logout" button element
     if ($this->setup->allowsLogin !== false or $this->setup->userIsLoggedIn === true) {
         $login_button = new HTMLTag('input', true);
         $login_button->createAttribute('id', 'hashover-login-button');
         $login_button->createAttribute('class', 'hashover-submit');
         $login_button->createAttribute('type', 'submit');
         // Logged in
         if ($this->setup->userIsLoggedIn === true) {
             $login_button->appendAttribute('class', 'hashover-logout');
             $login_button->createAttribute('name', 'logout');
             $login_button->createAttribute('value', $this->locales->locale('logout', $this->addcslashes));
             $login_button->createAttribute('title', $this->locales->locale('logout', $this->addcslashes));
         } else {
             // Logged out
             $login_button->appendAttribute('class', 'hashover-login');
             $login_button->createAttribute('name', 'login');
             $login_button->createAttribute('value', $this->locales->locale('login', $this->addcslashes));
             $login_button->createAttribute('title', $this->locales->locale('login_tip', $this->addcslashes));
         // Add "Login" / "Logout" element to main form footer element
     // Create "Post Comment" button element
     $main_post_button = new HTMLTag('input', true);
     $main_post_button->createAttribute('id', 'hashover-post-button');
     $main_post_button->createAttribute('class', 'hashover-submit');
     $main_post_button->appendAttribute('class', 'hashover-post-button');
     $main_post_button->createAttribute('type', 'submit');
     $main_post_button->createAttribute('name', 'post');
     $main_post_button->createAttribute('value', $this->locales->locale('post_button', $this->addcslashes));
     $main_post_button->createAttribute('title', $this->locales->locale('post_button', $this->addcslashes));
     // Add "Post Comment" element to main form buttons wrapper element
     // Add main form button wrapper to main form footer element
     // Add main form footer to main form element
     // Add main form element to primary form wrapper
     // Check if form position setting set to 'top'
     if ($this->setup->formPosition === 'top') {
         // Add primary form wrapper to HashOver element
     if (!empty($this->popularList)) {
         // Create wrapper element for popular comments
         $popular_section = new HTMLTag('div', false, false);
         $popular_section->createAttribute('id', 'hashover-popular-section');
         // Create wrapper element for popular comments title
         $pop_count_wrapper = new HTMLTag('div');
         $pop_count_wrapper->createAttribute('class', 'hashover-dashed-title');
         // Create element for popular comments title
         $pop_count_element = new HTMLTag('span');
         $pop_count_element->createAttribute('class', 'hashover-title');
         $popPlural = count($this->popularList) !== 1 ? 1 : 0;
         $popular_comments_locale = $this->locales->locale('popular_comments', $this->addcslashes);
         // Add popular comments title element to wrapper element
         // Add popular comments title wrapper element to popular comments section
         // Create element for popular comments to appear in
         $popular_comments = new HTMLTag('div', false, false);
         $popular_comments->createAttribute('id', 'hashover-top-comments');
         // Add comments to HashOver element
         if (!empty($this->popularComments)) {
         // Add popular comments element to popular comments section
         // Add popular comments section to HashOver element
     // Create wrapper element for comments
     $comments_section = new HTMLTag('div', false, false);
     $comments_section->createAttribute('id', 'hashover-comments-section');
     // Create wrapper element for comment count and sort dropdown menu
     if ($this->readComments->totalCount > 1) {
         $count_sort_wrapper = new HTMLTag('div');
         $count_sort_wrapper->createAttribute('class', 'hashover-sort-count');
         $count_sort_wrapper->appendAttribute('class', 'hashover-dashed-title');
         // Create element for comment count
         $count_element = new HTMLTag('span');
         $count_element->createAttribute('id', 'hashover-count');
         // Hide comment count if collapse limit is set at zero
         if ($this->setup->mode === 'javascript') {
             if ($this->setup->collapseLimit <= 0) {
                 $count_element->createAttribute('style', 'display: none;');
         // Add comment count element to wrapper element
         // JavaScript mode specific HTML
         if ($this->readComments->totalCount > 2 and $this->setup->mode === 'javascript') {
             // Create wrapper element for sort dropdown menu
             $sort_wrapper = new HTMLTag('span');
             $sort_wrapper->createAttribute('id', 'hashover-sort');
             // Hide comment count if collapse limit is set at zero
             if ($this->setup->collapseLimit <= 0) {
                 $sort_wrapper->createAttribute('style', 'display: none;');
             // Create sort dropdown menu element
             $sort_select = new HTMLTag('select');
             $sort_select->createAttribute('id', 'hashover-sort-select');
             $sort_select->createAttribute('name', 'sort');
             $sort_select->createAttribute('size', '1');
             // Array of select tag sort options
             $sort_options = array(array('value' => 'ascending', 'innerHTML' => $this->locales->locale('sort_ascend', $this->addcslashes)), array('value' => 'descending', 'innerHTML' => $this->locales->locale('sort_descend', $this->addcslashes)), array('value' => 'byDate', 'innerHTML' => $this->locales->locale('sort_bydate', $this->addcslashes)), array('value' => 'byName', 'innerHTML' => $this->locales->locale('sort_byname', $this->addcslashes)), array('value' => 'byLikes', 'innerHTML' => $this->locales->locale('sort_bylikes', $this->addcslashes)));
             // Create sort options for sort dropdown menu element
             for ($i = 0, $il = count($sort_options); $i < $il; $i++) {
                 $option = new HTMLTag('option', false, false);
                 $option->createAttribute('value', $sort_options[$i]['value']);
                 // Add sort option element to sort dropdown menu
             // Create empty option group as spacer
             $spacer_optgroup = new HTMLTag('optgroup');
             $spacer_optgroup->createAttribute('label', '&nbsp;');
             // Add spacer option group to sort dropdown menu
             // Create option group for threaded sort options
             $threaded_optgroup = new HTMLTag('optgroup');
             $threaded_optgroup->createAttribute('label', $this->locales->locale('threaded', $this->addcslashes));
             // Array of select tag threaded sort options
             $threaded_sort_options = array(array('value' => 'threadedDescending', 'innerHTML' => $this->locales->locale('sort_descend', $this->addcslashes)), array('value' => 'threadedByDate', 'innerHTML' => $this->locales->locale('sort_bydate', $this->addcslashes)), array('value' => 'threadedByName', 'innerHTML' => $this->locales->locale('sort_byname', $this->addcslashes)), array('value' => 'threadedByLikes', 'innerHTML' => $this->locales->locale('sort_bylikes', $this->addcslashes)));
             // Create sort options for sort dropdown menu element
             for ($i = 0, $il = count($threaded_sort_options); $i < $il; $i++) {
                 $option = new HTMLTag('option', false, false);
                 $option->createAttribute('value', $threaded_sort_options[$i]['value']);
                 // Add sort option element to threaded option group
             // Add threaded sort options group to sort dropdown menu
             // Add sort dropdown menu element to sort wrapper element
             // Add comment count element to wrapper element
         // Add comment count and sort dropdown menu wrapper to comments section
     // Create element that will hold the comments
     $sort_div = new HTMLTag('div', false, false);
     $sort_div->createAttribute('id', 'hashover-sort-div');
     // Add comments to HashOver element
     if (!empty($this->comments)) {
     // Add comments element to comments section
     // Add comments element to HashOver element
     // Check if form position setting set to 'bottom'
     if ($this->setup->formPosition === 'bottom') {
         // Add primary form wrapper to HashOver element
     // Create end links wrapper element
     $end_links_wrapper = new HTMLTag('div');
     $end_links_wrapper->createAttribute('id', 'hashover-end-links');
     // Create link back to HashOver homepage (fixme! get a real page!)
     $hashover_home_link = new HTMLTag('a', false, false);
     $hashover_home_link->createAttribute('href', '');
     $hashover_home_link->createAttribute('id', 'hashover-home-link');
     $hashover_home_link->createAttribute('target', '_blank');
     $hashover_home_link->innerHTML('HashOver Comments');
     // Add link back to HashOver homepage to end links wrapper element
     $end_links_wrapper->appendInnerHTML(' &#8210;', false);
     if ($this->readComments->totalCount > 1) {
         if ($this->setup->displaysRSSLink === true) {
             if ($this->setup->APIStatus('rss') !== 'disabled') {
                 // Create RSS feed link
                 $hashover_rss_link = new HTMLTag('a', false, false);
                 $hashover_rss_link->createAttribute('href', $this->setup->httpDirectory . '/api/rss.php');
                 $hashover_rss_link->appendAttribute('href', '?url=' . $this->safeURLEncode($this->setup->pageURL), false);
                 $hashover_rss_link->createAttribute('id', 'hashover-rss-link');
                 $hashover_rss_link->createAttribute('target', '_blank');
                 $hashover_rss_link->innerHTML('RSS Feed');
                 // Add RSS feed link to end links wrapper element
                 $end_links_wrapper->appendInnerHTML(' &middot;', false);
     // Create link to HashOver source code (fixme! can be done better)
     $hashover_source_link = new HTMLTag('a', false, false);
     $hashover_source_link->createAttribute('href', $this->setup->httpDirectory . '/scripts/hashover.php?source');
     $hashover_source_link->createAttribute('id', 'hashover-source-link');
     $hashover_source_link->createAttribute('rel', 'hashover-source');
     $hashover_source_link->createAttribute('target', '_blank');
     $hashover_source_link->innerHTML('Source Code');
     // Add link to HashOver source code to end links wrapper element
     // Create link to HashOver JavaScript source code
     if ($this->setup->mode === 'javascript') {
         // First add a middot character
         $end_links_wrapper->appendInnerHTML(' &middot;', false);
         $hashover_javascript_link = new HTMLTag('a', false, false);
         $hashover_javascript_link->createAttribute('href', $this->setup->httpDirectory . '/scripts/hashover-javascript.php');
         $hashover_javascript_link->appendAttribute('href', '?url=' . $this->safeURLEncode($this->setup->pageURL), false);
         $hashover_javascript_link->appendAttribute('href', '&title=' . $this->safeURLEncode($this->setup->pageTitle), false);
         if (!empty($_GET['hashover-script'])) {
             $hashover_javascript_link->appendAttribute('href', '&hashover-script=' . $this->safeURLEncode($_GET['hashover-script']), false);
         $hashover_javascript_link->createAttribute('id', 'hashover-javascript-link');
         $hashover_javascript_link->createAttribute('rel', 'hashover-javascript');
         $hashover_javascript_link->createAttribute('target', '_blank');
         // Add link to HashOver JavaScript source code to end links wrapper element
     // Add end links wrapper element to HashOver element
     // Return all HTML with the HashOver wrapper element
     if ($hashover_wrapper === true) {
         return $hashover_element->asHTML();
     // Return just the HashOver wrapper element's innerHTML
     return $hashover_element->innerHTML;