Example #1
 function laporan_pdf($id_po)
     $html2pdf = new HTML2PDF('P', 'A4', 'fr');
     $data['data_pdf'] = $this->mdl_purchase_order->report($id_po);
     $konten = $this->load->view('purchase_order/po_report', $data, true);
     $html2pdf->writeHTML($konten, false);
     $html2pdf->Output("po_" . date('d-m-y') . "_" . $id_po . ".pdf");
Example #2
 function laporan_pdf($id_transfer)
     $html2pdf = new HTML2PDF('L', 'A4', 'fr');
     //get filter
     //$fil['kd_prodi'] = $kd_prodi;
     //$data['nama'] = '';
     //$data['namaUniv'] = 'STMIK BANDUNG';
     //$data['alamatUniv'] = 'Jl.Phh.Mustofa No. 39. Grand Surapati Core (SUCORE) Blok M No.19, Telp.022 - 7207777';
     //$data['kotaUniv'] = 'Bandung, Jawa Barat';
     // ambil data dari tabel
     $data['data_pdf'] = $this->mdl_transfer->get_pdf($id_transfer);
     /* if (count($da['row'])==0){
        echo "Data Tidak Tersedia";
        } */
     $konten = $this->load->view('transfer/transfer_laporan', $data, true);
     $html2pdf->writeHTML($konten, false);
     $html2pdf->Output("transfer_" . date('d-m-y') . "_" . $id_transfer . ".pdf");
 public function voucher($numFile = false)
     if (!$numFile) {
     $numFile = base64_decode($numFile);
     $numFile = $numFile * 1;
     $ruta_img = 'views/layout/' . DEFAULT_LAYOUT . '/img/';
     $ruta_img2 = 'public/img/voucher/';
     require_once ROOT . 'views' . DS . 'system' . DS . 'pdf' . DS . 'vouchea.php';
     $content = ob_get_clean();
     try {
         $html2pdf = new HTML2PDF('P', 'A4', 'es', false, CHARSET);
         $html2pdf->writeHTML($content, isset($_GET['vuehtml']));
         $html2pdf->Output('Voucher_N_' . $numFile . '.pdf');
     } catch (HTML2PDF_exception $e) {
         echo $e;
Example #4
 function laporan_pdf($kode)
     $data['kd_mahasiswa'] = $kode;
     $html2pdf = new HTML2PDF('L', 'Letter', 'fr');
     #get filter
     /* $fil['kd_fakultas'] = $kd_fakultas;
     		$fil['kd_prodi'] = $kd_prodi;
     		$fil['tahun'] = $tahun;
     		$fil['nim'] = $nim; */
     //$data['nama'] = 'indriyanto';
     $data['namaUniv'] = 'UNIVERSITAS SUBANG';
     $data['alamatUniv'] = 'Jln. Perkutut Kotaraja, Telp.(0967)581562';
     $data['kotaUniv'] = 'Subang, Jawa Barat';
     // ambil data dari tabel
     $data['data_pdf'] = $this->mdl_ijazah->get_pdf($kode);
     /* if (count($da['row'])==0){
     			echo "Data Tidak Tersedia";
     		} */
     $konten = $this->load->view('ta/ijazah_format', $data, true);
     $html2pdf->writeHTML($konten, false);
Example #5
 function laporan_pdf($kd_fakultas, $kd_prodi, $tahun, $nim)
     $html2pdf = new HTML2PDF('P', 'A4', 'fr');
     #get filter
     $fil['kd_fakultas'] = $kd_fakultas;
     $fil['kd_prodi'] = $kd_prodi;
     $fil['tahun'] = $tahun;
     $fil['nim'] = $nim;
     //$data['nama'] = '';
     $data['namaUniv'] = 'STMIK BANDUNG';
     $data['alamatUniv'] = 'Jl.Phh.Mustofa No. 39. Grand Surapati Core (SUCORE) Blok M No.19, Telp.022 - 7207777';
     $data['kotaUniv'] = 'Bandung, Jawa Barat';
     // ambil data dari tabel
     $data['data_pdf'] = $this->mdl_khs->get_pdf($fil, $nama_dosen);
     /* if (count($da['row'])==0){
     			echo "Data Tidak Tersedia";
     		} */
     $konten = $this->load->view('perkuliahan/khs_laporan', $data, true);
     $html2pdf->writeHTML($konten, false);
Example #6
 public function generatePdf(PdfEvent $event)
     $html2pdf = new \HTML2PDF($event->getOrientation(), $event->getFormat(), $event->getLang(), $event->getUnicode(), $event->getEncoding(), $event->getMarges());
     $event->setPdf($html2pdf->output(null, 'S'));
Example #7
 public function convertHtmlToFormat($orientation = 'P')
     require_once 'html2pdf/html2pdf.class.php';
     $html2pdf = new HTML2PDF($orientation, 'A4', 'fr');
     $this->doc = $html2pdf->Output(NULL, 'S');
Example #8
 function laporan_pdf($date_1, $date_2)
     $html2pdf = new HTML2PDF('P', 'A4', 'fr');
     $data['data_pdf'] = $this->mdl_report_delivery->report_delivery_pdf($date_1, $date_2);
     $konten = $this->load->view('report_delivery/delivery_report', $data, true);
     $html2pdf->writeHTML($konten, false);
     $html2pdf->Output("Report_delivery_" . $date_1 . " To " . $date_2 . ".pdf");
  * Creates a new HTML2PDF object. 
  * Can be overridden to create renderers with non-default options.
 protected static function create_new_pdf_writer($orientation = self::ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT, $paper_size = self::PAPER_LETTER, $language = self::LANGUAGE_ENGLISH)
     //create a new HTML2PDF object
     $pdf = new HTML2PDF($orientation, $paper_size, $language, false, 'ISO-8859-1');
     //true, 'UTF-8');
     //$pdf =  new HTML2PDF($orientation, $paper_size, $language, true, 'UTF-8');
     //set the font
     return $pdf;
Example #10
  * @return  self
 public function convert($filePathIn, $filePathOut, $formats = ['html', 'pdf'])
     $output = ['html' => '', 'pdf' => ''];
     $replace = ['content' => '', 'js' => '', 'css' => ''];
     try {
         $tpl = TemplatesRegistry::get($this->usedTemplate);
         foreach (['js', 'css'] as $type) {
             foreach ($tpl[$type] as $file) {
                 if (!is_readable($file)) {
                     throw new \Exception("Cannot load file {$file}.");
                 $file = file_get_contents($file);
                 $replace[$type] .= $file . "\n";
         if (file_exists("{$filePathOut}.html")) {
         $replace['content'] = $this->mdParser->parse(file_get_contents($filePathIn));
         $output['html'] = $this->latte->renderToString($tpl['layout'], $replace);
         $this->fs->write("{$filePathOut}.html", $output['html']);
         if (in_array('pdf', $formats)) {
             try {
                 $html2pdf = new \HTML2PDF('P', 'A4', 'cs');
                 $output['html'] = str_replace('\\xe28087', "  ", $output['html']);
                 $pdf = $html2pdf->Output("{$filePathOut}.pdf", 'S');
                 $this->fs->write("{$filePathOut}.pdf", $pdf);
             } catch (Html2PdfException $e) {
                 $formatter = new ExceptionFormatter($e);
                 echo "PDF: " . $formatter->getHtmlMessage();
         if (!in_array('html', $formats)) {
     } catch (\InvalidArgumentException $e) {
         echo $e->getMessage(), "\n";
     return $this;
Example #11
 function laporan_pdf($PMBPeriodID)
     $html2pdf = new HTML2PDF('L', 'A4', 'fr');
     #get filter
     $fil['PMBPeriodID'] = $PMBPeriodID;
     //$data['nama'] = '';
     $data['namaUniv'] = 'STMIK BANDUNG';
     $data['alamatUniv'] = 'Jl.Phh.Mustofa No. 39. Grand Surapati Core (SUCORE) Blok M No.19, Telp.022 - 7207777';
     $data['kotaUniv'] = 'Bandung, Jawa Barat';
     // ambil data dari tabel
     $data['data_pdf'] = $this->mdl_lap_peserta->get_pdf($fil);
     /* if (count($da['row'])==0){
     			echo "Data Tidak Tersedia";
     		} */
     $konten = $this->load->view('pmb/peserta_laporan', $data, true);
     $html2pdf->writeHTML($konten, false);
Example #12
 public function cetak()
     $date = new DateTime('now', new DateTimeZone('Asia/Jakarta'));
     $today = $date->format('d-m-Y');
     $data['data'] = $this->crud_model->reportUsers();
     $content = $this->load->view('reportUser', $data);
     $content = ob_get_clean();
     $filename = "Lap_user" . $today . ".pdf";
     //nama file pdf
     try {
         $html2pdf = new HTML2PDF('P', 'A4', 'en', false, 'ISO-8859-15', array(20, 10, 10, 10));
         $html2pdf->writeHTML($content, isset($_GET['vuehtml']));
     } catch (HTML2PDF_exception $e) {
         echo $e;
Example #13
    public function createPdf()
        $salesPersonId = JFactory::getSession()->get('salesPersonId');
        //$filter = JRequest::getVar('filter', array('name' => "", 'code' => "", 'merchant_id' => "", 'fromdate' => "", 'todate' => ""));
        //$filter = JRequest::getVar('filter',array(),'post','array');
        $currency_prefix = JModel::getInstance('setting', 'enmasseModel')->getCurrencyPrefix();
        $dealList = JModel::getInstance('deal', 'enmasseModel')->searchBySaleReports($salesPersonId, JRequest::getVar('name'), JRequest::getVar('merchant_id'), JRequest::getVar('fromdate'), JRequest::getVar('todate'), JRequest::getVar('code'));
        if (empty($dealList)) {
            return null;
        $result = '<table style="border:1px dotted #D5D5D5; border-collapse: collapse;"><tr valign="middle"><th style="border:1px dotted #D5D5D5;" align="center" width="50">' . JText::_("No") . '</th><th style="border:1px dotted #D5D5D5;" width="150">' . JText::_("Deal Code") . '</th><th style="border:1px dotted #D5D5D5;" width="150">' . JText::_("Deal Name") . '</th><th style="border:1px dotted #D5D5D5;" width="100">' . JText::_("Merchant") . '</th><th style="border:1px dotted #D5D5D5;" align="center" width="80">' . JText::_("Qty Sold") . '</th><th style="border:1px dotted #D5D5D5;" align="center" width="80">' . JText::_("Unit Price") . '</th><th style="border:1px dotted #D5D5D5;" align="center" width="80">' . JText::_("Total Sales") . '</th></tr>';
        $i = 0;
        foreach ($dealList as $row) {
            $merchant_name = JModel::getInstance('merchant', 'enmasseModel')->retrieveName($row->merchant_id);
            $total_sales = $row->price * $row->cur_sold_qty;
            $result .= '<tr>
				<td style="border:1px dotted #D5D5D5;" align="center">' . $i . '</td>
				<td style="border:1px dotted #D5D5D5;">' . $row->deal_code . '</td>
				<td style="border:1px dotted #D5D5D5;">' . $row->name . '</td>
				<td style="border:1px dotted #D5D5D5;">' . $merchant_name . '</td>
				<td style="border:1px dotted #D5D5D5;" align="center">' . $row->cur_sold_qty . '</td>
				<td style="border:1px dotted #D5D5D5;" align="center">' . $currency_prefix . $row->price . '</td>
				<td style="border:1px dotted #D5D5D5;" align="center">' . $currency_prefix . $total_sales . '</td></tr>';
            $total_amount += $total_sales;
        $result .= '<tr><td style="border:1px dotted #D5D5D5;" colspan="6" style="text-align:right" >Total Amount: </td>
					<td style="border:1px dotted #D5D5D5;" align="center">' . $currency_prefix . $total_amount . '</td></tr></table>';
        require_once JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_enmasse' . DS . 'helpers' . DS . 'html2pdf' . DS . 'html2pdf.class.php';
        $html2pdf = new HTML2PDF('P', 'A4', 'en');
        $outFileName = 'report-' . DatetimeWrapper::getDateOfNow() . '.pdf';
        $html2pdf->Output($outFileName, 'I');
Example #14
 * HTML2PDF Library - example
 * HTML => PDF convertor
 * distributed under the LGPL License
 * @package   Html2pdf
 * @author    Laurent MINGUET <*****@*****.**>
 * @copyright 2016 Laurent MINGUET
 * isset($_GET['vuehtml']) is not mandatory
 * it allow to display the result in the HTML format
// get the HTML
include 'formato.php';
$content = ob_get_clean();
// convert in PDF
require_once '../html2pdf/vendor/autoload.php';
try {
    $html2pdf = new HTML2PDF('P', 'A4', 'fr');
    //      $html2pdf->setModeDebug();
    $html2pdf->writeHTML($content, isset($_GET['vuehtml']));
} catch (HTML2PDF_exception $e) {
    echo $e;
Example #15
 function krs_format($kode)
     $data['id_krs'] = $kode;
     $html2pdf = new HTML2PDF('P', 'A4', 'fr');
     //$data['nama'] = '';
     $data['namaUniv'] = 'STMIK BANDUNG';
     $data['alamatUniv'] = 'Jl.Phh.Mustofa No. 39. Grand Surapati Core (SUCORE) Blok M No.19, Telp.022 - 7207777';
     $data['kotaUniv'] = 'Bandung, Jawa Barat';
     // ambil data dari tabel
     // ambil data dari tabel
     $data['data_pdf'] = $this->mdl_krs->get_krs($kode);
     $konten = $this->load->view('registrasi/krs_format', $data, true);
     $html2pdf->writeHTML($konten, false);
Example #16
        } else {
                                <td width="728" height="78" style="border: 1px 1px 1px 1px solid;">

        <div style="text-align: center;font-size: 9pt;">
            TEL: (305) 637-2767 * FAX (305) 549-3984 * PO BOX 420216, MIAMI FL 33242 * www.e-fap.com
$content = ob_get_clean();
require_once '../includes/html2pdf/html2pdf.class.php';
$html2pdf = new HTML2PDF('P', 'letter', 'en');
Example #17
  * Create bill with PDF format, return file location.
  * @param integer $nOrderId order id that need to print bill.
  * @param string $dest whether save to the file or echo direct to web browser (for preview).
  * @return string name of created file with absolute path. 
 public static function createPDF($nOrderId, $dest = 'F')
     $oOrder = JModel::getInstance('order', 'enmasseModel')->getById($nOrderId);
     if (empty($oOrder)) {
         return null;
     $buyer = json_decode($oOrder->buyer_detail);
     $arOrderItem = JModel::getInstance('orderItem', 'enmasseModel')->listByOrderId($nOrderId);
     $sOderDetail = '<table border="1"><tr valign="middle"><th align="center" style="width:30px;">' . JText::_("BILL_TEMPLATE_ORDER_DETAIL_NO") . '</th><th style="width:60px;">' . JText::_("BILL_TEMPLATE_ORDER_DETAIL_QUANTITY") . '</th><th style="width:50px;">' . JText::_("BILL_TEMPLATE_ORDER_DETAIL_DEAL_ID") . '</th><th align="center" style="width:320px; ">' . JText::_("BILL_TEMPLATE_ORDER_DETAIL_DEAL_DESC") . '</th><th style="width:50px;">' . JText::_("BILL_TEMPLATE_ORDER_DETAIL_UNIT_PRICE") . '</th><th style="width:50px;">' . JText::_("BILL_TEMPLATE_ORDER_DETAIL_TAX") . '</th><th style="width:80px;">' . JText::_("BILL_TEMPLATE_ORDER_DETAIL_TOTAL") . '</th></tr>';
     $oPayGty = JModel::getInstance('payGty', 'enmasseModel')->getById($oOrder->pay_gty_id);
     if (empty($oPayGty)) {
         $oPayGty = new JObject();
         $oPayGty->name = "";
     $count = 1;
     foreach ($arOrderItem as $oItem) {
         $sOderDetail .= '<tr valign="middle"><td >' . $count++ . '</td><td >' . $oItem->qty . '</td><td >' . $oItem->pdt_id . '</td><td style="width:300px;text-align: left">' . $oItem->description . '</td><td >' . $oItem->unit_price . '</td><td >' . '</td><td >' . $oItem->total_price . '</td></tr>';
     $sOderDetail .= '<tr><td colspan="7" style="text-align:right" >Total Amount: ' . $oOrder->total_buyer_paid . '</td></tr></table>';
     $db = JFactory::getDbo();
     $query = "SELECT *\n\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM #__enmasse_bill_template\n\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE slug_name = " . $db->quote(self::$BUYER_RECEIPT_TMPL_NAME);
     $oBillTmpl = $db->loadObject();
     $sTmpl = $oBillTmpl->content;
     $arParam = array();
     $arParam['[BUYER_NAME]'] = $buyer->name;
     $arParam['[BUYER_EMAIL]'] = $buyer->email;
     $arParam['[BILL_NUMBER]'] = EnmasseHelper::displayOrderDisplayId($oOrder->id);
     $arParam['[BILL_DATE]'] = DatetimeWrapper::getDatetimeOfNow();
     $arParam['[PAYMENT_METHOD]'] = $oPayGty->name;
     $arParam['[BILL_DETAIL]'] = $sOderDetail;
     $arParam['[BILL_DESCRIPTION]'] = $oOrder->description;
     //ADD style for table
     $sTmpl = '<style>p{margin: 8px 0px }table {border-collapse:collapse;} td, th{text-align: center} th{height: 40px}</style>' . $sTmpl;
     $arSearch = array_keys($arParam);
     $sTmpl = str_replace($arSearch, $arParam, $sTmpl);
     //process for image tag because there have the difference source path between
     //html2pdf and richtext editor(using for edit bill template),image tag
     //was wrong source path and it cause html2pdf error
     $sPattern = '/(<img\\s+src=")(.*)(")/i';
     if (strtoupper(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)) == "WIN") {
         $sReplace = '$1' . JPATH_SITE . DS . '\\$2$3';
     } else {
         $sReplace = '$1' . JPATH_SITE . DS . '$2$3';
     $sTmpl = preg_replace($sPattern, $sReplace, $sTmpl);
     require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/html2pdf/html2pdf.class.php';
     try {
         $sOutFileName = "bill_preview.pdf";
         if ($dest == 'F') {
             $sOutFileName = JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . DS . "components" . DS . "com_enmasse" . DS . "bills" . DS . EnmasseHelper::displayOrderDisplayId($oOrder->id) . ".pdf";
             if (file_exists($sOutFileName)) {
         $html2pdf = new HTML2PDF('P', 'A4', 'en');
         $html2pdf->Output($sOutFileName, $dest);
     } catch (HTML2PDF_exception $e) {
     return $sOutFileName;
Example #18
 function kartu_format($kode)
     $data['kd_mahasiswa'] = $kode;
     $html2pdf = new HTML2PDF('L', 'A5', 'fr');
     //$data['nama'] = 'indriyanto';
     $data['namaUniv'] = 'UNIVERSITAS SUBANG';
     $data['alamatUniv'] = 'Jln. Perkutut Kotaraja, Telp.(0967)581562';
     $data['kotaUniv'] = 'Subang, Jawa Barat';
     // ambil data dari tabel
     $data['data_pdf'] = $this->mdl_pendaftaran->get_kartu($kode);
     $konten = $this->load->view('pmb/kartu_format', $data, true);
     $html2pdf->writeHTML($konten, false);
Example #19
    $jour_annee_fin = date('z', mktime(0, 0, 0, $mois_fin, $jour_fin, $annee_fin));
} else {
    $annee_fin = date("Y");
    $mois_fin = date("m");
    $jour_fin = date("d");
    $semaine_fin = date("W");
    $jour_annee_fin = date("z");
/* Assignation des données */
$smarty->assign(array('tpl_dir' => $smarty->template_dir . 'invoice/', 'infos_facture' => $infos, 'total_facture' => $invoice->getTotal($id_facture), 'infos_societe' => $societe, 'logo' => 'logo.png'));
/* Affichage des templates */
// On récupère le contenu de la page en sortie
$content_html = ob_get_clean();
/* On génère le PDF */
require dirname(__FILE__) . '/html2pdf/html2pdf.class.php';
try {
    $marges = array(2, 2, 2, 2);
    $html2pdf = new HTML2PDF('P', $format, 'fr', false, 'ISO-8859-1', $marges);
    //nom du fichier
    $jour = date('d');
    $mois = date('m');
    $annee = date('y');
    $nom_fichier .= $jour . "_" . $mois . "_" . $annee . ".pdf";
} catch (HTML2PDF_exception $catch) {
    die('Impossible de générer la facture demandée');
Example #20
require_once "{$srcdir}/formdata.inc.php";
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . "/../../../custom/code_types.inc.php";
require_once $GLOBALS['srcdir'] . '/ESign/Api.php';
require_once $GLOBALS["include_root"] . "/orders/single_order_results.inc.php";
if ($GLOBALS['gbl_portal_cms_enable']) {
    require_once $GLOBALS["include_root"] . "/cmsportal/portal.inc.php";
// For those who care that this is the patient report.
$PDF_OUTPUT = empty($_POST['pdf']) ? 0 : intval($_POST['pdf']);
if ($PDF_OUTPUT) {
    require_once "{$srcdir}/html2pdf/vendor/autoload.php";
    $pdf = new HTML2PDF($GLOBALS['pdf_layout'], $GLOBALS['pdf_size'], $GLOBALS['pdf_language'], true, 'UTF-8', array($GLOBALS['pdf_left_margin'], $GLOBALS['pdf_top_margin'], $GLOBALS['pdf_right_margin'], $GLOBALS['pdf_bottom_margin']), $_SESSION['language_direction'] == 'rtl' ? true : false);
    //set 'dejavusans' for now. which is supported by a lot of languages - http://dejavu-fonts.org/wiki/Main_Page
    //TODO: can have this selected as setting in globals after we have more experience with this to fully support internationalization.
// get various authorization levels
$auth_notes_a = acl_check('encounters', 'notes_a');
$auth_notes = acl_check('encounters', 'notes');
$auth_coding_a = acl_check('encounters', 'coding_a');
$auth_coding = acl_check('encounters', 'coding');
$auth_relaxed = acl_check('encounters', 'relaxed');
$auth_med = acl_check('patients', 'med');
$auth_demo = acl_check('patients', 'demo');
$esignApi = new Api();
$printable = empty($_GET['printable']) ? false : true;
if ($PDF_OUTPUT) {
    $printable = true;
Example #21
 function lap_periode_jurnal()
     $page = $this->uri->segment(3);
     $limit = 50;
     if (!$page) {
         $offset = 0;
     } else {
         $offset = $page;
     $status = $this->input->post('status');
     $bln = $this->input->post('bln');
     $thn = $this->input->post('thn');
     if (isset($_POST['btncetak'])) {
         //menampilkan semua data periode tanpa status bayar
         if ($status == 'expense') {
             $data = array('title' => 'laporan jurnal', 'status' => 'PENGELUARAN', 'kodejurnal' => $this->model_app->kode(), 'kodetrans' => $this->model_app->kodejurnal(), 'data' => $this->model_app->getdata('akun', "where id_sub_parent='0'"), 'b_survey' => $this->model_app->getdata('jurnal a', "right join detail_jurnal b on a.id_jurnal=b.id_jurnal WHERE a.id_parent='1023' AND LEFT(a.tgl_jurnal,4)='{$thn}' AND MID(a.tgl_jurnal,6,2)='{$bln}' group by a.id_jurnal"), 'b_operasional' => $this->model_app->getdata('jurnal a', "right join detail_jurnal b on a.id_jurnal=b.id_jurnal WHERE a.id_parent='1022' AND LEFT(a.tgl_jurnal,4)='{$thn}' AND MID(a.tgl_jurnal,6,2)='{$bln}' group by a.id_jurnal"), 'b_lain' => $this->model_app->getdata('jurnal a', "right join detail_jurnal b on a.id_jurnal=b.id_jurnal WHERE a.id_parent='1031' AND LEFT(a.tgl_jurnal,4)='{$thn}' AND MID(a.tgl_jurnal,6,2)='{$bln}' group by a.id_jurnal"), 'b_atk' => $this->model_app->getdata('jurnal a', "right join detail_jurnal b on a.id_jurnal=b.id_jurnal WHERE a.id_parent='1032' AND LEFT(a.tgl_jurnal,4)='{$thn}' AND MID(a.tgl_jurnal,6,2)='{$bln}' group by a.id_jurnal"), 'b_listrik' => $this->model_app->getdata('jurnal a', "right join detail_jurnal b on a.id_jurnal=b.id_jurnal WHERE a.id_parent='1033' AND LEFT(a.tgl_jurnal,4)='{$thn}' AND MID(a.tgl_jurnal,6,2)='{$bln}' group by a.id_jurnal"), 'b_telkom' => $this->model_app->getdata('jurnal a', "right join detail_jurnal b on a.id_jurnal=b.id_jurnal WHERE a.id_parent='1034' AND LEFT(a.tgl_jurnal,4)='{$thn}' AND MID(a.tgl_jurnal,6,2)='{$bln}' group by a.id_jurnal"), 'b_trust' => $this->model_app->getdata('jurnal a', "right join detail_jurnal b on a.id_jurnal=b.id_jurnal WHERE a.id_parent='1037' AND LEFT(a.tgl_jurnal,4)='{$thn}' AND MID(a.tgl_jurnal,6,2)='{$bln}' group by a.id_jurnal"), 'b_dapur' => $this->model_app->getdata('jurnal a', "right join detail_jurnal b on a.id_jurnal=b.id_jurnal WHERE a.id_parent='1035' AND LEFT(a.tgl_jurnal,4)='{$thn}' AND MID(a.tgl_jurnal,6,2)='{$bln}' group by a.id_jurnal"), 'b_gaji' => $this->model_app->getdata('jurnal a', "right join detail_jurnal b on a.id_jurnal=b.id_jurnal WHERE a.id_parent='1021' AND LEFT(a.tgl_jurnal,4)='{$thn}' AND MID(a.tgl_jurnal,6,2)='{$bln}' group by a.id_jurnal"), 'b_pajak' => $this->model_app->getdata('jurnal a', "right join detail_jurnal b on a.id_jurnal=b.id_jurnal WHERE a.id_parent='1036' AND LEFT(a.tgl_jurnal,4)='{$thn}' AND MID(a.tgl_jurnal,6,2)='{$bln}' group by a.id_jurnal"));
             $content = $this->load->view('jurnal/v_cetak_keluar', $data);
             $content = ob_get_clean();
         } elseif ($status == 'income') {
             $data = array('title' => 'laporan jurnal', 'status' => 'PEMASUKAN', 'kodejurnal' => $this->model_app->kode(), 'kodetrans' => $this->model_app->kodejurnal(), 'data' => $this->model_app->getdata('akun', "where id_sub_parent='0'"), 'p_operasional' => $this->model_app->getdata('jurnal a', "right join detail_jurnal b on a.id_jurnal=b.id_jurnal WHERE a.id_parent='1024' AND LEFT(a.tgl_jurnal,4)='{$thn}' AND MID(a.tgl_jurnal,6,2)='{$bln}' group by a.id_jurnal"), 'p_survey' => $this->model_app->getdata('jurnal a', "right join detail_jurnal b on a.id_jurnal=b.id_jurnal WHERE a.id_parent='1025' AND LEFT(a.tgl_jurnal,4)='{$thn}' AND MID(a.tgl_jurnal,6,2)='{$bln}' group by a.id_jurnal"), 'p_klaim' => $this->model_app->getdata('jurnal a', "right join detail_jurnal b on a.id_jurnal=b.id_jurnal WHERE a.id_parent='1026' AND LEFT(a.tgl_jurnal,4)='{$thn}' AND MID(a.tgl_jurnal,6,2)='{$bln}' group by a.id_jurnal"), 'p_lain' => $this->model_app->getdata('jurnal a', "right join detail_jurnal b on a.id_jurnal=b.id_jurnal WHERE a.id_parent='1027' AND LEFT(a.tgl_jurnal,4)='{$thn}' AND MID(a.tgl_jurnal,6,2)='{$bln}' group by a.id_jurnal"), 'p_modal' => $this->model_app->getdata('jurnal a', "right join detail_jurnal b on a.id_jurnal=b.id_jurnal WHERE a.id_parent='1028' AND LEFT(a.tgl_jurnal,4)='{$thn}' AND MID(a.tgl_jurnal,6,2)='{$bln}' group by a.id_jurnal"));
             $content = $this->load->view('jurnal/v_cetak_masuk', $data);
             $content = ob_get_clean();
         try {
             $html2pdf = new HTML2PDF('P', 'A4', 'en', false, 'ISO-8859-15', array(10, 10, 0, 0));
             $html2pdf->setDefaultFont('Arial', '9');
             $html2pdf->writeHTML($content, isset($_GET['vuehtml']));
             $html2pdf->Output('Laporan Jurnal.pdf');
         } catch (HTML2PDF_exception $e) {
             echo $e;
         //---------JIKA TOMBOL CARI YANG DITEKAN------------------
     } else {
         //--view expense
         if ($status == 'expense') {
             $data = array('title' => 'laporan jurnal', 'status' => 'PENGELUARAN', 'kodejurnal' => $this->model_app->kode(), 'kodetrans' => $this->model_app->kodejurnal(), 'data' => $this->model_app->getdata('akun', "where id_sub_parent='0'"), 'b_survey' => $this->model_app->getdata('jurnal a', "right join detail_jurnal b on a.id_jurnal=b.id_jurnal WHERE a.id_parent='1023' AND LEFT(a.tgl_jurnal,4)='{$thn}' AND MID(a.tgl_jurnal,6,2)='{$bln}' group by a.id_jurnal"), 'b_operasional' => $this->model_app->getdata('jurnal a', "right join detail_jurnal b on a.id_jurnal=b.id_jurnal WHERE a.id_parent='1022' AND LEFT(a.tgl_jurnal,4)='{$thn}' AND MID(a.tgl_jurnal,6,2)='{$bln}' group by a.id_jurnal"), 'b_lain' => $this->model_app->getdata('jurnal a', "right join detail_jurnal b on a.id_jurnal=b.id_jurnal WHERE a.id_parent='1031' AND LEFT(a.tgl_jurnal,4)='{$thn}' AND MID(a.tgl_jurnal,6,2)='{$bln}' group by a.id_jurnal"), 'b_atk' => $this->model_app->getdata('jurnal a', "right join detail_jurnal b on a.id_jurnal=b.id_jurnal WHERE a.id_parent='1032' AND LEFT(a.tgl_jurnal,4)='{$thn}' AND MID(a.tgl_jurnal,6,2)='{$bln}' group by a.id_jurnal"), 'b_listrik' => $this->model_app->getdata('jurnal a', "right join detail_jurnal b on a.id_jurnal=b.id_jurnal WHERE a.id_parent='1033' AND LEFT(a.tgl_jurnal,4)='{$thn}' AND MID(a.tgl_jurnal,6,2)='{$bln}' group by a.id_jurnal"), 'b_telkom' => $this->model_app->getdata('jurnal a', "right join detail_jurnal b on a.id_jurnal=b.id_jurnal WHERE a.id_parent='1034' AND LEFT(a.tgl_jurnal,4)='{$thn}' AND MID(a.tgl_jurnal,6,2)='{$bln}' group by a.id_jurnal"), 'b_trust' => $this->model_app->getdata('jurnal a', "right join detail_jurnal b on a.id_jurnal=b.id_jurnal WHERE a.id_parent='1037' AND LEFT(a.tgl_jurnal,4)='{$thn}' AND MID(a.tgl_jurnal,6,2)='{$bln}' group by a.id_jurnal"), 'b_dapur' => $this->model_app->getdata('jurnal a', "right join detail_jurnal b on a.id_jurnal=b.id_jurnal WHERE a.id_parent='1035' AND LEFT(a.tgl_jurnal,4)='{$thn}' AND MID(a.tgl_jurnal,6,2)='{$bln}' group by a.id_jurnal"), 'b_gaji' => $this->model_app->getdata('jurnal a', "right join detail_jurnal b on a.id_jurnal=b.id_jurnal WHERE a.id_parent='1021' AND LEFT(a.tgl_jurnal,4)='{$thn}' AND MID(a.tgl_jurnal,6,2)='{$bln}' group by a.id_jurnal"), 'b_pajak' => $this->model_app->getdata('jurnal a', "right join detail_jurnal b on a.id_jurnal=b.id_jurnal WHERE a.id_parent='1036' AND LEFT(a.tgl_jurnal,4)='{$thn}' AND MID(a.tgl_jurnal,6,2)='{$bln}' group by a.id_jurnal"), 'view' => 'jurnal/v_laporan_keluar');
             $this->load->view('home', $data);
         } elseif ($status == 'income') {
             $data = array('title' => 'laporan jurnal', 'status' => 'PEMASUKAN', 'kodejurnal' => $this->model_app->kode(), 'kodetrans' => $this->model_app->kodejurnal(), 'data' => $this->model_app->getdata('akun', "where id_sub_parent='0'"), 'p_operasional' => $this->model_app->getdata('jurnal a', "right join detail_jurnal b on a.id_jurnal=b.id_jurnal WHERE a.id_parent='1024' AND LEFT(a.tgl_jurnal,4)='{$thn}' AND MID(a.tgl_jurnal,6,2)='{$bln}' group by a.id_jurnal"), 'p_survey' => $this->model_app->getdata('jurnal a', "right join detail_jurnal b on a.id_jurnal=b.id_jurnal WHERE a.id_parent='1025' AND LEFT(a.tgl_jurnal,4)='{$thn}' AND MID(a.tgl_jurnal,6,2)='{$bln}' group by a.id_jurnal"), 'p_klaim' => $this->model_app->getdata('jurnal a', "right join detail_jurnal b on a.id_jurnal=b.id_jurnal WHERE a.id_parent='1026' AND LEFT(a.tgl_jurnal,4)='{$thn}' AND MID(a.tgl_jurnal,6,2)='{$bln}' group by a.id_jurnal"), 'p_lain' => $this->model_app->getdata('jurnal a', "right join detail_jurnal b on a.id_jurnal=b.id_jurnal WHERE a.id_parent='1027' AND LEFT(a.tgl_jurnal,4)='{$thn}' AND MID(a.tgl_jurnal,6,2)='{$bln}' group by a.id_jurnal"), 'p_modal' => $this->model_app->getdata('jurnal a', "right join detail_jurnal b on a.id_jurnal=b.id_jurnal WHERE a.id_parent='1028' AND LEFT(a.tgl_jurnal,4)='{$thn}' AND MID(a.tgl_jurnal,6,2)='{$bln}' group by a.id_jurnal"), 'view' => 'jurnal/v_laporan_masuk');
             $this->load->view('home', $data);
Example #22
$text = str_replace("\$tax_amount", "\$aos_quotes_tax_amount", $text);
$text = str_replace("\$shipping_amount", "\$aos_quotes_shipping_amount", $text);
$text = str_replace("\$total_amount", "\$aos_quotes_total_amount", $text);
//Converting Text
$parts = explode('$aos_products_quotes_name', $text);
$text = $parts[0];
$parts = explode('$aos_products_quotes_product_total_price', $parts[1]);
$linePart = '$aos_products_quotes_name' . $parts[0] . '$aos_products_quotes_product_total_price';
//Converting Line Items
$obb = array();
$sep = '';
$tdTemp = explode('<tr>', $text);
foreach ($lineItems as $id => $productId) {
    $obb['AOS_Products_Quotes'] = $id;
    $obb['AOS_Products'] = $productId;
    $text .= $sep . TemplateParser::parse_template($linePart, $obb);
    $sep = '</td></tr><tr>' . $tdTemp[count($tdTemp) - 1];
$text .= $parts[1];
$converted = TemplateParser::parse_template($text, $object_arr);
$printable = str_replace("\$", "", $converted);
$file_name = "Quote_" . str_replace(" ", "_", $quote->name) . ".pdf";
try {
    $pdf = new HTML2PDF();
    $pdf->writeHTML($printable, isset($_GET['vuehtml']));
    $pdf->Output($file_name, "D");
} catch (HTML2PDF_exception $e) {
    echo $e;
Example #23

 * HTML2PDF Librairy - example
 * support Chinese language 
 * HTML => PDF convertor
 * distributed under the LGPL License
 * @author      ChaiChunyan <*****@*****.**>
 * isset($_GET['vuehtml']) is not mandatory
 * it allow to display the result in the HTML format
// get the HTML
include dirname(__FILE__) . '/res/exemple_zh_cn.php';
$content = ob_get_clean();
// convert to PDF
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../html2pdf.class.php';
try {
    $html2pdf = new HTML2PDF('P', 'A4', 'en');
    $html2pdf->writeHTML($content, isset($_GET['vuehtml']));
} catch (HTML2PDF_exception $e) {
    echo $e;
 public function GetChecklist()
     if (!$this->opt_order->getPrimaryKey()) {
     require_once __CA_LIB_DIR__ . "/core/Print/html2pdf/html2pdf.class.php";
     $this->view->setVar('items', $this->opt_order->getItems());
     try {
         $vs_content = $this->render('loan_pdf_checklist_html.php');
         $vo_html2pdf = new HTML2PDF('L', 'letter', 'en');
         header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=loan_checklist.pdf");
         header("Content-type: application/pdf");
         $vb_printed_properly = true;
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $vb_printed_properly = false;
         $this->postError(3100, _t("Could not generate PDF"), "OrderEditorController->GetCheckList()");
Example #25
  * création d'un sous HTML2PDF pour la gestion des tableaux imbriqués
  * @param	HTML2PDF	futur sous HTML2PDF passé en référence pour création
  * @param	integer		marge eventuelle de l'objet si simulation d'un TD
  * @return	null
 function createSubHTML(&$sub_html, $cellmargin = 0)
     // calcul de la largueur
     if ($this->style->value['width']) {
         $marge = $cellmargin * 2;
         $marge += $this->style->value['padding']['l'] + $this->style->value['padding']['r'];
         $marge += $this->style->value['border']['l']['width'] + $this->style->value['border']['r']['width'];
         $marge = $this->pdf->getW() - $this->style->value['width'] + $marge;
     } else {
         $marge = $this->margeLeft + $this->margeRight;
     $sub_html = new HTML2PDF($this->sens, $this->format, $this->langue, array($this->defaultLeft, $this->defaultTop, $this->defaultRight, $this->defaultBottom));
     $sub_html->style->css = $this->style->css;
     $sub_html->style->css_keys = $this->style->css_keys;
     $sub_html->style->table = $this->style->table;
     $sub_html->style->value = $this->style->value;
     $sub_html->setNewPage($this->format, $this->sens);
     $sub_html->initSubHtml($marge, $this->page, $this->defLIST);
     // initialisation des positions et autre
     $sub_html->maxX = 0;
     $sub_html->maxY = 0;
     $sub_html->maxH = 0;
     $sub_html->pdf->setXY(0, 0);
Example #26
function convert2pdf($content, $file_name)
    if ($file_name == '') {
        $file_name = date('y_m_d_h_m_s') . '.pdf';
    require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/html2pdf.class.php';
    // get the HTML
    //$content = ob_get_clean();
    try {
        // init HTML2PDF
        $html2pdf = new HTML2PDF('P', 'A4', 'en', true, 'UTF-8', array(0, 0, 0, 0));
        //add this line
        // display the full page
        // convert
        $html2pdf->writeHTML($content, isset($_GET['vuehtml']));
        // add the automatic index
        //$html2pdf->createIndex('Sommaire', 30, 12, false, true, 2);
        // send the PDF
    } catch (HTML2PDF_exception $e) {
        echo $e;
Example #27
 public function return_PDF($papers)
      * подключает класс формирования PDF
      * и создаёт PDF-документ
     // Имя файла
     $filename = iconv('windows-1251', 'utf-8', 'Переоформление_заявок_на_информационные ресурсы_' . implode(array($this->input->post('name_f'), $this->input->post('name_i'), $this->input->post('name_o')), "_") . '.pdf');
     // Заголовки и закрытие документа (для прохождения валидности)
     $head = $this->load->view("bids/2pdf/chainhead", array(), true);
     $aft = $this->load->view("bids/2pdf/chainaft", array(), true);
     // Формируем строковый выхлоп.
     $outfile = $head . implode($papers, "") . $aft;
     // сброс буферов
     $content = ob_get_clean();
     // Подключение класса. Внимательно проследить за путями!
     require_once '/var/www/html/users-r4/2pdf/html2pdf.class.php';
     // Передаём параметры парсеру
     try {
         $html2pdf = new HTML2PDF('P', 'A4', 'en');
         $html2pdf->writeHTML($outfile, isset($_GET['vuehtml']));
     } catch (HTML2PDF_exception $e) {
         echo $e;
Example #28
    public static function pdf()
        $filter = JRequest::getVar('filter', array('name' => "", 'code' => "", 'merchant_id' => "", 'fromdate' => "", 'todate' => ""));
        $dealList = JModel::getInstance('salereports', 'enmasseModel')->search($filter['code'], $filter['name'], $filter['saleperson_id'], $filter['merchant_id'], $filter['fromdate'], $filter['todate']);
        $currency = JModel::getInstance('setting', 'enmasseModel')->getCurrencyPrefix();
        if (empty($dealList)) {
            $msg = JText::_("NO_SALE_REPORT");
            JFactory::getApplication()->redirect("index.php?option=com_enmasse&controller=saleReports", $msg, 'notice');
            return false;
        $result = '<table style="border:1px dotted #D5D5D5; border-collapse: collapse;"><tr valign="middle"><th style="border:1px dotted #D5D5D5;" align="center" width="30">' . JText::_("No") . '</th><th style="border:1px dotted #D5D5D5;" align="center" width="80">' . JText::_("Deal Code") . '</th><th style="border:1px dotted #D5D5D5;" align="center" width="80">' . JText::_("Deal Name") . '</th><th style="border:1px dotted #D5D5D5;" align="center" width="60">' . JText::_("Merchant") . '</th><th style="border:1px dotted #D5D5D5;" align="center" width="60">' . JText::_("Qty Sold") . '</th><th style="border:1px dotted #D5D5D5;" align="center" width="80">' . JText::_("Unit Price") . '</th><th style="border:1px dotted #D5D5D5;" align="center" width="80">' . JText::_("Total Sales") . '</th><th style="border:1px dotted #D5D5D5;" align="center" width="80">' . JText::_("Commission Percentage") . '</th><th style="border:1px dotted #D5D5D5;" align="left" width="150">' . JText::_("Total Commission Amount") . '</th></tr>';
        $i = 0;
        $total_commission_amount = 0;
        foreach ($dealList as $row) {
            $merchant_name = JModel::getInstance('merchant', 'enmasseModel')->retrieveName($row->merchant_id);
            $total_sales = $row->price * $row->cur_sold_qty;
            $total_amount = $total_sales * $row->commission_percent / 100;
            $result .= '<tr>
				<td style="border:1px dotted #D5D5D5;" align="center">' . $i . '</td>
				<td style="border:1px dotted #D5D5D5;">' . $row->deal_code . '</td>
				<td style="border:1px dotted #D5D5D5;">' . $row->name . '</td>
				<td style="border:1px dotted #D5D5D5;">' . $merchant_name . '</td>
				<td style="border:1px dotted #D5D5D5;" align="center">' . $row->cur_sold_qty . '</td>
				<td style="border:1px dotted #D5D5D5;" align="center">' . $currency . $row->price . '</td>
				<td style="border:1px dotted #D5D5D5;" align="center">' . $currency . $total_sales . '</td>
				<td style="border:1px dotted #D5D5D5;" align="center">' . $row->commission_percent . ' % </td>
				<td style="border:1px dotted #D5D5D5;" align="center">' . $currency . $total_amount . '</td></tr>';
            $total_commission_amount += $total_amount;
        $result .= '<tr><td style="border-right:1px dotted #D5D5D5; text-align:right" colspan="8"   >Total: </td>
					<td style="border:1px dotted #D5D5D5;" align="center" align="center">' . $currency . $total_commission_amount . '</td></tr></table>';
        require_once JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_enmasse' . DS . 'helpers' . DS . 'html2pdf' . DS . 'html2pdf.class.php';
        $html2pdf = new HTML2PDF('P', 'A4', 'en');
        $outFileName = 'report-' . DatetimeWrapper::getDateOfNow() . '.pdf';
        $html2pdf->Output($outFileName, 'I');
        // It will be called downloaded.pdf
Example #29
    private function renderExportar(){
        $table  = '<table border="1" width="100%" class="table table-striped table-bordered table-hover">';
        $table .= $this->createHead('E');
        $table .= $this->createRowsExportar();
        $table .= '</table>';
        /* crear excel */
        if ($this->_excel) {
            $nuevoarchivo = fopen($this->_rutaDocs . 'tmpExcel.xls', "w+");
            fwrite($nuevoarchivo, $table);
        /* crear pdf */
        if ($this->_pdf) {
            require_once '../lib/html2pdf/html2pdf.class.php';
            $html2pdf = new HTML2PDF('P', 'A4', 'fr');
            $html2pdf->Output($this->_rutaDocs . 'tmpPDF.pdf','F');
//            require_once '../lib/mpdf/mpdf.php';
//            $mpdf=new mPDF(); 
//            $mpdf->WriteHTML($table);
//            $mpdf->Output($this->_rutaDocs . 'tmpPDF.pdf','F');
Example #30
 function laporan_pdf_kode($kode_barang)
     $html2pdf = new HTML2PDF('L', 'A4', 'fr');
     $data['data_pdf'] = $this->mdl_report_buy->report_buy_pdf_kode($kode_barang);
     $konten = $this->load->view('report_buy/buy_report_kode', $data, true);
     $html2pdf->writeHTML($konten, false);
     $html2pdf->Output("Report_buy" . $kode_barang . ".pdf");