<?php if (!defined('IN_KKFRAME')) { exit; } $date = date('Ymd', TIMESTAMP + 900); $count = DB::result_first("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `zw_blockid_log` WHERE (status=0 AND retry<5 AND date='{$date}')"); if ($count) { while ($num++ < 25) { $offset = rand(1, $count) - 1; $block_info = DB::fetch_first("SELECT * FROM `zw_blockid_log` WHERE (status=0 AND retry<5 AND date='{$date}') LIMIT {$offset},1"); if (!$block_info) { break; } $result = HOOK::getPlugin("zw_blockid")->blockid($block_info['fid'], $block_info['blockid'], 1, $block_info['uid']); if ($result['errno'] == 0) { DB::query("UPDATE zw_blockid_log SET status=1 WHERE id='{$block_info['id']}'"); } else { DB::query("UPDATE zw_blockid_log SET retry=retry+1 WHERE id='{$block_info['id']}'"); } if (!defined('SIGN_LOOP')) { break; } } } else { define('CRON_FINISHED', true); }
<?php if (!defined('IN_KKFRAME')) { exit('Access Denied!'); } ?> <h2>豆票获取记录</h2><p style="color:#757575;font-size:12px">当前插件版本:<?php echo HOOK::getPlugin('x_tdou')->version; ?> | 更新日期:<?php echo HOOK::getPlugin('x_tdou')->update_time; ?> | Designed By <a href="http://tieba.baidu.com/home/main?un=%D0%C7%CF%D2%D1%A9&fr=index" target="_blank">@星弦雪</a> && <a href="http://www.ikk.me" target="_blank">@kookxiang</a></p> <p>这个插件可以帮助你自动领取豆票在线奖励以及自动砸蛋</p> <table> <thead><tr><td style="width:20px">日期</td><td>豆票数量</td></tr></thead> <tbody id="x_tdou_log"> <tr><td colspan="2"><img src="./template/default/style/loading.gif">载入中,请稍候...</td></tr> </tbody> </table> <a href="plugin.php?id=x_tdou&action=test" class="btn" onclick="return msg_win_action(this.href)">测试</a> <script type="text/javascript"> function load_x_tdou_log(){ showloading(); $.getJSON("plugin.php?id=x_tdou&action=show_log", function(result){ $('#x_tdou_log').html(''); if(result.count){ $.each(result.logs, function(i, field){ $("#x_tdou_log").append("<tr><td>"+field.date+"</td><td>"+field.num+"</td></tr>"); });}else{ $('#x_tdou_log').html('<tr><td colspan="2">暂无记录</td></tr>');
require_once ROOT . './plugins/fsql_zan/zan.php'; $date = date('Ymd', TIMESTAMP + 900); $count = DB::result_first("select COUNT(*) from fsql_zan_log where date = '{$date}'"); $endtime = TIMESTAMP + 45; $sleep_set = HOOK::getPlugin('fsql_zan')->getSetting('sleep'); $sp_set = HOOK::getPlugin('fsql_zan')->getSetting('sp'); if ($count) { while ($endtime > time()) { $count = DB::result_first("select `sid` from fsql_zan_log where date='{$date}'"); if ($count == 0) { break; } $offset = get_rand_bar(); $cronzan = DB::fetch_first("select * from fsql_zan_bar where sid='{$offset}'"); $sleep_set = HOOK::getPlugin('fsql_zan')->getSetting('sleep'); $sp_set = HOOK::getPlugin('fsql_zan')->getSetting('sp'); $result = 0; $result = fsql_zan_get_list($cronzan['uid'], $cronzan['name'], $sleep_set, $sp_set); DB::query("UPDATE fsql_zan_log SET count=count+{$result} WHERE sid='{$cronzan['sid']}' AND date='{$date}'"); } echo 'ok' . "</br>"; } function get_rand_bar() { $date = date('Ymd', TIMESTAMP + 900); $query = DB::query("select `sid` from fsql_zan_log where date='{$date}'"); $r = array(); while ($row = DB::fetch($query)) { $r[] = $row; } $count = DB::result_first("select count(`sid`) from fsql_zan_log where date='{$date}'");
<?php if (!defined('IN_KKFRAME')) { exit; } $date = date('Ymd', TIMESTAMP + 900); DB::query("ALTER TABLE xxx_post_log CHANGE `date` `date` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT '{$date}'"); DB::query("INSERT IGNORE INTO xxx_post_log (sid, uid) SELECT sid, uid FROM xxx_post_posts"); $delete_date = date('Ymd', TIMESTAMP - 86400 * 10); DB::query("DELETE FROM xxx_post_log WHERE date<'{$delete_date}'"); $setime = HOOK::getPlugin('xxx_post')->getSetting('se'); if (!$setime) { $setime = 21; } $nxrun = $today + $setime * 3600; DB::query("update cron set nextrun='{$nxrun}' where id='xxx_post/c_se'"); cron_set_nextrun($tomorrow + 600);
<?php if (!defined('IN_KKFRAME')) { exit; } require_once ROOT . './plugins/xxx_post/core.php'; $date = date('Ymd', TIMESTAMP + 900); $count = DB::result_first("select COUNT(*) from xxx_post_log as a left join xxx_post_setting as b on a.uid=b.uid where a.date='{$date}' and a.status<b.runtimes and a.retry<b.runtimes*2 and b.frequency<=2"); $first_end = HOOK::getPlugin('xxx_post')->getSetting('first_end'); if (!$first_end) { $first_end = 15; } $first_end_time = $today + $first_end * 3600; if ($first_end_time < TIMPSTAMP) { $count = 0; } $endtime = TIMESTAMP + 45; if ($count) { while ($endtime > time()) { $count = DB::result_first("select COUNT(*) from xxx_post_log as a left join xxx_post_setting as b on a.uid=b.uid where a.date='{$date}' and a.status<b.runtimes and a.retry<b.runtimes*2 and b.frequency<=2 and b.runtime<" . TIMESTAMP); if ($count == 0) { break; } $offset = rand(1, $count) - 1; $sid = DB::result_first("select sid from xxx_post_log as a left join xxx_post_setting as b on a.uid=b.uid where a.date='{$date}' and a.status<b.runtimes and a.retry<b.runtimes*2 and b.frequency<=2 and b.runtime<" . TIMESTAMP . " limit {$offset},1"); if (!$sid) { break; } $tiezi = DB::fetch_first("SELECT * FROM xxx_post_posts WHERE sid='{$sid}'"); if (!$tiezi) { DB::query("UPDATE xxx_post_log SET retry=retry+3 WHERE sid='{$sid}' AND date='{$date}'");
<?php if (!defined('IN_KKFRAME')) { exit; } $date = date('Ymd', TIMESTAMP + 900); $count = DB::result_first("select COUNT(*) from xxx_post_log as a left join xxx_post_setting as b on a.uid=b.uid where a.date='{$date}' and a.retry<40 and b.frequency=4"); if (HOOK::getPlugin('xxx_post')->getSetting('sxbk') != 1) { cron_set_nextrun($tomorrow + 5400); $count = 0; } $endtime = TIMESTAMP + 45; if ($count) { require_once ROOT . './plugins/xxx_post/core.php'; while ($endtime > time()) { $count = DB::result_first("select COUNT(*) from xxx_post_log as a left join xxx_post_setting as b on a.uid=b.uid where a.date='{$date}' and a.retry<40 and b.runtime<" . TIMESTAMP . " and b.frequency=4"); if ($count == 0) { break; } $offset = rand(1, $count) - 1; $sid = DB::result_first("select sid from xxx_post_log as a left join xxx_post_setting as b on a.uid=b.uid where a.date='{$date}' and a.retry<40 and b.runtime<" . TIMESTAMP . " and b.frequency=4 LIMIT {$offset},1"); if (!$sid) { break; } $tiezi = DB::fetch_first("SELECT * FROM xxx_post_posts WHERE sid='{$sid}'"); if (!$tiezi) { DB::query("UPDATE xxx_post_log SET retry=retry+1 WHERE sid='{$sid}' AND date='{$date}'"); continue; } $x_content_count = DB::result_first("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM xxx_post_content WHERE uid='{$tiezi[uid]}'"); $x_content_offset = rand(1, $x_content_count) - 1;
cron_set_nextrun($r); } } else { $num = 0; while ($num++ < 25) { $offset = rand(1, $count) - 1; $uid = DB::result_first("SELECT uid FROM `x_tdou_log` WHERE retry<5 and nextrun<{$now} AND date='{$date}' LIMIT {$offset},1"); if (!$uid) { break; } list($statue, $score) = HOOK::getPlugin('x_tdou')->x_tdou_time($uid); $nextrun = TIMESTAMP + 300; switch ($statue) { case 1: case 2: HOOK::getPlugin('x_tdou')->updateStat($score, $uid, $date); break; case 3: DB::query("UPDATE x_tdou_log SET retry=retry+1 WHERE uid='{$uid}' AND date='{$date}'"); break; case 4: break; } DB::query("UPDATE x_tdou_log SET nextrun='{$nextrun}' WHERE uid='{$uid}' AND date='{$date}'"); if (!defined('SIGN_LOOP')) { break; } $count--; } } } else {
<?php define('IN_ADMINCP', true); define('DISABLE_PLUGIN', true); require_once './system/common.inc.php'; $plugin_id = htmlspecialchars($_GET['id']); $plugins = CACHE::get('plugins'); foreach ($plugins as $plugin) { if ($plugin['id'] == $plugin_id) { $exists = true; break; } } if (!isset($exists)) { throw new Exception("Unknown plugin '{$plugin_id}'"); } $obj = HOOK::getPlugin($plugin_id); if ($obj instanceof Plugin) { $obj->handleAction(); } else { throw new Exception('This plugin doesn\'t support to be called directly.'); }