$this->enable = false; } else { throw new H2o_Error("Invalid syntax : autoescape on|off "); } } function render($context, $stream) { $context->autoescape = $this->enable; } } class Csrf_token_Tag extends H2o_Node { function render($context, $stream) { $token = ""; if (isset($_COOKIE["csrftoken"])) { $token = $_COOKIE["csrftoken"]; } else { global $SECRET_KEY; if (defined('SECRET_KEY')) { $token = md5(mt_rand() . SECRET_KEY); } else { $token = md5(mt_rand()); } } setcookie("csrftoken", $token, time() + 60 * 60 * 24 * 365, "/"); $stream->write("<div style='display:none'><input type=\"hidden\" value=\"{$token}\" name=\"csrfmiddlewaretoken\" /></div>"); } } H2o::addTag(array('block', 'extends', 'include', 'if', 'ifchanged', 'for', 'with', 'cycle', 'load', 'debug', 'now', 'autoescape', 'csrf_token'));
<li style="display: none"></li> %s </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="switchDown"> </div> </div> </li>'; $sites = Doctrine_Query::create()->from('Site s')->execute(); $sitesArr = array(); $selectedsiteName = ''; $siteId = SITE_ID; foreach ($sites as $value) { $sitesArr[] = sprintf('<li><a href="?site=%d">%s</a></li>', $value->id, $value->name); if ($siteId == $value->id) { $selectedsiteName = $value->name; } } $stream->write(sprintf($html, $selectedsiteName, implode('', $sitesArr))); } } H2o::addTag(array('result_list')); H2o::addTag(array('get_admin_menu')); H2o::addTag(array('get_admin_submenu')); H2o::addTag(array('admin_list_filter')); H2o::addTag(array('admin_list_search')); H2o::addTag(array('admin_actions')); H2o::addTag(array('account_switcher'));
$this->argument = $argstring; } function render($context, $stream) { if ($this->argument) { $object = $context->resolve(symbol($this->argument)); } else { $object = $context->scopes[0]; } $output = "<pre>" . print_r($object, true) . "</pre>"; $stream->write($output); } } class Now_Tag extends H2o_Node { function __construct($argstring, $parser, $pos = 0) { $this->format = $argstring; if (!$this->format) { $this->format = "D M j G:i:s T Y"; } } function render($contxt, $stream) { sleep(1); $time = date($this->format); $stream->write($time); } } H2o::addTag(array('block', 'extends', 'include', 'if', 'for', 'with', 'cycle', 'load', 'debug', 'now'));
{ $contentType = ContentType::get_for_model('Post', 'Pjango\\Contrib\\Post'); $slug = false; if (isset($this->args[0])) { $slug = $this->clearQuotes($this->args[0]); } $q = Doctrine_Query::create()->from('PostCategory c')->leftJoin('c.Translation t')->where('c.site_id = ? AND c.taxonomy = ?', array(SITE_ID, Post::TYPE_POST)); if ($slug) { $category = PostCategory::findBySlug($slug, Post::TYPE_POST); if ($category) { $q->andWhere('c.lft >= ? AND c.rgt <= ?', array($category->lft, $category->rgt)); } } $results = $q->execute(); //print_r($results->toArray()); $htmlContent = '<div class="section post">'; if ($pageLayout->show_title) { $htmlContent .= '<h2>' . __($pageLayout->title) . '</h2>'; } $htmlContent .= '<div class="box-content">'; //$htmlContent .= '<ul>'.implode('', $htmlItems).'</ul>'; $htmlContent .= '</div>'; $htmlContent .= '<div class="buttons"><div class="right"><a href="' . pjango_ini_get('SITE_URL') . '/post/">' . __('All Posts') . ' »</a></div></div>'; $htmlContent .= '<div style="clear:both;"></div>'; $htmlContent .= '</div>'; //$stream->write($htmlContent); } } H2o::addTag(array('post')); H2o::addTag(array('post_category_tree'));