public function deleteliquidacionesAction()
     try {
         $request = $this->getRequest();
         $liquidaciones_id = (int) $request->liquidaciones_id;
         if ($liquidaciones_id) {
             $lMapper = new Gyuser_Model_LiquidacionesDataMapper();
             $lObj = new Gyuser_Model_Liquidaciones();
             $lList = $lMapper->GetLiquidacionesById($lObj);
             $provider_id = $lList['provider_id'];
             $pMapper = new Gyuser_Model_ProvidersDataMapper();
             $prov = new Gyuser_Model_Providers();
             $cMapper = new Gyuser_Model_ChequesDataMapper();
             $chequesList = $cMapper->UpdateLiquidacionDeleted($liquidaciones_id);
             $oMapper = new Gyuser_Model_OperationsDataMapper();
             $opertationsList = $oMapper->UpdateLiquidacionDeleted($liquidaciones_id);
             $cList = $lMapper->delete($lObj);
             if ($cList && $chequesList && $opertationsList) {
                 $result = '1';
             } else {
                 $result = '0';
             $this->_helper->redirector('providers', 'liquidaciones', 'gyuser', array('provider_id' => $request->provider_id));
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         echo $e;
Example #2
 public function providereditajaxAction()
     try {
         $request = $this->getRequest();
         if ($this->getRequest()->isPost()) {
             $mapper = new Gyuser_Model_ProvidersDataMapper();
             $Obj = new Gyuser_Model_Providers();
             if ($request->id) {
             $id = $mapper->update($Obj);
             if ($id) {
                 echo $id;
             } else {
                 echo "f";
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         echo $e;
 public function getProviders()
     $table = $this->getDbTable();
     $select = $table->select();
     $select->from('providers', array('id', 'name', 'email', 'balance', 'tasa_anual', 'impuesto_al_cheque', 'gastos_general', 'gastos_interior', 'gastos_denuncia', 'gastos_rechazo', 'acreditacion_capital', 'acreditacion_interior', 'gastos_menor_a_monto_1', 'gastos_menor_a_1', 'gastos_menor_a_monto_2', 'gastos_menor_a_2'));
     $select->joinLeft(array('cqu' => 'cheques'), 'cqu.provider_id = and cqu.status = 3 and cqu.rejected_liquidacion_id IS NULL', array('sum(amount) as rej_amount', 'sum(rejected_cost) as rej_cost'));
     //$select->where('cqu.status = ?', 3);
     //$select->where('cqu.rejected_liquidacion_id IS NULL');
     $select->where('providers.status = ?', true);
     $select->order('id ASC');
     $resultset = $table->fetchAll($select);
     $entires = array();
     foreach ($resultset as $row) {
         //$entry = new Gyuser_Model_SupplierOperations();
         $entry = new Gyuser_Model_Providers();
         $entry->setRej_check_amount(floatval($row->rej_amount) + floatval($row->rej_cost));
         $cMapper = new Gyuser_Model_ChequesDataMapper();
         $cObj = new Gyuser_Model_Cheques();
         $cAmount = $cMapper->GetTotalAmountByStats($cObj);
         $entires[] = $entry;
     return $entires;
 public function calculateCheckDetails($chequeAmt, $chequeDate, $chequeLocation, Gyuser_Model_Providers $provData, $liqDate = null)
     $tasaDiaria = 0;
     $gastosOtros = 0;
     $date_diff = '';
     if (is_null($liqDate)) {
         $liqDate = date("d/m/Y");
     /*if(!$liqDataId) {        
                 $provMapper = new Gyuser_Model_ProvidersDataMapper();
                 $provDetails = $provMapper->GetProviderById($provId);
                     $liqDate = date("d/m/Y");
                 $liqData = array(
                     'liqDate' => $liqDate, //global var with server current date or liquidacion date (if changed from current date);
                     'impuestoAlCheque' => $provDetails->getImpuesto_al_cheque(),
                     'tasaAnual' => $provDetails->getTasa_anual(),
                     'acCapital' => $provDetails->getAcreditacion_capital(),
                     'acInterior' => $provDetails->getAcreditacion_interior(),
                     'gastosGeneral' => $provDetails->getGastos_general(),
                     'gastosInterior' => $provDetails->getGastos_interior(),
                     'gastosChequeMenorA1' => $provDetails->getGastos_cheque_menor_a_1(),
                     'gastosFeeChequeMenorA1' => $provDetails->getGastos_cheque_a_1(),
                     'gastosChequeMenorA2' => $provDetails->getGastos_cheque_menor_a_2(),
                     'gastosFeeChequeMenorA2' => $provDetails->getGastos_cheque_a_2(),
             else {
                 $liqMapper = new Gyuser_Model_LiquidacionesDataMapper();
                 $liqData = $liqMapper->getLiqData($liqDataId);
     if ($chequeLocation == 1) {
         //cheque is from capital
         $acredHs = $provData->getAcreditacion_capital();
         $gastosFee = $provData->getGastos_general();
     } elseif ($chequeLocation == 2) {
         //cheque is from interior
         $acredHs = $provData->getAcreditacion_interior();
         if ($provData->getGastos_interior()) {
             $gastosFee = $provData->getGastos_interior();
         } else {
             $gastosFee = $provData->getGastos_general();
     //theres's a fee for small cheques
     if ($provData->getGastos_cheque_menor_a_1()) {
         //make sure cheque menor a 1 is smaller than 2
         if ($provData->getGastos_cheque_menor_a_1() > $provData->getGastos_cheque_menor_a_2()) {
             $temp1 = $provData->getGastos_cheque_menor_a_1();
             $temp2 = $provData->getGastos_cheque_a_1();
         if ($chequeAmt < $provData->getGastos_cheque_menor_a_1()) {
             $gastosOtros = $provData->getGastos_cheque_a_1();
         } elseif ($chequeAmt < $provData->getGastos_cheque_menor_a_2()) {
             $gastosOtros = $provData->getGastos_cheque_a_2();
     $tasaDiaria = $provData->getTasa_anual() / 360;
     $impuestoAlCheque = $chequeAmt * $provData->getImpuesto_al_cheque() / 100;
     $gastos = $chequeAmt * $gastosFee / 100;
     //gralDiscounts = (chequeAmt * (impuesto_al_cheque + gastos)) / 100; //impuesto al cheuqe and gastos are percentages.
     $acredDate = $this->getAcredDate($chequeDate, $acredHs);
     $dateDiff = $this->daysBetween($liqDate, $acredDate);
     $descuento = $chequeAmt * $tasaDiaria / 100 * $dateDiff;
     //$descuento = number_format($descuento,2,'.','');
     $todayValue = $chequeAmt - $impuestoAlCheque - $descuento - $gastos - $gastosOtros;
     //$todayValue = number_format($todayValue,2,'.','');
     $chequeDetails = array('days' => $dateDiff, 'todayValue' => $todayValue, 'impuestoAlCheque' => $impuestoAlCheque, 'gastos' => $gastos, 'gastosOtros' => $gastosOtros, 'daysDiscountFee' => $descuento, 'acreditationHrs' => $acredHs, 'acreditationDate' => $acredDate, 'locacionCapital' => $chequeLocation);
     return $chequeDetails;
 public function getProvData($liqId)
     $table = $this->getDbTable();
     $select = $table->select();
     $select->from($table, array('id', 'provider_id', 'date', 'impuesto_al_cheque', 'tasa_anual', 'acreditacion_capital', 'acreditacion_interior', 'gastos_general', 'gastos_interior', 'gastos_menor_a_monto_1', 'gastos_menor_a_1', 'gastos_menor_a_monto_2', 'gastos_menor_a_2', 'committed'));
     $select->join(array('prov' => 'providers'), 'liquidaciones.provider_id =', array('name as provider_name', 'email'));
     $select->where(' = ?', $liqId);
     $row = $table->fetchRow($select);
     if ($row) {
         $prov = new Gyuser_Model_Providers();
     return $prov;
 public function OpTercerosStateChange($opId, $newStateId, $tasaAnual = null, $chequesListJson = null)
     $success = 0;
     $obj = new Gyuser_Model_Operations();
     $opResult = $this->GetStateByOperationId($obj);
     $currentStateId = (int) $opResult['stateid'];
     if ($currentStateId < $newStateId) {
         switch ($newStateId) {
             case 2:
                 $data = array('state_order_id' => $obj->getState(), 'cave_id' => $obj->getCave_id());
             case 3:
             case 4:
                 $data = array('state_order_id' => $obj->getState(), 'report' => $obj->getReport());
             case 5:
                 $chequesMapper = new Gyuser_Model_ChequesDataMapper();
                 $informesCompletos = $chequesMapper->checkInformesCompletos($opId);
                 if ($informesCompletos) {
                     $data = array('state_order_id' => $newStateId);
             case 6:
                 //op. en camino
                 $opAmount = 0;
                 $opTodayVal = 0;
                 $adminMapper = new Gyuser_Model_AdminDataMapper();
                 $admin = $adminMapper->getAdminSettings();
                 $prov = new Gyuser_Model_Providers();
                 $chequesMapper = new Gyuser_Model_ChequesDataMapper();
                 $cheque = new Gyuser_Model_Cheques();
                 $cheques = $chequesMapper->GetChequesByOpId($opId);
                 //gets only cheques with status 7 (aprobados)
                 foreach ($cheques as $cheque) {
                     $cDetails = $chequesMapper->saveDetails($cheque->getId(), $prov);
                     $opAmount += $cDetails['amount'];
                     $opTodayVal += $cDetails['terceros_today_value'];
                 $data = array('amount' => $opAmount, 'amount_today' => $opTodayVal, 'ac_date' => date('Y-m-d'), 'tasa_porcentual' => $tasaAnual, 'state_order_id' => $newStateId);
             case 9:
                 //consolidated / cheques en cartera
                 $chequesList = json_decode($chequesListJson);
                 $chequesMapper = new Gyuser_Model_ChequesDataMapper();
                 $chequesTotals = $chequesMapper->consolidateCheques($chequesList);
                 $data = array('amount' => $chequesTotals['amount'], 'amount_today' => $chequesTotals['todayValue'], 'state_order_id' => $newStateId);
             case 99:
                 $chequesMapper = new Gyuser_Model_ChequesDataMapper();
                 $cheques = new Gyuser_Model_Cheques();
                 $result = $chequesMapper->deleteByOperationId($cheques);
                 $data = array('state_order_id' => $obj->getState());
                 $data = array('state_order_id' => $obj->getState());
         if ($data) {
             $id = (int) $obj->getId();
             $id = $this->getDbTable()->update($data, array('id = ?' => $id));
         $success = 1;
     } elseif ($currentStateId >= $newStateId) {
         //new state is smaller or equal to current state
         $success = 2;
     //2 = the state has already been changed.
     return $success;