Example #1
 public static function Init()
     /* Register commands and callbacks */
     CommandHandler::Register('exercise', 0, null, array('Gym', 'cmdExercise'), '', 1);
     CommandHandler::Register('stopexercise', 0, null, array('Gym', 'cmdStopexercise'), '', 1);
     Callbacks::Instance()->Register(cOnPlayerDisconnect, null, array('Gym', 'OnPlayerDisconnect'));
     Callbacks::Instance()->Register(cOnPlayerKeyStateChange, null, array('Gym', 'OnPlayerKeyStateChange'));
     Callbacks::Instance()->Register(cOnPlayerSpawn, null, array('Gym', 'OnPlayerSpawn'));
     /* Create the animations */
     $benchpress_getoff = new Animation('benchpress', 'gym_bp_getoff', false, false, false, false, 8100, true);
     $benchpress_exercise = new Animation('benchpress', 'gym_bp_up_smooth', true, false, false, false, -1, true, -1, $benchpress_getoff);
     $benchpress_anim = new Animation('benchpress', 'gym_bp_geton', false, false, false, false, 5200, true, 5100, $benchpress_getoff, $benchpress_exercise, array('Gym', 'startExercise'));
     Gym::$anims['benchpress'] = $benchpress_anim;
     $bike_getoff = new Animation('gymnasium', 'gym_bike_getoff', false, false, false, false, 1350, true);
     $bike_exercise = new Animation('gymnasium', 'gym_bike_pedal', true, false, false, false, -1, true, -1, $bike_getoff);
     $bike_anim = new Animation('gymnasium', 'gym_bike_geton', false, false, false, false, 1500, true, 1400, $bike_getoff, $bike_exercise, array('Gym', 'startExercise'));
     Gym::$anims['bike'] = $bike_anim;
     $tread_getoff = new Animation('gymnasium', 'gym_tread_getoff', false, false, false, false, 3000, true);
     $tread_exercise = new Animation('gymnasium', 'gym_tread_jog', true, false, false, false, -1, true, -1, $tread_getoff);
     $tread_anim = new Animation('gymnasium', 'gym_tread_geton', false, false, false, false, 2250, true, 2200, $tread_getoff, $tread_exercise, array('Gym', 'startExercise'));
     Gym::$anims['tread'] = $tread_anim;
     /* Make the list of keys */
     Gym::RegisterKey(KEY_ACTION, 'TAB');
     Gym::RegisterKey(KEY_CROUCH, 'CROUCH');
     Gym::RegisterKey(KEY_SPRINT, 'SPRINT');
     Gym::RegisterKey(KEY_JUMP, 'JUMP');
     Gym::RegisterKey(KEY_WALK, 'WALK');
     Gym::RegisterKey(KEY_SECONDARY_ATTACK, 'ENTER V.');
     /* Initialize arrays */
     Gym::$players_key = array_fill(0, MAX_PLAYERS, -1);
     Gym::$players_gained = array_fill(0, MAX_PLAYERS, -1);
     Gym::$draws = array_fill(0, MAX_PLAYERS, null);
     /* Register all exercise machines */
     echo ">>>>> Registering all exercise machines locations ...\n";
     /* Madd doggs */
     Gym::Register('benchpress', new Position(1233.6235, -769.3942, 1084.0, 180), new Position(1233.6235, -767.3942, 1086));
     Gym::Register('bike', new Position(1242.4896, -767.7238, 1084.0121, 90), new Position(1239, -766.7238, 1086));
     Gym::Register('tread', new Position(1226.5122, -762.5506, 1084.0055, 180), new Position(1226.5352, -768.6758, 1087));