Example #1
 public function run()
     // Total Users
     $f = new UserFilter(null);
     $users = $f->getTotalCount();
     $this->assign('users', $users);
     // Total Groups
     $f = new GroupFilter(null);
     $groups = $f->getTotalCount();
     $this->assign('groups', $groups);
     // Total Castes
     $f = new CasteFilter(null);
     $castes = $f->getTotalCount();
     $this->assign('castes', $castes);
     // Total News
     $f = new NewsFilter(null);
     $news = $f->getTotalCount();
     $this->assign('news', $news);
     // Total Images
     $f = new ImageFilter(null);
     $images = $f->getTotalCount();
     $this->assign('images', $images);
     $this->assign('user', S::user());
Example #2
 function handler_groups($page)
     global $globals;
     $except = new PFC_True();
     $max = $globals->groups->limit;
     // Re-fetch user's groups
     // Fetch samples of other groups
     $binet = new GroupFilter(new PFC_And(new GFC_Namespace(Group::NS_BINET), $except), new GFO_Score(true));
     $binet = $binet->get(new PlLimit($max));
     $course = new GroupFilter(new PFC_And(new GFC_Namespace(Group::NS_COURSE), $except), new GFO_Score(true));
     $course = $course->get(new PlLimit($max));
     $free = new GroupFilter(new PFC_And(new GFC_Namespace(Group::NS_FREE), $except), new GFO_Score(true));
     $free = $free->get(new PlLimit($max));
     // Load associated datas
     $temp = new Collection('Group');
     // Fetch the total count of groups
     $allf = new GroupFilter(new GFC_Visible());
     $total = $allf->getTotalCount();
     $user_binet = S::user()->castes()->groups()->filter('ns', Group::NS_BINET)->remove($binet);
     $page->assign('binet', $binet);
     $page->assign('user_binet', $user_binet);
     $user_course = S::user()->castes()->groups()->filter('ns', Group::NS_COURSE)->remove($course);
     $page->assign('course', $course);
     $page->assign('user_course', $user_course);
     $user_free = S::user()->castes()->groups()->filter('ns', Group::NS_FREE)->remove($free);
     $page->assign('free', $free);
     $page->assign('user_free', $user_free);
     $page->assign('user', S::user());
     $page->assign('total', $total);
     $page->assign('title', 'Groupes');
Example #3
XDB::execute('INSERT INTO  ips (
                           SELECT  ip, prise_id, IF(piece_id REGEXP "^[A-Z]", piece_id, CONCAT("X", piece_id)), type
                             FROM  admin.prises
echo "-----------------------------------------------\n";
// Populating Groups
$iter = XDB::iterator("SELECT  b.binet_id, b.nom, b.description, b.http, b.mail, COUNT(m.binet_id) AS score\n                         FROM  trombino.binets AS b\n                    LEFT JOIN  trombino.membres AS m ON m.binet_id = b.binet_id\n                     GROUP BY  b.binet_id");
$groups = $iter->total();
$k = 0;
while ($datas = $iter->next()) {
    $g = new Group();
    $name = conv_name($datas['nom']);
    $gf = new GroupFilter(new GFC_Name($name));
    if (strlen($name) >= 2 && $gf->getTotalCount() == 0) {
    } else {
        $g->name('g_' . $g->id());
    if ($datas['score'] > 5) {
    } else {
    if (!empty($datas['http'])) {