function processEvent(&$event)
     //perform actions
     $topic_id = $event['event_param'];
     $db =& $this->_getDB();
     require 'conf/' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . '.conf.php';
     $topic = $db->GetRow("select topic_title,forum_id,topic_time from geobb_topics where topic_id='{$topic_id}' and forum_id = {$CONF['forum_gridsquare']}");
     //get title of topic
     $title = strtoupper(trim($topic['topic_title']));
     //see if title matches a grid reference
     $gridsquare = new GridSquare();
     if ($gridsquare->setGridRef($title)) {
         $gridsquare_id = $gridsquare->gridsquare_id;
         //set up mapping
         if ($gridsquare_id > 0) {
             $this->processor->trace("Mapping {$gridsquare_id} to topic {$topic_id} ({$title})");
             $db->Execute("replace into gridsquare_topic(gridsquare_id,topic_id,forum_id,last_post) " . "values ({$gridsquare_id}, {$topic_id}, {$topic['forum_id']}, '{$topic['topic_time']}')");
             //delete any smarty caches for this square
             $images = $db->getCol("select gridimage_id from gridimage where gridsquare_id = {$gridsquare_id}");
             $smarty = new GeographPage();
             foreach ($images as $gridimage_id) {
                 //clear any caches involving this photo
                 $ab = floor($gridimage_id / 10000);
                 $smarty->clear_cache(null, "img{$ab}|{$gridimage_id}");
     //return true to signal completed processing
     //return false to have another attempt later
     return true;
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.
require_once 'geograph/';
require_once 'geograph/gridimage.class.php';
require_once 'geograph/gridsquare.class.php';
require_once 'geograph/map.class.php';
require_once 'geograph/mapmosaic.class.php';
require_once 'geograph/';
$smarty = new GeographPage();
$db = NewADOConnection($GLOBALS['DSN']);
if (isset($_POST['inv'])) {
    $square = new GridSquare();
    $grid_ok = $square->setGridRef($_POST['gridref']);
    if ($grid_ok) {
        $x = $square->x;
        $y = $square->y;
        require_once 'geograph/mapmosaic.class.php';
        $mosaic = new GeographMapMosaic();
        $mosaic->expirePosition($x, $y);
        $smarty->assign('gridref', $_POST['gridref']);
    } else {
        $smarty->assign('errormsg', $square->errormsg);
$smarty->assign('invalid_maps', $db->GetOne("select count(*) from mapcache where age > 0 and type_or_user >= 0"));
    $loads = explode(" ", $buffer);
    $load = (double) $loads[0];
    if ($load > $threshold) {
        $CONF['disable_discuss_thumbs'] = true;
if (!empty($CONF['disable_discuss_thumbs'])) {
    $gridThumbs = "<h4 style=\"color:red\">During times of heavy load we limit the display of thumbnails in the posts.<br/>Sorry for the loss of this feature.</h4>";
} else {
    if ($gridref || $forum == $CONF['forum_gridsquare'] && ($gridref = $topicName)) {
        require_once 'geograph/gridimage.class.php';
        require_once 'geograph/gridsquare.class.php';
        $smarty = new GeographPage();
        $square = new GridSquare();
        $grid_ok = $square->setGridRef($gridref);
        if ($grid_ok) {
            //find a possible place within 25km
            $smarty->assign('place', $square->findNearestPlace(75000));
            if ($square->imagecount) {
                //todo use smarty caching
                //what style should we use?
                $style = $USER->getStyle();
                $smarty->assign('maincontentclass', 'content_photo' . $style);
                $smarty->assign('backgroundcolor', $style);
                $images = $square->getImages();
                $smarty->assign_by_ref('images', $images);
            $smarty->assign('gridref', $gridref);
            $gridThumbs = $smarty->fetch("_discuss_gridref_cell.tpl");
Example #4
    $sql = "SELECT *\nFROM `geobb_topics`\nINNER JOIN geobb_posts ON ({$sql_join})\n{$sql_where}\nORDER BY {$sql_order}\nLIMIT 30";
    $recordSet =& $db->Execute($sql);
    while (!$recordSet->EOF) {
        $item = new FeedItem();
        $item->title = $recordSet->fields['topic_title'];
        //htmlspecialchars is called on link so dont use &amp;
        $item->link = "http://{$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']}/discuss/?action=vthread&topic={$recordSet->fields['topic_id']}";
        $description = preg_replace('/^<i>[^<]+<\\/i>([\\n\\r]*<br>)?([\\n\\r]*<br>)?([\\n\\r]*<br>)?/', '', $recordSet->fields['post_text']);
        if (strlen($description) > 160) {
            $description = substr($description, 0, 157) . "...";
        $item->description = GeographLinks($description);
        $item->date = strtotime($recordSet->fields['post_time']);
        //$item->source = "http://{$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']}/discuss/";
        $item->author = $recordSet->fields['poster_name'];
        if ($format == 'KML' || $format == 'GeoRSS' || $format == 'GPX') {
            $gridsquare = new GridSquare();
            $grid_ok = $gridsquare->setGridRef($recordSet->fields['topic_title']);
            if ($grid_ok) {
                list($item->lat, $item->long) = $conv->gridsquare_to_wgs84($gridsquare);
customExpiresHeader(3600, true);
//we cache it for an hour anyway!
header("Last-Modified: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s") . " GMT");
$rss->saveFeed($format, $rssfile);