Example #1
function gv_entry_link($entry, $post_id = NULL)
    return GravityView_API::entry_link($entry, $post_id);
  * Get the output for a specific entry
  * @param array $entry GF Entry array
  * @since 1.7.2
  * @uses gravityview_get_link
  * @uses GravityView_API::entry_link
  * @uses GravityView_API::replace_variables
  * @return string HTML output for the entry
 private function get_item_output($entry)
     $link = GravityView_API::entry_link($entry, $this->post_id);
     $item_output = gravityview_get_link($link, $this->link_format);
     if (!empty($this->after_link)) {
          * Modify the item output HTML
          * @since 1.7.2
          * @param string $item_output The HTML output for the after_link content
          * @param array $entry Gravity Forms entry array
          * @param GravityView_Entry_List $this The current class instance
         $after_link = apply_filters('gravityview/entry-list/after-link', '<div>' . $this->after_link . '</div>', $entry, $this);
         $item_output .= $after_link;
     $item_output = GravityView_API::replace_variables($item_output, $this->form, $entry);
     $item_output = '<' . $this->item_tag . '>' . $item_output . '</' . $this->item_tag . '>';
      * Modify the item output HTML
      * @since 1.7.2
      * @param string $item_output The HTML output for the item
      * @param array $entry Gravity Forms entry array
      * @param GravityView_Entry_List $this The current class instance
     $item_output = apply_filters('gravityview/entry-list/item', $item_output, $entry, $this);
     return $item_output;
Example #3
  * Return an array of files prepared for output.
  * Processes files by file type and generates unique output for each.
  * Returns array for each file, with the following keys:
  * `file_path` => The file path of the file, with a line break
  * `html` => The file output HTML formatted
  * @since  1.2
  * @todo  Support `playlist` shortcode for playlist of video/audio
  * @usedby gravityview_get_files_array()
  * @param  string $value    Field value passed by Gravity Forms. String of file URL, or serialized string of file URL array
  * @param  string $gv_class Field class to add to the output HTML
  * @return array           Array of file output, with `file_path` and `html` keys (see comments above)
 static function get_files_array($value, $gv_class)
     $gravityview_view = GravityView_View::getInstance();
     $output_arr = array();
     // Get an array of file paths for the field.
     $file_paths = rgar($field, 'multipleFiles') ? json_decode($value) : array($value);
     // Process each file path
     foreach ($file_paths as $file_path) {
         // If the site is HTTPS, use HTTPS
         if (function_exists('set_url_scheme')) {
             $file_path = set_url_scheme($file_path);
         // This is from Gravity Forms's code
         $file_path = esc_attr(str_replace(" ", "%20", $file_path));
         // If the field is set to link to the single entry, link to it.
         $link = !empty($field_settings['show_as_link']) ? GravityView_API::entry_link($entry, $field) : $file_path;
         // Get file path information
         $file_path_info = pathinfo($file_path);
         $html_format = NULL;
         $disable_lightbox = false;
         $disable_wrapped_link = false;
         // Is this an image?
         $image = new GravityView_Image(array('src' => $file_path, 'class' => 'gv-image gv-field-id-' . $field_settings['id'], 'alt' => $field_settings['label'], 'width' => gravityview_get_context() === 'single' ? NULL : 250));
         $content = $image->html();
         // The new default content is the image, if it exists. If not, use the file name as the content.
         $content = !empty($content) ? $content : $file_path_info['basename'];
         // If pathinfo() gave us the extension of the file, run the switch statement using that.
         $extension = empty($file_path_info['extension']) ? NULL : strtolower($file_path_info['extension']);
         switch (true) {
             // Audio file
             case in_array($extension, wp_get_audio_extensions()):
                 $disable_lightbox = true;
                 if (shortcode_exists('audio')) {
                     $disable_wrapped_link = true;
                      * Modify the settings passed to the `wp_video_shortcode()` function
                      * @since  1.2
                      * @var array
                     $audio_settings = apply_filters('gravityview_audio_settings', array('src' => $file_path, 'class' => 'wp-audio-shortcode gv-audio gv-field-id-' . $field_settings['id']));
                      * Generate the audio shortcode
                      * @link http://codex.wordpress.org/Audio_Shortcode
                      * @link https://developer.wordpress.org/reference/functions/wp_audio_shortcode/
                     $content = wp_audio_shortcode($audio_settings);
                 // Video file
             // Video file
             case in_array($extension, wp_get_video_extensions()):
                 $disable_lightbox = true;
                 if (shortcode_exists('video')) {
                     $disable_wrapped_link = true;
                      * Modify the settings passed to the `wp_video_shortcode()` function
                      * @since  1.2
                      * @var array
                     $video_settings = apply_filters('gravityview_video_settings', array('src' => $file_path, 'class' => 'wp-video-shortcode gv-video gv-field-id-' . $field_settings['id']));
                      * Generate the video shortcode
                      * @link http://codex.wordpress.org/Video_Shortcode
                      * @link https://developer.wordpress.org/reference/functions/wp_video_shortcode/
                     $content = wp_video_shortcode($video_settings);
                 // PDF
             // PDF
             case $extension === 'pdf':
                 // PDF needs to be displayed in an IFRAME
                 $link = add_query_arg(array('TB_iframe' => 'true'), $link);
                 // if not image, do not set the lightbox (@since 1.5.3)
             // if not image, do not set the lightbox (@since 1.5.3)
             case !in_array($extension, array('jpg', 'jpeg', 'jpe', 'gif', 'png')):
                 $disable_lightbox = true;
         // If using Link to File, override the content.
         // (We do this here so that the $disable_lightbox can be set. Yes, there's a little more processing time, but oh well.)
         if (!empty($field_settings['link_to_file'])) {
             // Force the content to be the file name
             $content = $file_path_info["basename"];
             // Restore the wrapped link
             $disable_wrapped_link = false;
         // Whether to use lightbox or not
         if ($disable_lightbox || empty($gravityview_view->atts['lightbox']) || !empty($field_settings['show_as_link'])) {
             $link_atts = empty($field_settings['show_as_link']) ? "target='_blank'" : '';
             $link_atts = apply_filters('gravityview/fields/fileupload/link_atts', $link_atts, $gravityview_view->getCurrentField());
         } else {
             $link_atts = sprintf("rel='%s-{$entry['id']}' class='thickbox' target='_blank'", $gv_class);
          * Filter to alter the default behaviour of wrapping images (or image names) with a link to the content object
          * @since 1.5.1
          * @param bool $disable_wrapped_link whether to wrap the content with a link to the content object.
          * @param array $gravityview_view->field_data
          * @see GravityView_API:field_value() for info about $gravityview_view->field_data
         $disable_wrapped_link = apply_filters('gravityview/fields/fileupload/disable_link', $disable_wrapped_link, $gravityview_view->getCurrentField());
         // If the HTML output hasn't been overridden by the switch statement above, use the default format
         if (!empty($content) && empty($disable_wrapped_link)) {
              * Modify the link text (defaults to the file name)
              * @since 1.7
              * @param string $content The existing anchor content. Could be `<img>` tag, audio/video embed or the file name
              * @param array $field GravityView array of the current field being processed
             $content = apply_filters('gravityview/fields/fileupload/link_content', $content, $gravityview_view->getCurrentField());
             $content = '<a href="' . esc_url_raw($link) . '" ' . $link_atts . '>' . $content . '</a>';
         $output_arr[] = array('file_path' => $file_path, 'content' => $content);
     // End foreach loop
      * Modify the files array
      * @since 1.7
      * @param array $output_arr Associative array of files {
      *      @type string $file_path The path to the file as stored in Gravity Forms
      *      @type string $content The generated output for the file
      * }
      * @param array $field GravityView array of the current field being processed
     $output_arr = apply_filters('gravityview/fields/fileupload/files_array', $output_arr, $gravityview_view->getCurrentField());
     return $output_arr;
  * Get the URL for the entry.
  * Uses the `post_id`, `view_id` params as defined in the shortcode attributes.
  * @since 1.15
  * @param string|null $content Content inside shortcode, if defined
  * @return string|boolean If URL is fetched, the URL to the entry link. If not found, returns false.
 private function get_url()
     // if post_id is not defined, default to view_id
     $post_id = empty($this->settings['post_id']) ? $this->view_id : absint($this->settings['post_id']);
     switch ($this->settings['action']) {
         case 'edit':
             $url = GravityView_Edit_Entry::get_edit_link($this->entry, $this->view_id, $post_id);
         case 'delete':
             $url = GravityView_Delete_Entry::get_delete_link($this->entry, $this->view_id, $post_id);
         case 'read':
             $url = GravityView_API::entry_link($this->entry, $post_id);
     $url = $this->maybe_add_field_values_query_args($url);
     return $url;