Example #1
// Subscriptions have a plan.
// Note: It is not possible to transfer a premier customer to a trial.
$plan = new Google_SubscriptionPlan();
// Only annual subscription plans have a commitment interval.
// The following lines are commented out for reference.
    $interval = new Google_SubscriptionPlanCommitmentInterval();
    $interval->setEndTime(time() + (86400 * 365));
// Subscriptions have an renewal setting.
$renewal = new Google_RenewalSettings();
// Each subscription needs a seat count.
// Ideally this should pull the seat count from the previous domain.
$seats = new Google_Seats();
$service->subscriptions->insert($_POST['customerDomain'], $subscription, array("customerAuthToken" => $_POST['customerAuthToken']));
// Draw a simple template.
include 'templates/transfer.php';