echo $key; ?> "> </form> <div id="goodsList"> <h2>商品一覧リスト</h2> <?php // 商品名検索表示と通常表示処理 if ($key == '') { goodsListview($cGoods->get_gTable(), $itemCount, $cID, $Order); } else { goodsListview($cGoods->Retrieval($key), $itemCount, $cID, $Order); } // アイテムが何も無い時の処理 if ($cGoods->get_row_g() == 0) { echo "<br>このカテゴリーに登録された商品は、ありません。"; } ?> </div> </div> <div id="leftside" > <div id="loginForm"> <h3>USERMENU</h3> <?php $cUser->userSet(); $sql = $cUser->createUsercart_SQL(); $cCart->resultSQL($sql); loginForm_side($cCart->get_cartTable(), $cCart->get_row_ca(), $cUser->get_userTable(), $cCart->gettotalPrice());
<h2>商品情報</h2> <?php // 受け取ったgoodsidのデータだけを取得するSQL $sql = "SELECT * FROM goods, categories, makers " . " WHERE goods.makerID = makers.makerID and " . " goods.categoryID = categories.categoryID and " . " goods.goodsid= '{$goodsid}'"; $cGoods->resultSQL($sql); goodsInfo($cGoods->get_gTable()); // 受け取ったgoodsid以外で同一categoryidデータを取得するSQL $sql = "SELECT * FROM goods, categories, makers " . " WHERE goods.makerID = makers.makerID and " . " goods.categoryID = categories.categoryID and " . " goods.goodsID != '" . $goodsid . "' and " . " goods.categoryID = '" . $cGoods->get_gCid(0) . "'"; $cGoods->resultSQL($sql); ?> </div> <div class="clear"></div> <div class="goodsMatchcategory"> <h2>おすすめ商品</h2> <?php goodsMatchcategory($cGoods->get_gTable(), $cGoods->get_row_g()); ?> </div> </div> <div id="leftside" > <div id="loginForm"> <h3>USERMENU</h3> <?php $cUser->userSet(); $sql = $cUser->createUsercart_SQL(); $cCart->resultSQL($sql); loginForm_side($cCart->get_cartTable(), $cCart->get_row_ca(), $cUser->get_userTable(), $cCart->gettotalPrice()); ?> </div> <div class="sideLink"> <h3>カテゴリー</h3>