Example #1
 function getClosestHub($address, $maxMiles)
     $geocode = Geocode::geocode($address);
     $longitude = $geocode['longitude'];
     $latitude = $geocode['latitude'];
     $maxMeters = miles2meters($maxMiles);
     return self::$collection->findOne(array('geojson' => array('$near' => array('$geometry' => array('type' => 'Point', 'coordinates' => array($longitude, $latitude)), '$maxDistance' => $maxMeters))));
Example #2

global $MJob;
$jobs = $MJob->getAll();
foreach ($jobs as $job) {
    $job['geocode'] = Geocode::geocode($job['location']);
    $MJob->save($job, false);
 function search()
     // global $CStudent; $CStudent->requireLogin();
     global $params;
     $params = $_REQUEST;
     global $MSublet, $MStudent;
     // process without sorting/filtering
     function processRaw($sublet)
         // Processing result
         $sublet['photo'] = isset($sublet['photos'][0]) ? $sublet['photos'][0] : $GLOBALS['dirpreFromRoute'] . 'assets/gfx/subletnophoto.png';
         $sublet['address'] = $sublet['address'];
         if (strlen($sublet['city']) > 0) {
             $sublet['address'] .= ', ' . $sublet['city'];
         if (strlen($sublet['state']) > 0) {
             $sublet['address'] .= ', ' . $sublet['state'];
         $sublet['proximity'] = isset($sublet['proximity']) ? $sublet['proximity'] : null;
         $sublet['summary'] = strmax($sublet['summary'], 100);
         $offset = 0.0001;
         $sublet['latitude'] = $sublet['geocode']['latitude'] + rand01() * $offset - $offset / 2;
         $sublet['longitude'] = $sublet['geocode']['longitude'] + rand01() * $offset - $offset / 2;
         return $sublet;
     // Function for processing results and showing them
     function process($res, $sortby, $latitude, $longitude, $maxProximity)
         $sublets = array();
         // Sort
         switch ($sortby) {
             case 'priceIncreasing':
                 $res->sort(array('price' => 1));
             case 'priceDecreasing':
                 $res->sort(array('price' => -1));
         foreach ($res as $sublet) {
             $sublet['proximity'] = distance($latitude, $longitude, $sublet['geocode']['latitude'], $sublet['geocode']['longitude']);
             if ($maxProximity == 0 or $sublet['proximity'] <= $maxProximity) {
                 $sublets[] = processRaw($sublet);
         switch ($sortby) {
             case 'proximityIncreasing':
                 usort($sublets, function ($a, $b) {
                     if ($a['proximity'] < $b['proximity']) {
                         return -1;
                     if ($a['proximity'] > $b['proximity']) {
                         return 1;
                     return 0;
         return $sublets;
     // Predefined searches
     $showSearch = true;
     if ($showSearch and !isset($params['search'])) {
         // If not searching for anything, then return last 6 entries
         $showMore = isset($_GET['showMore']);
         if ($showMore) {
             if (isset($_SESSION['showMore'])) {
                 $_SESSION['showMore'] += 6;
             } else {
                 $_SESSION['showMore'] = 12;
             $showMore = $_SESSION['showMore'];
         } else {
             $_SESSION['showMore'] = 6;
         $res = $MSublet->last($_SESSION['showMore']);
         $sublets = array();
         foreach ($res as $sublet) {
             $sublets[] = processRaw($sublet);
         self::render('student/sublets/search/start', $this->dataSearchSetup());
         self::render('student/sublets/search/results', ['sublets' => $sublets, 'recent' => true, 'search' => 'housing', 'showMore' => $showMore]);
     // Params to vars
     extract($data = $this->dataSearch(array_merge($this->dataSearchEmpty(), $params)));
     $this->validate(!is_null($geocode = Geocode::geocode($location)), $err, 'invalid location or daily search limit reached (come back tomorrow)');
     if ($this->isValid()) {
         $latitude = $geocode['latitude'];
         $longitude = $geocode['longitude'];
         $startdate = strtotime($startdate);
         $enddate = strtotime($enddate);
         $maxProximity = $proximity == null ? 50 : (int) $proximity;
         $minPrice = (double) $price0;
         $maxPrice = (double) $price1;
         $minOccupancy = (int) $occupancy;
         // Validate parameters
         if ($this->isValid()) {
             // Search query building and validations
             $query = array('publish' => true);
             $proximityDeg = distanceDeg($maxProximity);
             $query['geocode.latitude'] = array('$gte' => $latitude - $proximityDeg, '$lte' => $latitude + $proximityDeg);
             $query['geocode.longitude'] = array('$gte' => $longitude - $proximityDeg, '$lte' => $longitude + $proximityDeg);
             if (strlen($occupancy) > 0) {
                 $query['occupancy'] = array('$gte' => $minOccupancy);
             if ($roomtype != 'Any') {
                 $query['roomtype'] = $roomtype;
             if ($buildingtype != 'Any') {
                 $query['buildingtype'] = $buildingtype;
             if ($gender != '' and $gender != 'other') {
                 $query['gender'] = array('$in' => array('', $gender));
             if (count($amenities) > 0) {
                 $query['amenities'] = array('$all' => $amenities);
             if (strlen($startdate) > 0) {
                 $query['startdate'] = array('$lte' => $startdate);
             if (strlen($enddate) > 0) {
                 $query['enddate'] = array('$gte' => $enddate);
             // Validate query
             $this->validateSearch($query, $err);
             if ($this->isValid()) {
                 // Performing search
                 $starttime = microtime(true);
                 $res = $MSublet->find($query);
                 $sublets = array();
                 $res = process($res, $sortby, $latitude, $longitude, $maxProximity);
                 foreach ($res as $sublet) {
                     $price = $sublet['price'];
                     switch ($sublet['pricetype']) {
                         case 'week':
                             $price *= 4.35;
                         case 'day':
                             $price *= 30;
                     if (strlen($price0) > 0 and $price < $price0) {
                     if (strlen($price1) > 0 and $price > $price1) {
                     $sublets[] = $sublet;
                 $delay = round((microtime(true) - $starttime) * 1000, 0);
                 self::render('student/sublets/search/results', ['sublets' => $sublets, 'delay' => $delay, 'latitude' => $latitude, 'longitude' => $longitude, 'maxProximity' => $maxProximity, 'showSearch' => $showSearch, 'data' => $data, 'search' => 'housing']);
                 // Send email notification of search to us
                 // $this->sendrequestreport("Search for sublets:", $sublets);
                 // Save search to db
                 global $MApp;
     self::render('partials/subletsearchform', ['data' => $data, 'search' => 'housing']);
 function adminapi()
     global $MStudent, $MSocial;
     // make sure logged in
     if (!checkAdmin()) {
         return $this->errorString('permission denied');
     $name = $_POST['name'];
     $json = $_POST['json'];
     switch ($name) {
         case 'load students':
             $students = $MStudent->find(array('hubs' => array('$exists' => true)));
             $ret = array();
             $counter = 0;
             foreach ($students as $student) {
                 $inc = true;
                 if (!isset($student['hubs']['geocode']) or is_null($student['hubs']['geocode'])) {
                     $city = $student['hubs']['city'];
                     $geocode = Geocode::geocode($city);
                     $student['hubs']['geocode'] = $geocode;
                     if (!is_null($geocode)) {
                     } else {
                         $inc = false;
                 if ($inc) {
                     $ret[] = $student;
             return $this->successString($ret);
         case 'create hub':
             $name = $json['name'];
             $location = Geocode::geocode($json['location']);
             $banner = $json['banner'];
             if ($location == null) {
                 return $this->errorString('location invalid');
             $hub = array('name' => $name, 'location' => $location, 'banner' => $banner, 'members' => array(), 'posts' => array(), 'events' => array());
             return $this->successString('hub created');
         case 'load hubs':
             $hubs = $MSocial->getAll();
             $ret = array();
             foreach ($hubs as $hub) {
                 $ret[] = $hub;
             return $this->successString($ret);
              * JSON in form:
              *  {
              *      "students" : [ array of student IDs ]
              *      "hub" : // String containing the ID of the hub e.g. "55566d01172f559e8ece6c88"
              *  }
          * JSON in form:
          *  {
          *      "students" : [ array of student IDs ]
          *      "hub" : // String containing the ID of the hub e.g. "55566d01172f559e8ece6c88"
          *  }
         case 'add students to hub':
             $students = $json['students'];
             $hub = $json['hub'];
             if (!$hub || $hub == '') {
                 return $this->errorString('Please select a hub.');
             foreach ($students as $student) {
                 $studententry = $MStudent->getById($student);
                 $name = $studententry['name'];
                 $email = $studententry['email'];
                 $hubentry = $MSocial->get($hub);
                 $hubname = $hubentry['name'];
                 $message = "\n              Hey {$name}\n              <br>\n              <br>\n              After the long wait, your hub is finally ready! Check out your hub <a href=\"https://sublite.net/hubs/hub.php?id={$hub}\">here</a>. In need of a new place to go out to eat this weekend? Use your hub to ask questions about your city and meet up with other interns! The possibilities are endless; just keep it civil and respectful.\n              <br><br>\n              Best,\n              <br>\n              Sublite Team\n            ";
                 sendgmail(array($email), "*****@*****.**", "Welcome to the {$hubname} social hub on Sublite!", $message);
                 $MSocial->joinHub($hub, $student);
             return $this->successString();
     return $this->errorString('invalid message');
Example #5
 function data($data)
     $title = clean($data['title']);
     $jobtype = clean($data['jobtype']);
     $deadline = clean($data['deadline']);
     $duration = str2float(clean($data['duration']));
     $startdate = clean($data['startdate']);
     $enddate = clean($data['enddate']);
     $salarytype = clean($data['salarytype']);
     $salary = clean($data['salary']);
     if ($salarytype != 'other') {
         $salary = str2float($salary);
     if ($jobtype == 'fulltime' || $jobtype == 'parttime') {
         $duration = '';
         $enddate = '';
     $company = $data['company'];
     $desc = clean($data['desc']);
     $location = clean($data['location']);
     $locationtype = '';
     if (isset($data['locationtype'])) {
         $locationtype = clean($data['locationtype']);
     $geocode = Geocode::geocode($location);
     if ($locationtype) {
         $location = '';
         $geocode = '';
     $requirements = clean($data['requirements']);
     return array('title' => $title, 'deadline' => $deadline, 'duration' => $duration, 'desc' => $desc, 'geocode' => $geocode, 'location' => $location, 'requirements' => $requirements, 'salary' => $salary, 'company' => $company, 'salarytype' => $salarytype, 'startdate' => $startdate, 'enddate' => $enddate, 'jobtype' => $jobtype, 'locationtype' => $locationtype);