Example #1
	  - disableTrace()
		Disables remote tracing
	  - disableDebug()
		Stops debug info from being sent (independant of remote trace setting)
include "amf-core/app/Gateway.php";
//You can set this constant appropriately to disable traces and debugging headers
//You will also have the constant available in your classes, for changing
//the mysql server info for example
define("PRODUCTION_SERVER", false);
$gateway = new Gateway();
//Set where the services classes are loaded from, *with trailing slash*
//Loose mode means echo'ing or whitespace in your file won't make AMFPHP choke
//Read above large note for explanation of charset handling
//The main contributor (Patrick Mineault) is French,
//so don't be afraid if he forgot to turn off iconv by default!
//$gateway->setCharsetHandler("utf8_decode", "ISO-8859-1", "ISO-8859-1");
//Error types that will be rooted to the NetConnection debugger
$gateway->setErrorHandling(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE);
//choices are php5 (SoapClient), nusoap and pear
//If you don't plan on using web services with AMFPHP,
//you can safely let this setting alone
//Note that for nusoap to work you MUST place the library under /amf-core/lib/nusoap.php
//Adding an adapter mapping will make returns of the mapped typed be intercepted
//and mapped in adapters/%adapterName%Adapter.php. This works by using get_class
//So for example, if you return a PEAR resultset object, it is an instance of DB_result
//And we want this to be processed as a recordset in adapters/peardbAdapter.php,