Example #1
 public function getView($params, $synchrone)
     $form = new Form($this->fields, $params);
     $title = '';
     if ($form->isSubmitting() && Tools::isEmpty($form->getErrors())) {
         $access_key = isset($params['access_key']) && !empty($params['access_key']) ? Tools::saltHash($params['access_key']) : 'NULL';
         // Create Game
         $game = Game::create(F::i('Session')->getMid(), $params['name'], $access_key);
         Tools::redirect('?action=wait_game&game=' . $game->g_id);
     } else {
         // Generate form
         $view = View::setFile('formular', View::HTML_FILE);
         $errors = $form->getErrors();
         // Errors in the filling
         if (!empty($errors)) {
             $view->setSwitch('form_errors', TRUE);
             foreach ($errors as $field => $error) {
                 $view->setGroupValues('form_errors', array('error' => F::i('Lang')->getKey('error_' . $field . '_' . $error)));
         $view->setValue('form', $form->getHTML(F::i('Lang')->getKey('Create'), '#', 'POST', 'tabbed_form'));
         $title = F::i('Lang')->getKey('title_new_game');
     return parent::setBody($view, $title);
Example #2
 public function doAddGame($data, Form $form)
     $game = Game::create();
     $game->ScoreTeamOne = $data['ScoreTeamOne'];
     $game->ScoreTeamTwo = $data['ScoreTeamTwo'];
     $redirectLink = $this->Link() . '?success=1';
     return $this->redirect($redirectLink);
Example #3
  * Store a newly created game in storage.
  * @return Response
 public function store()
     $validator = Validator::make($data = Input::all(), Game::$rules);
     if ($validator->fails()) {
         return Redirect::back()->withErrors($validator)->withInput();
     return Redirect::route('games.index');
  * Run the migrations.
  * @return void
 public function up()
     Schema::create('games', function (Blueprint $table) {
     $rand_number = "0." . mt_rand(100000000, 999999999) . mt_rand(100000000, 999999999);
     Game::create(['rand_number' => $rand_number]);
  * Attempts to save a game
  * @return Game|null
 protected function addGame($form)
     $siteConfig = SiteConfig::current_site_config();
     $member = Member::currentUser();
     $params = $this->request->allParams();
     $fields = $form->Fields();
     $id = $fields->dataFieldByName('ID')->Value();
     $game = Game::get()->byID($id);
     if (!$game) {
         $game = Game::create();
     $game->FacilitatorID = $game->FacilitatorID ? $game->FacilitatorID : $member->ID;
     $game->ParentID = $siteConfig->CurrentEventID;
     try {
     } catch (ValidationException $e) {
         $form->sessionMessage($e->getResult()->message(), 'bad');
     return $game;
Example #6
 public function run()
     $faker = Faker::create();
     $characters = Character::all()->toArray();
     $isk = PrizeType::where('name', '=', 'isk')->firstOrFail();
     // Completed
     foreach (range(1, 20) as $index) {
         $initiator = $faker->randomElement($characters);
         $winner = $faker->randomElement($characters);
         $seats = $faker->numberBetween(4, 12);
         $game = Game::create(['prize_type_id' => $isk->id, 'initiator_id' => $initiator['id'], 'winner_id' => $winner['id'], 'seats' => $seats, 'buy_in' => $faker->randomFloat(2, 10000, 50000000), 'deleted_at' => new DateTime()]);
         $fulfilled = $index < 15 ? true : false;
         $this->createPayout($game, $fulfilled);
         $this->putPlayersInSeats($game, $seats, $initiator, $winner);
     // In Progress
     foreach (range(1, 5) as $index) {
         $initiator = $faker->randomElement($characters);
         $seats = $faker->numberBetween(4, 12);
         $numberOfPlayers = $faker->numberBetween(0, $seats);
         $game = Game::create(['prize_type_id' => $isk->id, 'initiator_id' => $initiator['id'], 'seats' => $seats, 'buy_in' => $faker->numberBetween(10000, 100000000) . 00]);
         $this->putPlayersInSeats($game, $numberOfPlayers, $initiator);
Example #7
require_once MB_ROOT . '/source/Game.class.php';
if (false) {
    $debug = array();
    $debug['tid'] = '1';
    $debug['result'] = 'success';
    $debug['from'] = 'return';
    $debug['type'] = 'wechat';
$user = $this->auth();
$id = $_GPC['actid'];
$id = intval($id);
$a = new Activity();
$activity = $a->getOne($id);
if (empty($activity) || $activity['type'] != 'game') {
$g = new Game();
$order = array();
$order['activity'] = $activity['actid'];
$order['uid'] = $user['uid'];
$tid = $g->create($order);
if (is_error($tid)) {
$trade = array();
$trade['tid'] = $tid;
$trade['title'] = "è´­ä¹°{$activity['tag']['label']} x1";
$trade['fee'] = $activity['tag']['price'];
Example #8
 public function create_object($data)
     if (empty($data['victor'])) {
         $data['victor'] = 0;
     } else {
         $data['victor'] = Agent::mapper()->create_object(array('id' => $data['victor'], 'alias' => $data['victor_agent_alias']));
     $game = Game::create($data, True);
     $game->attach_mapper('Kill', Kill::mapper()->attach_storage(\Core\Storage::container()->get_storage('Kill')));
     $game->attach_mapper('Agent', Agent::mapper()->attach_storage(\Core\Storage::container()->get_storage('Agent')));
     foreach (array('start_date', 'end_date') as $f) {
         $game[$f] = new \DateTime($game[$f]);
     $game->invite_only = (int) $data['invite_only'];
     $now = new \DateTime();
     if ($game->start_date > $now) {
         $game['joinable'] = True;
         $game['active'] = False;
         $game['state'] = 0;
     } else {
         if ($game->start_date < $now && $now < $game->end_date) {
             $game['joinable'] = False;
             $game['active'] = True;
             $game['state'] = 1;
         } else {
             $game['joinable'] = False;
             $game['active'] = False;
             $game['state'] = 2;
     return $game;
Example #9
 public function run()
     Game::create(array('team1_id' => 1, 'team2_id' => 6, 'stage_id' => 4, 'team1_tmp_name' => '1A', 'team2_tmp_name' => '2B', 'stage_game_num' => 1, 'date' => DateTime::createFromFormat('U', 1403971200)));
     Game::create(array('team1_id' => 9, 'team2_id' => 15, 'stage_id' => 4, 'team1_tmp_name' => '1C', 'team2_tmp_name' => '2D', 'stage_game_num' => 2, 'date' => DateTime::createFromFormat('U', 1403985600)));
     Game::create(array('team1_id' => 17, 'team2_id' => 22, 'stage_id' => 4, 'team1_tmp_name' => '1B', 'team2_tmp_name' => '2A', 'stage_game_num' => 3, 'date' => DateTime::createFromFormat('U', 1404144000)));
     Game::create(array('team1_id' => 25, 'team2_id' => 32, 'stage_id' => 4, 'team1_tmp_name' => '1D', 'team2_tmp_name' => '2C', 'stage_game_num' => 4, 'date' => DateTime::createFromFormat('U', 1404158400)));
     Game::create(array('team1_id' => 5, 'team2_id' => 2, 'stage_id' => 4, 'team1_tmp_name' => '1E', 'team2_tmp_name' => '2F', 'stage_game_num' => 5, 'date' => DateTime::createFromFormat('U', 1404057600)));
     Game::create(array('team1_id' => 13, 'team2_id' => 12, 'stage_id' => 4, 'team1_tmp_name' => '1G', 'team2_tmp_name' => '2H', 'stage_game_num' => 6, 'date' => DateTime::createFromFormat('U', 1404072000)));
     Game::create(array('team1_id' => 21, 'team2_id' => 19, 'stage_id' => 4, 'team1_tmp_name' => '1F', 'team2_tmp_name' => '2E', 'stage_game_num' => 7, 'date' => DateTime::createFromFormat('U', 1404230400)));
     Game::create(array('team1_id' => 29, 'team2_id' => 26, 'stage_id' => 4, 'team1_tmp_name' => '1H', 'team2_tmp_name' => '2G', 'stage_game_num' => 8, 'date' => DateTime::createFromFormat('U', 1404244800)));
     Game::create(array('stage_id' => 3, 'stage_game_num' => 1, 'date' => DateTime::createFromFormat('U', 1404504000)));
     Game::create(array('stage_id' => 3, 'stage_game_num' => 2, 'date' => DateTime::createFromFormat('U', 1404489600)));
     Game::create(array('stage_id' => 3, 'stage_game_num' => 3, 'date' => DateTime::createFromFormat('U', 1404576000)));
     Game::create(array('stage_id' => 3, 'stage_game_num' => 4, 'date' => DateTime::createFromFormat('U', 1404576000)));
     Game::create(array('stage_id' => 2, 'stage_game_num' => 1, 'date' => DateTime::createFromFormat('U', 1404849600)));
     Game::create(array('stage_id' => 2, 'stage_game_num' => 2, 'date' => DateTime::createFromFormat('U', 1404936000)));
     Game::create(array('stage_id' => 1, 'stage_game_num' => 1, 'date' => DateTime::createFromFormat('U', 1405278000)));
     //Petite Finale
     Game::create(array('stage_id' => 5, 'stage_game_num' => 1, 'date' => DateTime::createFromFormat('U', 1405195200)));
Example #10
 public function v14()
     // Regenerate cache
      * API
     // Copy bridge secret key to API private key
     $bridge = json_decode($this->Setting->getOption('bridge'));
     if (!empty($bridge) && $bridge->enabled && !empty($bridge->secret)) {
         $api = array();
         $api['enabled'] = 0;
         $api['privateKey'] = $bridge->secret;
         $this->Setting->setOption('api', json_encode($api));
         // Disable bridge to make use users update their bridge plugin
         $bridgeSettings = array();
         $bridgeSettings['enabled'] = 0;
         $bridgeSettings['url'] = $bridge->url;
         $this->Setting->setOption('bridge', json_encode($bridgeSettings));
         $this->Session->setFlash(__('Bridge has been disabled ! Be sure to use an updated version of your bridge plugin for MushRaider 1.4. If you don\'t you\'re gonna have a bad time !'), 'flash_important', array(), 'important');
      * Import
     // Add absolute path to games's logo field to prepare import functionallity
     App::uses('Game', 'Model');
     $GameModel = new Game();
     $params = array();
     $params['recursive'] = -1;
     $params['fields'] = array('id', 'logo');
     if ($games = $GameModel->find('all', $params)) {
         foreach ($games as $game) {
             if (!empty($game['Game']['logo']) && strpos($game['Game']['logo'], '/files/') === false) {
                 $toUpdate = array();
                 $toUpdate['id'] = $game['Game']['id'];
                 $toUpdate['logo'] = '/files/logos/' . $game['Game']['logo'];
      * Roles permissions
     // Add roles permissions
     $rolesPermissions = array(array('title' => __('Full permissions'), 'alias' => 'full_permissions', 'description' => __('Like Chuck Norris, he can do anything. This overwrite every permissions')), array('title' => __('Limited admin access'), 'alias' => 'limited_admin', 'description' => __('Like Robin, he can do some things but not all (like driving the batmobile or change user role)')), array('title' => __('Can manage events'), 'alias' => 'manage_events', 'description' => __('Can create, edit and delete events. Can also manage the roster for each events')), array('title' => __('Can create templates'), 'alias' => 'create_templates', 'description' => __('Can create events templates')), array('title' => __('Can create reports'), 'alias' => 'create_reports', 'description' => __('Can create events reports')));
     App::uses('RolePermission', 'Model');
     $RolePermissionModel = new RolePermission();
     foreach ($rolesPermissions as $rolesPermission) {
     // Add new roles permissions to existing roles
     App::uses('Role', 'Model');
     $RoleModel = new Role();
     App::uses('RolePermissionRole', 'Model');
     $RolePermissionRoleModel = new RolePermissionRole();
     $RolePermissionRoleModel->__add(array('role_id' => $RoleModel->getIdByAlias('admin'), 'role_permission_id' => $RolePermissionModel->getIdByAlias('full_permissions')));
     $RolePermissionRoleModel->__add(array('role_id' => $RoleModel->getIdByAlias('officer'), 'role_permission_id' => $RolePermissionModel->getIdByAlias('limited_admin')));
     $RolePermissionRoleModel->__add(array('role_id' => $RoleModel->getIdByAlias('officer'), 'role_permission_id' => $RolePermissionModel->getIdByAlias('manage_events')));
     $RolePermissionRoleModel->__add(array('role_id' => $RoleModel->getIdByAlias('officer'), 'role_permission_id' => $RolePermissionModel->getIdByAlias('create_templates')));
     $RolePermissionRoleModel->__add(array('role_id' => $RoleModel->getIdByAlias('officer'), 'role_permission_id' => $RolePermissionModel->getIdByAlias('create_reports')));
Example #11

require_once '../game.php';
$strategy = $_GET['strategy'];
$ships = $_GET['ships'];
try {
    $game = new Game();
    $game->create($strategy, $ships);
    echo json_encode(["response" => true, "pid" => $game->getPlayerID()]);
} catch (GameException $e) {
    echo json_encode(["response" => false, "reason" => $e->getMessage()]);
Example #12
require_once 'includes/inc.global.php';
// this has nothing to do with creating a game
// but I'm running it here to prevent long load
// times on other pages where it would be ran more often
$Game = new Game();
if (isset($_POST['create'])) {
    // make sure this user is not full
    if ($GLOBALS['Player']->max_games && $GLOBALS['Player']->max_games <= $GLOBALS['Player']->current_games) {
        Flash::store('You have reached your maximum allowed games !');
    try {
        $game_id = $Game->create();
        Flash::store('Game Created Successfully');
    } catch (MyException $e) {
        Flash::store('Game Creation FAILED !', false);
$color_selection = '';
foreach ($Game->get_avail_colors() as $color) {
    $color_selection .= '<option class="' . strtolower(substr($color, 0, 3)) . '">' . ucfirst($color) . '</option>';
$meta['title'] = 'Create Game';
$meta['head_data'] = '
	<script type="text/javascript" src="scripts/create.js"></script>
$hints = array('Create a game by filling out your desired game options.', '<span class="highlight">WARNING!</span><br />Games will be deleted after ' . Settings::read('expire_games') . ' days of inactivity.');
// make sure this user is not full
Example #13
     if (isset($_REQUEST['team1'])) {
         $team1 = $_REQUEST['team1'];
     } else {
         header("HTTP/1.0 400 Bad Request");
         print "Missing team1";
     if (isset($_REQUEST['team2'])) {
         $team2 = $_REQUEST['team2'];
     } else {
         header("HTTP/1.0 400 Bad Request");
         print "Missing team2";
     $new_game = Game::create($date, $team1, $team2);
     if ($new_game == null) {
         header("HTTP/1.0 500 Server Error");
         print "Cannot create a new game";
     header("Content-type: application/json");
     print $new_game->getJSON();
 } else {
     if ($path_components[1] != "") {
         $gid = $path_components[1];
         $type = null;
         $first = null;
         $last = null;
         $team = null;
Example #14
 public function run($args)
     $this->server = new Websocket();
     $this->games = array();
     $that = $this;
     // for use in the closures
     $this->server->bind('open', function ($client_id) use($that) {
         $ip = long2ip($that->server->wsClients[$client_id][6]);
         $that->output('+ ' . $ip . ' (' . $client_id . ') connected', 'green');
     $this->server->bind('message', function ($client_id, $msg, $msg_length, $binary) use($that) {
         $ip = long2ip($that->server->wsClients[$client_id][6]);
         if ($msg_length == 0) {
         $action = json_decode($msg);
         switch ($action->event) {
             case 'login':
                 $username = str_replace(" ", "", trim($action->data->player_name));
                 $bad_usernames = array('system', 'admin', 'root');
                 if (in_array($username, $bad_usernames)) {
                     $that->send_to_one($client_id, 'login_error', array('msg' => 'That is an invalid username'));
                 } elseif (substr($username, 0, 1) == '@') {
                     $that->send_to_one($client_id, 'login_error', array('msg' => 'Twitter users are not yet implemented'));
                 } elseif (strlen($username) < 2 || strlen($username) > 15) {
                     $that->send_to_one($client_id, 'login_error', array('msg' => 'Username must be 2-15 characters in length'));
                 } else {
                     // Check if username is taken
                     // and build players array to send as user_list on the front end
                     $taken = false;
                     $players = array();
                     foreach ($that->server->wsClients as $id => $client) {
                         $name = $client[12]->name;
                         if ($name == $username) {
                             $taken = true;
                         if ($name != NULL) {
                             $players[] = array('name' => $name);
                     if ($taken) {
                         $that->send_to_one($client_id, 'login_error', array('msg' => 'That username is already in use'));
                     } else {
                         $players[] = array('name' => $username, 'client_id' => $client_id);
                         $that->server->wsClients[$client_id][12]->name = $username;
                         $that->output('+ ' . $ip . ' (' . $client_id . ') identified as ' . $username, 'green');
                         $that->send_to_one($client_id, 'login_success', array('msg' => true));
                         if (count($that->games) > 0) {
                             $games_send = array();
                             foreach ($that->games as $key => $game) {
                                 if ($game->state == 'WAITING') {
                                     $games_send[] = array('id' => $game->id, 'started_by' => $game->started_by);
                             $that->send_to_one($client_id, 'games_list', $games_send);
                         // tell all players that this person is here
                         $that->send_to_all('lobby_chat', array('from' => 'system', 'msg' => $username . ' joined'));
                         $that->send_to_all('user_list', $players);
             case 'lobby_chat':
                 // TODO: add admin commands here...general commands too (uptime, etc)
                 $that->send_to_all('lobby_chat', array('from' => $that->server->wsClients[$client_id][12]->name, 'msg' => HTML::entities($action->data->msg)));
             case 'create_game':
                 if (!$that->server->wsClients[$client_id][12]->started_game) {
                     $g = new Game();
                     $g->add_player($that->server->wsClients[$client_id][12], 0);
                     $that->games[$g->id] = $g;
                     $that->output('+ Game ' . $g->id . ' created!', 'green');
                     $that->send_to_all('lobby_chat', array('from' => 'system', 'msg' => $g->started_by . ' started a new game!'));
                 } else {
                     $that->send_to_one('lobby_chat', array('from' => 'system', 'msg' => 'You already have an open game!'));
             case 'join_game':
                 $game_id = $action->data->game;
                 $g = $that->games[$game_id];
                 $player_1 = $g->get_player_by_seat(0);
                 if ($player_1->name == $that->server->wsClients[$client_id][12]->name) {
                     $that->send_to_one($client_id, 'lobby_chat', array('from' => 'system', 'msg' => 'You are not allowed to join your own game'));
                 } else {
                     $g->add_player($that->server->wsClients[$client_id][12], 1);
                     $that->send_to_game($g, 'open_table', array('table_id' => $g->id, 'table_name' => $g->started_by . "'s Tournament"));
                     $g->game_log = array();
                     $that->send_to_game($g, 'game_log', array('game_id' => $g->id, 'msgs' => $g->game_log));
                     $g->game_log = array();
                     $that->render_game($g, true);
                     $that->games[$game_id] = $g;
                     $that->output('+ Game ' . $g->id . ' started!', 'white', true, 'green');
             case 'game_chat':
                 $game_id = $action->data->game_id;
                 $g = $that->games[$game_id];
                 // TODO: add admin commands here...general commands too (uptime, etc)
                 if ($g->started_by == $that->server->wsClients[$client_id][12]->name) {
                     // allow admin commands from the game owner
                     if (substr($action->data->msg, 0, 6) == '/admin') {
                         // do admin stuff
                         $task = explode(' ', $action->data->msg);
                         $task = $task[1];
                         switch ($task) {
                             case 'pause':
                                 $that->send_to_game($g, 'game_log', array('game_id' => $g->id, 'msgs' => array('The tournament owner has paused this tournament')));
                                 $that->output('+ Game ' . $g->id . ' paused', 'white', true, 'yellow');
                                 $that->render_game($g, false, 0);
                                 $g->paused_at = time();
                                 $g->status = 'PAUSED';
                             case 'resume':
                                 $new_level_up = $g->blind_level_up + (time() - $g->paused_at);
                                 $g->blind_level_up = $new_level_up;
                                 $g->status = 'RUNNING';
                                 $that->render_game($g, false, true);
                                 $that->output('+ Game ' . $g->id . ' resumed', 'white', true, 'green');
                                 $that->send_to_game($g, 'game_log', array('game_id' => $g->id, 'msgs' => array('The tournament owner has resumed this tournament!')));
                 $that->send_to_game($g, 'game_chat', array('game_id' => $action->data->game_id, 'from' => $that->server->wsClients[$client_id][12]->name, 'msg' => HTML::entities($action->data->msg)));
             case 'fold':
             case 'check':
             case 'call':
             case 'raise':
                 $game_id = $action->data->game_id;
                 $g = $that->games[$game_id];
                 if ($g->get_player_seat_by_client_id($client_id) == $g->current_turn && $g->state == 'RUNNING') {
                     switch ($action->event) {
                         case 'fold':
                             $that->send_to_game($g, 'game_log', array('game_id' => $g->id, 'msgs' => array($g->get_player_by_client_id($client_id)->name . ' folds')));
                         case 'check':
                             $that->send_to_game($g, 'game_log', array('game_id' => $g->id, 'msgs' => array($g->get_player_by_client_id($client_id)->name . ' checks')));
                         case 'call':
                             $call_amt = $g->get_top_bet() - $g->get_player_by_client_id($client_id)->games[$g->id]['cur_stake'];
                             $that->send_to_game($g, 'game_log', array('game_id' => $g->id, 'msgs' => array($g->get_player_by_client_id($client_id)->name . ' calls $' . $call_amt)));
                         case 'raise':
                             $replace = array('Bet $', 'Raise $');
                             $raise_amt = str_replace($replace, '', $action->data->raise_amt);
                             $all_in = '';
                             if ($raise_amt == 'ALLIN') {
                                 $all_in = ' and is ALL IN!';
                                 $raise_amt = $g->get_player_by_client_id($client_id)->games[$g->id]['balance'];
                             $g->raise($g->get_player_by_client_id($client_id), $raise_amt);
                             $that->send_to_game($g, 'game_log', array('game_id' => $g->id, 'msgs' => array($g->get_player_by_client_id($client_id)->name . ' raises $' . $raise_amt . $all_in)));
                     $g->start_new_hand = false;
                     if ($g->check_for_all_in_call()) {
                         // TODO: slow roll flop, turn, river as necessary with cards exposed
                         if ($g->community_cards->count() < 3) {
                             $g->game_log[] = '<b>- Dealing Flop: </b> ' . $g->render_flop();
                         if ($g->community_cards->count() < 4) {
                             $g->game_log[] = '<b>- Dealing Turn: </b> ' . $g->render_turn();
                         if ($g->community_cards->count() < 5) {
                             $g->game_log[] = '<b>- Dealing River: </b> ' . $g->render_river();
                         // reveal all cards
                         $i = 0;
                         foreach ($g->players as $player) {
                             $alt_seat = $i == 0 ? 1 : 0;
                             $render = array('game_id' => $g->id, 'game-' . $g->id . '-player_cards' => Render::player_cards($g, '', $player), 'game-' . $g->id . '-player_text' => Render::player_text($g, '', $player), 'game-' . $g->id . '-opponent_cards' => Render::player_cards($g, '', $g->players[$alt_seat]), 'game-' . $g->id . '-opponent_text' => Render::player_text($g, '', $g->players[$alt_seat]), 'game-' . $g->id . '-community_cards' => Render::community_cards($g), 'game-' . $g->id . '-pot' => '<b>Pot: $' . $g->get_pot_value() . '</b>');
                             $that->send_to_one($player->client_id, 'game_render', $render);
                             $that->send_to_one($player->client_id, 'game_showdown', array('game_id' => $g->id, 'showdown' => true));
                         if (!$g->game_over) {
                             $g->start_new_hand = true;
                         } else {
                             $that->send_to_game($g, 'end_of_game', array('game_id' => $g->id, 'end_of_game' => true));
                             $g->game_log[] = '<b>** TOURNAMENT COMPLETE **</b>';
                     } elseif ($g->betting_round > 1 && $g->community_cards->count() < 3) {
                         $g->current_turn = $g->dealer == 0 ? 1 : 0;
                         $g->game_log[] = '<b>- Dealing Flop: </b>' . $g->render_flop();
                     } elseif ($g->betting_round > 2 && $g->community_cards->count() < 4) {
                         $g->current_turn = $g->dealer == 0 ? 1 : 0;
                         $g->game_log[] = '<b>- Dealing Turn: </b>' . $g->render_turn();
                     } elseif ($g->betting_round > 3 && $g->community_cards->count() < 5) {
                         $g->current_turn = $g->dealer == 0 ? 1 : 0;
                         $g->game_log[] = '<b>- Dealing River: </b>' . $g->render_river();
                     } elseif ($g->is_hand_over()) {
                         $g->start_new_hand = true;
                         // reveal all cards...IF players in hand > 1
                         if ($g->count_players_in_hand() > 1) {
                             $i = 0;
                             foreach ($g->players as $player) {
                                 $alt_seat = $i == 0 ? 1 : 0;
                                 $render = array('game_id' => $g->id, 'game-' . $g->id . '-player_cards' => Render::player_cards($g, '', $player), 'game-' . $g->id . '-player_text' => Render::player_text($g, '', $player), 'game-' . $g->id . '-opponent_cards' => Render::player_cards($g, '', $g->players[$alt_seat]), 'game-' . $g->id . '-opponent_text' => Render::player_text($g, '', $g->players[$alt_seat]), 'game-' . $g->id . '-community_cards' => Render::community_cards($g), 'game-' . $g->id . '-pot' => '<b>Pot: $' . $g->get_pot_value() . '</b>');
                                 $that->send_to_one($player->client_id, 'game_render', $render);
                                 $that->send_to_one($player->client_id, 'game_showdown', array('game_id' => $g->id, 'showdown' => true));
                         if (!$g->game_over) {
                         } else {
                             $that->send_to_game($g, 'end_of_game', array('game_id' => $g->id, 'end_of_game' => true));
                             $g->game_log[] = '<b>** TOURNAMENT COMPLETE **</b>';
                     // send game log and render (?)
                     $that->send_to_game($g, 'game_log', array('game_id' => $g->id, 'msgs' => $g->game_log));
                     if (!$g->game_over) {
                         $i = 0;
                         foreach ($g->players as $player) {
                             $alt_seat = $i == 0 ? 1 : 0;
                             if ($g->start_new_hand) {
                                 $that->send_to_one($player->client_id, 'game_log', array('game_id' => $g->id, 'msgs' => array('<b>You were dealt:</b> ' . Render::player_cards($g, $i, $player))));
                             $render = array('game_id' => $g->id, 'game-' . $g->id . '-player_cards' => Render::player_cards($g, '', $player), 'game-' . $g->id . '-player_text' => Render::player_text($g, '', $player), 'game-' . $g->id . '-opponent_cards' => Render::player_cards($g, $alt_seat), 'game-' . $g->id . '-opponent_text' => Render::player_text($g, '', $g->players[$alt_seat]), 'game-' . $g->id . '-community_cards' => Render::community_cards($g), 'game-' . $g->id . '-pot' => '<b>Pot: $' . $g->get_pot_value() . '</b>');
                             if ($g->current_turn == $i) {
                                 $render['game-' . $g->id . '-game_controls'] = Render::game_actions($g, $player);
                             $that->send_to_one($player->client_id, 'game_render', $render);
                     $g->start_new_hand = false;
                     $g->game_log = array();
                 } else {
                     // TODO: throw error to user that it is either not their turn yet or the game isn't in status RUNNING
     $this->server->bind('close', function ($client_id, $status) use($that) {
         $ip = long2ip($that->server->wsClients[$client_id][6]);
         $that->output('- ' . $ip . ' (' . $client_id . ') disconnected', 'red');
         if ($that->server->wsClients[$client_id][12]->name) {
             $that->send_to_all('lobby_chat', array('from' => 'system', 'msg' => $that->server->wsClients[$client_id][12]->name . ' left'));
     // START 'ER UP!
     $this->output('**************************************', 'light_purple', false);
     $this->output('* Laravel Websocket Poker            *', 'light_purple', false);
     $this->output('*                 Version: Pre-ALPHA *', 'light_purple', false);
     $this->output('**************************************', 'light_purple', false);
     $this->output('** Server started', 'white', true, 'green');
     $this->server->wsStartServer(Config::get('application.lwp_server_ip'), Config::get('application.lwp_server_port'));
Example #15
                if ($result != null) {
                    header("Content-type: application/json");
                    print $result->getJSON();
                } else {
                    header("HTTP/1.0 400 Bad Request");
                    print "Username is already taken";
            if ($path_components[1] == "game") {
                $name = $path_components[2];
                $aiName = $path_components[3];
                $playerScore = $path_components[4];
                $aiScore = $path_components[5];
                $playerId = Player::findByUserName($name)->getID();
                $aiId = Ai::findByName($aiName)->getID();
                $result = Game::create($playerId, $aiId, $playerScore, $aiScore);
                if ($result != null) {
                    header("Content-type: application/json");
                    print $result->getJSON();
                } else {
                    header("HTTP/1.0 404 Bad Request");
                    print "Something went wrong";