function viewme($id, $classname, $classID) { $this->getByID($id); $gp = new Galleryphoto(); $arrCar = $gp->getWhere("photo_filename !='' AND gallery_id = '{$this->gallery_id}' ORDER BY photo_zindex DESC "); //pr($arrCar); $arr['id'] = $id; $arr['arrCar'] = $arrCar; // Mold::theme("Pages/Carousel_attachment",$arr); $layout_id = "Carousel_attachment"; $file = Layout::getFile($layout_id); // echo "Pages/".$layout_id."/".$file; Mold::theme("Pages/" . $layout_id . "/" . $file, $arr); }
function id($args) { list($id, $name) = $args; $id = tin($id); $gal = new Gallery(); $gal->getByID($id); // pr($gal); $gs = new Galleryphoto(); $arrPic = $gs->getWhere("gallery_id = '{$id}' ORDER BY photo_zindex DESC"); $arr['gal'] = $gal; $arr['id'] = $id; $arr['arrPic'] = $arrPic; $layout_id = "Gallery_id"; $file = Layout::getFile($layout_id); // echo "Pages/".$layout_id."/".$file; Mold::theme("Pages/" . $layout_id . "/" . $file, $arr); // Mold::theme("Pages/Gallery_id",$arr); }
function pictureInsert() { $gp = new Galleryphoto(); $gid = isset($_GET['gid']) ? addslashes($_GET['gid']) : '0'; if ($gid == '0') { die("Please provide ID"); } $img = isset($_GET['img']) ? addslashes($_GET['img']) : 0; if ($img) { $gp->gallery_id = $gid; $gp->photo_filename = $img; $gp->photo_date = leap_mysqldate(); $gp->save(); } $arrCar = $gp->getWhere("photo_filename !='' AND gallery_id = '{$gid}' ORDER BY photo_date DESC "); //pr($arrCar); foreach ($arrCar as $num => $pic) { ?> <div class="gp_thumb thumbnail col-md-2"> <div style="position:absolute;width: 10px; height: 10px;"> <input <?php if ($pic->photo_mainpic) { echo 'checked="true"'; } ?> type="checkbox" onclick="gallery_setmainpic(<?php echo $pic->photo_id; ?> ,<?php echo $gid; ?> );"> </div> <img style="cursor:pointer;" onclick="gallery_openpicture(<?php echo $pic->photo_id; ?> ,<?php echo $gid; ?> );" class="img-responsive" src="<?php echo _SPPATH; echo $this->uploadURLThumb; echo $pic->photo_filename; ?> "> <div class="gp_menu"> <button type="button" onclick="if(confirm('<?php echo Lang::t("Are You Sure?"); ?> '))gallery_deletephoto(<?php echo $pic->photo_id; ?> );" class="btn btn-default"><?php echo Lang::t('delete'); ?> </button> </div> </div> <?php } }
function movezIndex() { $pid = isset($_GET['pid']) ? addslashes($_GET['pid']) : 0; if ($pid == 0) { die('No ID'); } $gid = isset($_GET['gid']) ? addslashes($_GET['gid']) : '0'; if ($gid == '0') { die("Please provide ID"); } $act = isset($_GET['act']) ? addslashes($_GET['act']) : 'left'; $gp = new Galleryphoto(); $gp->getByID($pid); $currentpos = $gp->photo_zindex; // echo "curr ".$currentpos; if ($act == "left") { $desired = $currentpos + 1; } else { $desired = $currentpos - 1; } // echo "desired ".$desired; $gp->photo_zindex = $desired; $gp->load = 1; $arrWhe = $gp->getWhere("photo_zindex = '{$desired}' AND gallery_id = '{$gid}'"); $desiredItem = $arrWhe[0]; $desiredItem->photo_zindex = $currentpos; $desiredItem->load = 1; echo $gp->save(); $desiredItem->save(); // echo " desired end ".$desiredItem->photo_zindex; // echo " cur end ".$gp->photo_zindex; }