<p> <?php $plugins = array_keys($plugins); natcasesort($plugins); echo gettext('Plugin setup:') . '<br />'; foreach ($plugins as $extension) { ?> <span> <img src="<?php echo FULLWEBPATH . '/' . ZENFOLDER . '/setup/setup_pluginOptions.php?plugin=' . $extension; ?> " title="<?php echo $extension; ?> " alt="<?php echo $extension; ?> " height="16px" width="16px" /> </span> <?php } ?> </p> <?php $_zp_gallery->garbageCollect(); if (extensionEnabled('auto_backup')) { //Run the backup since for sure things have changed. require_once SERVERPATH . '/' . ZENFOLDER . '/' . PLUGIN_FOLDER . '/auto_backup.php'; auto_backup::timer_handler(''); }
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/admin-globals.php'; require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/template-functions.php'; if (isset($_REQUEST['album'])) { $localrights = ALBUM_RIGHTS; } else { $localrights = NULL; } admin_securityChecks($localrights, $return = currentRelativeURL(__FILE__)); XSRFdefender('refresh'); $gallery = new Gallery(); $imageid = ''; if (isset($_GET['refresh'])) { if (isset($_GET['id'])) { $imageid = sanitize_numeric($_GET['id']); } $imageid = $gallery->garbageCollect(true, true, $imageid); } if (isset($_GET['prune'])) { $type = 'prune&'; $title = gettext('Refresh Database'); $finished = gettext('Finished refreshing the database'); $incomplete = gettext('Database refresh is incomplete'); $allset = gettext("We're all set to refresh the database"); $continue = gettext('Continue refreshing the database.'); } else { $type = ''; $title = gettext('Refresh Metadata'); $finished = gettext('Finished refreshing the metadata'); $incomplete = gettext('Metadata refresh is incomplete'); $allset = gettext("We're all set to refresh the metadata"); $continue = gettext('Continue refreshing the metadata.');
* @package admin */ define('OFFSET_PATH', 3); chdir(dirname(dirname(__FILE__))); require_once dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/admin-globals.php'; require_once dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/' . PLUGIN_FOLDER . '/image_album_statistics.php'; if (getOption('zp_plugin_zenpage')) { require_once dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/' . PLUGIN_FOLDER . '/zenpage/zenpage-admin-functions.php'; } $button_text = gettext('Gallery Statistics'); $button_hint = gettext('Shows statistical graphs and info about your gallery\'s images and albums.'); $button_icon = 'images/bar_graph.png'; $button_rights = OVERVIEW_RIGHTS; admin_securityChecks(OVERVIEW_RIGHTS, currentRelativeURL(__FILE__)); $gallery = new Gallery(); $gallery->garbageCollect(); $webpath = WEBPATH . '/' . ZENFOLDER . '/'; printAdminHeader(gettext('utilities'), gettext('statistics')); ?> <link rel="stylesheet" href="../admin-statistics.css" type="text/css" media="screen" /> <?php /* * http://php.net/manual/de/function.filesize.php * * @author Jonas Sweden */ function gallerystats_filesize_r($path) { if (!file_exists($path)) { return 0; }
} // set defaults on any options that need it setupLog("Done with database creation and update"); $prevRel = getOption('zenphoto_release'); setupLog("Previous Release was {$prevRel}"); $gallery = new Gallery(); require dirname(__FILE__) . '/setup-option-defaults.php'; // 1.1.6 special cleanup section for plugins $badplugs = array('exifimagerotate.php', 'flip_image.php', 'image_mirror.php', 'image_rotate.php', 'supergallery-functions.php'); foreach ($badplugs as $plug) { $path = SERVERPATH . '/' . ZENFOLDER . '/plugins/' . $plug; @unlink($path); } if ($prevRel < 1690) { // cleanup root album DB records $gallery->garbageCollect(true, true); } // 1.1.7 conversion to the theme option tables $albums = $gallery->getAlbums(); foreach ($albums as $albumname) { $album = new Album($gallery, $albumname); $theme = $album->getAlbumTheme(); if (!empty($theme)) { $tbl = prefix(getOptionTableName($album->name)); $sql = "SELECT `name`,`value` FROM " . $tbl; $result = query_full_array($sql, true); if (is_array($result)) { foreach ($result as $row) { setThemeOption($album, $row['name'], $row['value']); } }