private function stream() { set_time_limit(0); $t = time(); $times = array($t, $t, $t, $t); // $msgtable = new GWF_ChatMsg(false); $channel = ''; while (true) { GWF_ChatOnline::setSessOnline($this->module); // GWF_Session::updateLastActivity(); $page = $this->module->getAjaxUpdates($times); # --- Anything happened? if ($page !== '') { GWF_Javascript::newSection(); echo $page; GWF_Javascript::endSection(); } usleep(999950); } }
private function startStream() { #GWF_ChatOnline::setSessOnline(); GWF_Javascript::streamHeader(); $times = array(time(), time(), time(), time()); $i = 0; while ($i < 10) { echo '+Foo' . PHP_EOL; flush(); // GWF_Javascript::flush(); sleep(2); $i++; continue; $stuff_sent = false; # Get Kick Messages $kicked = GWF_ChatOnline::getKicked($times[0]); if (count($kicked) > 0) { $stuff_sent = true; $this->streamMessageJoin('-', $kicked); $times[0] = time(); } # Get Join Messages $joined = GWF_ChatOnline::getJoined($times[1]); if (count($joined) > 0) { $stuff_sent = true; $this->streamMessageJoin('+', $joined); $times[1] = time(); } # Get Public Channel Messages $msgs = new GWF_ChatMsg(false); $channel = ''; $last = $times[2]; $pubmsg = $msgs->selectAll('*', "chatmsg_to='{$channel}' AND chatmsg_time>{$last}", 'chatmsg_time ASC'); if (count($pubmsg) > 0) { $stuff_sent = true; $this->echoMessages($pubmsg, false); $times[2] = time(); } # Get Private Messages if (false !== ($nick = $this->module->getNickname())) { $last = $times[3]; $privmsg = $msgs->selectAll('*', "(chatmsg_to='{$nick}' OR (chatmsg_from='{$nick}' AND chatmsg_to!='')) AND chatmsg_time>{$last}", 'chatmsg_time ASC'); if (count($privmsg) > 0) { $stuff_sent = true; $this->echoMessages($privmsg, true); $times[3] = time(); } } // if (!$stuff_sent) // { // usleep(1000000); GWF_ChatOnline::setSessOnline($this->module); // } // else // { // } // echo '+Foo'.PHP_EOL; echo '+Foo' . PHP_EOL; // flush(); GWF_Javascript::flush(); // flush(); sleep(1); } GWF_ChatOnline::setSessOffline($this->module); die; }