protected function run_setting_routing()
     global $gfpdfe_data;
      * Check if we need to redeploy default PDF templates/styles to the theme folder 
     if (rgpost("gfpdf_deploy") && (wp_verify_nonce(PDF_Common::post('gfpdf_deploy_nonce'), 'gfpdf_deploy_nonce_action') || wp_verify_nonce(PDF_Common::get('_wpnonce'), 'pdf-extended-filesystem'))) {
          * Check if the user wants to upgrade the system or only initialise the fonts
         if (PDF_Common::post('font-initialise')) {
              * We only want to reinitialise the font files and configuration
             if (GFPDF_InstallUpdater::initialise_fonts() === false) {
                 return true;
         } else {
             if (rgpost('upgrade')) {
                  * Deploy new template styles 
                  * If we get false returned Wordpress is trying to get 
                  * access details to update files so don't display anything.
                 if (self::deploy() === 'false') {
                     return true;
      * Check if we need to sync the theme folders because a user changes theme
      * Sniff the _wpnonce values to determine this.
     if (isset($_GET['_wpnonce'])) {
          * Check if we want to copy the theme files
         if ((is_dir($gfpdfe_data->old_template_location) || is_dir($gfpdfe_data->old_3_6_template_site_location)) && wp_verify_nonce(PDF_Common::get('_wpnonce'), 'gfpdfe_migrate')) {
             if (GFPDF_InstallUpdater::run_template_migration() === 'false') {
                 return true;