format() public static method

Render a full HTML description of an exception
See also: formatTrace()
public static format ( Exception $e, $includingTrace = true, $html = null, $skip = null, $context_lines = 2 ) : string
$e Exception
return string
Example #1
  * Rebuild caches, indexes, etc.
 static function rebuild($forceFullRebuild = false)
     gb::log(LOG_NOTICE, 'rebuilding cache' . ($forceFullRebuild ? ' (forcing full rebuild)' : ''));
     $time_started = microtime(1);
     $failures = array();
     # Load rebuild plugins
     # Load rebuilders if needed
     if (empty(self::$rebuilders)) {
     # Create rebuilder instances
     $rebuilders = array();
     foreach (self::$rebuilders as $cls) {
         $rebuilders[] = new $cls($forceFullRebuild);
     # Load rebuild plugins (2nd offer)
     # Query ls-tree
     $ls = rtrim(git::exec('ls-files --stage'));
     if ($ls) {
         # Iterate objects
         $ls = explode("\n", $ls);
         foreach ($ls as $line) {
             try {
                 # <mode> SP <object> SP <stage no> TAB <name>
                 if (!$line) {
                 $line = explode(' ', $line, 3);
                 $id = $line[1];
                 $name = gb_normalize_git_name(substr($line[2], strpos($line[2], "\t") + 1));
                 foreach ($rebuilders as $rebuilder) {
                     $rebuilder->onObject($name, $id);
             } catch (RuntimeException $e) {
                 gb::log(LOG_ERR, 'failed to rebuild object %s %s: %s', var_export($name, 1), $e->getMessage(), $e->getTraceAsString());
                 $failures[] = array($rebuilder, $name);
     # Let rebuilders finalize
     foreach ($rebuilders as $rebuilder) {
         try {
         } catch (RuntimeException $e) {
             gb::log(LOG_ERR, 'rebuilder %s (0x%x) failed to finalize: %s', get_class($rebuilder), spl_object_hash($rebuilder), GBException::format($e, true, false, null, 0));
             $failures[] = array($rebuilder, null);
     gb::log(LOG_NOTICE, 'cache updated -- time spent: %s', gb_format_duration(microtime(1) - $time_started));
     return $failures;
Example #2
        foreach ($state_fields as $k => $discard) {
            if ($k === 'body') {
                $modified_state[$k] = $post->rawBody();
            } else {
                $v = $post->{$k};
                if ($v instanceof GBDateTime) {
                    $v = strval($v);
                $modified_state[$k] = $v;
    # commit?
    if ($input['commit']) {
        git::commit(($created ? 'Created' : 'Updated') . ' post ' . r($post->title), gb::$authorized, $post->name);
    # build response entity
    $rsp = array('name' => $post->name, 'version' => $post->id, 'exists' => $post->exists(), 'isTracked' => $post->isTracked(), 'isDirty' => $post->isDirty(), 'state' => $modified_state);
    # status
    $status = '200 OK';
    if ($created) {
        $status = '201 Created';
    # send JSON response
    gb_admin::json_rsp($rsp, $status);
    gb::log('saved post %s', $post->name);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    gb::log('failed to save post: %s', GBException::format($e, true, false, null, 0));
    gb_admin::json_rsp($e->getMessage(), '400 Bad Request');
Example #3
function gb_exception_handler($e)
    if (ini_get('html_errors')) {
        if (headers_sent()) {
            $msg = GBException::formatHTMLBlock($e);
        } else {
            $msg = GBException::formatHTMLDocument($e);
    } else {
        $msg = GBException::format($e, true, false, null, 0);