function bookmarks($bookmarks) { $options = get_option('GoogleAnalyticsPP'); if (!is_admin() && (!current_user_can('edit_users') || $options['admintracking'])) { $options = get_option('GoogleAnalyticsPP'); foreach ((array) $bookmarks as $bookmark) { if ($options['domainorurl'] == "domain") { $target = GA_Filter::ga_get_domain($bookmark->link_url); $bookmark->link_rel = $bookmark->link_rel . "\" onclick=\"javascript:pageTracker._trackPageview('" . $options['blogrollprefix'] . "/" . $target["host"] . "');"; } else { if ($options['domainorurl'] == "url") { $bookmark->link_rel = $bookmark->link_rel . "\" onclick=\"javascript:pageTracker._trackPageview('" . $options['blogrollprefix'] . "/" . $bookmark->link_url . "');"; } } } } return $bookmarks; }
function shopp_transaction_tracking($push) { global $Shopp; // Only process if we're in the checkout process (receipt page) if (version_compare(substr(SHOPP_VERSION, 0, 3), '1.1') >= 0) { // Only process if we're in the checkout process (receipt page) if (function_exists('is_shopp_page') && !is_shopp_page('checkout')) { return $push; } if (empty($Shopp->Order->purchase)) { return $push; } $Purchase = new Purchase($Shopp->Order->purchase); $Purchase->load_purchased(); } else { // For 1.0.x // Only process if we're in the checkout process (receipt page) if (function_exists('is_shopp_page') && !is_shopp_page('checkout')) { return $push; } // Only process if we have valid order data if (!isset($Shopp->Cart->data->Purchase)) { return $push; } if (empty($Shopp->Cart->data->Purchase->id)) { return $push; } $Purchase = $Shopp->Cart->data->Purchase; } $push[] = "'_addTrans'," . "'" . $Purchase->id . "'," . "'" . GA_Filter::ga_str_clean(get_bloginfo('name')) . "'," . "'" . number_format($Purchase->total, 2) . "'," . "'" . number_format($Purchase->tax, 2) . "'," . "'" . number_format($Purchase->shipping, 2) . "'," . "'" . $Purchase->city . "'," . "'" . $Purchase->state . "'," . "'.{$Purchase->country}.'"; // Country foreach ($Purchase->purchased as $item) { $sku = empty($item->sku) ? 'PID-' . $item->product . str_pad($item->price, 4, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) : $item->sku; $push[] = "'_addItem'," . "'" . $Purchase->id . "'," . "'" . $sku . "'," . "'" . str_replace("'", "", $item->name) . "'," . "'" . $item->optionlabel . "'," . "'" . number_format($item->unitprice, 2) . "'," . "'" . $item->quantity . "'"; } $push[] = "'_trackTrans'"; return $push; }
function comment_author_link($text) { static $anchorPattern = '(.*href\\s*=\\s*)[\\"\']*(.*)[\\"\'] (.*)'; ereg($anchorPattern, $text, $matches); if ($matches[2] == "") { return $text; } $target = GA_Filter::ga_get_domain($matches[2]); $coolbit = ""; $origin = GA_Filter::ga_get_domain($_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"]); if ($target["domain"] != $origin["domain"]) { $coolBit .= " onclick=\"javascript:urchinTracker('/outbound/commentauthor/" . $target["host"] . "');\" "; } return $matches[1] . "\"" . $matches[2] . "\"" . $coolBit . $matches[3]; }