echo "\tsetname: setname <username> <realname> - sets the real name for a user\n"; echo "\tsettoken: settoken <username> <tokenkey> - sets the key (hex) for a token\n"; echo "\tsettype: settype <username> <tokentype> - sets a token type for a user\n"; echo "\tgetusers: getusers - gets a list of users\n"; echo "\tgetotk: getotk <username> - gets the OTKID for a key\n"; echo "\tradauth: radauth <username> <pin> - for radius, only returns a code\n"; echo "\tsynctoken: synctoken <username> <tokenone> <tokentwo> - resync's a hotp token based on two token codes\n"; echo "\ttokentype: tokentype <username> - gets the token type for a user\n"; echo "\taddradclient: addradclient <client_name> <client_ip> <client_secret> \"<description>\"- adds a radius client\n"; echo "\trmradclient: rmradclient <client_name> - removes a radius client with the name <client_name>\n"; echo "\tgetradclients: getradclients - returns a list of radius clients\n"; return 0; } switch ($argv[1]) { case "rmradclient": $msg = $myAC->deleteRadiusClient($argv[2]); if ($msg) { echo "Successfully deleted\n"; } break; case "getradclients": $msg = $myAC->getRadiusClients(); foreach ($msg as $client) { if ($client["desc"] == "") { $desc = "no description set"; } else { $desc = $client["desc"]; } echo $client["name"] . " is " . $client["ip"] . ", {$desc}\n"; } break;
require_once "../lib/authClient.php"; $myAC = new GAAuthClient(); session_start(); if (isset($_SESSION["loggedin"])) { if ($_SESSION["loggedin"]) { $loggedin = true; } else { $loggedin = false; } } if (isset($_REQUEST["action"])) { switch ($_REQUEST["action"]) { case "deleteradclient": $clientname = $_REQUEST["clientname"]; $ret = $myAC->deleteRadiusClient($clientname); header("Location: ?message=" . urlencode("Client Deleted")); exit(0); break; case "addradclient": $clientname = $_REQUEST["clientname"]; $clientip = $_REQUEST["clientip"]; $clientsecret = $_REQUEST["clientsecret"]; $clientdesc = $_REQUEST["clientdesc"]; $ret = $myAC->addRadiusClient($clientname, $clientip, $clientsecret, $clientdesc); if ($ret === true) { header("Location: ?message=" . urlencode("Client Added")); } else { if ($ret == "name") { header("Location: ?error=" . urlencode("Client Name Already Existed")); } else {