  *	The process to automatically consolidate existing and configuration defined tag types, executed on project build.
 public function requireDefaultRecords()
     // Retrieve existing and configuration defined tag types that have not been consolidated.
     foreach ($this->service->getFusionTagTypes() as $type => $field) {
         if (($tags = $type::get()->filter('FusionTagID', 0)) && $tags->exists()) {
             foreach ($tags as $tag) {
                 // Determine whether there's an existing fusion tag.
                 if (!($existing = FusionTag::get()->filter('Title', $tag->{$field})->first())) {
                     // There is no fusion tag, therefore instantiate one using the current tag.
                     $fusion = FusionTag::create();
                     $fusion->Title = $tag->{$field};
                     $fusion->TagTypes = serialize(array($tag->ClassName => $tag->ClassName));
                     $fusionID = $fusion->ID;
                 } else {
                     // There is a fusion tag, therefore append the current tag type.
                     $types = unserialize($existing->TagTypes);
                     $types[$tag->ClassName] = $tag->ClassName;
                     $existing->TagTypes = serialize($types);
                     $fusionID = $existing->ID;
                 // Update the current tag to point to this.
                 $tag->FusionTagID = $fusionID;
                 DB::alteration_message("\"{$tag->{$field}}\" Fusion Tag", 'created');
  *	Update the page filtering, allowing CMS searchable content tagging.
 public function updateSearchForm($form)
     // Update the page filtering, allowing multiple tags.
     Requirements::javascript(FUSION_PATH . '/javascript/fusion.js');
     // Instantiate a field containing the existing tags.
     $form->Fields()->insertBefore(ListboxField::create('q[Tagging]', 'Tags', FusionTag::get()->map('Title', 'Title')->toArray(), ($filtering = $this->owner->getRequest()->getVar('q')) && isset($filtering['Tagging']) ? $filtering['Tagging'] : array(), null, true), 'q[Term]');
     // Allow extension.
     $this->owner->extend('updateCMSMainTaggingExtensionSearchForm', $form);
  *	Display the appropriate tagging field.
 public function updateCMSFields(FieldList $fields)
     // Determine whether consolidated tags are found in the existing relationships.
     $types = array();
     foreach (singleton('FusionService')->getFusionTagTypes() as $type => $field) {
         $types[$type] = $type;
     $types = array_intersect($this->owner->many_many(), $types);
     if (empty($types)) {
         // There are no consolidated tags found, therefore instantiate a tagging field.
         $fields->addFieldToTab('Root.Tagging', ListboxField::create('FusionTags', 'Tags', FusionTag::get()->map()->toArray())->setMultiple(true));
     // Allow extension.
     $this->owner->extend('updateTaggingExtensionCMSFields', $fields);
  *	Update the fusion tag to remove this tag type.
 public function onAfterDelete()
     $fusion = FusionTag::get()->byID($this->owner->FusionTagID);
     $types = unserialize($fusion->TagTypes);
     $fusion->TagTypes = !empty($types) ? serialize($types) : null;
Example #5
  *	The process to automatically consolidate existing and configuration defined tag types, executed on project build.
 public function requireDefaultRecords()
     // Retrieve existing and configuration defined tag types that have not been consolidated.
     $wrapped = array();
     foreach ($this->service->getFusionTagTypes() as $type => $field) {
         if (($tags = $type::get()->filter('FusionTagID', 0)) && $tags->exists()) {
             foreach ($tags as $tag) {
                 // Determine whether there's an existing fusion tag.
                 if (!($existing = FusionTag::get()->filter('Title', $tag->{$field})->first())) {
                     // There is no fusion tag, therefore instantiate one using the current tag.
                     $fusion = FusionTag::create();
                     $fusion->Title = $tag->{$field};
                     $fusion->TagTypes = serialize(array($tag->ClassName => $tag->ClassName));
                     $fusionID = $fusion->ID;
                     DB::alteration_message("\"{$tag->{$field}}\" Fusion Tag", 'created');
                 } else {
                     // There is a fusion tag, therefore append the current tag type.
                     $types = unserialize($existing->TagTypes);
                     $types[$tag->ClassName] = $tag->ClassName;
                     $existing->TagTypes = serialize($types);
                     $fusionID = $existing->ID;
                 // Update the current tag to point to this.
                 $tag->FusionTagID = $fusionID;
         // The existing and configuration defined tag types need to be wrapped for serialised partial matching.
         $wrapped[] = "\"{$type}\"";
     // Determine whether tag type exclusions have caused any fusion tags to become redundant.
     $tags = FusionTag::get()->where('TagTypes IS NOT NULL');
     if (count($wrapped)) {
         // Determine the fusion tags that only contain tag type exclusions.
         $tags = $tags->exclude('TagTypes:PartialMatch', $wrapped);
     if ($tags->exists()) {
         // Determine any data objects with the tagging extension.
         $objects = array();
         $configuration = Config::inst();
         $classes = ClassInfo::subclassesFor('DataObject');
         foreach ($classes as $class) {
             // Determine the specific data object extensions.
             $extensions = $configuration->get($class, 'extensions', Config::UNINHERITED);
             if (is_array($extensions) && in_array('TaggingExtension', $extensions)) {
                 $objects[] = $class;
         // Determine whether these fusion tags are now redundant.
         $mode = Versioned::get_reading_mode();
         $types = array();
         $where = array();
         foreach ($tags as $tag) {
             // Determine whether this fusion tag is being used.
             $ID = $tag->ID;
             foreach ($objects as $object) {
                 if ($object::get()->filter('FusionTags.ID', $ID)->exists()) {
                     // This fusion tag is being used, so keep it.
                     continue 2;
             // These fusion tags are now redundant.
             $types = array_merge($types, unserialize($tag->TagTypes));
             $where[] = array('FusionTagID' => $ID);
             DB::alteration_message("\"{$tag->Title}\" Fusion Tag", 'deleted');
         // The tag type exclusions need updating to reflect this.
         foreach ($types as $exclusion) {
             $query = new SQLUpdate($exclusion, array('FusionTagID' => 0), $where);