public static function dropdown_categories($args) { $defaults = array('field' => false, 'name' => false, 'show_option_all' => ' '); $args = wp_parse_args($args, $defaults); if (!$args['field']) { return; } if (!$args['name']) { $args['name'] = 'item_meta[' . $args['field']['id'] . ']'; } $id = self::get_html_id($args['field']); $class = $args['field']['type']; $exclude = is_array($args['field']['exclude_cat']) ? implode(',', $args['field']['exclude_cat']) : $args['field']['exclude_cat']; $exclude = apply_filters('frm_exclude_cats', $exclude, $args['field']); if (is_array($args['field']['value'])) { if (!empty($exclude)) { $args['field']['value'] = array_diff($args['field']['value'], explode(',', $exclude)); } $selected = reset($args['field']['value']); } else { $selected = $args['field']['value']; } $tax_atts = array('show_option_all' => $args['show_option_all'], 'hierarchical' => 1, 'name' => $args['name'], 'id' => $id, 'exclude' => $exclude, 'class' => $class, 'selected' => $selected, 'hide_empty' => false, 'echo' => 0, 'orderby' => 'name'); $tax_atts = apply_filters('frm_dropdown_cat', $tax_atts, $args['field']); if (FrmAppHelper::pro_is_installed()) { $post_type = FrmProFormsHelper::post_type($args['field']['form_id']); $tax_atts['taxonomy'] = FrmProAppHelper::get_custom_taxonomy($post_type, $args['field']); if (!$tax_atts['taxonomy']) { return; } // If field type is dropdown (not Dynamic), exclude children when parent is excluded if ($args['field']['type'] != 'data' && is_taxonomy_hierarchical($tax_atts['taxonomy'])) { $tax_atts['exclude_tree'] = $exclude; } } $dropdown = wp_dropdown_categories($tax_atts); $add_html = FrmFieldsController::input_html($args['field'], false); if (FrmAppHelper::pro_is_installed()) { $add_html .= FrmProFieldsController::input_html($args['field'], false); } $dropdown = str_replace("<select name='" . esc_attr($args['name']) . "' id='" . esc_attr($id) . "' class='" . esc_attr($class) . "'", "<select name='" . esc_attr($args['name']) . "' id='" . esc_attr($id) . "' " . $add_html, $dropdown); if (is_array($args['field']['value'])) { $skip = true; foreach ($args['field']['value'] as $v) { if ($skip) { $skip = false; continue; } $dropdown = str_replace(' value="' . esc_attr($v) . '"', ' value="' . esc_attr($v) . '" selected="selected"', $dropdown); unset($v); } } return $dropdown; }
public static function dropdown_categories($args) { global $frm_vars; $defaults = array('field' => false, 'name' => false, 'show_option_all' => ' '); extract(wp_parse_args($args, $defaults)); if (!$field) { return; } if (!$name) { $name = "item_meta[{$field['id']}]"; } $id = 'field_' . $field['field_key']; $class = $field['type']; $exclude = is_array($field['exclude_cat']) ? implode(',', $field['exclude_cat']) : $field['exclude_cat']; $exclude = apply_filters('frm_exclude_cats', $exclude, $field); if (is_array($field['value'])) { if (!empty($exclude)) { $field['value'] = array_diff($field['value'], explode(',', $exclude)); } $selected = reset($field['value']); } else { $selected = $field['value']; } $args = array('show_option_all' => $show_option_all, 'hierarchical' => 1, 'name' => $name, 'id' => $id, 'exclude' => $exclude, 'class' => $class, 'selected' => $selected, 'hide_empty' => false, 'echo' => 0, 'orderby' => 'name'); $args = apply_filters('frm_dropdown_cat', $args, $field); if (class_exists('FrmProFormsHelper')) { $post_type = FrmProFormsHelper::post_type($field['form_id']); $args['taxonomy'] = FrmProAppHelper::get_custom_taxonomy($post_type, $field); if (!$args['taxonomy']) { return; } if (is_taxonomy_hierarchical($args['taxonomy'])) { $args['exclude_tree'] = $exclude; } } $dropdown = wp_dropdown_categories($args); $add_html = FrmFieldsController::input_html($field, false); if ($frm_vars['pro_is_installed']) { $add_html .= FrmProFieldsController::input_html($field, false); } $dropdown = str_replace("<select name='{$name}' id='{$id}' class='{$class}'", "<select name='{$name}' id='{$id}' " . $add_html, $dropdown); if (is_array($field['value'])) { $skip = true; foreach ($field['value'] as $v) { if ($skip) { $skip = false; continue; } $dropdown = str_replace(' value="' . $v . '"', ' value="' . $v . '" selected="selected"', $dropdown); unset($v); } } return $dropdown; }
require $frm_path . '/pro/classes/models/FrmProForm.php'; require $frm_path . '/pro/classes/models/FrmProNotification.php'; global $frmpro_display; $frmpro_display = new FrmProDisplay(); $obj = new FrmProNotification(); // Instansiate Controllers require $frm_path . '/pro/classes/controllers/FrmProAppController.php'; require $frm_path . '/pro/classes/controllers/FrmProDisplaysController.php'; require $frm_path . '/pro/classes/controllers/FrmProEntriesController.php'; require $frm_path . '/pro/classes/controllers/FrmProFieldsController.php'; require $frm_path . '/pro/classes/controllers/FrmProFormsController.php'; require $frm_path . '/pro/classes/controllers/FrmProStatisticsController.php'; FrmProAppController::load_hooks(); FrmProDisplaysController::load_hooks(); FrmProEntriesController::load_hooks(); FrmProFieldsController::load_hooks(); FrmProFormsController::load_hooks(); FrmProStatisticsController::load_hooks(); FrmProSettingsController::load_hooks(); if (is_admin()) { require $frm_path . '/pro/classes/controllers/FrmProXMLController.php'; FrmProXMLController::load_hooks(); } if (is_multisite()) { //Models require $frm_path . '/pro/classes/models/FrmProCopy.php'; $obj = new FrmProCopy(); //Add options to copy forms and displays require $frm_path . '/pro/classes/controllers/FrmProCopiesController.php'; FrmProCopiesController::load_hooks(); }
function dropdown_categories($args) { global $frmpro_is_installed; $defaults = array('field' => false, 'name' => false); extract(wp_parse_args($args, $defaults)); if (!$field) { return; } if (!$name) { $name = "item_meta[{$field['id']}]"; } $id = 'field_' . $field['field_key']; $class = $field['type']; $selected = is_array($field['value']) ? reset($field['value']) : $field['value']; $exclude = is_array($field['exclude_cat']) ? implode(',', $field['exclude_cat']) : $field['exclude_cat']; $exclude = apply_filters('frm_exclude_cats', $exclude, $field); $args = array('show_option_all' => ' ', 'hierarchical' => 1, 'name' => $name, 'id' => $id, 'exclude' => $exclude, 'class' => $class, 'selected' => $selected, 'hide_empty' => false, 'echo' => 0, 'orderby' => 'name'); if (class_exists('FrmProForm')) { $post_type = FrmProForm::post_type($field['form_id']); if (function_exists('get_object_taxonomies')) { $args['taxonomy'] = FrmProAppHelper::get_custom_taxonomy($post_type, $field); if (!$args['taxonomy']) { return; } } } $dropdown = wp_dropdown_categories($args); $add_html = FrmFieldsController::input_html($field, false); if ($frmpro_is_installed) { $add_html .= FrmProFieldsController::input_html($field, false); } $dropdown = str_replace("<select name='{$name}' id='{$id}' class='{$class}'", "<select name='{$name}' id='{$id}' " . $add_html, $dropdown); return $dropdown; }
<div class="subform_section subform_<?php echo $subfield->type; ?> "> <?php if ($subfield->type != 'break') { ?> <label class="frm_primary_label"><?php echo $subfield->name; ?> </label> <?php } ?> <?php FrmProFieldsController::show($subfield, 'embed'); ?> <div class="clear"></div> </div> <?php } } } else { if ('end_divider' == $field['type']) { ?> <span class="show_repeat_sec repeat_icon_links repeat_format<?php echo $field['format']; ?> "> <a href="javascript:void(0)" class="frm_remove_form_row <?php