Example #1
 function get_not_forums($_status = -1, $_limit = -1, $_offset = 0)
     $sql = "SELECT * FROM {t_forum}";
     if ($_status > -1) {
         $sql .= " WHERE status != {status}";
     //NOTE: invertation
     $sql .= " ORDER BY priority DESC, id";
     $query = new FreechSqlQuery($sql);
     $query->set_int('status', $_status);
     $res = $this->db->SelectLimit($query->sql(), (int) $_limit, (int) $_offset) or die('ForumDB::get_forums()');
     $forums = array();
     while (!$res->EOF) {
         $forum = new Forum($res->fields);
         array_push($forums, $forum);
     return $forums;
Example #2
  * Returns all items that match the given criteria.
  * $_search: The search values.
 function &get_items_from_query(&$_search, $_limit = -1, $_offset = 0)
     // Get a list of item ids.
     $query = new FreechSqlQuery();
     $sql = 'SELECT m.id';
     $sql .= ' FROM {t_modlog} m';
     $sql .= ' WHERE 1';
     foreach ($_search as $key => $value) {
         if (is_int($value)) {
             $sql .= " AND m.{$key}={" . $key . '}';
         } else {
             $sql .= " AND m.{$key} LIKE {" . $key . '}';
         $query->set_var($key, $value);
     $sql .= ' ORDER BY m.id DESC';
     $res = $this->db->SelectLimit($query->sql(), (int) $_limit, (int) $_offset);
     // Now fetch the items, including attributes.
     $sql = 'SELECT m.*,';
     $sql .= ' a.attribute_name,a.attribute_type,a.attribute_value,';
     $sql .= ' UNIX_TIMESTAMP(m.created) created';
     $sql .= ' FROM {t_modlog} m';
     $sql .= ' LEFT JOIN {t_modlog_attribute} a ON a.modlog_id=m.id';
     $sql .= ' WHERE 0';
     while (!$res->EOF) {
         $row = $res->FetchObj();
         $sql .= ' OR m.id=' . $row->id;
     $sql .= ' ORDER BY m.id DESC';
     $query = new FreechSqlQuery($sql);
     $res = $this->db->_Execute($query->sql());
     $list = array();
     while ($item = $this->_pop_item_from_result($res)) {
         array_push($list, $item);
     return $list;
Example #3
function util_get_attribute($_dbn, $_name, $_default = NULL)
    if (empty($db_base)) {
        $db_base = cfg('db_tablebase');
    $caption = 'Get version number of the Freech installation';
    // Connect to the database.
    $db = ADONewConnection($_dbn);
    if (!$db) {
        return new Result($caption, FALSE, 'Database connection failed. The table is possibly absent. ' . 'Check the installation by hand.');
    if ($_POST['adodb_debug']) {
        $db->debug = TRUE;
    // Insert or update.
    $sql = 'SELECT value FROM ' . $db_base . 'info WHERE name={name}';
    $query = new FreechSqlQuery($sql);
    $query->set_string('name', $_name);
    // Run,.
    $res = $db->execute($query->sql());
    if (!$res) {
        return $_default;
    $row = $res->FetchObj();
    return $row->value;
Example #4
  * Returns the users who wrote the highest number of postings.
  * $_limit: The maximum number of results.
 function get_top_users($_limit, $_since = 0)
     $sql = "SELECT u.*, g.name icon_name, COUNT(*) n_postings,";
     $sql .= "UNIX_TIMESTAMP(u.updated) updated,";
     $sql .= "UNIX_TIMESTAMP(u.created) created";
     $sql .= " FROM {t_user}    u";
     $sql .= " JOIN {t_group}   g ON g.id=u.group_id";
     $sql .= " JOIN {t_posting} m ON m.user_id=u.id";
     $sql .= " WHERE u.id != {anonymous}";
     if ($_since > 0) {
         $sql .= " AND m.created>FROM_UNIXTIME({since})";
     $sql .= " GROUP BY u.id";
     $sql .= " ORDER BY n_postings DESC";
     $query = new FreechSqlQuery($sql);
     $query->set_int('anonymous', cfg('anonymous_user_id'));
     $query->set_int('since', $_since);
     $res = $this->db->SelectLimit($query->sql(), (int) $_limit) or die("UserDB::get_top_users()");
     $users = array();
     while (!$res->EOF) {
         $user = $this->_get_user_from_row($res->fields);
         $user->n_postings = $res->fields['n_postings'];
         array_push($users, $user);
     return $users;
Example #5
function set_user_rating(&$api, $_msg, $rating)
    $_forum_id = $_msg->get_forum_id();
    $_posting_id = $_msg->get_id();
    $_thread_id = $_msg->get_thread_id();
    $_user_id = $api->user()->get_id();
    $_rating = $rating;
    $db = $api->db();
    // first insert new user rating
    $sql = "INSERT {t_rating_vote}";
    $sql .= " (posting_id, thread_id, user_id, rating)";
    $sql .= " VALUES ({posting_id}, {thread_id}, {user_id}, {rating})";
    $query = new FreechSqlQuery($sql);
    $query->set_int('posting_id', $_posting_id);
    $query->set_int('thread_id', $_thread_id);
    $query->set_int('user_id', $_user_id);
    $query->set_int('rating', $_rating);
    $db->_Execute($query->sql()) or die('ForumDB::save_rating(): user_rating');
    // then select all existing ratings to compute new average rating
    $sql = "SELECT posting_id as id, count(rating) as count,";
    $sql .= " AVG(rating) as avg_rating FROM {t_rating_vote}";
    $sql .= " WHERE posting_id={posting_id} GROUP BY thread_id";
    $query = new FreechSqlQuery($sql);
    $query->set_int('posting_id', $_posting_id);
    $res = $db->_Execute($query->sql()) or die('ForumDB::save_rating(): query');
    // save average rating into table
    $sql = "UPDATE {t_posting}";
    $sql .= " SET rating={rating}, rating_count={count}";
    $sql .= " WHERE id={posting_id}";
    $query = new FreechSqlQuery($sql);
    $query->set_int('posting_id', $res->fields['id']);
    $query->set_int('rating', $res->fields['avg_rating']);
    $query->set_int('count', $res->fields['count']);
    $db->_Execute($query->sql()) or die('ForumDB::save_rating(): rating');
Example #6
function _poll_cast(&$db, &$user, $option_id)
    $sql = 'INSERT INTO {t_poll_vote}';
    $sql .= ' (option_id, user_id)';
    $sql .= ' VALUES (';
    $sql .= ' {option_id}, {user_id}';
    $sql .= ')';
    $query = new FreechSqlQuery($sql);
    $query->set_int('option_id', $option_id);
    $query->set_int('user_id', $user->get_id());
    $db->Execute($query->sql()) or die('_poll_cast(): Insert');
Example #7
  * Insert a new group or save an existing one.
  * $_group: The group to be saved.
  * Returns: The id of the (maybe newly inserted) group.
 function save_group(&$_group)
     if (!is_object($_group)) {
         die('GroupDB::save_group(): Invalid arg.');
     $query = new FreechSqlQuery();
     $query->set_int('id', $_group->get_id());
     $query->set_string('name', $_group->get_name());
     $query->set_bool('is_special', $_group->is_special());
     $query->set_int('status', $_group->get_status());
     if ($_group->get_id() < 1) {
         $sql = "INSERT INTO {t_group}";
         $sql .= " (";
         $sql .= "  id, name, is_special, status, created";
         $sql .= " )";
         $sql .= " VALUES (";
         $sql .= "  {id}, {name}, {is_special}, {status}, NULL";
         $sql .= " )";
         $this->db->_Execute($query->sql()) or die('GroupDB::save_group: Ins');
         $newid = $this->db->Insert_ID();
         return $newid;
     $sql = "UPDATE {t_group} SET";
     $sql .= " id={id},";
     $sql .= " name={name},";
     $sql .= " is_special={is_special},";
     $sql .= " status={status}";
     $sql .= " WHERE id={id}";
     $this->db->_Execute($query->sql()) or die('GroupDB::save_group(): Upd');
     return $_group->get_id();
Example #8
 function get_n_visitors($_since = 0)
     if ($_since == 0) {
         // IDX: visitor:counter
         $query = new FreechSqlQuery("SELECT MAX(counter) FROM {t_visitor}");
     } else {
         // IDX: visitor:visit
         $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {t_visitor}";
         $sql .= " WHERE visit > {start}";
         $query = new FreechSqlQuery($sql);
         $query->set_int('start', $_since);
     $n = $this->db->GetOne($query->sql());
     if (!$n) {
         return 0;
     return $n;