public function compile(Fps_Viewer_CompileParser $compiler)
     $compiler->raw("Fps_Viewer_FunctionsStorage::run('{$this->func}', ");
     while (count($this->params) > 0) {
         $node = array_shift($this->params);
         if (count($this->params) > 0) {
             $compiler->raw(", ");
Example #2
 public function compile(Fps_Viewer_CompileParser $compiler)
     $compiler->raw("\$this->setValue(" . $this->compileAttributesArray() . ", ");
 public function compile(Fps_Viewer_CompileParser $compiler)
     $compiler->raw(' / ');
 public function compile(Fps_Viewer_CompileParser $compiler)
     $compiler->raw(' !in_array(');
     $compiler->raw(', ');
     $compiler->raw(') ');
Example #5
 public function compile($value, Fps_Viewer_CompileParser $compiler)
     if (!is_callable($value)) {
         throw new Exception('(Filter_Escape):Value for filtering must be callable.');
 public function compile($value, Fps_Viewer_CompileParser $compiler)
     if (!is_callable($value)) {
         throw new Exception('(Filter_Json_encode):Value for filtering must be callable.');
     $compiler->raw(', JSON_FORCE_OBJECT)');
Example #7
 public function compile($value, Fps_Viewer_CompileParser $compiler)
     if (!is_callable($value)) {
         throw new Exception('(Filter_Show):Value for filtering must be callable.');
     $compiler->raw("'<pre>' . print_r(");
     $compiler->raw(", true) . '<pre>'");
 public function compile($value, Fps_Viewer_CompileParser $compiler)
     if (!is_callable($value)) {
         throw new Exception('(Filter_Urldecode):Value for filtering must be callable.');
Example #9
 public function compile($value, Fps_Viewer_CompileParser $compiler)
     if (!is_callable($value)) {
         throw new Exception('(Filter_Bbcode):Value for filtering must be callable.');
     if (!empty($this->params[0])) {
         $compiler->raw(', ');
Example #10
 public function compile($value, Fps_Viewer_CompileParser $compiler)
     if (!is_callable($value)) {
         throw new Exception('(Filter_Lang):Value for filtering must be callable.');
     if (!empty($this->params[0])) {
         $compiler->raw(', ');
Example #11
 public function compile($value, Fps_Viewer_CompileParser $compiler)
     if (empty($this->params[0])) {
         throw new Exception('First parameter is not exists in "Replace" filter.');
     if (!is_callable($value)) {
         throw new Exception('(Filter_Replace):Value for filtering must be callable.');
     $compiler->raw(', ');
Example #12
 public function compile($value, Fps_Viewer_CompileParser $compiler)
     if (empty($this->params[0])) {
         throw new Exception('Regexp string is not exists in "Match" filter.');
     if (!is_callable($value)) {
         throw new Exception('(Filter_Match):Value for filtering must be callable.');
     $compiler->raw(', ');
Example #13
 public function compile($value, Fps_Viewer_CompileParser $compiler)
     if (empty($this->params[0])) {
         throw new Exception('First parameter is not exists in "Append" filter.');
     if (!is_callable($value)) {
         throw new Exception('(Filter_Append):Value for filtering must be callable.');
     $compiler->raw('call_user_func(function($arr, $value) {$arr[] = $value;return $arr;},');
Example #14
 public function compile($value, Fps_Viewer_CompileParser $compiler)
     if (!is_callable($value)) {
         throw new Exception('(Filter_Join):Value for filtering must be callable.');
     if (isset($this->params[0])) {
     } else {
     $compiler->raw(', ');
Example #15
 public function compile($value, Fps_Viewer_CompileParser $compiler)
     if (empty($this->params[0])) {
         throw new Exception('First parameter is not exists in "Slice" filter.');
     if (!is_callable($value)) {
         throw new Exception('(Filter_Slice):Value for filtering must be callable.');
     $compiler->raw(', ');
     if (!empty($this->params[1]) && is_object($this->params[1])) {
         $compiler->raw(', ');
Example #16
 public function compile($value, Fps_Viewer_CompileParser $compiler)
     if (empty($this->params[0])) {
         throw new Exception('First parameter is not exists in "Split" filter.');
     if (!is_callable($value)) {
         throw new Exception('(Filter_Split):Value for filtering must be callable.');
     $compiler->raw(', ');
     if (isset($this->params[1])) {
         $compiler->raw(', ');
Example #17
 public function compile($value, Fps_Viewer_CompileParser $compiler)
     if (empty($this->params[0])) {
         throw new Exception('First parameter is not exists in "Substr" filter.');
     if (!is_callable($value)) {
         throw new Exception('(Filter_Substr):Value for cuting must be callable.');
     $compiler->raw(', ');
     if (!empty($this->params[1])) {
         $compiler->raw(', ');
 public function compile($value, Fps_Viewer_CompileParser $compiler)
     if (empty($this->params[0])) {
         throw new Exception('First parameter is not exists in "NumFormat" filter.');
     if (!is_callable($value)) {
         throw new Exception('(Filter_NumFormat):Value for filtering must be callable.');
     $compiler->raw(', ');
     foreach ($this->params as $k => $param) {
         if ($k + 1 < count($this->params)) {
             $compiler->raw(', ');
Example #19
 public function compile($value, Fps_Viewer_CompileParser $compiler)
     if (empty($this->params[0])) {
         throw new Exception('First parameter is not exists in "Batch" filter.');
     if (empty($this->params[1])) {
         throw new Exception('Second parameter is not exists in "Batch" filter.');
     if (!is_callable($value)) {
         throw new Exception('(Filter_Batch):Value for filtering must be callable.');
     $compiler->raw('array_map(function($n, $size = ');
     $compiler->indent()->raw(', $def = ');
     $compiler->indent()->raw(') {' . "\n");
     $compiler->indent()->write('return array_pad($n, $size, $def);' . "\n");
     $compiler->outdent()->write('}, array_chunk(');
     $compiler->raw(', ');
Example #20
 public function compile(Fps_Viewer_CompileParser $compiler)
     $path = strtr($this->path, array('//' => '/', '\\\\' => '\\'));
     $compiler->write("\$this->includeFile('{$path}', ");
     if (is_array($this->context) && count($this->context)) {
         foreach ($this->context as $key => $row) {
             $compiler->raw("'{$row}' => (isset(\${$row})) ? \${$row} : ''");
             if ($key + 1 < count($this->context)) {
                 $compiler->raw(", ");
     } else {