public function getIndex() { $usuarios = TabelaUsuario::get(); $fpdf = new Fpdf('L', 'mm', 'A4'); $fpdf->AddPage(); $fpdf->SetFont('Arial', 'B', 14); $i = 0; $fpdf->Ln(15); $fpdf->Cell(55, 10, '<h1>Nome</h1>'); $fpdf->Cell(52, 10, 'CPF'); $fpdf->Cell(65, 10, 'Telefone'); $fpdf->Cell(23, 10, 'E-Mail'); $fpdf->Cell(100, 10, 'Login', 0, 1, 'C'); $fpdf->Ln(10); $fpdf->SetFont('Arial', '', 14); foreach ($usuarios as $usuario) { $fpdf->Cell(55, 10, $usuario->nome); $fpdf->Cell(50, 10, $usuario->cpf); $fpdf->Cell(45, 10, $usuario->telefone); $fpdf->Cell(35, 10, $usuario->email); $fpdf->Cell(120, 10, $usuario->login, 0, 1, 'C'); } $fpdf->Output(); exit; }
public function actionImprimirPDF() { $tUsuario = TUsuario::whereRaw('nombreUsuario=?', [Session::get('usuario')])->get(); $listaTDirectorio = TDirectorio::whereRaw('idUsuario=?', [$tUsuario[0]->idUsuario])->get(); Fpdf::AddPage(); Fpdf::SetFont('Arial', 'B', 16); $i = 0; Fpdf::Cell(40, 3 * $i, 'USUARIO'); Fpdf::Cell(50, 3 * $i, 'NOMBRE '); Fpdf::Cell(50, 3 * $i, 'DIRECCION '); Fpdf::Cell(40, 3 * $i, 'TELEFONO ', 0, 1, 'C'); $i++; Fpdf::Cell(40, 3 * $i, '', 0, 1, 'C'); Fpdf::Cell(40, 3 * $i, '', 0, 1, 'C'); Fpdf::SetFont('Arial', '', 12); foreach ($listaTDirectorio as $key => $value) { Fpdf::Cell(40, 3 * $i, $value->tUsuario->nombreUsuario); Fpdf::Cell(50, 3 * $i, $value->nombreCompleto); Fpdf::Cell(50, 3 * $i, $value->direccion); Fpdf::Cell(40, 3 * $i, $value->telefono, 0, 1, 'C'); $i++; } //Fpdf::Cell(40,10,'Hello World!'); // Fpdf::Output(); $header = ['Content-Type' => 'appication/pdf']; return response::make(Fpdf::Output(), 200, $header); }
public static function imprimeIncidencia($incidencia) { Fpdf::AddPage(); Fpdf::Image(App::make('url')->to('/dist/img/wu-header.gif'), 10, 5, 190, 25); Fpdf::Ln(25); Fpdf::Rect(10, 32, 190, 70); Fpdf::SetFont('Arial', 'B', 11); Fpdf::SetX(13); Fpdf::Cell(35, 10, "Datos de la incidencia"); Fpdf::Ln(10); Fpdf::SetFont('Arial', '', 10); Fpdf::SetX(13); Fpdf::Cell(35, 8, "Nro. Incidencia:"); Fpdf::Cell(60, 8, $incidencia->codigo); Fpdf::Cell(35, 8, "Fecha:"); $fecha = date('d/m/Y H:i', strtotime($incidencia->fecha_alta)); Fpdf::Cell(60, 8, $fecha); Fpdf::ln(); Fpdf::SetX(13); Fpdf::Cell(35, 8, "Incidente:"); Fpdf::Cell(60, 8, html_entity_decode($incidencia->apertura->incidente->descripcion)); Fpdf::Cell(35, 8, "Beneficiario:"); Fpdf::Cell(60, 8, $incidencia->beneficiario); Fpdf::ln(); Fpdf::SetX(13); Fpdf::Cell(35, 8, "Apertura:"); Fpdf::Cell(60, 8, html_entity_decode($incidencia->apertura->descripcion)); Fpdf::Cell(35, 8, "Monto principal:"); Fpdf::Cell(60, 8, $incidencia->monto); Fpdf::ln(); Fpdf::SetX(13); Fpdf::Cell(35, 8, "MTCN:"); Fpdf::Cell(60, 8, html_entity_decode($incidencia->mtcn)); Fpdf::Cell(35, 8, "Destino:"); Fpdf::Cell(60, 8, $incidencia->destino); Fpdf::ln(); Fpdf::SetX(13); Fpdf::Cell(35, 8, html_entity_decode("Observaciones:")); Fpdf::ln(); Fpdf::SetX(13); $observaciones = str_replace('<p>', '', $incidencia->observaciones); $observaciones = str_replace('</p>', '', $observaciones); Fpdf::Multicell(170, 5, $observaciones); Fpdf::Ln(10); Fpdf::Rect(10, 105, 190, 50); Fpdf::Ln(4); Fpdf::SetFont('Arial', 'B', 11); Fpdf::SetX(13); Fpdf::Cell(35, 8, "Datos del agente"); Fpdf::Ln(10); Fpdf::SetX(13); Fpdf::SetFont('Arial', '', 10); Fpdf::Cell(35, 8, html_entity_decode("Código:")); Fpdf::Cell(60, 8, html_entity_decode($incidencia->agente->codigo)); Fpdf::Cell(35, 8, html_entity_decode("Código Postal:")); Fpdf::Cell(60, 8, html_entity_decode($incidencia->agente->codigo_postal)); Fpdf::Ln(); Fpdf::SetX(13); Fpdf::Cell(35, 8, html_entity_decode("Razón Social:")); Fpdf::Cell(60, 8, html_entity_decode($incidencia->agente->razon_social)); Fpdf::Cell(35, 8, html_entity_decode("Localidad:")); Fpdf::Cell(60, 8, html_entity_decode($incidencia->agente->localidad->descripcion)); Fpdf::Ln(); Fpdf::SetX(13); Fpdf::Cell(35, 8, "Domicilio:"); Fpdf::Cell(60, 8, html_entity_decode($incidencia->agente->domicilio)); Fpdf::Cell(35, 8, html_entity_decode("Provincia:")); Fpdf::Cell(60, 8, html_entity_decode($incidencia->agente->localidad->provincia->descripcion)); Fpdf::Output(); exit; }
<?php require "fpdf/fpdf.php"; class PDF extends FPDF { } // declaracion de la hoja $fpdf = new Fpdf(); $fpdf->AddPage(); // datos de titulo $fpdf->SetTextColor(0x0, 0x0, 0x0); $fpdf->SetFont('Arial', 'b', 16); // aca va la imagen $fpdf->Image('images/cabeza-re.jpg', 18, 3, 165, 35, 'JPG', '', 0, 1, 'C'); $fpdf->Cell(170, 18, date('d/m/Y'), 0, 1, 'R'); $fpdf->Cell(170, 2, date('H:m:s'), 0, 1, 'R'); $fpdf->Cell(185, 20, 'Lista Total de Cursos', 0, 1, 'C'); // conexion base de datos $enlace = mysqli_connect("localhost", "root", "", "caferedbd"); $frec = mysqli_query($enlace, "SELECT * FROM curso"); //formato de la tabla $fpdf->Ln(5); $fpdf->SetFont('Arial', 'B', 10); $fpdf->SetFillColor(67, 187, 70); // fondo color verde // titulos $fpdf->Cell(15, 5, 'Codigo', 0, 0, 'C', True); $fpdf->Cell(25, 5, 'Nombre', 0, 0, 'C', True); $fpdf->Cell(20, 5, 'Fecha ', 0, 0, 'C', True); $fpdf->Cell(10, 5, 'Num.', 0, 0, 'C', True); $fpdf->Cell(10, 5, 'Max.', 0, 0, 'C', True);
<?php require_once 'fpdf/fpdf.php'; $fpdf = new Fpdf('P', 'mm', array(215.9, 330.2)); $fpdf->AddPage(); $fpdf->Image('logo.png', 92, 8, -350); // Arial bold 15 $fpdf->SetFont('Times', '', 10); // Title $republic = 'Republic of the Philippines'; $fpdf->text(83, 35, $republic); $department = 'DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT'; $fpdf->SetFont('Times', 'B', 12); $fpdf->text(40, 40, $department); $fpdf->SetFont('Times', '', 10); $dilgnapolcom = "DILG-NAPOLCOM Center, EDSA cor. Quezon Avenue, Quezon City"; $fpdf->text(53, 45, $dilgnapolcom); $website = ""; $fpdf->text(89, 50, $website); //office $fpdf->SetFont('Times', '', 12); $office = strtolower($applicationForm->position) == "governor" ? "OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY" : "OFFICE OF THE UNDERSECRETARY FOR LOCAL GOVERNMENT"; $left = strtolower($applicationForm->position) == "governor" ? 71 : 38; $fpdf->text(83, 80, "AUTHORIZATION"); //barcode $fpdf->SetFont('Times', 'B', 12); $barcodedateofapproval = date("mdY", strtotime($applicationForm->dateapproved)); $barcodeHeading = App\viewStrategy::getRegionCode($applicationForm->region) . "_" . $barcodedateofapproval . "_" . $applicationForm->id; $fpdf->text(120, 70, $barcodeHeading); //date of approval $fpdf->SetFont('Times', '', 12);
<?php Fpdf::SetMargins(20, 20, 20); Fpdf::AddPage(); Fpdf::SetFont('Times', '', 12); // Header de la tabla Fpdf::SetFont('Arial', 'B', 10); Fpdf::Cell(10, 5, '#', 1); Fpdf::Cell(30, 5, 'Cedula', 1); Fpdf::Cell(50, 5, 'Nombres', 1); Fpdf::Cell(40, 5, 'Telefono', 1); Fpdf::Cell(40, 5, 'Cargo', 1); Fpdf::Ln(5); // contenido Fpdf::SetFont('Arial', '', 10); // consulto los empleados foreach ($clientes as $row) { Fpdf::Cell(10, 5, $row->id, 1); Fpdf::Cell(30, 5, $row->cedula, 1); Fpdf::Cell(50, 5, utf8_decode($row->nombre . ' ' . $row->apellido), 1); Fpdf::Cell(40, 5, $row->telefono, 1); Fpdf::Cell(40, 5, $row->email, 1); Fpdf::Ln(5); } Fpdf::Output(); exit;
function Header() { Fpdf::Image($logo, 40, 15, 250); Fpdf::SetFont('Arial', 'U', 18); Fpdf::Cell(0, 40, "Meeting Minutes", '', '', 'R'); Fpdf::Ln(60); Fpdf::SetFont('Arial', '', 10); Fpdf::Cell(0, 15, "Created By : " . $creator, '', '', 'R'); Fpdf::Ln(20); Fpdf::SetFont('Arial', '', 10); Fpdf::Cell(0, 15, "Meeting Date/Time : " . $logo, '', '', 'R'); Fpdf::Ln(80); }
public function getPerfReportsPdf() { $deptL = Session::get('deptpdf'); $sem = Session::get('sempdf'); $year = Session::get('yearpdf'); if ($deptL == 'All') { $deptL = '*'; } //------------------------------ if ($sem == 'All') { $sem = '*'; } $users = 'Performance'; $matchThese = array(); //If user chooses from dropdown if ($deptL != "*") { //If true insert this to variable $matchThese = array_add($matchThese, 'dept_id', $deptL); /***********Add Array*****************/ //If user chooses from dropdown if ($sem != "*") { //If true insert this to variable $matchThese = array_add($matchThese, 'semester', $sem); if ($year != "All") { $matchThese = array_add($matchThese, 'year', $year); $query = $users::where($matchThese)->orderBy('overall', 'desc')->get(); } else { $query = $users::where($matchThese)->orderBy('overall', 'desc')->get(); } } else { //===========Else of Semester if ($year != "All") { $matchThese = array_add($matchThese, 'year', $year); $query = $users::where($matchThese)->orderBy('overall', 'desc')->get(); } else { //===========Else of Year $query = $users::where($matchThese)->orderBy('overall', 'desc')->get(); } $query = $users::where($matchThese)->orderBy('overall', 'desc')->get(); } /***********End Add Array*****************/ } else { //===========Else of Department /*************Add Array***************/ if ($sem != "*") { //If true insert this to variable $matchThese = array_add($matchThese, 'semester', $sem); if ($year != "All") { $matchThese = array_add($matchThese, 'year', $year); $query = $users::where($matchThese)->orderBy('overall', 'desc')->get(); } else { $query = $users::where($matchThese)->orderBy('overall', 'desc')->get(); } } else { //===========Else of Semester if ($year != "All") { $matchThese = array_add($matchThese, 'year', $year); $query = $users::where($matchThese)->orderBy('overall', 'desc')->get(); } else { //===========Else of Year $query = $users::all(); } } /************End Add Array****************/ } Fpdf::AddPage(); Fpdf::PageNo(); Fpdf::AliasNbPages(); Fpdf::Image('img/dap.jpg', 10, 5, 150); Fpdf::Ln(5); Fpdf::SetFont('Arial', 'B', 8); Fpdf::Cell(300, 20, 'Date Generated: ' . date("Y/m/d"), 0, 2, 'C', 0); Fpdf::Cell(30, 10, 'Performance Results', 0, 2, 'C', 0); if ($deptL == '*') { Fpdf::Cell(22, 10, 'Department: All', 0, 2, 'C', 0); } else { $filterDepartment = Department::where('id', $deptL)->first(); Fpdf::Cell(30, 10, 'Department: ' . $filterDepartment->name, 0, 2, 'C', 0); } //------------------------------ if ($sem == '*') { Fpdf::Cell(22, 10, 'Semester: All', 0, 2, 'C', 0); } else { Fpdf::Cell(30, 10, 'Semester: ' . $sem, 0, 2, 'C', 0); } if ($year == 'All') { Fpdf::Cell(30, 10, 'Year: All', 0, 2, 'C', 0); } else { Fpdf::Cell(30, 10, 'Year: ' . $year, 0, 2, 'C', 0); } Fpdf::SetFont('Arial', 'B', 5.5); Fpdf::Cell(5, 5, 'Id', 1, 0, 'C', 0); Fpdf::Cell(24.5, 5, 'Employee Name', 1, 0, 'C', 0); Fpdf::Cell(24.5, 5, 'Department', 1, 0, 'C', 0); Fpdf::SetFillColor(51, 51, 225); Fpdf::SetTextColor(0, 0, 0); Fpdf::Cell(25, 5, 'Utilities', 1, 0, 'C', true); Fpdf::Cell(25, 5, 'Quality of Work', 1, 0, 'C', true); Fpdf::Cell(30, 5, 'Potential for future performance', 1, 0, 'C', true); Fpdf::SetFillColor(96, 96, 96); Fpdf::Cell(25, 5, 'Overall Rating', 1, 0, 'C', true); Fpdf::Cell(15, 5, 'Semester', 1, 0, 'C', 0); Fpdf::Cell(16, 5, 'Year', 1, 0, 'C', 0); Fpdf::Ln(); foreach ($query as $perf) { Fpdf::Cell(5, 5, $perf->user->id, 1, 0, 'C', 0); Fpdf::Cell(24.5, 5, $perf->user->formatName(':ln, :fn :mi'), 1, 0, 'C', 0); $department = Department::where('id', $perf->dept_id)->first(); Fpdf::Cell(24.5, 5, $department->name, 1, 0, 'C', 0); Fpdf::SetFillColor(204, 229, 225); Fpdf::Cell(5, 5, $perf->utilities, 1, 0, 'C', true); Fpdf::Cell(20, 5, $perf->equivalent('utilities')->description, 1, 0, 'C', true); Fpdf::Cell(5, 5, $perf->workQuality, 1, 0, 'C', true); Fpdf::Cell(20, 5, $perf->equivalent('workQuality')->description, 1, 0, 'C', true); Fpdf::Cell(5, 5, $perf->potential, 1, 0, 'C', true); Fpdf::Cell(25, 5, $perf->equivalent('potential')->description, 1, 0, 'C', true); $u = $perf->utilities; $qow = $perf->workQuality; $pffp = $perf->potential; $overall = number_format(($u + $qow + $pffp) / 3, 2); $rating = ParRatingsRef::where('upper_limit', '>=', $overall)->where('lower_limit', '<=', $overall)->first(); $overpercent = number_format($overall / 6 * 100, 2); Fpdf::SetFillColor(192, 192, 192); Fpdf::Cell(20, 5, $overall, 1, 0, 'C', true); Fpdf::Cell(5, 5, $rating->adjectival, 1, 0, 'C', true); Fpdf::Cell(15, 5, $perf->semester, 1, 0, 'C', 0); Fpdf::Cell(16, 5, $perf->year, 1, 0, 'C', 0); Fpdf::Ln(); } Fpdf::SetY(-30.5); Fpdf::SetFont('Arial', 'I', 6); Fpdf::SetTextColor(0, 0, 0); Fpdf::Cell(0, 10, 'Page ' . Fpdf::PageNo() . "/{nb}", 0, 0, 'C'); Fpdf::Output(); exit; Session::forget('deptpdf'); Session::forget('sempdf'); Session::forget('yearpdf'); }
public static function imprimeListadoHistorico($incidencias) { Fpdf::AddPage(); Fpdf::Image(App::make('url')->to('/dist/img/wu-header.gif'), 10, 5, 190, 25); Fpdf::Ln(25); $cabecera = array('NRO', 'TIPO', 'AGENTE', html_entity_decode('DESCRIPCIÓN'), 'MTCN', 'BENEFICIARIO', 'DESTINO', 'MONTO', 'OPERADOR'); Fpdf::SetFont('Arial', '', 12); Fpdf::Cell(190, 8, html_entity_decode('Histórico de Incidencias'), 1, 0, 'C'); Fpdf::Ln(13); // Anchuras de las columnas $w = array(10, 15, 30, 30, 20, 25, 25, 15, 20); // Cabeceras Fpdf::SetFont('Arial', 'B', 7); for ($j = 0; $j < count($cabecera); $j++) { Fpdf::Cell($w[$j], 8, $cabecera[$j], 1, 0, 'C'); } Fpdf::Ln(); // Datos Fpdf::SetFont('Arial', '', 7); foreach ($incidencias as $incidencia) { Fpdf::Cell($w[0], 8, $incidencia->codigo, 1, '', "C"); Fpdf::Cell($w[1], 8, $incidencia->apertura->incidente->tipoIncidente->descripcion, 1, '', "L"); $current_y = Fpdf::GetY(); $current_x = Fpdf::GetX(); if (strlen($incidencia->agente->nombre_fantasia) > 30) { Fpdf::MultiCell($w[2], 4, $incidencia->agente->nombre_fantasia, 1, 'L'); } else { Fpdf::MultiCell($w[2], 8, $incidencia->agente->nombre_fantasia, 1, 'L'); } Fpdf::SetXY($current_x + 30, $current_y); $current_y = Fpdf::GetY(); $current_x = Fpdf::GetX(); $descripcion = $incidencia->apertura->incidente->descripcion . ' -' . $incidencia->apertura->descripcion; if (strlen($descripcion) > 35) { Fpdf::MultiCell($w[3], 4, $descripcion, 1, 'L'); } else { Fpdf::MultiCell($w[3], 8, $descripcion, 1, 'L'); } Fpdf::SetXY($current_x + 30, $current_y); Fpdf::Cell($w[4], 8, $incidencia->mtcn, 1, 0, 'C'); $current_y = Fpdf::GetY(); $current_x = Fpdf::GetX(); if (strlen($incidencia->beneficiario) > 25) { Fpdf::MultiCell($w[5], 4, $incidencia->beneficiario, 1, 'L'); } else { Fpdf::MultiCell($w[5], 8, $incidencia->beneficiario, 1, 'L'); } Fpdf::SetXY($current_x + 25, $current_y); $current_y = Fpdf::GetY(); $current_x = Fpdf::GetX(); if (strlen($incidencia->destino) > 25) { Fpdf::MultiCell($w[6], 4, $incidencia->destino, 1, 'L'); } else { Fpdf::MultiCell($w[6], 8, $incidencia->destino, 1, 'L'); } Fpdf::SetXY($current_x + 25, $current_y); Fpdf::Cell($w[7], 8, $incidencia->monto, 1, 0, 'C'); $current_y = Fpdf::GetY(); $current_x = Fpdf::GetX(); if (strlen($incidencia->operador->nombre_apellido) > 20) { Fpdf::MultiCell($w[8], 4, $incidencia->operador->nombre_apellido, 1, 'L'); Fpdf::SetXY($current_x - 190, $current_y + 4); } else { Fpdf::MultiCell($w[8], 8, $incidencia->operador->nombre_apellido, 1, 'L'); Fpdf::SetXY($current_x - 190, $current_y); } Fpdf::Ln(); } Fpdf::Output(); }
public function getLeavesListPdf($id) { $audit = AuditTrail::create(['user_id' => Auth::id(), 'role' => 'Employee Management Admin', 'action' => 'printed Leave balances of All employees.']); if ($id == "*") { $users = User::all(); } else { $users = User::where('department_id', $id)->get(); } Fpdf::AddPage(); Fpdf::Image('img/dap.jpg', 40, 0, 150); Fpdf::Ln(35); Fpdf::SetFont('Arial', 'B', 11); Fpdf::SetTextColor(0, 0, 0); Fpdf::Cell(300, 20, 'Date Generated: ' . date("F j, Y"), 0, 2, 'C', 0); Fpdf::Cell(18, 7, 'Leave List', 0, 2, 'C', 0); Fpdf::SetFont('Arial', 'B', 7); Fpdf::SetTextColor(0, 0, 0); Fpdf::Cell(18, 7, 'ID', 1); Fpdf::Cell(24, 7, 'Name', 1); Fpdf::Cell(30, 7, 'Department', 1); Fpdf::Cell(9, 7, 'VL', 1); Fpdf::Cell(9, 7, 'SL', 1); Fpdf::Cell(9, 7, 'PL', 1); Fpdf::Cell(9, 7, 'ML', 1); Fpdf::Cell(9, 7, 'BL', 1); Fpdf::Ln(); Fpdf::SetFont('Arial', '', 7); foreach ($users as $user) { Fpdf::Cell(18, 7, $user->id, 1); Fpdf::Cell(24, 7, $user->firstname, 1); Fpdf::Cell(30, 7, $user->department->name, 1); $leaves = LeaveBalance::where('user_id', $user->id)->get(); foreach ($leaves as $leave) { Fpdf::Cell(9, 7, $leave->balance, 1); } Fpdf::Ln(); } Fpdf::SetY(-35); Fpdf::AliasNbPages('{nb}'); Fpdf::SetFont('Arial', 'I', 10); Fpdf::SetTextColor(0, 0, 0); Fpdf::Cell(0, 10, 'Page ' . Fpdf::PageNo() . '/{nb}', 0, 0, 'C'); Fpdf::Output(); exit; }
public function monthly($res, $id) { $dt = DateTime::createFromFormat('!m', $id); $fpdf = new Fpdf(); $fpdf->AddPage('L'); $fpdf->SetFont('Arial', 'B', 16); $fpdf->Cell(130); $fpdf->Cell(20, 10, Information::where('keyname', '=', 'name')->first()->value, 0, 1, 'C'); $fpdf->Cell(130); $fpdf->SetFont('Arial', '', 14); $fpdf->Cell(20, 10, Information::where('keyname', '=', 'address')->first()->value, 0, 1, 'C'); $header = array('ID', 'Date', 'Pax', 'Status', 'Amount', 'Payment Method', 'Duration'); $fpdf->SetFont('Arial', 'B', 16); $fpdf->Cell(130); $fpdf->Cell(20, 10, 'Monthly Report for the Month of: ' . $dt->format('F'), 0, 1, 'C'); // Colors, line width and bold font $fpdf->SetFillColor(255, 0, 0); $fpdf->SetTextColor(255); $fpdf->SetDrawColor(128, 0, 0); $fpdf->SetLineWidth(0.3); $fpdf->SetFont('', ''); // Header $fpdf->Ln(); $fpdf->Cell(10); $w = array(35, 25, 25, 45, 23, 50, 55); for ($i = 0; $i < count($header); $i++) { $fpdf->Cell($w[$i], 7, $header[$i], 1, 0, 'C', true); } $fpdf->Ln(); // Color and font restoration $fpdf->SetFillColor(224, 235, 255); $fpdf->SetTextColor(0); $fpdf->SetFont('Arial', '', 12); // Data $fill = false; $total = 0; foreach ($res as $row) { $fpdf->Cell(10); $fpdf->Cell($w[0], 6, $row->id, 'LR', 0, 'L', $fill); $fpdf->Cell($w[1], 6, $row->date_request, 'LR', 0, 'L', $fill); $fpdf->Cell($w[2], 6, $row->pax, 'LR', 0, 'R', $fill); $fpdf->Cell($w[3], 6, $row->status, 'LR', 0, 'R', $fill); $fpdf->Cell($w[4], 6, $row->net_total, 'LR', 0, 'R', $fill); if ($row->payment_mode != '') { $fpdf->Cell($w[5], 6, $row->payment_mode . " (" . $row->payment_method . ")", 'LR', 0, 'L', $fill); } else { $fpdf->Cell($w[5], 6, 'Payment Method not set', 'LR', 0, 'L', $fill); } $fpdf->Cell($w[6], 6, $row->reservation_start . ' to ' . $row->reservation_end, 'LR', 0, 'L', $fill); $fpdf->Ln(); $fill = !$fill; $total = +$row->net_total; } // Closing line $fpdf->Cell(10); $fpdf->Cell(array_sum($w), 0, '', 'T'); $fpdf->Ln(); $fpdf->Cell(190); $fpdf->SetFont('Arial', 'B', 13); $fpdf->Cell(40, 7, 'Total:', '', 0, 'R'); $fpdf->SetFont('Arial', '', 13); $fpdf->Cell(40, 7, "{$total}", 0); $fpdf->Output(); exit; }
public function getListPropReportsPdf() { $cat = Session::get('catid'); if ($cat == "*") { $props = Properties::all(); $catid = "*"; } else { $props = Properties::where('prop_category', $cat)->get(); $catid = PropertyCategory::where('id', $cat)->pluck('id'); } Fpdf::AddPage(); Fpdf::Image('img/dap.jpg', 10, 5, 150); Fpdf::SetFont('Arial', 'B', 12); Fpdf::Ln(20.6); Fpdf::Cell(40, 27, 'List of Properties', 0, 2, 'C', 0); Fpdf::SetFont('Arial', 'B', 9.5); Fpdf::Cell(27, 5, 'Property ID', 1, 0, 'C', 0); Fpdf::Cell(27, 5, 'Serial No', 1, 0, 'C', 0); Fpdf::Cell(27, 5, 'Property Name', 1, 0, 'C', 0); Fpdf::Cell(27, 5, 'Category', 1, 0, 'C', 0); Fpdf::Cell(27, 5, 'Status', 1, 0, 'C', 0); Fpdf::Cell(27, 5, 'Cost', 1, 0, 'C', 0); Fpdf::Cell(27, 5, 'Date Acquired', 1, 0, 'C', 0); Fpdf::Ln(); foreach ($props as $prop) { Fpdf::SetFont('Arial', 'B', 6); Fpdf::Cell(27, 4, $prop->propname, 1, 0, 'C', 0); Fpdf::Cell(27, 4, $prop->serialno, 1, 0, 'C', 0); Fpdf::Cell(27, 4, $prop->propname, 1, 0, 'C', 0); $category = PropertyCategory::find($prop->prop_category); Fpdf::Cell(27, 4, $category->catname, 1, 0, 'C', 0); Fpdf::Cell(27, 4, $prop->propstatus, 1, 0, 'C', 0); Fpdf::Cell(27, 4, $prop->propcost, 1, 0, 'C', 0); Fpdf::Cell(27, 4, $prop->formatDateAcquired(), 1, 0, 'C', 0); Fpdf::Ln(); } Fpdf::Output(); exit; }
<?php $fpdf = new Fpdf(); $fpdf->AddPage(); $fpdf->SetFont('Arial', 'B', 16); $fpdf->SetAutoPageBreak(false); $fpdf->image(public_path() . '/img/logo.png', 11, 11, 25, 11); $fpdf->Cell(140, 8, 'Frizelo Frigorificos Ltda', 'LTR', 0, 'C'); $fpdf->SetFont('Arial', '', 9); $fpdf->MultiCell(50, 8, utf8_decode('Numeração: ') . $aso->id, 'TR', 1); $fpdf->SetFont('Arial', '', 6); $fpdf->Cell(140, 5, 'ROD. BR-262 - KM 375, ZONA SUBURBANA, TERENOS-MS FONE: (67) - 3246-8100', 'BLR', 0, 'C', 0); $fpdf->SetFont('Arial', '', 9); $fpdf->MultiCell(50, 5, 'Data: ' . $aso->data, 'BR', 1); $fpdf->SetFont('Arial', 'B', 12); $fpdf->MultiCell(190, 9, utf8_decode('Medicina e Consultoria em Segurança do Trabalho'), 'BLR', 'L'); $fpdf->SetFont('Arial', '', 9); $fpdf->MultiCell(190, 9, utf8_decode('Em cumprimento ao disposto no item 7.4.1 da NR 7 e Portaria N 24 de 24/14/84'), 'LRT', 'C'); $fpdf->SetFont('Arial', 'B', 12); $fpdf->SetTextColor(150); $fpdf->MultiCell(190, 9, utf8_decode('A.S.O. - Atestado de Saúde Ocupacional'), 'LRB', 'C'); $fpdf->SetTextColor(0); $fpdf->SetFont('Arial', '', 9); $fpdf->Cell(33, 7, utf8_decode('Matrícula: ' . $aso->colaborador_matricula), 'LTR', 0, 'L'); $fpdf->Cell(97, 7, utf8_decode('Nome: ' . $aso->colaborador_nome), 'LTR', 0, 'L'); $fpdf->Cell(60, 7, utf8_decode('RG: ' . $aso->colaborador_rg . ' ' . $aso->colaborador_orgao_emissor), 'LTR', 0, 'L'); $fpdf->Ln(); $fpdf->Cell(30, 7, 'Sexo: ' . $aso->colaborador_sexo_descricao, 'LTR', 0, 'L'); $fpdf->Cell(60, 7, 'Data de Nascimento: ' . $aso->colaborador_data_nascimento, 'LTR', 0, 'L'); $fpdf->Cell(30, 7, 'Idade: ' . $aso->colaborador_idade, 'LTR', 0, 'L'); $fpdf->Cell(70, 7, utf8_decode('Setor: ' . $aso->setor), 'LTR', 0, 'L');
/** * Generate lembar disposisi menggunakan FPDF. */ public static function generate_lembar_disposisi($input) { $pdf = new Fpdf(); /** * TODO: * Ubah posisi y dari perhitungan manual menjadi menggunakan GetY SetY */ $pdf->SetLineWidth(0.01); // 0.01mm // specify margin variables, dalam unit milimeter $margin_left = 5; $margin_top = 10; $margin_right = 10; $pdf->SetMargins($margin_left, $margin_top, $margin_right); $pdf->AddPage(); $pdf->Image(URL::to_asset('img/logo.png'), $margin_left, $margin_top, 0, 25); // specify height variables $h1 = 6; $h2 = 1.5 * $h1; $h3 = 2 * $h1; /** * Bagian Header */ $span1 = 30; $span2 = 40; $span3 = 50; $span4 = 60; /* line 1 */ $pdf->SetFont('Times', 'B', 16); $pdf->Cell($span1, $h1, ''); $pdf->Cell(160, $h1, 'Direktorat Jenderal Pajak', 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Ln(); /* line 2 */ $pdf->SetFont('Times', 'B', 12); $pdf->Cell($span1, $h1, ''); $pdf->Cell(160, $h1, strtoupper($input->nama_kpp), 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Ln(); /* line 3 */ $pdf->Cell($span1, $h1, ''); $pdf->Cell(160, $h1, $input->nama_seksi, 0, 0, 'C'); 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$line_y2 = $line_y1; $pdf->Line($line_x1, $line_y1, $line_x2, $line_y2); $pdf->Ln(); /* line 11 */ $pdf->SetFont('Times', '', $font_size); $y = $line_y1 + $h3; $pdf->SetY($y); $pdf->SetStyle("em", "Times", "I", 0, "0,0,0"); $pdf->SetStyle("p", "Times", "N", $font_size, "0,0,0", 0); $pdf->SetStyle("content", "Arial", "", 0, "0,0,0"); $pdf->SetStyle("strong", "Times", "B", 0, "0,0,0"); $pdf->WriteTag(210 - $margin_left - $margin_right, $h1, '<p>PERHATIAN: <em>Dilarang memisahkan sehelai surat pun dari berkas yang telah disusun.</em></p>', 0, 'C'); /** * line 12 * print daftar disposisi, daftar sifat, daftar petunjuk */ // set to correct y position $pdf->SetY($y + $h1); // create 3 column $spacer = 1; $box_width = (210 - $margin_left - $margin_right - 2) / 2; // box_width akan dipakai untuk dua kolom $checkbox_width = 8; $box_text_width = $box_width - $checkbox_width; // save y position $save_y_position = $pdf->GetY(); // print right box first $pdf->Cell($box_width + $spacer, $h1, ''); // padding-left hack :) $pdf->SetFont('Times', 'B', $font_size); $pdf->Cell($box_width, $h1, 'Ditujukan kepada:', 'LTR'); $pdf->Ln(); /* iterasi */ foreach ($input->daftar_disposisi as $row) { if ($row->aktif) { // padding-left hack :) $pdf->Cell($box_width + $spacer, $h1, ''); // draw checkbox Printpdf::draw_checkbox($pdf, in_array($row->id, $input->disposisi), $font_size, $h1, $checkbox_width); // print daftar nama $pdf->SetFont('Times', '', $font_size); $pdf->Cell($box_text_width, $h1, $row->nama, 'R'); $pdf->Ln(); } } // print daftar disposisi lain-lain if (!empty($input->lain_lain)) { // padding-left $pdf->Cell($box_width + $spacer, $h1, ''); // draw checkbox Printpdf::draw_checkbox($pdf, true, $font_size, $h1, $checkbox_width); // print lain-lain $pdf->SetFont('Times', '', $font_size); $pdf->Cell($box_text_width, $h1, $input->lain_lain, 'R'); $pdf->Ln(); } // bottom space and border $pdf->Cell($box_width + $spacer, $h1, ''); $pdf->Cell($box_width, $h1 / 2, '', 'RLB'); $pdf->Ln(); // save y position untuk reset posisi box catatan $catatan_box_y_position_1 = $pdf->GetY(); // reset y position, print left box $pdf->SetY($save_y_position); $pdf->SetFont('Times', 'B', $font_size); $pdf->Cell($box_width, $h1, 'Sifat:', 'LTR'); $pdf->Ln(); /* iterasi */ $pdf->SetFont('Times', '', $font_size); foreach ($input->daftar_sifat as $key => $value) { // draw checkbox Printpdf::draw_checkbox($pdf, in_array($key, $input->sifat), $font_size, $h1, $checkbox_width); // print daftar sifat $pdf->SetFont('Times', '', $font_size); $pdf->Cell($box_text_width, $h1, $value, 'R'); $pdf->Cell($spacer, $h1, '', ''); $pdf->Ln(); } // continue print left box $pdf->SetFont('Times', 'B', $font_size); $pdf->Cell($box_width, $h1, 'Petunjuk:', 'LR'); $pdf->Ln(); /* iterasi */ $pdf->SetFont('Times', '', $font_size); foreach ($input->daftar_petunjuk as $row) { // draw checkbox Printpdf::draw_checkbox($pdf, in_array($row->id, $input->petunjuk), $font_size, $h1, $checkbox_width); // print daftar petunjuk $pdf->SetFont('Times', '', $font_size); $pdf->Cell($box_text_width, $h1, $row->petunjuk, 'R'); $pdf->Cell($spacer, $h1, '', ''); $pdf->Ln(); } // copy $dots = '........'; if ($input->copy > 0) { $copy = ' ' . $input->copy . ' '; Printpdf::draw_checkbox($pdf, true, $font_size, $h1, $checkbox_width); } else { $copy = $dots; Printpdf::draw_checkbox($pdf, false, $font_size, $h1, $checkbox_width); } $pdf->SetFont('Times', '', $font_size); $pdf->Cell($box_text_width, $h1, 'Perbanyak: ' . $copy . ' kali, Asli ke: ' . $dots, 'R'); $pdf->Ln(); // bottom border $pdf->Cell($box_width, $h1 / 2, '', 'RLB'); $pdf->Ln(); // save y position untuk reset posisi box catatan $catatan_box_y_position_2 = $pdf->GetY(); /* line 13 */ // adjust y position $y = $catatan_box_y_position_1 > $catatan_box_y_position_2 ? $catatan_box_y_position_1 : $catatan_box_y_position_2; $pdf->SetY($y + 1); // print box catatan $pdf->SetFont('Times', 'U', $font_size); $pdf->Cell(0, $h1, 'CATATAN:', 'LTR'); $pdf->Ln(); // save y position $y = $pdf->GetY(); // print text catatan $pdf->SetFont('Arial', '', $font_size - 1); $pdf->drawTextBox(strtoupper($input->catatan), 210 - $margin_right - $margin_left, 'L', 'T', 1, $h1 / 2); // reset position, draw fake border $pdf->SetY($y); $pdf->Cell(0, $h3, '', 'LBR'); $pdf->Ln(); /* line 14 */ // adjust y position $y = $pdf->GetY(); $pdf->SetY($y + 2); // print field tambahan $pdf->SetFont('Times', '', $font_size); $pdf->Cell(0, 5, 'PENGELOLAAN PADA SEKSI TERKAIT:'); $pdf->Ln(); /* line 15 */ // dua kolom hal yang sama $half_width = (210 - $margin_left - $margin_right) / 2; $hw = $half_width; $padding_right = 20; $pdf->SetFont('Times', 'B', $font_size); $pdf->Cell($half_width, 7, 'Diteruskan ke:'); $pdf->Cell($half_width, 7, 'Diteruskan ke:'); $pdf->Ln(); $s1 = '1. Seksi: '; $s2 = '2. Diterima Seksi: '; $s3 = '3. Selesai diproses: '; $dot1 = str_repeat('.', 71); $dot2 = str_repeat('.', 56); $dot3 = str_repeat('.', 54); $w1 = $pdf->GetStringWidth($s1); $w2 = $pdf->GetStringWidth($s2); $w3 = $pdf->GetStringWidth($s3); $pdf->SetFont('Times', '', $font_size); // print text dengan dotted yang right-aligned $pdf->Cell($hw - ($hw - $w1) - $padding_right, 4, $s1); $pdf->Cell($hw - $w1, 4, $dot1, 0, '', 'R'); $pdf->Cell($padding_right, 4, ''); $pdf->Cell($hw - ($hw - $w1) - $padding_right, 4, $s1); $pdf->Cell($hw - $w1, 4, $dot1, 0, '', 'R'); $pdf->Cell($padding_right, 4, ''); $pdf->Ln(); $pdf->Cell($hw - ($hw - $w2) - $padding_right, 4, $s2); $pdf->Cell($hw - $w2, 4, $dot2, 0, '', 'R'); $pdf->Cell($padding_right, 4, ''); $pdf->Cell($hw - ($hw - $w2) - $padding_right, 4, $s2); $pdf->Cell($hw - $w2, 4, $dot2, 0, '', 'R'); $pdf->Cell($padding_right, 4, ''); $pdf->Ln(); $pdf->Cell($hw - ($hw - $w3) - $padding_right, 4, $s3); $pdf->Cell($hw - $w3, 4, $dot3, 0, '', 'R'); $pdf->Cell($padding_right, 4, ''); $pdf->Cell($hw - ($hw - $w3) - $padding_right, 4, $s3); $pdf->Cell($hw - $w3, 4, $dot3, 0, '', 'R'); $pdf->Cell($padding_right, 4, ''); $pdf->Ln(); // generate pdf ke folder 'public' subfolder 'pdf' $file_name = 'print' . time() . '.pdf'; $output_path = Printpdf::pdf_folder_path() . $file_name; $pdf->Output($output_path, 'F'); return $file_name; }
public function getViewResultsPdf($id) { $result = Performance::find($id); $perf = Performance::find($id); $user = Performance::find($id); $rating = Performance::find($id); $u = $perf->utilities; $qow = $perf->workQuality; $pffp = $perf->potential; $overall = number_format(($u + $qow + $pffp) / 3, 2); $rating = ParRatingsRef::where('upper_limit', '>=', $overall)->where('lower_limit', '<=', $overall)->first(); $overpercent = number_format($overall / 6 * 100, 2); $department = Department::where('id', $perf->dept_id)->first(); Fpdf::AddPage(); Fpdf::PageNo(); Fpdf::AliasNbPages('{nb}'); Fpdf::Image('img/dap.jpg', 40, 0, 150); Fpdf::Ln(30); Fpdf::SetFont('Arial', 'B', 11); Fpdf::SetTextColor(0, 0, 0); Fpdf::Cell(300, 20, 'Date Generated: ' . date("F j, Y"), 0, 2, 'C', 0); Fpdf::SetFont('Arial', 'B', 15); Fpdf::Cell(0, 0, 'Performance Evaluation', 0, 1, 'L', 0); Fpdf::Ln(8); Fpdf::SetFont('Arial', 'B', 11); Fpdf::Cell(0, 0, 'Name: ' . $perf->user->formatName(':ln, :fn :mn'), 0, 1, 'L', 0); Fpdf::Ln(8); Fpdf::Cell(0, 0, 'Department: ' . $department->name, 0, 1, 'L', 0); Fpdf::Ln(8); Fpdf::Cell(0, 0, 'Semester: ' . $perf->semester, 0, 1, 'L', 0); Fpdf::Ln(10); Fpdf::SetFont('Arial', '', 20); Fpdf::SetDrawColor(224, 224, 224); Fpdf::SetFillColor(51, 51, 225); Fpdf::SetTextColor(255, 255, 255); Fpdf::Cell(110, 10, 'Utilities', 1, 1, 'C', true); Fpdf::SetFont('Arial', 'B', 7); Fpdf::SetFillColor(204, 229, 225); Fpdf::SetTextColor(96, 96, 96); Fpdf::Cell(50, 10, 'Intra-group Involvements', 1, 0, 'C', true); Fpdf::Cell(20, 10, $result->util1, 1, 0, 'C', 0); Fpdf::Cell(20, 10, $perf->equivalent('util1')->adjectival, 1, 0, 'C', 0); Fpdf::Cell(20, 10, $perf->equivalent('util1')->description, 1, 1, 'C', 0); Fpdf::Cell(50, 10, 'Inter-group Involvements', 1, 0, 'C', true); Fpdf::Cell(20, 10, $result->util2, 1, 0, 'C', 0); Fpdf::Cell(20, 10, $perf->equivalent('util2')->adjectival, 1, 0, 'C', 0); Fpdf::Cell(20, 10, $perf->equivalent('util2')->description, 1, 1, 'C', 0); Fpdf::Cell(50, 10, 'Committee Work', 1, 0, 'C', true); Fpdf::Cell(20, 10, $result->util3, 1, 0, 'C', 0); Fpdf::Cell(20, 10, $perf->equivalent('util3')->adjectival, 1, 0, 'C', 0); Fpdf::Cell(20, 10, $perf->equivalent('util3')->description, 1, 1, 'C', 0); Fpdf::SetTextColor(204, 0, 0); Fpdf::Cell(50, 10, 'Average Rating', 1, 0, 'C', true); Fpdf::Cell(20, 10, $result->util_overall, 1, 0, 'C', 0); Fpdf::Cell(20, 10, $perf->equivalent('utilities')->adjectival, 1, 0, 'C', 0); Fpdf::Cell(20, 10, $perf->equivalent('utilities')->description, 1, 1, 'C', 0); //Quality of work table Fpdf::Ln(10); Fpdf::SetFont('Arial', '', 20); Fpdf::SetDrawColor(224, 224, 224); Fpdf::SetFillColor(51, 51, 225); Fpdf::SetTextColor(255, 255, 255); Fpdf::Cell(110, 10, 'Quality of Work', 1, 2, 'C', true); Fpdf::SetFont('Arial', 'B', 7); Fpdf::SetFillColor(204, 229, 225); Fpdf::SetTextColor(96, 96, 96); Fpdf::Cell(50, 10, 'Relevance to Project/unit objectives', 1, 0, 'C', true); Fpdf::Cell(20, 10, $result->qow1, 1, 0, 'C', 0); Fpdf::Cell(20, 10, $perf->equivalent('qow1')->adjectival, 1, 0, 'C', 0); Fpdf::Cell(20, 10, $perf->equivalent('qow1')->description, 1, 1, 'C', 0); Fpdf::Cell(50, 10, 'Timeliness', 1, 0, 'C', true); Fpdf::Cell(20, 10, $result->qow2, 1, 0, 'C', 0); Fpdf::Cell(20, 10, $perf->equivalent('qow2')->adjectival, 1, 0, 'C', 0); Fpdf::Cell(20, 10, $perf->equivalent('qow2')->description, 1, 1, 'C', 0); Fpdf::Cell(50, 10, 'Thoroughness', 1, 0, 'C', true); Fpdf::Cell(20, 10, $result->qow3, 1, 0, 'C', 0); Fpdf::Cell(20, 10, $perf->equivalent('qow3')->adjectival, 1, 0, 'C', 0); Fpdf::Cell(20, 10, $perf->equivalent('qow3')->description, 1, 1, 'C', 0); Fpdf::Cell(50, 10, 'High-Rate', 1, 0, 'C', true); Fpdf::Cell(20, 10, $result->qow4, 1, 0, 'C', 0); Fpdf::Cell(20, 10, $perf->equivalent('qow4')->adjectival, 1, 0, 'C', 0); Fpdf::Cell(20, 10, $perf->equivalent('qow4')->description, 1, 1, 'C', 0); Fpdf::Cell(50, 10, 'Accuracy', 1, 0, 'C', true); Fpdf::Cell(20, 10, $result->qow5, 1, 0, 'C', 0); Fpdf::Cell(20, 10, $perf->equivalent('qow5')->adjectival, 1, 0, 'C', 0); Fpdf::Cell(20, 10, $perf->equivalent('qow5')->description, 1, 1, 'C', 0); 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Fpdf::Cell(20, 10, $perf->equivalent('pffp3')->description, 1, 1, 'C', 0); Fpdf::Cell(50, 10, 'Professional Integrity ', 1, 0, 'C', true); Fpdf::Cell(20, 10, $result->pffp4, 1, 0, 'C', 0); Fpdf::Cell(20, 10, $perf->equivalent('pffp4')->adjectival, 1, 0, 'C', 0); Fpdf::Cell(20, 10, $perf->equivalent('pffp4')->description, 1, 1, 'C', 0); Fpdf::Cell(50, 10, 'Work standards ', 1, 0, 'C', true); Fpdf::Cell(20, 10, $result->pffp5, 1, 0, 'C', 0); Fpdf::Cell(20, 10, $perf->equivalent('pffp5')->adjectival, 1, 0, 'C', 0); Fpdf::Cell(20, 10, $perf->equivalent('pffp5')->description, 1, 1, 'C', 0); Fpdf::Cell(50, 10, 'Innovativeness ', 1, 0, 'C', true); Fpdf::Cell(20, 10, $result->pffp6, 1, 0, 'C', 0); Fpdf::Cell(20, 10, $perf->equivalent('pffp6')->adjectival, 1, 0, 'C', 0); Fpdf::Cell(20, 10, $perf->equivalent('pffp6')->description, 1, 1, 'C', 0); Fpdf::Cell(50, 10, 'Maturity ', 1, 0, 'C', true); Fpdf::Cell(20, 10, $result->pffp7, 1, 0, 'C', 0); Fpdf::Cell(20, 10, $perf->equivalent('pffp7')->adjectival, 1, 0, 'C', 0); 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public function getComprovante() { $emprestimo = DB::table('emprestimo')->max('id_emprestimo'); // DB::table('users') // ->join('contacts', '', '=', 'contacts.user_id') // ->join('orders', '', '=', 'orders.user_id') // ->select('', '', 'orders.price') // ->get(); $v2 = DB::table('emprestimo')->join('cliente', 'emprestimo.id_clientedois', '=', 'cliente.id_cliente')->select('emprestimo.id_emprestimo', 'cliente.nome', 'emprestimo.data_provavel_devolucao', 'emprestimo.data_emprestimo')->where('emprestimo.id_emprestimo', '=', $emprestimo)->get(); $v3 = DB::table('usu-emp')->join('usuario', 'usu-emp.usuario', '=', '')->select('usu-emp.emprestimo', 'usu-emp.cliente', 'usuario.nome')->where('usu-emp.emprestimo', '=', $emprestimo)->get(); $resultado = DB::table('exem-emp')->where('emprestimo', '=', $emprestimo)->get(); foreach ($resultado as $key => $value) { $exem[$key] = $value->exemplar; } for ($i = 0; $i < count($exem); $i++) { $v4[$i] = TabelaExemEmp::join('livro', 'exem-emp.livro', '=', 'id_livro')->select('exem-emp.*', 'nome_livro')->where('exemplar', '=', $exem[$i])->get(); } //foreach ($resultado as $key => $result) { $v2 = $v2[0]; $v3 = $v3[0]; $data = $v2->data_provavel_devolucao; $data2 = $v2->data_emprestimo; $data = date("d-m-Y", strtotime(str_replace('/', '-', $data))); $data2 = date("d-m-Y", strtotime(str_replace('/', '-', $data2))); $fpdf = new Fpdf('P', 'mm', array(140, 80)); $fpdf->AddPage(); $fpdf->SetFont('Arial', '', 8); $fpdf->Cell(0, 10, '*****************************************************', '', '', 'C'); $fpdf->Ln(); $fpdf->Image('vendor\\anouar\\fpdf\\src\\Anouar\\Fpdf\\bibliogest-pdf.png', 18, 19, 45); $fpdf->Ln(); $fpdf->Cell(0, 10, 'COMPROVANTE DE EMPRESTIMO', '', '', 'C'); $fpdf->Ln(); $fpdf->Cell(0, 0, 'Data:' . $data2); $fpdf->Ln(1); $fpdf->Cell(0, 0, '_____________________________________', '', '', 'C'); $fpdf->Ln(); $fpdf->Cell(15, 10, 'COD.'); $fpdf->Cell(30, 10, 'DESCR.'); $fpdf->Cell(10, 10, 'DEVOL.'); $fpdf->Ln(7); $fpdf->Cell(0, 0, '_____________________________________', '', '', 'C'); $fpdf->Ln(5); // dd($v4); for ($i = 0; $i < count($v4); $i++) { //echo '<pre>'; //die(print_r($v4[0][0]->nome_livro)); //echo '</pre>'; $fpdf->Cell(15, 5, $v4[$i][0]->exemplar); $fpdf->Cell(0, 5, $v4[$i][0]->nome_livro); $fpdf->Cell(0, 5, $data, '', '', 'R'); $fpdf->Ln(); } $fpdf->Ln(5); $fpdf->Cell(0, 10, '______________________________', '', '', 'C'); $fpdf->Ln(); $fpdf->Cell(0, 0, $v2->nome, '', '', 'C'); $fpdf->Ln(15); $fpdf->Cell(0, 0, 'Usuario: ' . $v3->nome); $fpdf->Ln(10); $fpdf->Cell(0, 0, '*****************************************************', '', '', 'C'); $fpdf->Output(); exit; }