  * Create the configuration FromUI
 public function action_plugin_ui($plugin_id, $action)
     if ($plugin_id == $this->plugin_id()) {
         switch ($action) {
             case _t('Configure'):
                 $ui = new FormUI(strtolower(get_class($this)));
                 // add language selector
                 $ui->append('select', 'lang', 'option:autokeyword__lang', _t('Language'), array('en' => 'English'));
                 // add single word entries
                 $ui->append('text', 'min_1word_length', 'option:autokeyword__min_1word_length', _t('Minimum length for one word keywords'));
                 $ui->append('text', 'min_1word_occur', 'option:autokeyword__min_1word_occur', _t('Minimum occurance for one word keywords'));
                 // add two word phrase entries
                 $ui->append('text', 'min_2word_length', 'option:autokeyword__min_2word_length', _t('Minimum length for single words in two word phrases'));
                 $ui->append('text', 'min_2phrase_length', 'option:autokeyword__min_2phrase_length', _t('Minimum length for entire two word phrase'));
                 $ui->append('text', 'min_2phrase_occur', 'option:autokeyword__min_2phrase_occur', _t('Minimum occurance for entire two word phrase'));
                 // add three word phrase entries
                 $ui->append('text', 'min_3word_length', 'option:autokeyword__min_3word_length', _t('Minimum length for single words in three word phrases'));
                 $ui->append('text', 'min_3phrase_length', 'option:autokeyword__min_3phrase_length', _t('Minimum length for entire three word phrase'));
                 $ui->append('text', 'min_3phrase_occur', 'option:autokeyword__min_3phrase_occur', _t('Minimum occurance for entire three word phrase'));
                 // misc
                 $ui->append('submit', 'save', 'Save');
                 $ui->on_success(array($this, 'updated_config'));
  * Respond to the user selecting an action on the plugin page
  * @param string $plugin_id The string id of the acted-upon plugin
  * @param string $action The action string supplied via the filter_plugin_config hook
 public function configure()
     $ui = new FormUI(strtolower(get_class($this)));
     $ping_services = $ui->append('textmulti', 'ping_services', 'option:autopinger__pingservices', _t('Ping Service URLs:'));
     $ui->append('submit', 'save', 'Save');
 public function action_plugin_ui($plugin_id, $action)
     if ($plugin_id == $this->plugin_id()) {
         switch ($action) {
             case _('Configure'):
                 $ui = new FormUI(strtolower(get_class($this)));
                 // present the user with a list of
                 // URL shortening services
                 $service = $ui->append('select', 'service', 'lilliputian__service', _t('The URL shortening service to use: '));
                 $services = array();
                 $services['internal'] = 'internal';
                 $list = Utils::glob(dirname(__FILE__) . '/*.helper.php');
                 if (count($list) > 0) {
                     foreach ($list as $item) {
                         $item = basename($item, '.helper.php');
                         $services[$item] = $item;
                 $service->options = $services;
                 if (Options::get('lilliputian__service') == 'internal') {
                     $secret = $ui->append('text', 'secret', 'lilliputian__secret', _t('The secret word that must be passed when generating short URLs.  May be blank to disable this security feature.'));
                 $ui->append('submit', 'save', _t('Save'));
Example #4
  * Respond to the user selecting an action on the plugin page
  * @param string $plugin_id The string id of the acted-upon plugin
  * @param string $action The action string supplied via the filter_plugin_config hook
 public function action_plugin_ui($plugin_id, $action)
     if ($plugin_id === $this->plugin_id()) {
         switch ($action) {
             case _t('Configure', $this->class_name):
                 $ui = new FormUI($this->class_name);
                 $type = $ui->append('select', 'type', 'option:' . $this->class_name . '__type', _t('Photostream Type', $this->class_name));
                 $type->options = array('public' => _t('Public photos & video', $this->class_name), 'user' => _t('Public photos & video from you', $this->class_name), 'friends' => _t('Your friends’ photostream', $this->class_name), 'faves' => _t('Public favorites from you', $this->class_name), 'group' => _t('Group pool', $this->class_name));
                 $user_id = $ui->append('text', 'user_id', 'option:' . $this->class_name . '__user_id', _t('Flickr ID (You can get it from <a href="http://idgettr.com">idGettr</a>)', $this->class_name));
                 $num_item = $ui->append('text', 'num_item', 'option:' . $this->class_name . '__num_item', _t('&#8470; of Photos', $this->class_name));
                 $size = $ui->append('select', 'size', 'option:' . $this->class_name . '__size', _t('Photo Size', $this->class_name));
                 $size->options = array('square' => _t('Square', $this->class_name), 'thumbnail' => _t('Thumbnail', $this->class_name), 'small' => _t('Small', $this->class_name), 'medium' => _t('Medium', $this->class_name), 'large' => _t('Large', $this->class_name), 'original' => _t('Original', $this->class_name));
                 $tags = $ui->append('text', 'tags', 'option:' . $this->class_name . '__tags', _t('Tags (comma separated, no space)', $this->class_name));
                 $cache_expiry = $ui->append('text', 'cache_expiry', 'option:' . $this->class_name . '__cache_expiry', _t('Cache Expiry (in seconds)', $this->class_name));
                 // When the form is successfully completed, call $this->updated_config()
                 $ui->append('submit', 'save', _t('Save', $this->class_name));
                 $ui->set_option('success_message', _t('Options saved', $this->class_name));
  * Create a configuration form for this plugin
 public function configure()
     $form = new FormUI('popular_posts');
     $form->append('checkbox', 'loggedintoo', 'popular_posts__loggedintoo', _t('Track views of logged-in users too', 'popular_posts'));
     $form->append('submit', 'save', 'Save');
 public function action_plugin_ui($plugin_id, $action)
     if ($plugin_id == $this->plugin_id()) {
         $frequencies = array('manually' => _t('Manually', 'exportsnapshot'), 'hourly' => _t('Hourly', 'exportsnapshot'), 'daily' => _t('Daily', 'exportsnapshot'), 'weekly' => _t('Weekly', 'exportsnapshot'), 'monthly' => _t('Monthly', 'exportsnapshot'));
         $types = array('blogml' => _t('BlogML', 'exportsnapshot'), 'wxr' => _t('WXR', 'exportsnapshot'));
         switch ($action) {
             case _t('Configure'):
                 $ui = new FormUI('export');
                 $ui->append('text', 'exportsnapshot_max_snapshots', 'option:exportsnapshot__max_snapshots', _t('Max Snapshots to Save:', 'exportsnapshot'));
                 $ui->append('select', 'exportsnapshot_freq', 'option:exportsnapshot__frequency', _t('Auto Snapshot frequency:', 'exportsnapshot'), $frequencies);
                 $ui->append('select', 'exportsnapshot_type', 'option:exportsnapshot__type', _t('Type of export:', 'exportsnapshot'), $types);
                 $ui->append('submit', 'save', _t('Save'));
                 $ui->on_success(array($this, 'updated_config'));
             case _t('Take Snapshot'):
                 Session::notice(_t('Snapshot saved!', 'exportsnapshot'));
                 //CronTab::add_single_cron('snapshot_single', array( 'ExportSnapshot', 'run' ), HabariDateTime::date_create(), 'Run a single snapshot.' );
                 //Session::notice( _t( 'Snapshot scheduled for next cron run.' ) );
                 // don't display the configuration page, just redirect back to the plugin page
                 Utils::redirect(URL::get('admin', 'page=plugins'));
Example #7
  * Configuration form for the Charcoal theme
 public function action_theme_ui($theme)
     $ui = new FormUI(__CLASS__);
     // This is a fudge as I only need to add a little bit of styling to make things look nice.
     $ui->append('static', 'style', '<style type="text/css">#charcoal .formcontrol { line-height: 2.2em; }</style>');
     $ui->append('checkbox', 'show_title_image', __CLASS__ . '__show_title_image', _t('Show Title Image:'), 'optionscontrol_checkbox');
     $ui->show_title_image->helptext = _t('Check to show the title image, uncheck to display the title text.');
     $ui->append('text', 'home_label', __CLASS__ . '__home_label', _t('Home label:'), 'optionscontrol_text');
     $ui->home_label->helptext = _t('Set to whatever you want your first tab text to be.');
     $ui->append('checkbox', 'show_entry_paperclip', __CLASS__ . '__show_entry_paperclip', _t('Show Entry Paperclip:'), 'optionscontrol_checkbox');
     $ui->show_entry_paperclip->helptext = _t('Check to show the paperclip graphic in posts, uncheck to hide it.');
     $ui->append('checkbox', 'show_page_paperclip', __CLASS__ . '__show_page_paperclip', _t('Show Page Paperclip:'), 'optionscontrol_checkbox');
     $ui->show_page_paperclip->helptext = _t('Check to show the paperclip graphic in pages, uncheck to hide it.');
     $ui->append('checkbox', 'show_powered', __CLASS__ . '__show_powered', _t('Show Powered By:'), 'optionscontrol_checkbox');
     $ui->show_powered->helptext = _t('Check to show the "powered by Habari" graphic in the sidebar, uncheck to hide it.');
     $ui->append('checkbox', 'display_login', __CLASS__ . '__display_login', _t('Display Login:'******'optionscontrol_checkbox');
     $ui->display_login->helptext = _t('Check to show the Login/Logout link in the navigation bar, uncheck to hide it.');
     $ui->append('checkbox', 'tags_in_multiple', __CLASS__ . '__tags_in_multiple', _t('Tags in Multiple Posts Page:'), 'optionscontrol_checkbox');
     $ui->tags_in_multiple->helptext = _t('Check to show the post tags in the multiple posts pages (search, tags, archives), uncheck to hide them.');
     $ui->append('checkbox', 'show_post_nav', __CLASS__ . '__show_post_nav', _t('Show Post Navigation:'), 'optionscontrol_checkbox');
     $ui->show_post_nav->helptext = _t('Set to true to show single post navigation links, false to hide them.');
     $ui->append('text', 'tags_count', __CLASS__ . '__tags_count', _t('Tag Cloud Count:'), 'optionscontrol_text');
     $ui->tags_count->helptext = _t('Set to the number of tags to display on the default "cloud".');
     // Save
     $ui->append('submit', 'save', _t('Save'));
     $ui->set_option('success_message', _t('Options saved'));
 public function configure()
     $ui = new FormUI('acronyms');
     $iam_key = $ui->append('textarea', 'acronyms', 'acronyms__acronyms', _t('Acronyms'));
     $ui->append('submit', 'save', _t('Save'));
  * Create a configuration form for this plugin
 public function configure()
     $form = new FormUI('relativelypopular');
     $form->append('checkbox', 'loggedintoo', 'relativelypopular__loggedintoo', _t('Track visits of logged-in users too', 'relativelypopular'));
     $form->append('text', 'number_of_periods', 'relativelypopular__number_of_periods', _t('Number of periods to track [default=30]', 'relativelypopular'));
     $form->append('text', 'period_length_days', 'relativelypopular__period_length_days', _t('Tracking period length (days) [default=1]', 'relativelypopular'));
     $form->append('submit', 'save', 'Save');
 public function configure()
     $class_name = strtolower(get_class($this));
     $form = new FormUI($class_name);
     $form->append('select', 'frequency', 'database_optimizer__frequency', _t('Optimization Frequency'), array('hourly' => 'hourly', 'daily' => 'daily', 'weekly' => 'weekly', 'monthly' => 'monthly'));
     $form->append('submit', 'save', _t('Save'));
     $form->on_success(array($this, 'updated_config'));
  * Creates a UI form to handle the plugin configuration
  * @param string $plugin_id The id of a plugin
  * @param array $actions An array of actions that apply to this plugin
 public function action_plugin_ui($plugin_id, $action)
     if ($this->plugin_id() == $plugin_id && $action == 'Configure') {
         $form = new FormUI(strtolower(get_class($this)));
         $form->append('checkbox', 'enable SmartyPants', 'option:habarimarkdown__smarty', _t('Enable SmartyPants'));
         $form->append('submit', 'save', _t('Save'));
 public function configure()
     $form = new FormUI('preapproved');
     $form->append('text', 'approved_count', 'option:preapproved__approved_count', _t('Required number of approved comments: '));
     $form->approved_count->add_validator(array($this, 'validate_integer'));
     $form->append('submit', 'save', _t('Save'));
     $form->set_option('success_message', _t('Configuration saved'));
 public function action_plugin_ui_configure()
     $ui = new FormUI('autoclose');
     $age_in_days = $ui->append('text', 'age_in_days', 'autoclose__age_in_days', _t('Post age (days) for autoclose', 'autoclose'));
     $ui->append('submit', 'save', _t('Save', 'autoclose'));
     $ui->set_option('success_message', _t('Configuration saved', 'autoclose'));
     $ui->on_success(array($this, 'updated_config'));
 public function action_plugin_ui($plugin_id, $action)
     if ($plugin_id == $this->plugin_id()) {
         $ui = new FormUI('urlapprove');
         $ui->append('checkbox', 'redirect_default', 'urlapprove__redirect_default', _t('Redirect all comment author links by default', 'urlapprove'));
         $ui->append('textarea', 'whitelist', 'urlapprove__whitelist', _t('Whitelist of domains that will not be redirected, one per line (does not auto-approve)'));
         $ui->append('submit', 'submit', 'Submit');
 public function configure()
     $ui = new FormUI(strtolower(get_class($this)));
     $clientcode = $ui->append('text', 'clientcode', 'googleads__clientcode', _t('Ad Client Code'));
     $adslot = $ui->append('text', 'adslot', 'googleads__adslot', _t('Ad Slot ID'));
     $adwidth = $ui->append('text', 'adwidth', 'googleads__adwidth', _t('Ad Width'));
     $adheight = $ui->append('text', 'adheight', 'googleads__adheight', _t('Ad Height'));
     $ui->append('submit', 'save', _t('Save'));
Example #16
  * Respond to the user selecting an action on the theme page
 public function action_theme_ui($theme)
     $ui = new FormUI(strtolower(get_class($this)));
     $ui->append('text', 'home_tab', 'option:' . $this->class_name . '__home_tab', _t('Link Text to Home'));
     $ui->append('checkbox', 'show_author', 'option:' . $this->class_name . '__show_author', _t('Display author in posts'));
     // Save
     $ui->append('submit', 'save', _t('Save'));
     $ui->set_option('success_message', _t('Options saved'));
  * Handle calls from FormUI actions.
  * Show the form to manage the plugin's options.
 public function configure()
     $ui = new FormUI('gravatar');
     $g_s_d = $ui->append('text', 'default', 'gravatar__default', '<dl><dt>' . _t('Default Gravatar', __CLASS__) . '</dt><dd>' . _t('An optional "default" parameter may follow that specifies the full, URL encoded URl, protocol included of a GIF, JPEG or PNG image that should be returned if either the request email address has no associated gravatar, or that gravatar has a rating higher than is allowed by the "rating" parameter.', __CLASS__) . '</dd></dl>');
     $g_s_s = $ui->append('text', 'size', 'gravatar__size', '<dl><dt>' . _t('Size', __CLASS__) . '</dt><dd>' . _t('An optional "size" parameter may follow that specifies the desired width and height of the gravatar. Valid vaues are from 1 to 80 inclusive. Any size other than 80 will cause the original gravatar image to be downsampled using bicubic resampling before output.', __CLASS__) . '</dd></dl>');
     //mark size as required
     $g_s_r = $ui->append('select', 'rating', 'gravatar__rating', '<dl><dt>' . _t('Rating', __CLASS__) . '</dt><dd>' . _t('An optional "rating" parameter may follow with a value of [ G | PG | R | X ] that determines the highest rating (inclusive) that will be returned.', __CLASS__) . '</dd></dl>', array('G' => 'G', 'PG' => 'PG', 'R' => 'R', 'X' => 'X'));
     $ui->append('submit', 'save', _t('Save'));
  * Respond to the user selecting an action on the plugin page
  * @param string $plugin_id The string id of the acted-upon plugin
  * @param string $action The action string supplied via the filter_plugin_config hook
 public function action_plugin_ui($plugin_id, $action)
     if ($plugin_id == $this->plugin_id()) {
         if ($action == 'Configure') {
             $ui = new FormUI('userfields');
             $ui->append('textmulti', 'fields', 'userfields__fields', _t('Additional User Fields:'));
             $ui->append('submit', 'submit', 'Submit');
  * action: plugin_ui
  * @access public
  * @param string $plugin_id
  * @param string $action
  * @return void
 public function action_plugin_ui($plugin_id, $action)
     if ($plugin_id != $this->plugin_id()) {
     if ($action == _t('Configure')) {
         $form = new FormUI(strtolower(get_class($this)));
         $form->append('select', 'week_start', 'calendar__week_start', _t('Week starts on: ', 'calendar'), $this->week_starts);
         $form->append('submit', 'save', _t('Save'));
Example #20
  * action: plugin_ui
  * @access public
  * @param string $plugin_id
  * @param string $action
  * @return void
 public function action_plugin_ui($plugin_id, $action)
     if ($plugin_id != $this->plugin_id()) {
     if ($action == _t('Configure')) {
         $form = new FormUI(strtolower(get_class($this)));
         $form->append('textarea', 'ipbl', 'dnsbl__ipbl', _t('IP Blacklists: ', 'dnsbl'));
         $form->append('submit', 'save', _t('Save'));
Example #21
  * Respond to the user selecting 'configure' on the themes page
 public function action_theme_ui()
     $form = new FormUI('simplerer_theme');
     $copyright_notice = $form->append('text', 'copyright_notice', 'simplerer__copyright_notice', _t('Copyright Notice'));
     $copyright_notice->template = 'optionscontrol_text';
     $copyright_notice->class = 'clear';
     $copyright_notice->raw = true;
     $copyright_notice->helptext = _t('Use %year to substitute in the current year.');
     $form->append('submit', 'save', 'Save');
     $form->set_option('success_message', _t('Theme Settings Updated'));
Example #22
 public function action_plugin_ui($plugin_id, $action)
     if ($plugin_id == $this->plugin_id()) {
         switch ($action) {
             case _t('Configure'):
                 $ui = new FormUI(strtolower(get_class($this)));
                 $customvalue = $ui->append('text', 'customvalue', 'cpg__customvalue', _t('Your custom value:'));
  * Implement the simple plugin configuration.
  * @return FormUI The configuration form
 public function configure()
     $ui = new FormUI('maintenance_mode');
     // Add a text control for the maintenance mode text
     $ui->append('textarea', 'mm_text', self::OPTION_NAME . '__text', _t('Display Text: '));
     // Add checkbox to put in/out of maintenance mode
     $ui->append('checkbox', 'in_maintenance', self::OPTION_NAME . '__in_maintenance', _t('In Maintenance Mode'));
     $ui->append('checkbox', 'display_feeds', self::OPTION_NAME . '__display_feeds', _t('Display Feeds When In Maintenance Mode'));
     $ui->append('submit', 'save', _t('Save'));
     $ui->on_success(array($this, 'updated_config'));
 public function action_plugin_ui($plugin_id, $action)
     if ($plugin_id == $this->plugin_id()) {
         switch ($action) {
             case _t('Configure'):
                 $form = new FormUI(strtolower(get_class($this)));
                 $form->append('textmulti', 'endpoints', 'pubsubhubbub__endpoints', _t('Custom hubs'));
                 $form->append('submit', 'save', 'Save');
Example #25
 public function action_plugin_ui($plugin_id, $action)
     if ($plugin_id == $this->plugin_id()) {
         switch ($action) {
             case _t('Configure'):
                 $form = new FormUI(strtolower(get_class($this)));
                 $form->append('text', 'username', 'disqus__username', _t('Disqus Username:'******'submit', 'save', 'Save');
 public function action_plugin_ui($plugin_id, $action)
     if ($plugin_id == $this->plugin_id()) {
         switch ($action) {
             case _t('Configure'):
                 $ui = new FormUI(strtolower(get_class($this)));
                 $customvalue = $ui->append('textmulti', 'feedname', 'chicklet__feedname', _t('Feed Addresses:'));
                 $customvalue = $ui->append('submit', 'submit', _t('Save'));
  * action: plugin_ui
  * @access public
  * @param string $plugin_id
  * @param string $action
  * @return void
 public function action_plugin_ui($plugin_id, $action)
     if ($plugin_id != $this->plugin_id()) {
     if ($action == _t('Configure')) {
         $form = new FormUI(strtolower(get_class($this)));
         $form->append('text', 'username', 'photozousilo__username', _t('Photozou Username: '******'text', 'password', 'photozousilo__password', _t('Photozou Password: '******'submit', 'save', _t('Save'));
  * Respond to the user selecting an action on the plugin page
  * @param string $plugin_id The string id of the acted-upon plugin
  * @param string $action The action string supplied via the filter_plugin_config hook
 public function action_plugin_ui_configure()
     $ui = new FormUI(strtolower(get_class($this)));
     $reload_fieldset = $ui->append('fieldset', 'reload', _t('No Message'));
     $reload_page = $reload_fieldset->append('checkbox', 'reload', 'option:diggbarblocker__reload', _t('Instead of displaying a message, reload the page without the bar'));
     $message_fieldset = $ui->append('fieldset', 'message_settings', _t('Message Settings'));
     $message = $message_fieldset->append('textarea', 'message', 'option:diggbarblocker__message', _t('If the box above is not checked, display this to Diggbar-using visitors:'));
     $message->rows = 2;
     $message->class[] = 'resizable';
     $link = $message_fieldset->append('checkbox', 'addlink', 'option:diggbarblocker__addlink', _t('Add a link to the target page.'));
     $ui->append('submit', 'save', _t('Save'));
  * Populate the plugin config form
 public function action_plugin_ui($plugin_id, $action)
     if ($plugin_id == $this->plugin_id()) {
         if ($action == _t('Configure')) {
             $ui = new FormUI(strtolower(get_class($this)));
             $notify_posts = $ui->append('checkbox', 'notify_posts', 'notify_all__notify_posts', _t('Send email notifications for posts', 'notify_all'));
             $notify_comments = $ui->append('checkbox', 'notify_comments', 'notify_all__notify_comments', _t('Send email notifications for comments', 'notify_all'));
             $notify_user_can_override = $ui->append('checkbox', 'user_can_override', 'notify_all__user_can_override', _t('User can set whether notifications are sent', 'notify_all'));
             $ui->append('submit', 'save', 'Save');
  * Create configuration panel
 public function action_plugin_ui($plugin_id, $action)
     if ($plugin_id == $this->plugin_id()) {
         switch ($action) {
             case _t('Configure'):
                 $form = new FormUI(strtolower(get_class($this)));
                 $form->append('text', 'search', 'simplenote__search', _t('Search query:'));
                 $form->append('submit', 'save', _t('Save'));