Example #1
require_once "a2blib/Form/Class.TextSearchField.inc.php";
require_once "a2blib/Form/Class.SelectionForm.inc.php";
require_once "a2blib/Form/Class.TabField.inc.php";
require_once "a2blib/Class.JQuery.inc.php";
$menu_section = 'menu_customers';
HelpElem::DoHelp(gettext("Customers are listed below by card number. Each row corresponds to one customer, along with information such as their call plan, credit remaining, etc.</br>" . "The SIP and IAX buttons create SIP and IAX entries to allow direct VoIP connections to the Asterisk server without further authentication."), 'vcard.png');
$HD_Form = new FormHandler('cc_card', _("Customers"), _("Customer"));
$HD_Form->views['tooltip'] = new DetailsMcView();
$HD_Form->model[] = new TabField(_("Card information"));
$HD_Form->model[] = new PKeyFieldEH(_("ID"), 'id');
$HD_Form->model[] = new TextFieldEH(_("Card number"), 'username', _('Card username. Also the PIN for callingcards'));
$HD_Form->model[] = new TextField(_("Card alias"), 'useralias', _("Alias, also the number  *-*"));
$HD_Form->model[] = new SqlRefField(_("Group"), "grp", "cc_card_group", "id", "name");
if ($HD_Form->getAction() != 'tooltip') {
    $HD_Form->model[] = dontList(new PasswdField(_("Card pass"), 'userpass', 'alnum', _("PIN")));
$HD_Form->model[] = new FloatVolField(_("Credit"), 'credit', _("Money now in the card. Positive is credit, negative owes us."));
$HD_Form->model[] = new FloatVolField(_("Credit Limit"), 'creditlimit', _("Maximum (negative) credit this card can reach, if postpaid."));
end($HD_Form->model)->fieldacr = _("CLim");
$cs_list = array();
$cs_list[] = array("0", _("CANCELLED"));
$cs_list[] = array("1", _("ACTIVE"));
$cs_list[] = array("2", _("NEW"));
$cs_list[] = array("3", _("MAIL-WAIT"));
$cs_list[] = array("4", _("RESERVED"));
$cs_list[] = array("5", _("EXPIRED"));
$cs_list[] = array("6", _("UNDERPAY"));
$cs_list[] = array("7", _("LITIGATION"));
$cs_list[] = array("8", _("STOPPED"));
Example #2
$PAGE_ELEMS[] =& $HD_Form;
$PAGE_ELEMS[] = new AddNewButton($HD_Form);
$HD_Form->model[] = new PKeyFieldEH(_("ID"), 'id');
$HD_Form->model[] = new SqlBigRefField(_("Card"), 'card_id', 'cc_card', 'id', 'username', _("Corresponding card"));
$HD_Form->model[] = new SqlBigRefField(_("Booth"), 'booth_id', 'cc_booth', 'id', 'peername', _("Booth (if no card)"));
$HD_Form->model[] = new SqlRefField(_("Config"), "config", "cc_ast_users_config", "id", "cfg_name");
$HD_Form->model[] = new BoolField(_("SIP"), 'has_sip', _("If true, the peer will have a SIP entry"));
$HD_Form->model[] = new BoolField(_("IAX"), 'has_iax', _("If true, the peer will have a IAX2 entry"));
$HD_Form->model[] = DontList(new TextFieldN(_("Default IP"), 'defaultip', _("Default IP to ring user at.")));
$HD_Form->model[] = new TextField(_("Host"), 'host', _("Statically bind user with some IP/DNS or 'dynamic' for users that will register."));
end($HD_Form->model)->def_value = 'dynamic';
$HD_Form->model[] = new TextFieldN(_("Name B"), 'peernameb', _("Override asterisk username, so that a second device can be registered"));
if (!session_readonly()) {
    $HD_Form->model[] = dontList(new TextFieldN(_("Secret B"), 'secretb', _("Override asterisk secret from card/booth, so that a second device can be registered")));
$HD_Form->model[] = dontList(new TextFieldN(_("Callerid B"), 'callerid', _("Override callerid.")));
$HD_Form->model[] = DontList(new TextFieldN(_("From user"), 'fromuser', _("Override user string.")));
$HD_Form->model[] = DontList(new TextFieldN(_("Call group"), 'callgroup', _("When this device is called, set the call group so that others can pick it up.")));
$HD_Form->model[] = DontList(new TextFieldN(_("Pickup group"), 'pickupgroup', _("Allow this device to pick up calls made to those groups.")));
$HD_Form->model[] = DontList(new TextFieldN(_("Device Model"), 'devmodel', _("Provision model of device.")));
$HD_Form->model[] = DontList(new TextFieldN(_("MAC"), 'macaddr', _("MAC address of provisioned device.")));
$HD_Form->model[] = DontList(new TextField(_("D Secret"), 'devsecret', _("Device secret, provision safety.")));
$HD_Form->model[] = DontList(new IntFieldN(_("Provision Name"), 'provi_name', _("Provisioned name (display text)")));
$HD_Form->model[] = DontList(new IntFieldN(_("Provision Num"), 'provi_num', _("Provision configuration number")));
$HD_Form->model[] = DontList(new DateTimeFieldN(_("Last provisioned"), 'provi_date', _("Last provision timestamp")));
$HD_Form->model[] = new DelBtnField();
if ($HD_Form->getAction() == 'tooltip') {
    require "PP_bare_page.inc.php";
} else {
    require "PP_page.inc.php";
Example #3
//end($SEL_Form->model)->does_add = false;
end($SEL_Form->model)->def_date = '00:00 - 7 days';
end($SEL_Form->model)->fieldexpr = 'tstamp';
$SEL_Form->model[] = new DateTimeField(_("Period to"), 'date_to');
//end($SEL_Form->model)->does_add = false;
end($SEL_Form->model)->def_date = 'now';
end($SEL_Form->model)->fieldexpr = 'tstamp';
$SEL_Form->fallbackClause = array('date_from');
/*$SEL_Form->model[] = new SqlRefFieldN(_("Agent"),'agentid','cc_agent','id','name');
	end($SEL_Form->model)->does_add = false;*/
$SEL_Form->search_exprs['date_from'] = '>=';
$SEL_Form->search_exprs['date_to'] = '<=';
//$SEL_Form->model[] = new SqlRefField(_("System"),'sysid','nm.system','id','name');
$SEL_Form->model[] = new SqlRefField(_("Node"), "par_id", "nm.attr_node", "id", "name");
end($SEL_Form->model)->combofield = "nm.full_name_attr(id)";
if ($sform->getAction() != 'printing') {
    $PAGE_ELEMS[] =& $SEL_Form;
// HelpElem::DoHelp(gettext("*-*"),'vcard.png');
$sform->views['idle'] = new IdleView();
$sform->views['printing'] = new IdleView();
if ($sform->getAction() == 'list') {
$sform->views['sums'] = new SumMultiView();
if ($FG_DEBUG) {
    $sform->views['dump-form'] = new DbgDumpView();
$sform->model[] = new DateTimeField(_("Date"), 'tstamp');
end($sform->model)->fieldexpr = 'date_trunc(%trunc, tstamp)';
Example #4
end($SEL_Form->model)->fieldexpr = '(SELECT agentid FROM cc_card,cc_card_group
		WHERE cc_card.grp = cc_card_group.id AND cc_card.id = cc_call_v.cardid)';
end($SEL_Form->model)->combofield = "name || ' ('|| login || ')'";
/*$SEL_Form->model[] = new SqlRefField(_("Plan"),'idrp','cc_retailplan','id','name', _("Retail plan"));
	end($SEL_Form->model)->does_add = false;*/
$SEL_Form->model[] = dontAdd(new SqlRefFieldN(_("Server"), 'srvid', 'cc_a2b_server', 'id', 'host'));
$SEL_Form->model[] = dontAdd(new SqlRefFieldN(_("Trunk"), 'trunk', 'cc_trunk', 'id', 'trunkcode', _("Trunk used for the call")));
$PAGE_ELEMS[] =& $SEL_Form;
// HelpElem::DoHelp(gettext("*-*"),'vcard.png');
$HD_Form = new FormHandler('cc_call_v', _("Calls"), _("Call"));
$HD_Form->default_order = 'starttime';
$HD_Form->default_sens = 'DESC';
$PAGE_ELEMS[] =& $HD_Form;
$SEL_Form->enable($HD_Form->getAction() == 'list');
$HD_Form->model[] = DontList(new PKeyFieldTxt(_("Session ID"), 'sessionid'));
$HD_Form->model[] = DontList(new PKeyFieldTxt(_("Unique ID"), 'uniqueid'));
$HD_Form->model[] = DontList(new PKeyField(_("Card ID"), 'cardid'));
// nasipaddress  | text                        |
// qval          | double precision            |
$HD_Form->model[] = new DateTimeFieldDH(_("Start Time"), 'starttime');
$HD_Form->model[] = new TextField(_("Mode"), 'cmode');
$HD_Form->model[] = DontList(new DateTimeField(_("Stop Time"), 'stoptime'));
$HD_Form->model[] = new SqlRefFieldN(_("Card"), 'cardid', 'cc_card', 'id', 'username');
$HD_Form->model[] = new SqlRefFieldN(_("Agent"), 'agid', 'cc_agent', 'id', 'login');
end($HD_Form->model)->fieldexpr = '(SELECT agentid FROM cc_card,cc_card_group
		WHERE cc_card.grp = cc_card_group.id AND cc_card.id = cc_call_v.cardid)';
$HD_Form->model[] = DontList(new SqlRefFieldN(_("Server"), 'srvid', 'cc_a2b_server', 'id', 'host'));
$HD_Form->model[] = new TextField(_("Called station"), 'calledstation');
Example #5
$SEL_Form->model[] = new TextSearchField(_("Called number"), 'calledstation');
/*$SEL_Form->model[] = new SqlRefField(_("Plan"),'idrp','cc_retailplan','id','name', _("Retail plan"));
	end($SEL_Form->model)->does_add = false;*/
$SEL_Form->model[] = dontAdd(new SqlRefFieldN(_("Agent"), 'agid', 'cc_agent', 'id', 'name'));
end($SEL_Form->model)->fieldexpr = '(SELECT agentid FROM cc_card,cc_card_group
		WHERE cc_card.grp = cc_card_group.id AND cc_card.id = cc_call_v.cardid)';
end($SEL_Form->model)->combofield = "name || ' ('|| login || ')'";
$SEL_Form->model[] = dontAdd(new SqlRefFieldN(_("Server"), 'srvid', 'cc_a2b_server', 'id', 'host'));
$SEL_Form->model[] = dontAdd(new SqlRefFieldN(_("Trunk"), 'trunk', 'cc_trunk', 'id', 'trunkcode', _("Trunk used for the call")));
$PAGE_ELEMS[] =& $SEL_Form;
// HelpElem::DoHelp(gettext("*-*"),'vcard.png');
$sform = new FormHandler('cc_call_v', _("Calls"), _("Call"));
$sform->init(null, false);
$sform->views['sums'] = new SumMultiView();
if ($sform->getAction() == 'list') {
if ($FG_DEBUG) {
    $sform->views['dump-form'] = new DbgDumpView();
$sform->model[] = new DateField(_("Date"), 'starttime');
end($sform->model)->fieldexpr = 'date_trunc(\'day\', starttime)';
$sform->model[] = new TextField(_("Destination"), "destination");
end($sform->model)->fieldacr = _("Dest");
$sform->model[] = new SqlRefFieldN(_("Agent"), 'agid', 'cc_agent', 'id', 'login');
end($sform->model)->fieldexpr = '(SELECT agentid FROM cc_card,cc_card_group
		WHERE cc_card.grp = cc_card_group.id AND cc_card.id = cc_call_v.cardid)';
$sform->model[] = new IntField(_("Calls"), 'uniqueid');
$sform->model[] = new SecondsField(_("Duration"), "sessiontime");