function CreateFoodTables($types) { $foodModel = new FoodModel(); $foodArray = $foodModel->GetFoodByType($types); $result = ""; foreach ($foodArray as $key => $food) { $result = $result . "<table class = 'foodTable'>\n <tr>\n <th rowspan='6' width = '150px' ><img runat = 'server' src = '{$food->FoodImg}' /></th>\n \n \n <th width = '75px' >FoodId : </th>\n <td>{$food->FoodId}</td>\n </tr>\n \n <tr>\n <th width = '75px' >Name : </th>\n <td>{$food->FoodName}</td>\n </tr>\n \n <tr>\n <th>Type : </th>\n <td>{$food->FoodType}</td>\n </tr>\n \n <tr>\n <th>Price : </th>\n <td>{$food->Price}</td>\n </tr>\n \n \n \n \n </table>"; } return $result; }
public function orderAction() { $orderId = $this->getRequest()->getRequest('order_id'); $FoodOrderModel = FoodOrderModel::getInstance(); if ($orderId) { $foodList = FoodModel::getInstance()->fetchToDataFlow(array()); $foodOrderList = $FoodOrderModel->fetchToDataFlow(array('_id' => $orderId)); // 关联的餐厅 $relatedRestaurantList = []; // 最终订单的数据结构 $orderList = []; /** * { {restaurantId}: { * {foodId}: {count} * } * } * */ foreach ($foodOrderList[$orderId]['foods'] as $food) { $tmpFoodId = $food['food_id']; $tmpCount = $food['count']; $tmpRestaurant = $foodList[$food['food_id']]['restaurant']; $relatedRestaurantList[] = $tmpRestaurant; if (isset($orderList[$tmpRestaurant])) { if (isset($orderList[$tmpRestaurant][$tmpFoodId])) { $orderList[$tmpRestaurant][$tmpFoodId] = $tmpCount; } } else { $orderList[$tmpRestaurant] = array($tmpFoodId => $tmpCount); } } RestaurantModel::getInstance()->fetchToDataFlow(array('_id' => array('$in' => $relatedRestaurantList))); $this->dataFlow->toFlow(array('FOID' => $orderId, 'orderId' => $orderId, 'orderList' => $orderList, 'prevOrderId' => $FoodOrderModel->getPrevOrderId($orderId), 'nextOrderId' => $FoodOrderModel->getNextOrderId($orderId), 'orderTime' => round(intval($foodOrderList[$orderId]['create_time']->__toString()) / 1000))); $this->response(); } else { throw new Exception('缺少订单id'); } }
public function diethomeAction() { $p = $_REQUEST; $pDate = empty($p['date']) ? Tool_Fnc::ajaxMsg('日期不能为空') : trim($p['date']); if (!Tool_Validate::is_date($pDate)) { Tool_Fnc::ajaxMsg('日期不正确'); } $tFAMO = new R_FoodaddModel(); $tFMO = new FoodModel(); $tDWLMO = new DryweightlogModel(); $tDatas = array(); $tDWLRow['weight'] = $tDWLMO->is_dryweight($this->tUid, $pDate); $tArr = $tFMO->diet('protein', $tDWLRow['weight']); $tDatas['protein']['total'] = $tArr['start']; $tSql = 'select * from (select fid,unit,amount,weight from ' . $tFAMO->table . ' where uid = ' . $this->tUid . ' and created >=' . strtotime($pDate) . ' and created <=' . strtotime($pDate . ' 23:59:59') . ') fa, ' . $tFMO->table . ' f where fa.fid ='; $tList = $tFMO->query($tSql); $tDatas['protein']['surplus'] = 0; $tDatas['protein']['number'] = 0; if (!count($tList)) { Tool_Fnc::ajaxMsg('', 1, $tDatas); } #已经摄取 foreach ($tList as $tRow) { $tDatas['protein']['number'] += $tRow['protein'] / 100 * $tRow['weight']; #蛋白质 } unset($tList); #应摄取 #蛋白质 $tSurplus = $tArr['end'] - $tDatas['protein']['number']; $tDatas['protein']['surplus'] = $tSurplus <= 0 ? 0 : $tSurplus; Tool_Fnc::ajaxMsg('', 1, $tDatas); exit; }
public function normalAction() { $p = $_REQUEST; $tFMO = new FoodModel(); $tImgUrl = Yaf_Registry::get("config")->web->url->img; $tSql = 'select id fid,title,c_id cateid,c_title cate_title, concat(\'' . $tImgUrl . '\',thumb_img) thumb_img ,tag,protein from ' . $tFMO->table . ' where suggest = 1 order by count desc,protein desc'; $tDRDatas = $tFMO->query($tSql); $tFUMO = new FoodunitsModel(); foreach ($tDRDatas as &$v) { $v['units'] = $tFUMO->field('unit,amount,weight')->where(' fid = ' . $v['fid'])->fList(); } Tool_Fnc::ajaxMsg('', 1, $tDRDatas); }
public function foodAction() { $p = $_REQUEST; $pKey = empty($p['term']) ? '' : Tool_Fnc::safe_string($p['term']); $tMO = new FoodModel(); if (!empty($pKey)) { $tWhere = 'title like "%' . $pKey . '%"'; } if (!empty($pKey)) { $tDatas = $tMO->field('id,title,thumb_img')->where($tWhere)->limit(5)->fList(); } else { $tDatas = $tMO->field('id,title,thumb_img')->limit(5)->fList(); } Yaf_Dispatcher::getInstance()->autoRender(FALSE); die(json_encode($tDatas)); }
public function addfoodAction() { $p = $_REQUEST; $pFid = empty($p['id']) ? Tool_Fnc::ajaxMsg('错误异常 001') : intval($p['id']); $tFMO = new FoodModel(); $tRow = $tFMO->field('id,title,tag,protein,thumb_img')->where('id =' . $pFid)->fRow(); $tRow['protein'] = floatval($tRow['protein']) / 100; $tFUMO = new FoodunitsModel(); $tUnit = $tFUMO->field('id,amount,unit,weight,calory')->where(' fid = ' . $pFid)->fList(); $tMTMO = new MealtypeModel(); $pType = $tMTMO->field('id,name')->fList(); $this->assign('tRow', $tRow); $this->assign('pUnit', $tUnit); $this->assign('pType', $pType); }
/** * 订单 */ public function orderAction() { $foodList = FoodModel::getInstance()->fetchToDataFlow(array()); $groupOrderNo = $this->getRequest()->getRequest('group_order_no'); $GroupOrderModel = GroupOrderModel::getInstance(); if ($groupOrderNo) { $groupOrderNo = intval($groupOrderNo); $GroupOrderModel->fetchToDataFlow(array('order_no' => $groupOrderNo)); $foodOrderList = FoodOrderModel::getInstance()->fetchToDataFlow(array('group_order' => $groupOrderNo)); $this->dataFlow->toFlow(array('isPaid' => true, 'groupOrderNo' => $groupOrderNo, 'prevGroupOrderNo' => $GroupOrderModel->getPrevGroupOrderNo($groupOrderNo), 'nextGroupOrderNo' => $GroupOrderModel->getNextGroupOrderNo($groupOrderNo))); } else { $foodOrderList = FoodOrderModel::getInstance()->fetchAllNotPayOrdersToFlow(); $this->dataFlow->toFlow(array('isPaid' => false, 'prevGroupOrderNo' => $GroupOrderModel->getPrevGroupOrderNo())); } // 关联的用户 $relatedUserList = []; // 关联的餐厅 $relatedRestaurantList = []; // 最终订单的数据结构 $orderList = []; /** * { {restaurantId}: { * {foodId}: { 'count': 12, * 'user': [{userId}] * } * } * } * */ foreach ($foodOrderList as $foodOrderId => $foodOrder) { $relatedUserList[] = $foodOrder['user']; foreach ($foodOrder['foods'] as $food) { $tmpFoodId = $food['food_id']; $tmpCount = $food['count']; $tmpRestaurant = $foodList[$food['food_id']]['restaurant']; $relatedRestaurantList[] = $tmpRestaurant; if (isset($orderList[$tmpRestaurant])) { if (isset($orderList[$tmpRestaurant][$tmpFoodId])) { $orderList[$tmpRestaurant][$tmpFoodId]['count'] += $tmpCount; $orderList[$tmpRestaurant][$tmpFoodId]['user'][] = $food['user']; } else { $orderList[$tmpRestaurant][$tmpFoodId] = array('count' => $tmpCount, 'user' => [$foodOrder['user']]); } } else { $orderList[$tmpRestaurant] = array($tmpFoodId => array('count' => $tmpCount, 'user' => [$foodOrder['user']])); } } } UserModel::getInstance()->fetchToDataFlow(array('_id' => array('$in' => $relatedUserList))); RestaurantModel::getInstance()->fetchToDataFlow(array('_id' => array('$in' => $relatedRestaurantList))); $this->dataFlow->toFlow(array('orderList' => $orderList)); $this->response(); }
public function delAction() { $p = $_REQUEST; $pId = empty($p['id']) ? die('ID不能为空') : floatval($p['id']); $tMO = new FoodModel(); $tRow = $tMO->field('large_img,thumb_img')->where('id = ' . $pId)->fRow(); $tSql = 'delete from ' . $tMO->table . ' where id=' . $pId; if (!$tMO->exec($tSql)) { Tool_Fnc::ajaxMsg('删除失败'); } if (!empty($tRow['large_img'])) { unlink(APPLICATION_PATH . '/public' . $tRow['large_img']); } if (!empty($tRow['thumb_img'])) { unlink(APPLICATION_PATH . '/public' . $tRow['thumb_img']); } $tFT = new FoodtagModel(); $tSql = "delete from " . $tFT->table . " where fid =" . $pId; $tFT->exec($tSql); Tool_Fnc::ajaxMsg('删除成功', 1); }
public function diethomeAction() { $p = $_REQUEST; $pDate = empty($p['date']) ? Tool_Fnc::ajaxMsg('日期不能为空') : trim($p['date']); $pDid = empty($p['did']) ? Tool_Fnc::ajaxMsg('DID不能为空') : trim($p['did']); if (!Tool_Validate::az09($pDid)) { Tool_Fnc::ajaxMsg('did格式不正确'); } if (!Tool_Validate::is_date($pDate)) { Tool_Fnc::ajaxMsg('日期不正确'); } $tFAMO = new I_FoodaddModel(); $tFMO = new FoodModel(); $tDatas = array(); $tSql = 'select * from (select fid,unit,amount,weight from ' . $tFAMO->table . ' where did = \'' . $pDid . '\' and created >=' . strtotime($pDate) . ' and created <=' . strtotime($pDate . ' 23:59:59') . ') fa, ' . $tFMO->table . ' f where fa.fid ='; $tList = $tFMO->query($tSql); $tDatas['protein'] = array('total' => 90, 'surplus' => 0, 'number' => 0); if (!count($tList)) { Tool_Fnc::ajaxMsg('', 1, $tDatas); } #已经摄取 foreach ($tList as $tRow) { $tDatas['protein']['number'] += $tRow['protein'] / 100 * $tRow['weight']; #蛋白质 } unset($tList); $tDatas['protein']['total'] = 90; $tDatas['protein']['surplus'] = 90 - $tDatas['protein']['number']; Tool_Fnc::ajaxMsg('', 1, $tDatas); exit; }
public function indexAction() { exit; #$db = new SQLite3('/home/zhangyueru/data/www/dakang_www/shell/foods.db'); #$res = $db->query('select * from foods'); #$data = $db->fetchArray($res); #print_r($data); # header('Content-type:text/html;charset=utf-8'); $tFMO = new FoodModel(); $tFUMO = new FoodunitsModel(); $tFTMO = new FoodtagModel(); $tSqlite = new Orm_Sqlite('/home/zhangyueru/data/www/dakang_www/shell/food.db'); $res = $tSqlite->query('select a.*, ctitle from (select fd.thumb_image_url,fd.large_image_url,fd.ingredient,lights,cate_id,,fd.units from foods f, food_detail fd where = fd.parent_id) a,categories s where a.cate_id ='); $ii = 0; while ($tRow = $res->fetchArray()) { $tTime = time(); $ii++; $large_image_url = ''; $thumb_image_url = ''; if (!empty($tRow['thumb_image_url']) && $tRow['thumb_image_url'] != 'null') { $thumb_image_url = '/foodimg/small/' . $tTime . '_' . rand(1000, 99999) . '.jpg'; $this->saveimg($tRow['thumb_image_url'], $thumb_image_url); echo 'thumb'; } if (!empty($tRow['large_image_url']) && $tRow['large_image_url'] != 'null') { $large_image_url = '/foodimg/' . $tTime . '_' . rand(1000, 99999) . '.jpg'; $this->saveimg($tRow['large_image_url'], $large_image_url); echo 'large'; } $i = json_decode($tRow['ingredient'], true); $l = json_decode($tRow['lights'], true); $tTag = array(); foreach ($l as $tKey => $tVal) { if (empty($tVal)) { continue; } $tTag[$tKey] = $tVal; } $tTag = implode('|', $tTag); $i['calcium'] = empty($i['calcium']) ? 0 : $i['calcium']; $i['vitamin_a'] = empty($i['vitamin_a']) ? 0 : $i['vitamin_a']; $i['zinc'] = empty($i['zinc']) ? 0 : $i['zinc']; $i['magnesium'] = empty($i['magnesium']) ? 0 : $i['magnesium']; $i['vitamin_c'] = empty($i['vitamin_c']) ? 0 : $i['vitamin_c']; $i['fiber_dietary'] = empty($i['fiber_dietary']) ? 0 : $i['fiber_dietary']; $i['selenium'] = empty($i['selenium']) ? 0 : $i['selenium']; $i['copper'] = empty($i['copper']) ? 0 : $i['copper']; $i['carbohydrate'] = empty($i['carbohydrate']) ? 0 : $i['carbohydrate']; $i['phosphor'] = empty($i['phosphor']) ? 0 : $i['phosphor']; $i['fat'] = empty($i['fat']) ? 0 : $i['fat']; $i['niacin'] = empty($i['niacin']) ? 0 : $i['niacin']; $i['vitamin_e'] = empty($i['vitamin_e']) ? 0 : $i['vitamin_e']; $i['manganese'] = empty($i['manganese']) ? 0 : $i['manganese']; $i['cholesterol'] = empty($i['cholesterol']) ? 0 : $i['cholesterol']; $i['iron'] = empty($i['iron']) ? 0 : $i['iron']; $i['kalium'] = empty($i['kalium']) ? 0 : $i['kalium']; $i['natrium'] = empty($i['natrium']) ? 0 : $i['natrium']; $i['thiamine'] = empty($i['thiamine']) ? 0 : $i['thiamine']; $i['protein'] = empty($i['protein']) ? 0 : $i['protein']; $i['lactoflavin'] = empty($i['lactoflavin']) ? 0 : $i['lactoflavin']; $i['calory'] = empty($i['calory']) ? 0 : $i['calory']; $i['carotene'] = empty($i['carotene']) ? 0 : $i['carotene']; $tSql = 'insert into food values("%s","%s",%d,%d,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,"%s","%s",%s,"%s","%s")'; $tSql = sprintf($tSql, '', $tRow['name'], $tTime, 0, $i['calcium'], $i['vitamin_a'], $i['zinc'], $i['magnesium'], $i['vitamin_c'], $i['fiber_dietary'], $i['selenium'], $i['copper'], $i['carbohydrate'], $i['phosphor'], $i['fat'], $i['niacin'], $i['vitamin_e'], $i['manganese'], $i['cholesterol'], $i['iron'], $i['kalium'], $i['natrium'], $i['thiamine'], $i['protein'], $i['lactoflavin'], $i['calory'], $i['carotene'], $tTag, $thumb_image_url, $tRow['cate_id'], $tRow['ctitle'], $large_image_url); $tFid = $tFMO->exec($tSql); foreach ($l as $tKey => $tVal) { if (empty($tVal)) { continue; } $tData = array('title' => $tKey, 'fid' => $tFid, 'flag' => $tVal); $tFTMO->insert($tData); } $tUnitsArr = json_decode($tRow['units'], true); foreach ($tUnitsArr as $tURow) { $tData = array('amount' => $tURow['amount'], 'unit' => $tURow['unit'], 'fid' => $tFid, 'calory' => $tURow['calory'], 'weight' => $tURow['weight']); $tFUMO->insert($tData); } echo $ii . "\r\n"; } die; }