Example #1
  * create the file
  * @var $data Book the content of the book
  * @return string
 public function create(Book $book)
     $oldBookTitle = $book->title;
     $css = $this->getCss($book);
     $this->i18n = getI18n($book->lang);
     setlocale(LC_TIME, $book->lang . '_' . strtoupper($book->lang) . '.utf8');
     $wsUrl = wikisourceUrl($book->lang, $book->title);
     $cleaner = new BookCleanerEpub($this->getVersion());
     $cleaner->clean($book, wikisourceUrl($book->lang));
     $fileName = buildTemporaryFileName($book->title, 'epub');
     $zip = $this->createZipFile($fileName);
     $zip->addFromString('META-INF/container.xml', $this->getXmlContainer());
     $zip->addFromString('OPS/content.opf', $this->getOpfContent($book, $wsUrl));
     $zip->addFromString('OPS/toc.ncx', $this->getNcxToc($book, $wsUrl));
     if ($book->cover != '') {
         $zip->addFromString('OPS/cover.xhtml', $this->getXhtmlCover($book));
     $zip->addFromString('OPS/title.xhtml', $this->getXhtmlTitle($book));
     $zip->addFromString('OPS/about.xhtml', $this->getXhtmlAbout($book, $wsUrl));
     $dir = __DIR__;
     $zip->addFile($dir . '/images/Accueil_scribe.png', 'OPS/images/Accueil_scribe.png');
     $font = FontProvider::getData($book->options['fonts']);
     if ($font !== null) {
         foreach ($font['otf'] as $name => $path) {
             $zip->addFile($dir . '/fonts/' . $font['name'] . '/' . $path, 'OPS/fonts/' . $font['name'] . $name . '.otf');
     if ($book->content) {
         $zip->addFromString('OPS/' . $book->title . '.xhtml', $book->content->saveXML());
     if (!empty($book->chapters)) {
         foreach ($book->chapters as $chapter) {
             $zip->addFromString('OPS/' . $chapter->title . '.xhtml', $chapter->content->saveXML());
             foreach ($chapter->chapters as $subpage) {
                 $zip->addFromString('OPS/' . $subpage->title . '.xhtml', $subpage->content->saveXML());
     foreach ($book->pictures as $picture) {
         $zip->addFromString('OPS/images/' . $picture->title, $picture->content);
     $zip->addFromString('OPS/main.css', $css);
     $this->addContent($book, $zip);
     $book->title = $oldBookTitle;
     return $fileName;
Example #2
    protected function getOpfContent(Book $book, $wsUrl)
        $content = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
		      <package xmlns="http://www.idpf.org/2007/opf" unique-identifier="uid" version="3.0" xml:lang="' . $book->lang . '" prefix="cc: http://creativecommons.org/ns#">
			     <metadata xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/">
				    <dc:identifier id="uid">' . $wsUrl . '</dc:identifier>
				    <meta property="dcterms:modified">' . date('Y-m-d\\TH:i:s') . 'Z</meta>
				    <dc:language>' . $book->lang . '</dc:language>
				    <dc:title id="meta-title">' . htmlspecialchars($book->name, ENT_QUOTES) . '</dc:title>
				    <meta refines="#meta-title" property="title-type">main</meta>
				    <dc:source>' . $wsUrl . '</dc:source>
				    <dc:rights xml:lang="en">Creative Commons BY-SA 3.0</dc:rights>
				    <link rel="cc:license" href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/" />
				    <dc:rights xml:lang="en">GNU Free Documentation License</dc:rights>
				    <link rel="cc:license" href="http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/fdl.html" />
				    <dc:contributor id="meta-bkp">Wikisource</dc:contributor>
				    <meta refines="#meta-bkp" property="role" scheme="marc:relators">bkp</meta>';
        if ($book->author != '') {
            $content .= '<dc:creator id="meta-aut">' . htmlspecialchars($book->author, ENT_QUOTES) . '</dc:creator>
					       <meta refines="#meta-aut" property="role" scheme="marc:relators">aut</meta>';
        if ($book->translator != '') {
            $content .= '<dc:contributor id="meta-trl">' . htmlspecialchars($book->translator, ENT_QUOTES) . '</dc:contributor>
					       <meta refines="#meta-trl" property="role" scheme="marc:relators">trl</meta>';
        if ($book->illustrator != '') {
            $content .= '<dc:contributor id="meta-ill">' . htmlspecialchars($book->illustrator, ENT_QUOTES) . '</dc:contributor>
					       <meta refines="#meta-ill" property="role" scheme="marc:relators">ill</meta>';
        if ($book->publisher != '') {
            $content .= '<dc:publisher>' . htmlspecialchars($book->publisher, ENT_QUOTES) . '</dc:publisher>';
        if ($book->year != '') {
            $content .= '<dc:date>' . htmlspecialchars($book->year, ENT_QUOTES) . '</dc:date>';
        if ($book->cover != '') {
            $content .= '<meta name="cover" content="cover" />';
        } else {
            $content .= '<meta name="cover" content="title" />';
        $content .= '</metadata>
				    <item href="nav.xhtml" id="nav" media-type="application/xhtml+xml" properties="nav" />
				    <item href="toc.ncx" id="ncx" media-type="application/x-dtbncx+xml"/>';
        // deprecated
        if ($book->cover != '') {
            // TODO use image ?
            $content .= '<item id="cover" href="cover.xhtml" media-type="application/xhtml+xml" />';
        $content .= '<item id="title" href="title.xhtml" media-type="application/xhtml+xml" />
				    <item id="mainCss" href="main.css" media-type="text/css" />
				    <item id="Accueil_scribe.png" href="images/Accueil_scribe.png" media-type="image/png" />';
        $font = FontProvider::getData($book->options['fonts']);
        if ($font !== null) {
            foreach ($font['otf'] as $name => $path) {
                $content .= '<item id="' . $font['name'] . $name . '" href="fonts/' . $font['name'] . $name . '.otf" media-type="font/opentype" />' . "\n";
        if ($book->content) {
            $content .= '<item id="' . $book->title . '" href="' . $book->title . '.xhtml" media-type="application/xhtml+xml" />' . "\n";
        foreach ($book->chapters as $chapter) {
            $content .= '<item id="' . $chapter->title . '" href="' . $chapter->title . '.xhtml" media-type="application/xhtml+xml" />' . "\n";
            foreach ($chapter->chapters as $subpage) {
                $content .= '<item id="' . $subpage->title . '" href="' . $subpage->title . '.xhtml" media-type="application/xhtml+xml" />' . "\n";
        foreach ($book->pictures as $pictureId => $picture) {
            $content .= '<item id="' . $picture->title . '" href="images/' . $picture->title . '" media-type="' . $picture->mimetype . '"';
            if ($book->cover === $pictureId) {
                $content .= ' properties="cover-image"';
            $content .= ' />' . "\n";
        $content .= '<item id="about" href="about.xhtml" media-type="application/xhtml+xml" />
			     <spine toc="ncx">';
        if ($book->cover != '') {
            $content .= '<itemref idref="cover" linear="no" />';
        $content .= '<itemref idref="title" linear="yes" />';
        if ($book->content) {
            $content .= '<itemref idref="' . $book->title . '" linear="yes" />';
        if (!empty($book->chapters)) {
            foreach ($book->chapters as $chapter) {
                $content .= '<itemref idref="' . $chapter->title . '" linear="yes" />';
                foreach ($chapter->chapters as $subpage) {
                    $content .= '<itemref idref="' . $subpage->title . '" linear="yes" />';
        $content .= '<itemref idref="about" linear="yes" />
        return $content;
Example #3
    protected function getOpfContent(Book $book, $wsUrl)
        $content = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
			<package xmlns="http://www.idpf.org/2007/opf" unique-identifier="uid" version="2.0">
				<metadata xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:opf="http://www.idpf.org/2007/opf" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:dcterms="http://purl.org/dc/terms/">
					<dc:identifier id="uid" opf:scheme="URI">' . $wsUrl . '</dc:identifier>
					<dc:language xsi:type="dcterms:RFC4646">' . $book->lang . '</dc:language>
					<dc:title>' . htmlspecialchars($book->name, ENT_QUOTES) . '</dc:title>
					<dc:source>' . $wsUrl . '</dc:source>
					<dc:date opf:event="ops-publication" xsi:type="dcterms:W3CDTF">' . date(DATE_W3C) . '</dc:date>
					<dc:contributor opf:role="bkp">Wikisource</dc:contributor>';
        if ($book->author != '') {
            $content .= '<dc:creator opf:role="aut">' . htmlspecialchars($book->author, ENT_QUOTES) . '</dc:creator>';
        if ($book->translator != '') {
            $content .= '<dc:contributor opf:role="trl">' . htmlspecialchars($book->translator, ENT_QUOTES) . '</dc:contributor>';
        if ($book->illustrator != '') {
            $content .= '<dc:contributor opf:role="ill">' . htmlspecialchars($book->illustrator, ENT_QUOTES) . '</dc:contributor>';
        if ($book->publisher != '') {
            $content .= '<dc:publisher>' . htmlspecialchars($book->publisher, ENT_QUOTES) . '</dc:publisher>';
        if ($book->year != '') {
            $content .= '<dc:date opf:event="original-publication">' . htmlspecialchars($book->year, ENT_QUOTES) . '</dc:date>';
        if ($book->cover != '') {
            $content .= '<meta name="cover" content="cover" />';
        } else {
            $content .= '<meta name="cover" content="title" />';
        $content .= '</metadata>
					<item href="toc.ncx" id="ncx" media-type="application/x-dtbncx+xml"/>';
        if ($book->cover != '') {
            $content .= '<item id="cover" href="cover.xhtml" media-type="application/xhtml+xml" />';
        $content .= '<item id="title" href="title.xhtml" media-type="application/xhtml+xml" />
					<item id="mainCss" href="main.css" media-type="text/css" />
					<item id="Accueil_scribe.png" href="images/Accueil_scribe.png" media-type="image/png" />';
        $font = FontProvider::getData($book->options['fonts']);
        if ($font !== null) {
            foreach ($font['otf'] as $name => $path) {
                $content .= '<item id="' . $font['name'] . $name . '" href="fonts/' . $font['name'] . $name . '.otf" media-type="font/opentype" />' . "\n";
        if ($book->content) {
            $content .= '<item id="' . $book->title . '" href="' . $book->title . '.xhtml" media-type="application/xhtml+xml" />' . "\n";
        foreach ($book->chapters as $chapter) {
            $content .= '<item id="' . $chapter->title . '" href="' . $chapter->title . '.xhtml" media-type="application/xhtml+xml" />' . "\n";
            foreach ($chapter->chapters as $subpage) {
                $content .= '<item id="' . $subpage->title . '" href="' . $subpage->title . '.xhtml" media-type="application/xhtml+xml" />' . "\n";
        foreach ($book->pictures as $picture) {
            $content .= '<item id="' . $picture->title . '" href="images/' . $picture->title . '" media-type="' . $picture->mimetype . '" />' . "\n";
        $content .= '<item id="about" href="about.xhtml" media-type="application/xhtml+xml" />
				<spine toc="ncx">';
        if ($book->cover != '') {
            $content .= '<itemref idref="cover" linear="no" />';
        $content .= '<itemref idref="title" linear="yes" />';
        if ($book->content) {
            $content .= '<itemref idref="' . $book->title . '" linear="yes" />';
        if (!empty($book->chapters)) {
            foreach ($book->chapters as $chapter) {
                $content .= '<itemref idref="' . $chapter->title . '" linear="yes" />';
                foreach ($chapter->chapters as $subpage) {
                    $content .= '<itemref idref="' . $subpage->title . '" linear="yes" />';
        $content .= '<itemref idref="about" linear="yes" />
        if ($book->cover != '') {
            $content .= '<reference type="cover" title="' . htmlspecialchars($this->i18n['cover'], ENT_QUOTES) . '" href="cover.xhtml" />';
        } else {
            $content .= '<reference type="cover" title="' . htmlspecialchars($this->i18n['cover'], ENT_QUOTES) . '" href="title.xhtml" />';
        $content .= '<reference type="title-page" title="' . htmlspecialchars($this->i18n['title_page'], ENT_QUOTES) . '" href="title.xhtml" />';
        if ($book->content) {
            $content .= '<reference type="text" title="' . htmlspecialchars($book->name, ENT_QUOTES) . '" href="' . $book->title . '.xhtml" />';
        $content .= '<reference type="copyright-page" title="' . htmlspecialchars($this->i18n['about'], ENT_QUOTES) . '" href="about.xhtml" />
        return $content;