  * Completes the job by zipping up the generated export and creating an
  * export record for it.
 protected function complete()
     $siteTitle = SiteConfig::current_site_config()->Title;
     $filename = preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9-.+]/', '-', sprintf('%s-%s.zip', $siteTitle, date('c')));
     $dir = Folder::findOrMake(SiteExportExtension::EXPORTS_DIR);
     $dirname = ASSETS_PATH . '/' . SiteExportExtension::EXPORTS_DIR;
     $pathname = "{$dirname}/{$filename}";
     SiteExportUtils::zip_directory($this->tempDir, "{$dirname}/{$filename}");
     $file = new File();
     $file->ParentID = $dir->ID;
     $file->Title = $siteTitle . ' ' . date('c');
     $file->Filename = $dir->Filename . $filename;
     $export = new SiteExport();
     $export->ParentClass = $this->rootClass;
     $export->ParentID = $this->rootId;
     $export->Theme = $this->theme;
     $export->BaseUrlType = ucfirst($this->baseUrlType);
     $export->BaseUrl = $this->baseUrl;
     $export->ArchiveID = $file->ID;
     if ($this->email) {
         $email = new Email();
         $email->setSubject(sprintf('Site Export For "%s" Complete', $siteTitle));
         $email->populateTemplate(array('SiteTitle' => $siteTitle, 'Link' => $file->getAbsoluteURL()));
Example #2
 function testCreateWithFilenameWithSubfolder()
     // Note: We can't use fixtures/setUp() for this, as we want to create the db record manually.
     // Creating the folder is necessary to avoid having "Filename" overwritten by setName()/setRelativePath(),
     // because the parent folders don't exist in the database
     $folder = Folder::findOrMake('/FileTest/');
     $testfilePath = 'assets/FileTest/CreateWithFilenameHasCorrectPath.txt';
     // Important: No leading slash
     $fh = fopen(BASE_PATH . '/' . $testfilePath, "w");
     fwrite($fh, str_repeat('x', 1000000));
     $file = new File();
     $file->Filename = $testfilePath;
     // TODO This should be auto-detected
     $file->ParentID = $folder->ID;
     $this->assertEquals('CreateWithFilenameHasCorrectPath.txt', $file->Name, '"Name" property is automatically set from "Filename"');
     $this->assertEquals($testfilePath, $file->Filename, '"Filename" property remains unchanged');
     // TODO This should be auto-detected, see File->updateFilesystem()
     // $this->assertType('Folder', $file->Parent(), 'Parent folder is created in database');
     // $this->assertFileExists($file->Parent()->getFullPath(), 'Parent folder is created on filesystem');
     // $this->assertEquals('FileTest', $file->Parent()->Name);
     // $this->assertType('Folder', $file->Parent()->Parent(), 'Grandparent folder is created in database');
     // $this->assertFileExists($file->Parent()->Parent()->getFullPath(), 'Grandparent folder is created on filesystem');
     // $this->assertEquals('assets', $file->Parent()->Parent()->Name);
 private function requireDefaultAlbum()
     $class = $this->albumClass;
     $album = new $class();
     $album->AlbumName = "Default Album";
     $album->ImageGalleryPageID = $this->ID;
     $album->ParentID = $this->RootFolderID;
     $folder = Folder::findOrMake('image-gallery/' . $this->RootFolder()->Name . '/' . $album->AlbumName);
     $album->FolderID = $folder->ID;
 public function doExport($data, $form)
     $data = $form->getData();
     $links = array();
     $siteTitle = SiteConfig::current_site_config()->Title;
     // If the queued jobs module is installed, then queue up an export
     // job rather than performing the export.
     if (class_exists('QueuedJobService')) {
         $job = new SiteExportJob($form->getRecord());
         $job->theme = $data['ExportSiteTheme'];
         $job->baseUrl = $data['ExportSiteBaseUrl'];
         $job->baseUrlType = $data['ExportSiteBaseUrlType'];
         $job->email = $data['ExportSiteCompleteEmail'];
         return new SS_HTTPResponse($form->dataFieldByName('SiteExports')->FieldHolder(), 200, 'The site export job has been queued.');
     // First generate a temp directory to store the export content in.
     $temp = TEMP_FOLDER;
     $temp .= sprintf('/siteexport_%s', date('Y-m-d-His'));
     $exporter = new SiteExporter();
     $exporter->root = $form->getRecord();
     $exporter->theme = $data['ExportSiteTheme'];
     $exporter->baseUrl = $data['ExportSiteBaseUrl'];
     $exporter->makeRelative = $data['ExportSiteBaseUrlType'] == 'rewrite';
     // Then place the exported content into an archive, stored in the assets
     // root, and create a site export for it.
     $filename = preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9-.+]/', '-', sprintf('%s-%s.zip', $siteTitle, date('c')));
     $dir = Folder::findOrMake(self::EXPORTS_DIR);
     $dirname = ASSETS_PATH . '/' . self::EXPORTS_DIR;
     $pathname = "{$dirname}/{$filename}";
     SiteExportUtils::zip_directory($temp, "{$dirname}/{$filename}");
     $file = new File();
     $file->ParentID = $dir->ID;
     $file->Title = $siteTitle . ' ' . date('c');
     $file->Filename = $dir->Filename . $filename;
     $export = new SiteExport();
     $export->ParentClass = $form->getRecord()->class;
     $export->ParentID = $form->getRecord()->ID;
     $export->Theme = SSViewer::current_theme();
     $export->BaseUrlType = ucfirst($data['ExportSiteBaseUrlType']);
     $export->BaseUrl = $data['ExportSiteBaseUrl'];
     $export->ArchiveID = $file->ID;
     return new SS_HTTPResponse($form->dataFieldByName('SiteExports')->FieldHolder(), 200, 'The site export has been generated.');
 function onBeforeWrite()
     if (isset($_POST['AlbumName'])) {
         $clean_name = SiteTree::generateURLSegment($_POST['AlbumName']);
         if ($this->FolderID) {
             $this->Folder()->Title = $clean_name;
         } else {
             $folder = Folder::findOrMake('image-gallery/' . $this->ImageGalleryPage()->RootFolder()->Name . '/' . $clean_name);
             $this->FolderID = $folder->ID;
Example #6
  * Processes the uploaded files in the request. Most of the legwork is handled in {@link KickAssetUtil}
  * @return SS_HTTPResponse
 public function upload(SS_HTTPRequest $r)
     // We don't want anyone uploading to the root assets folder..
     if (!$this->defaultFolder) {
         $this->defaultFolder = Folder::findOrMake("Uploads");
     $response = KickAssetUtil::handle_upload($r, $this->defaultFolder);
     if (empty($response)) {
         return new SS_HTTPResponse("File did not upload", 500);
     if (is_array($response)) {
         return new SS_HTTPResponse(implode(',', $response), 200);
     return new SS_HTTPResponse("Error: " . $response, 500);
    public function Field($properties = array())
        Requirements::javascript(THIRDPARTY_DIR . '/jquery-livequery/jquery.livequery.js');
        $id = $this->id();
        $div = '<div id="' . $id . 'Container" class="' . $this->extraClass() . ' supaField">';
        $div .= '<div class="supaButtons">';
        $div .= $this->createTag('input', array('id' => $id . 'Paste', 'value' => _t('Pixlr.PASTE', 'Paste'), 'type' => 'button', 'class' => 'supaPasteButton'));
        $div .= $this->createTag('input', array('id' => $id . 'Upload', 'value' => _t('Pixlr.UPLOAD', 'Upload'), 'type' => 'button', 'class' => 'supaUploadButton', 'style' => 'display: none'));
        $div .= $this->createTag('input', array('type' => 'checkbox', 'value' => '1', 'name' => 'AndEdit', 'id' => $id . 'AndEdit'));
        $div .= '<label for="' . $id . 'AndEdit' . '">and Edit</label>';
        $div .= $this->createTag('input', array('class' => 'supaFileID', 'type' => 'hidden', 'value' => ''));
        $div .= '</div><div class="supaOptions" style="display: none">';
        if ($this->options['show_selector']) {
            $treeField = new TreeDropdownField('SupaLocation', _t('Pixlr.UPLOAD_LOCATION', 'Save to'), 'File');
            $div .= $treeField->Field();
        } else {
            // create a default target for uploading to
            $target = Folder::findOrMake($this->options['target']);
            $div .= $this->createTag('input', array('type' => 'hidden', 'name' => 'SupaLocation', 'value' => $target->ID));
        $div .= $this->createTag('input', array('id' => $id . 'Filename', 'value' => $this->options['name'], 'name' => 'SupaImageName'));
        $params = array('parent' => '{input[name=FolderID]}', 'force' => true, 'imgstate' => 'existing', 'title' => '{#' . $id . 'Filename}.png');
        $pixlr = new PixlrEditorField('EditSelectedImage' . $id, _t('Pixlr.EDIT_SELECTED', 'Edit Selected'), '{#' . $id . 'Container .supaFileID}', $params);
        $div .= $pixlr->Field();
        $div .= '</div><div class="supaFileUrl"></div><div class="supaAppletWrapper" id="' . $id . 'AppletWrapper">';
        $url = Director::absoluteBaseURL() . 'pixlr/thirdparty/supa/Supa.jar';
        $div .= '<applet id="' . $id . 'Applet" class="supaApplet"
              archive="' . $url . '"
              width="' . $this->options['width'] . '" 
              height="' . $this->options['height'] . '">
        <!--param name="clickforpaste" value="true"-->
			<param name="imagecodec" value="png">
			<param name="encoding" value="base64">
			<param name="previewscaler" value="fit to canvas">
			<!--param name="trace" value="true"-->
			Applets disabled :(
		  </applet> ';
        $div .= '</div></div>';
        return $div;
 function setUp()
     // clear File to start.
     $files = DataObject::get("File");
     if ($files) {
         foreach ($files as $f) {
     $folder = Folder::findOrMake('/dynamic_templates/');
     $test1 = $this->setUpTemplate($folder, 'tmp__TemplateNoManifest');
     $test2 = $this->setUpTemplate($folder, 'tmp__TemplateWithManifest');
     $this->recurse_copy(Director::baseFolder() . "/dynamictemplate/tests/TemplateNoManifest", Director::baseFolder() . "/assets/dynamic_templates/tmp__TemplateNoManifest");
     $this->recurse_copy(Director::baseFolder() . "/dynamictemplate/tests/TemplateWithManifest", Director::baseFolder() . "/assets/dynamic_templates/tmp__TemplateWithManifest");
     //		$this->dump_files("end of setUp");
  * Determine the "current" upload folder, e.g. If the {@see $uploadFolder} is not defined,
  * then get the folder of the last file uploaded
  * @return Folder
 public function CurrentUploadFolder()
     if ($this->allowFolderSelection && $this->getUploadFolder() == "Uploads") {
         if ($result = $this->Files()) {
             if ($result instanceof File) {
                 return $result->Parent();
             } elseif ($result instanceof DataObjectSet) {
                 return $result->First()->Parent();
     return Folder::findOrMake($this->getUploadFolder());
Example #10
	 * Save an file passed from a form post into this object.
	 * @param $tmpFile array Indexed array that PHP generated for every file it uploads.
	 * @param $folderPath string Folder path relative to /assets
	 * @return Boolean|string Either success or error-message.
	function load($tmpFile, $folderPath = false) {
		if(!$folderPath) $folderPath = self::$uploads_folder;
		if(!$this->file) $this->file = new File();
		if(!is_array($tmpFile)) {
			user_error("File::loadUploaded() Not passed an array.  Most likely, the form hasn't got the right enctype", E_USER_ERROR);
		if(!$tmpFile['size']) {
			$this->errors[] = _t('File.NOFILESIZE', 'Filesize is zero bytes.');
			return false;
		$valid = $this->validate($tmpFile);
		if(!$valid) return false;
		// @TODO This puts a HUGE limitation on files especially when lots
		// have been uploaded.
		$base = Director::baseFolder();
		$parentFolder = Folder::findOrMake($folderPath);

		// Create a folder for uploading.
			mkdir(ASSETS_PATH, Filesystem::$folder_create_mask);
		if(!file_exists(ASSETS_PATH . "/" . $folderPath)){
			mkdir(ASSETS_PATH . "/" . $folderPath, Filesystem::$folder_create_mask);

		// Generate default filename
		$fileName = str_replace(' ', '-',$tmpFile['name']);
		$fileName = ereg_replace('[^A-Za-z0-9+.-]+','',$fileName);
		$fileName = ereg_replace('-+', '-',$fileName);
		$fileName = basename($fileName);

		$relativeFilePath = ASSETS_DIR . "/" . $folderPath . "/$fileName";
		// if filename already exists, version the filename (e.g. test.gif to test1.gif)
		while(file_exists("$base/$relativeFilePath")) {
			$i = isset($i) ? ($i+1) : 2;
			$oldFilePath = $relativeFilePath;
			// make sure archives retain valid extensions
			if(substr($relativeFilePath, strlen($relativeFilePath) - strlen('.tar.gz')) == '.tar.gz' ||
				substr($relativeFilePath, strlen($relativeFilePath) - strlen('.tar.bz2')) == '.tar.bz2') {
					$relativeFilePath = ereg_replace('[0-9]*(\.tar\.[^.]+$)',$i . '\\1', $relativeFilePath);
			} else {
				$relativeFilePath = ereg_replace('[0-9]*(\.[^.]+$)',$i . '\\1', $relativeFilePath);
			if($oldFilePath == $relativeFilePath && $i > 2) user_error("Couldn't fix $relativeFilePath with $i tries", E_USER_ERROR);

		if(file_exists($tmpFile['tmp_name']) && copy($tmpFile['tmp_name'], "$base/$relativeFilePath")) {
			$this->file->ParentID = $parentFolder->ID;
			// This is to prevent it from trying to rename the file
			$this->file->Name = basename($relativeFilePath);
			return true;
		} else {
			$this->errors[] = _t('File.NOFILESIZE', 'Filesize is zero bytes.');
			return false;
 public static function create_empty_template($name)
     $template = new DynamicTemplate();
     $base = $name;
     $holder = Folder::findOrMake(self::$dynamic_template_folder);
     $template->ParentID = $holder->ID;
     $suffix = 1;
     while (DataObject::get('DynamicTemplate', "\"Name\" LIKE '%" . $name . "%'")) {
         $name = "{$base}{$suffix}";
     $template->Name = $name;
     $template->Title = $name;
     if (!file_exists($template->getFullPath())) {
         mkdir($template->getFullPath(), Filesystem::$folder_create_mask);
     return $template;
Example #12
  * Transfer all the content from the Image table into the File table.
  * @deprecated This function is only used to migrate content from old databases.
 function transferlegacycontent()
     if (!Permission::check('ADMIN')) {
     $images = DB::query("SELECT * FROM _obsolete_Image");
     echo "<h3>Transferring images</h3>";
     foreach ($images as $image) {
         if (($className = $image['ClassName']) && $image['Filename']) {
             echo "<li>Importing {$image['Filename']}";
             $folderName = str_replace('assets/', '', dirname($image['Filename']));
             $name = basename($image['Filename']);
             $folderObj = Folder::findOrMake($folderName);
             $fileObj = new $className();
             $fileObj->Name = $name;
             $fileObj->ParentID = $folderObj->ID;
             echo " as {$fileObj->ID}";
             list($baseClass, $fieldName) = explode('_', $className, 2);
             //if($baseClass == 'News') $baseClass = 'NewsHolder';
             //if($baseClass == 'FAQ') $baseClass = 'FaqHolder';
             $parentObj = DataObject::get_by_id($baseClass, $image['ParentID']);
             if ($parentObj && $fieldName) {
                 $fieldName .= "ID";
                 echo "<li>{$parentObj->class}.{$parentObj->ID}.{$fieldName} = {$fileObj->ID}";
                 $parentObj->{$fieldName} = $fileObj->ID;
             // echo " and linking to $baseClass.$image[ParentID]->$fieldName";
Example #13
 function moverootfilesto()
     if ($folder = $this->urlParams[ID]) {
         $newParent = Folder::findOrMake($folder);
         $files = DataObject::get("File", "ClassName != 'Folder' AND ParentID = 0");
         foreach ($files as $file) {
             echo "<li>", $file->RelativePath;
             $file->ParentID = $newParent->ID;
             echo " -> ", $file->RelativePath;
  * Gets the report folder needed for storing the report files
  * @param String $format
 protected function getReportFolder()
     $id = $this->ReportID;
     if (!$id) {
         $id = 'preview';
     $folderName = 'advanced-reports/' . $this->ReportID . '/' . $this->ID;
     return Folder::findOrMake($folderName);
Example #15
 private function createThumbnail()
     $img_title = "flv_thumb_" . $this->ID;
     if ($existing = DataObject::get("Image", "Title = '{$img_title}'")) {
         foreach ($existing as $file) {
     $folder = Folder::findOrMake(self::$thumbnail_folder);
     $img_filename = self::clean_file(self::remove_file_extension($this->Title)) . ".jpg";
     $abs_thumb = Director::baseFolder() . "/" . $folder->Filename . $img_filename;
     $args = sprintf("-y -i %s -an -s %s -ss %d -an -r 1 -vframes 1 -y -vcodec mjpeg -f mjpeg %s", $this->absoluteFLVPath(), self::$default_thumbnail_width . "x" . self::$default_thumbnail_height, self::$thumbnail_seconds, $abs_thumb);
     $img = new Image();
     $img->setField('ParentID', $folder->ID);
     $img->Filename = $folder->Filename . $img_filename;
     $img->Title = $img_title;
    function requireDefaultRecords()
        $ebook = DataObject::get_one('Ebook', "\"Title\" = 'Silhouetted against the moon'");
        if (!($ebook && $ebook->exists())) {
            $ebook = new Ebook();
            $ebook->Title = 'Silhouetted against the moon';
            $ebook->Summary = <<<HTML
\t\t\t<p>A frightful product that will keep you on the edge of your seat!</p>
\t\t\t<p>Cover <a href="http://www.sxc.hu/photo/991793">image</a> courtesy of <a href="http://www.sxc.hu/profile/nazreth" target="_blank">nazreth</a> on <a href="http://www.sxc.hu/" target="_blank">sxc.hu</a></p>
            $coverPhoto = DataObject::get_one('CoverPhoto', "\"Name\" = 'silhouetted-against-the-moon.png'");
            if (!($coverPhoto && $coverPhoto->exists())) {
                $uploadfolder = Folder::findOrMake("Uploads");
                $command = "cp ../payment-test/templates/Images/silhouetted-against-the-moon.png ../" . $uploadfolder->Filename;
                $coverPhoto = new CoverPhoto(array('ClassName' => 'CoverPhoto'));
                $coverPhoto->Name = 'silhouetted-against-the-moon.png';
                $coverPhoto->Title = 'silhouetted-against-the-moon';
                $coverPhoto->Filename = 'assets/Uploads/silhouetted-against-the-moon.png';
                $coverPhoto->ParentID = $uploadfolder->ID;
                $coverPhoto->OwnerID = Member::currentUserID();
            $file = DataObject::get_one('EbookFile', "\"Name\" = 'silhouetted-against-th-moon.pdf'");
            if (!($file && $file->exists())) {
                $uploadfolder = Folder::findOrMake("Uploads");
                $command = "cp ../payment-test/templates/Images/silhouetted-against-th-moon.pdf ../" . $uploadfolder->Filename;
                $file = new EbookFile(array('ClassName' => 'EbookFile'));
                $file->Name = 'silhouetted-against-th-moon.pdf';
                $file->Title = 'silhouetted-against-th-moon';
                $file->Filename = 'assets/Uploads/silhouetted-against-th-moon.pdf';
                $file->ParentID = $uploadfolder->ID;
                $file->OwnerID = Member::currentUserID();
            $ebook->CoverPhotoID = $coverPhoto->ID;
            $ebook->FileID = $file->ID;
            $ebook->Amount->Amount = '5.99';
            $ebook->Amount->Currency = 'USD';
            $author = DataObject::get_one('Author', "\"Name\" = 'Michael Lorenzo'");
            if (!($author && $author->exists())) {
                $author = new Author(array('ClassName' => 'Author'));
                $author->Name = 'Michael Lorenzo';
                $author->Introduction = <<<HTML
<p>Hi everyone! =) Thank you for viewing my gallery. My images are for free and I would love to see your projects or send me a link to your website so that I can see where you used nazreth's photos. It's a pleasure to see your artworks and it would inspire me to come up with more useful images. =)<br /><br />Thanks again and enjoy viewing my gallery! =)</p>
            DB::alteration_message('payable Ebook example \'Silhouetted against the moon\'', 'created');
Example #17
  * Save an file passed from a form post into this object.
  * File names are filtered through {@link FileNameFilter}, see class documentation
  * on how to influence this behaviour.
  * @param $tmpFile array Indexed array that PHP generated for every file it uploads.
  * @param $folderPath string Folder path relative to /assets
  * @return Boolean|string Either success or error-message.
 function load($tmpFile, $folderPath = false)
     if (!$folderPath) {
         $folderPath = self::$uploads_folder;
     if (!$this->file) {
         $fileClass = File::get_class_for_file_extension(pathinfo($tmpFile['name'], PATHINFO_EXTENSION));
         $this->file = new $fileClass();
     if (!is_array($tmpFile)) {
         user_error("Upload::load() Not passed an array.  Most likely, the form hasn't got the right enctype", E_USER_ERROR);
     if (!$tmpFile['size']) {
         $this->errors[] = _t('File.NOFILESIZE', 'Filesize is zero bytes.');
         return false;
     $valid = $this->validate($tmpFile);
     if (!$valid) {
         return false;
     // @TODO This puts a HUGE limitation on files especially when lots
     // have been uploaded.
     $base = Director::baseFolder();
     $parentFolder = Folder::findOrMake($folderPath);
     // Create a folder for uploading.
     if (!file_exists(ASSETS_PATH)) {
         mkdir(ASSETS_PATH, Filesystem::$folder_create_mask);
     if (!file_exists(ASSETS_PATH . "/" . $folderPath)) {
         mkdir(ASSETS_PATH . "/" . $folderPath, Filesystem::$folder_create_mask);
     // Generate default filename
     $nameFilter = Object::create('FileNameFilter');
     $file = $nameFilter->filter($tmpFile['name']);
     $fileName = basename($file);
     $relativeFilePath = ASSETS_DIR . "/" . $folderPath . "/{$fileName}";
     // if filename already exists, version the filename (e.g. test.gif to test1.gif)
     while (file_exists("{$base}/{$relativeFilePath}")) {
         $i = isset($i) ? $i + 1 : 2;
         $oldFilePath = $relativeFilePath;
         // make sure archives retain valid extensions
         if (substr($relativeFilePath, strlen($relativeFilePath) - strlen('.tar.gz')) == '.tar.gz' || substr($relativeFilePath, strlen($relativeFilePath) - strlen('.tar.bz2')) == '.tar.bz2') {
             $relativeFilePath = ereg_replace('[0-9]*(\\.tar\\.[^.]+$)', $i . '\\1', $relativeFilePath);
         } else {
             if (strpos($relativeFilePath, '.') !== false) {
                 $relativeFilePath = ereg_replace('[0-9]*(\\.[^.]+$)', $i . '\\1', $relativeFilePath);
             } else {
                 if (strpos($relativeFilePath, '_') !== false) {
                     $relativeFilePath = ereg_replace('_([^_]+$)', '_' . $i, $relativeFilePath);
                 } else {
                     $relativeFilePath .= "_{$i}";
         if ($oldFilePath == $relativeFilePath && $i > 2) {
             user_error("Couldn't fix {$relativeFilePath} with {$i} tries", E_USER_ERROR);
     if (file_exists($tmpFile['tmp_name']) && copy($tmpFile['tmp_name'], "{$base}/{$relativeFilePath}")) {
         $this->file->ParentID = $parentFolder->ID;
         // This is to prevent it from trying to rename the file
         $this->file->Name = basename($relativeFilePath);
         return true;
     } else {
         $this->errors[] = _t('File.NOFILESIZE', 'Filesize is zero bytes.');
         return false;
 static function import($page)
     include_once '../googledocspage/libs/simplehtmldom/simple_html_dom.php';
     //if import url is set, use that, else fall back on google doc id
     if (strlen($page->ImportURL) > 1) {
         $url = $page->ImportURL;
     } else {
         $url = GoogleDocsPage::$gdoc_pub_urlbase . $page->GoogleDocID;
     //echo $url;
     $html = file_get_html($url);
     //$contents = $html->find('div[id="contents"]', 0)->innertext;
     $contents = $html->find('div[id="contents"]', 0);
     // remove h1
     if (isset($contents)) {
         foreach ($contents->find('h1') as $e) {
             $e->outertext = '';
     } else {
         return "Error retrieving document. <br /> Try visiting this URL: <br /><br /><a href=\"{$url}\">{$url}</a>";
     // save style
     $style = "";
     foreach ($contents->find('style') as $e) {
         $style = $e->innertext;
     $e->outertext = '';
     //changing img path
     $i = 1;
     foreach ($html->find('img') as $e) {
         if ($i < 99) {
             //echo $e->src . "<br />";
             //$e->outertext = '';
             $e->src = "http://docs.google.com/document/" . $e->src;
             $folderPath = 'import/' . $page->ID;
             $folder = Folder::findOrMake($folderPath);
             //$tempFileName = $i . ".png";
             $tempFileName = $i;
             $filepath = "assets/" . $folderPath . "/" . $tempFileName;
             $src = str_replace("amp;", "", $e->src);
             $img = file_get_contents($src);
             //$size = getimagesize($img);
             $file = File::find($filepath);
             if (!$file) {
                 $file = new File();
                 $file->Filename = $filepath;
             file_put_contents(Director::baseFolder() . "/" . $filepath, $img);
             //$file->Name = $a["FileName"];
             $file->ClassName = "Image";
             $e->src = "/" . $filepath;
         $i = $i + 1;
     //echo '<style>.c2 { font-weight:bold;}</style>';
     //echo $contents->innertext;
     //echo "importing";
     $import = new GoogleDocsPage_Import();
     //$import->Imported = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
     $import->Content = $contents->innertext;
     $import->Css = $style;
     $import->CssParsed = GoogleDocsPage_Import::parsecss($style);
     $import->PageID = $page->ID;
     //this is not neccessary, as it is done already be referencing the PageID
     //$pageimports = $page->Imports();
     //writing content to the page
     //making sure the "real" page object is being used
     $page = SiteTree::get_by_id("Page", $page->ID);
     $page->Content = $import->Content;
     $page->Publish('Stage', 'Live');
     $page->Status = "Published";
     return "import successful";
     //return $import;
  * Update the folder that holds the photos to have the same file name as this page's title.
 function updateAssociatedFolder($original)
     $folder = $this->owner->AssociatedFolder();
     if ($this->owner->AssociatedFolderID && $folder) {
         $folder->Title = $this->owner->Title;
         $folder->Name = $this->owner->URLSegment;
         if ($this->owner->parentID != $original->ParentID) {
             // The parent has changed move the folder if possible
             $parent = $this->owner->Parent();
             if ($parent && $parent->hasExtension($this->class)) {
                 // Move the folder to the new parent
                 $folder->ParentId = $parent->AssociatedFolderID;
             } else {
                 // Move the folder below the default root as its owner's parent is not folder associated
                 $root = Folder::findOrMake(self::$defaultRootFolderName);
                 $folder->ParentId = $root->ID;
     } else {
         trigger_error("Associated folder does not exist", E_USER_ERROR);
Example #20
  * Generates a link to the file browser.
  * @see KickAssetAdmin
  * @return string
 public function BrowseLink()
     $folder = $this->defaultFolder ? $this->defaultFolder instanceof Folder ? $this->defaultFolder : Folder::findOrMake($this->defaultFolder) : singleton('Folder');
     return Director::absoluteBaseURL() . "/admin/files/select/{$folder->ID}";
  * Upload
  * @note handles a file upload to $uploadDirectory
  * @note saves the file and links it to the dataobject, returning the saved file ID
  * @todo handle has_one and has_many
 public final function Upload()
     try {
         if (empty($_GET['record'])) {
             throw new Exception("The gallery has not been configured correctly.");
         if (empty($_GET['record']['d'])) {
             throw new Exception("The related dataobject name was not provided.");
         if (empty($_GET['record']['p']) || !is_array($_GET['record']['p'])) {
             throw new Exception("The related dataobject primary key fields were not provided. Upload failed. Hint: use AssociateWith() durng field setup");
         			//set the related dataobject
         			$conditional = array();
         			foreach($_GET['record']['p'] as $column=>$value) {
         				$conditional[] = "\"" . Convert::raw2sql($_GET['record']['d']) . "\".\"" . Convert::raw2sql($column) . "\" = '" . Convert::raw2sql($value) . "'";
         //upload association target
         			$dataobject = FALSE;
         			try {
         	if($this->IsSiteTree($_GET['record']['d'])) {
         					$target = "SiteTree";
         				} else {
         					$target = $_GET['record']['d']
         	$dataobject = DataObject::get_one($target, implode(" AND ", $conditional));
         			} catch (Exception $e) {
         				throw new Exception("Query failed with error: " . $e->getMessage());
         if(!$dataobject || empty($dataobject)) {
         				throw new Exception("The related dataobject is not valid. This can happen if the gallery type has changed. Upload failed.");
         //current member if they can upload
         $member = $this->CanUpload();
         //set this->file to the correct handler
         //if not set, create a target location
         if ($this->target_location == "") {
             $this->target_location = "Uploads";
         //final location of file
         $targetDirectory = "/" . trim($this->target_location, "/ ");
         $uploadDirectory = "/" . trim(ASSETS_PATH, "/ ") . $targetDirectory;
         //print $uploadDirectory;exit;
         if (!is_writable($uploadDirectory)) {
             throw new Exception("Server error. Upload directory '{$uploadDirectory}' isn't writable.");
         if (!$this->file) {
             throw new Exception('No file handler was defined for this upload.');
         //now save the file
         $target = $this->SetUploadFileName($uploadDirectory, $this->replace_file);
         //saves the file to the target directory
         //here ? then the file save to disk has worked
         //make a folder record (optionally makes it on the file system as well, although this is done in this->file->save()
         $folder = Folder::findOrMake($targetDirectory);
         //without ASSETS_PATH !
         if (empty($folder->ID)) {
             throw new Exception('No folder could be assigned to this file');
         try {
             $filename = $this->GetFileName();
             $relation = $this->DataTypeRelation();
             switch ($relation) {
                 case "single":
                     $file = new UploadAnythingFile();
                     //TODO - this should match the file type provided
                     $file->Name = $filename;
                     $file->Title = $filename;
                     $file->Filename = $filename;
                     $file->ShowInSearch = 0;
                     $file->ParentID = $folder->ID;
                     $file->OwnerID = $member->ID;
                     //write the file
                     $id = $file->write();
                     if ($id) {
                         //the relationship: the related dataobject has one of this file
                         $this->controller->{$this->name . 'ID'} = $id;
                     } else {
                         throw new Exception("The file '{$filename}' could not be saved (1).");
                 case "gallery":
                     //add this file to the relation component
                     //the type of file that is the relation
                     $info = $this->GetComponentInfo();
                     if (!$info || !isset($info['childClass'])) {
                         throw new Exception("Error: {invalid component info detected. This generally means the gallery association with the page is not correct.");
                     $file_class = $info['childClass'];
                     $file = new $file_class();
                     if (!isset($info['joinField'])) {
                         throw new Exception("Error: {$file_class} does not have a has_one relation linking it to {$item['ownerClass']}.");
                     } else {
                         if ($file instanceof File) {
                             $file->Name = $filename;
                             $file->Title = $filename;
                             $file->Filename = $filename;
                             $file->ShowInSearch = 0;
                             $file->ParentID = $folder->ID;
                             $file->OwnerID = $member->ID;
                             $file->{$info['joinField']} = $this->controller->{$this->name}()->ID;
                             //link it to the owner gallery
                             //write the file
                             $id = $file->write();
                             if (!$id) {
                                 throw new Exception("The file '{$filename}' could not be saved (2).");
                         } else {
                             throw new Exception("Error: {$file_class} is not child of 'File'. {$file_class} should extend 'File' or a child of 'File'");
                     throw new Exception("Unhandled relation: {$relation}. File could not be saved.");
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             throw new Exception("The file could not be uploaded. File save failed with error: " . $e->getMessage());
         //here ? no exceptions were thrown
         $this->returnValue = array('success' => true);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $this->returnValue = array('error' => $e->getMessage());
 public function saveImportForm($data, $form)
     if (isset($data['imported_files']) && is_array($data['imported_files'])) {
         $_POST['uploaded_files'] = array();
         // If the user has set a custom upload folder, cut a new copy of the file when importing
         $custom_folder = $this->getUploadFolder() != "Uploads" ? Folder::findOrMake($this->getCleanUploadFolder()) : false;
         foreach ($data['imported_files'] as $file_id) {
             $file = DataObject::get_by_id("File", $file_id);
             if ($custom_folder && $file->ParentID != $custom_folder->ID) {
                 $new_path = Director::baseFolder() . '/' . $custom_folder->Filename . $file->Name;
                 copy($file->getFullPath(), $new_path);
                 $new_file = new File();
                 $new_file->setFilename($custom_folder->Filename . $file->Name);
                 $file = $new_file;
                 $file_id = $new_file->ID;
             // If something other than File has been specified as the linked file class,
             // we need to "upgrade" the imported file to the correct class.
             if ($this->fileClassName != "File" && $file->ClassName != $this->fileClassName) {
                 $file = $file->newClassInstance($this->fileClassName);
             $owner_id = $data['parentIDName'];
             if ($this->hasDataObject) {
                 $do_class = $data['dataObjectClassName'];
                 $idxfield = $data['fileFieldName'] . "ID";
                 $obj = new $do_class();
                 $obj->{$idxfield} = $file_id;
                 $obj->{$owner_id} = $data['controllerID'];
                 $_POST['uploaded_files'][] = $obj->ID;
             } else {
                 if ($file = DataObject::get_by_id($this->fileClassName, $file_id)) {
                     $id_field = $this->controllerFieldName . "ID";
                     if ($file->hasField($owner_id)) {
                         $file->{$owner_id} = $this->controllerID;
         $form = $this->EditUploadedForm();
         return $this->customise(array('String' => is_string($form), 'DetailForm' => $form))->renderWith($this->templatePopup);
  * Save the cleanup and redirect
 function uploadimages($data, $form)
     //Check there is a member! IF not return false
     $member = Member::currentUser();
     if (!$member) {
         $form->sessionMessage(_t("Create.CLEANUPCREATTIONERROR", "You Need to be logged in to Edit An Event"), 'bad');
     } else {
         //$fri = (!empty($_REQUEST['Friday'])) ? $_REQUEST['Friday'] : null;
         $cleanupID = !empty($_REQUEST['CleanUpID']) ? $_REQUEST['CleanUpID'] : null;
         $cleanupgroup = DataObject::get_one('CleanUpGroup', "CleanUpGroup.ID = '{$cleanupID}'");
         if (!$cleanupgroup) {
             $form->sessionMessage(_t("Create.CLEANUPIMAGEUPLOADERROR", "You Need to have a Clean Up Event to add images "), 'bad');
         } else {
             $curralbum = DataObject::get_one('ImageGalleryAlbum', "ImageGalleryAlbum.CleanUpGroupID = '{$cleanupgroup->ID}'");
             //add image to flickr
             if (isset($data['ImageID'])) {
                 //Debug::show("Upload attempt: ImageID: " . $data['ImageID'] . "  Title: " . "Photo from Love Your Coast event: " . $cleanupgroup->Title . " . <a href=\"http://www.loveyourcoast.org".$cleanupgroup->Link()."\">Visit this event on LoveYourCoast.org</a>  Caption:  " . $data['Caption'] . "  MT: " . $cleanupgroup->machineTag());
                 $flickr = new FlickrService();
                 $flickr->uploadPhoto($data['ImageID'], "Love Your Coast Event - " . $cleanupgroup->Title, "- " . $data['Caption'] . " -      Visit this event -> http://www.loveyourcoast.org" . $cleanupgroup->Link() . "", $cleanupgroup->machineTag());
             //1) Album Check Existing
             if ($curralbum) {
                 //2) Add Images
                 $imageitem = new ImageGalleryItem();
                 $imageitem->CleanUpGroupID = $cleanupgroup->ID;
                 $imageitem->ImageGalleryPageID = 13;
                 $imageitem->AlbumID = $curralbum->ID;
                 //Should redirect to gallery
                 $folderid = $curralbum->FolderID;
                 $folder = DataObject::get_one('Folder', "ID = '{$folderid}'");
                 $gallerylink = '/lyc2010_live/gallery10/album/' . $folder->Name;
             } else {
                 //1a) Create Album & Folder
                 $album = new ImageGalleryAlbum();
                 $album->AlbumName = $cleanupgroup->Title;
                 $album->CleanUpGroupID = $cleanupgroup->ID;
                 $album->ImageGalleryPageID = 13;
                 $folder = Folder::findOrMake('image-gallery/Gallery10/' . $cleanupgroup->Title);
                 $album->FolderID = $folder->ID;
                 //2) Add Images
                 $imageitem = new ImageGalleryItem();
                 $imageitem->CleanUpGroupID = $cleanupgroup->ID;
                 $imageitem->ImageGalleryPageID = 13;
                 $imageitem->AlbumID = $album->ID;
                 //Should redirect to gallery
                 $gallerylink = '/lyc2010_live/gallery10/album/' . $folder->Name;
Example #24
 function testDeleteAlsoRemovesContainedFilesInDatabaseAndFilesystem()
     $path = '/FolderTest/DeleteAlsoRemovesContainedFilesInDatabaseAndFilesystem';
     $folder = Folder::findOrMake($path);
     $file = $this->objFromFixture('File', 'gif');
     $file->ParentID = $folder->ID;
     $fileID = $file->ID;
     $fileAbsPath = $file->getFullPath();
     $this->assertFileNotExists($fileAbsPath, 'Contained files removed from filesystem');
     $this->assertFalse(DataObject::get_by_id('File', $fileID), 'Contained files removed from database');
 function requireDefaultRecords()
     $bt = defined('DB::USE_ANSI_SQL') ? '"' : '`';
     $update = array();
     $siteConfig = DataObject::get_one('SiteConfig');
     $folder = Folder::findOrMake(self::get_folder_name());
     if ($siteConfig && $folder) {
         $fullArray = self::get_images_to_replace();
         //copying ....
         if ($fullArray) {
             foreach ($fullArray as $key => $array) {
                 $className = $array["ClassName"];
                 $fieldName = $array["FieldName"] . "ID";
                 if (class_exists($className)) {
                     $dataObject = singleton($className);
                     $dbFieldName = $array["DBFieldName"];
                     $fileName = basename($array["CopyFromPath"]);
                     $fromLocationLong = Director::baseFolder() . '/' . $array["CopyFromPath"];
                     $toLocationShort = "assets/" . self::get_folder_name() . "/{$fileName}";
                     $toLocationLong = Director::baseFolder() . '/' . $toLocationShort;
                     $image = DataObject::get_one('Image', "Filename='{$toLocationShort}' AND ParentID = " . $folder->ID);
                     if (!$image) {
                         if (!file_exists($toLocationLong)) {
                             copy($fromLocationLong, $toLocationLong);
                         $image = new Image();
                         $image->ParentID = $folder->ID;
                         $image->FileName = $toLocationShort;
                     } elseif (!$image && file_exists($toLocationLong)) {
                         debug::show("need to update files");
                     if ($image && $image->ID) {
                         if (!$siteConfig->{$dbFieldName}) {
                             $siteConfig->{$dbFieldName} = $image->ID;
                             $update[] = "created placeholder image for {$key}";
                         $updateSQL = " UPDATE {$bt}" . $className . "{$bt}";
                         if (isset($_GET["removeplaceholderimages"])) {
                             $setSQL = " SET {$bt}" . $fieldName . "{$bt} = 0";
                             $whereSQL = " WHERE {$bt}" . $fieldName . "{$bt}  = " . $image->ID;
                             DB::alteration_message("removing " . $className . "." . $fieldName . " placeholder images", 'deleted');
                         } else {
                             DB::alteration_message("adding " . $className . "." . $fieldName . " placeholder images", 'created');
                             $setSQL = " SET {$bt}" . $fieldName . "{$bt} = " . $image->ID;
                             if (!isset($_GET["forceplaceholder"])) {
                                 $whereSQL = " WHERE {$bt}" . $fieldName . "{$bt} IS NULL OR {$bt}" . $fieldName . "{$bt} = 0";
                             } else {
                                 $whereSQL = '';
                         $sql = $updateSQL . $setSQL . $whereSQL;
                         $versioningPresent = false;
                         $array = $dataObject->stat('extensions');
                         if (is_array($array) && count($array)) {
                             if (in_array("Versioned('Stage', 'Live')", $array)) {
                                 $versioningPresent = true;
                         if ($dataObject->stat('versioning')) {
                             $versioningPresent = true;
                         if ($versioningPresent) {
                             $sql = str_replace("{$bt}{$className}{$bt}", "{$bt}{$className}_Live{$bt}", $sql);
                     } else {
                         debug::show("could not create image!" . print_r($array));
                 } else {
                     debug::show("bad classname reference " . $className);
         if (count($update)) {
             DB::alteration_message($siteConfig->ClassName . " created/updated: " . implode(" --- ", $update), 'created');
     } elseif (!$folder) {
         debug::show("COULD NOT CREATE FOLDER: " . self::get_folder_name());