function setup()
     if (!empty($this->data)) {
         $data = $this->data;
         $install_files_path = CONFIGS . 'install' . DS;
         $connection = array();
         foreach (array('driver', 'host', 'login', 'password', 'database', 'prefix') as $k) {
             $connection[$k] = $data[$k];
         uses('model' . DS . 'connection_manager');
         $db = ConnectionManager::getInstance();
         $connection = $db->getDataSource('default');
         if ($connection->isConnected()) {
             App::import('vendor', 'migrations');
             $oMigrations = new Migrations();
             $oMigrations->load($install_files_path . 'schema.yml');
             $dbRes = $oMigrations->up();
             if (is_array($dbRes)) {
                 $error_string = '';
                 foreach ($dbRes as $error) {
                     $error_string .= $error['error'] . '<br />';
                 $this->Session->setFlash(__('There were some errors during the creation of your db tables', true) . ':<br />' . $error_string);
             } elseif ($dbRes == true) {
                 //add admin to the users table
                 App::import('model', array('User', 'Site'));
                 $User = new User();
                 $User->save(array('username' => $data['admin_username'], 'password' => sha1(Configure::read('Security.salt') . $data['admin_password']), 'group_id' => 1));
                 /*$Site = new Site();
                   $Site->save( array( 'user_id' => $User->getInsertID(), 'domain' => Configure::read( 'CMS.Site.Domain' ) ) );*/
                 App::import('vendor', 'fixtures');
                 $oFixtures = new Fixtures();
                 if ($oFixtures->import($install_files_path . 'fixtures.yml') === true) {
                     $this->flash('Congratulations, you have successfully installed Pagebakery!', '/');
                 } else {
                     $this->Session->setFlash(__('Sorry, there was an error adding initial data', true));
         } else {
             $this->Session->setFlash('I could not connect to the DataBase. Please check the setup details again.');
     $this->set('DBDrivers', $this->_getDBDrivers());
  * Main method: Imports all fixtures from the fixtures path
 function main()
     if (!class_exists('Spyc')) {
         $this->error('File not found', 'YAML class is needed for this shell to run. Could not be found - exiting.');
     $oFolder = new Folder(FIXTURES_PATH);
     $aFixtures = $oFolder->find('.+_fixture\\.yml');
     $oFixtures = new Fixtures($this->sConnection);
     $iCount = 0;
     foreach ($aFixtures as $sFixture) {
         if ($oFixtures->import(FIXTURES_PATH . DS . $sFixture) !== true) {
             $this->error('Import failed.', 'Sorry, there was an error inserting the data into your database');
         } else {
             $this->out('Importing ' . $sFixture . '...');
     $this->out($iCount . ' fixture(s) successfully imported');