Example #1
 public function deleteAction()
     //delete fish
     //delete metadata fish done by DB
     $request = $this->getRequest();
     $fishId = intval($this->getRequest()->getParam(Fish::COL_ID));
     $fish = new Fish();
     $rowset = $fish->find($fishId);
     if (count($rowset) == 1) {
         //note: delete of metadata is executed from db
         $fish->delete($fish->getAdapter()->quoteInto(Fish::COL_ID . ' = ?', $fishId));
     $redirect = new Zend_Controller_Action_Helper_Redirector();
     $redirect->setGoto('search', 'search', 'fish');
Example #2
  * @param $key the subdirectory for csv and image files
  * @return unknown_type importImages/importFishes arrays with the IDs as key to see where dataimport eventually went wrong
 public function beginImport($key)
     $this->key = $key;
     $this->logger = new Ble422_ArrayLogger(self::RELATIVE_PATH_IMPORT_LOGS . $this->key . '_import_log.txt');
     foreach ($this->rowHasUniqueUploadedFile as $key => $value) {
         $preparedDatasets[$key] = $this->preparedDatasets[$key];
     $importedFishes = array();
     $importedImages = array();
     $i = 0;
     $j = 0;
     $fishForm = new Fish_Form_Edit();
     $fish = new Fish();
     $imageForm = new Image_Form_Edit();
     $image = new Image();
     $numberCopiedFiles = 0;
     $dbAdapter = $fish->getAdapter();
     try {
         //changed to local preparedDatasets to filter datasets with uploaded files used in other datasets of import
         foreach ($preparedDatasets as $rowNo => $dataset) {
             if (Default_SimpleQuery::isValueInTableColumn($dataset['fishFormDataset'][Fish::COL_SAMPLE_CODE], $fish, Fish::COL_SAMPLE_CODE, 'string')) {
                 //get id from already existing fish dataset and go on
                 if ($values = Default_SimpleQuery::getValuesFromTableColumnWhere($fish, Fish::COL_ID, Fish::COL_SAMPLE_CODE, $dataset['fishFormDataset'][Fish::COL_SAMPLE_CODE], 'string')) {
                     //test for amount of values, must be 1
                     if (count($values) == 1) {
                         $fishId = $values[0];
                     } else {
                         throw new Zend_Exception('Error: more/less than 1 id found for fish sample code');
             } else {
                 //create new fish dataset
                 $fishBaseData = array(Fish::COL_SAMPLE_CODE => $dataset['fishFormDataset'][Fish::COL_SAMPLE_CODE], Fish::COL_USER_ID => $this->userId);
                 $fishMetaData = $dataset['fishFormDataset'];
                 //insert fish
                 $fishId = $fish->insert($fishBaseData);
                 //now update fish with fish meta data
                 $fish->updateFishAndMetadata($fishForm, $fishId, $fishBaseData);
                 $importedFishes[$i][Fish::COL_ID] = $fishId;
                 $importedFishes[$i]['sourceCsvRow'] = $rowNo;
             // check wether a image shall be imported ------------------------
             $qu = new Default_ReferenceQuery();
             $filenames = $qu->getImageNames($dataset['fishFormDataset'][Fish::COL_SAMPLE_CODE]);
             //case non-sensitive
             foreach ($filenames as &$file) {
                 $file = strtolower($file);
             $importImageFile = false;
             if (!empty($filenames)) {
                 //case non-sensitive
                 if (in_array(strtolower($dataset['imageFormDataset'][Image::COL_ORIGINAL_FILENAME]), $filenames) != FALSE) {
                     // Image is already in database
                     $importImageFile = false;
                 } else {
                     $importImageFile = true;
             } else {
                 $importImageFile = true;
             // end check ------------------------------------------------------
             // import the images
             if ($importImageFile) {
                 //copy file to new path and rename
                 $completeSource = self::RELATIVE_PATH_UPLOAD_CACHE . $this->key . '/' . $dataset['imageFormDataset'][Image::COL_ORIGINAL_FILENAME];
                 $creator_guid = new Ble422_Guid();
                 $guid = $creator_guid->__toString();
                 $path_parts = pathinfo($completeSource);
                 $originalFileName = $path_parts['basename'];
                 //used later to create Image dataset
                 $newFileNameWithGuid = $guid . '.' . strtolower($path_parts['extension']);
                 //save extension in lower-case, needed for further processing in flex
                 //relative path with new filename, prefix dot&slash required
                 $completeDestination = './' . Image::RELATIVE_UPLOAD_PATH . '/' . $newFileNameWithGuid;
                 if (!copy($completeSource, $completeDestination)) {
                     throw new Zend_Exception("Error: copy fails, source: {$fileName}, destination: {$completeDestination}");
                 $ratio = $dataset['imageFormDataset'][Image::COL_RATIO_EXTERNAL];
                 $this->logger->log(array('received original file' => $completeSource));
                 $this->logger->log(array('copied uploaded file' => $completeDestination));
                 //TODO write protect files
                 //create other image files
                 $tn_ratio = $image->processImage($completeDestination);
                 //case sensibility: original file name is saved like spelled in CSV file
                 $imageId = $image->insertImageDataset($completeDestination, $originalFileName, $fishId, $guid, $this->userId, $ratio, $tn_ratio);
                 //create image base and meta datasets
                 $imageMetaData = $dataset['imageFormDataset'];
                 //$imageId = $image->insert($imageBaseData);
                 $image->updateImageAndMetadata($imageForm, $imageId);
                 $importedImages[$j]['sourceCsvRow'] = $rowNo;
                 $importedImages[$j][Image::COL_ID] = $imageId;
                 $importedImages[$j][Image::COL_FISH_ID] = $fishId;
                 $importedImages[$j][Image::COL_ORIGINAL_FILENAME] = $originalFileName;
                 $importedImages[$j]['completeDestination'] = $completeDestination;
                 $relativePathAndFileNameWorkingCopy = './' . Image::RELATIVE_PATH_IMAGE_SHRINKED_WORKING_COPIES . '/' . $guid . '.jpg';
                 $relativePathAndFileNameThumbnail = './' . Image::RELATIVE_PATH_IMAGE_THUMBNAILS . '/' . $guid . '.jpg';
                 $importedImages[$j]['completeWorkingCopy'] = $relativePathAndFileNameWorkingCopy;
                 $importedImages[$j]['completeThumbnail'] = $relativePathAndFileNameThumbnail;
         $this->logger->log(array('datasets committed, number of copied files into system' => $numberCopiedFiles));
         $returnCode = 'success';
         //delete upload cache dir
         Ble422_FileHelper::delete_directory(self::RELATIVE_PATH_UPLOAD_CACHE . $this->key);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $returnCode = 'error';
         //delete copied/created files, else there will be orphaned files
         foreach ($importedImages as $image) {
         $this->logger->log(array('Error exception' => $e->getMessage()), 'ERROR, roll back of imported datasets and unsetting of files, see below');
         $this->logger->log(array('Roll back of importedFishes' => $importedFishes));
         $this->logger->log(array('Roll back of importedImages' => $importedImages));
         //delete upload cache dir
         Ble422_FileHelper::delete_directory(self::RELATIVE_PATH_UPLOAD_CACHE . $this->key);
         echo $e->getMessage();
     $returnArray = array('returnCode' => $returnCode, 'importFishes' => $importedFishes, 'importImages' => $importedImages, 'numberCopiedFiles' => $numberCopiedFiles);
     $this->logger->log(array('data import' => $returnArray));
     return $returnArray;