public function create()
     //check if its our form
     // TODO #7
     // if ( Session::token() !== Input::get( '_token' ) ) {
     //     return Response::json( array(
     //         'msg' => 'Unauthorized attempt to create option'
     //     ) );
     // }
     $found_name = Input::get('found-name');
     $found_age = Input::get('found-age');
     $found_father_name = Input::get('found-father-name');
     Log::info("===========================in FoundPeopleController create [start]");
     // If not logged in, it could be New User or Returning User
     if (Auth::guest()) {
         $finder_first_name = Input::get('finder-first-name');
         $finder_last_name = Input::get('finder-last-name');
         $finder_mobile = Input::get('finder-mobile');
         $returning_user = User::where('mobile', '=', $finder_mobile)->get()->first();
         if ($returning_user) {
             Auth::login($returning_user, true);
         } else {
             // New user
             $finder_obj = User::createFinderAndSave($finder_first_name, $finder_last_name, $finder_mobile);
             // Manually logging in user and 'Remember me' = true.
             // So no need to use Auth::attempt
             Auth::login($finder_obj, true);
     if (Auth::guest()) {
         dd('why is there no Authenticated User here');
     if (!Auth::user()->finder) {
     // TODO: check for duplicates before creating another record
     $fop = FoundPeople::createNewForFinder($found_name, $found_age, $found_father_name, Auth::user()->id);
     Log::info("========[in FouldPeopleController -> fop is]==========");
     $fip_search_results = FindPeople::searchWithNameAndAge($found_name, $found_age);
     Log::info("============[got back fip_search_results]==============");
     foreach ($fip_search_results as $fip_result) {
         FindPeople::find($fip_result['id'])->createNewMatch(FoundPeople::TABLE_NAME, $fop);
     Log::info("============[created matches]==============");
     // TODO : maybe add AU also
     // TODO : create Message on Auth::user (Finder) saying Thank you for posting Found Record ?
     $response = array('status' => 'success', 'username' => Auth::user()->fname, 'fname' => Helper::getDisplayFirstNameFrom($found_name), 'lname' => Helper::getDisplayLastNameFrom($found_name), 'age' => $found_age, 'msgCount' => Auth::user()->messages()->count(), 'msg' => 'Person inserted in Found-People Table successfully');
     Log::info("===========================in FoundPeopleController create [end]");
     return Response::json($response);
 private function doClaim($is_duplicate)
     $claim_match_id = Input::get('match-id');
     $match = Match::find($claim_match_id);
     $fip = FindPeople::find($match->fip_id);
     // MARK match as claimed and FIP as found
     $match->claimed = true;
     $fip->found = true;
     $fip->duplicate = $is_duplicate;
     if ($match->match_army_update) {
         $fip->found_in_army_updates = true;
         $au = ArmyUpdates::find($match->match_table_id);
         $au->claimed = true;
         // not deleting. allowing duplicate claims instead
         //Match::where('match_table_id', '=', $au->id)->delete();
     if ($match->match_found_person) {
         $fip->found_in_found_people = true;
         $fop = FoundPeople::find($match->match_table_id);
         $fop->claimed = true;
         //Match::where('match_table_id', '=', $fop->id)->delete();
     $fip->found_table_id = $match->match_table_id;
     // TODO : also send back the id in the table it was matched to
     // Turn into Found
     $response = array('status' => 'success', 'fip-id' => $fip->id);
     return Response::json($response);
Example #3
    $find_people_list = FindPeople::orderBy('created_at', 'dsc')->get();
    return View::make('find_person/list', ['find_people_list' => $find_people_list]);
Route::get('found/report', array('as' => '', 'uses' => function () {
    $found_people_list = FoundPeople::orderBy('created_at', 'dsc')->get();
    return View::make('found_person/list', ['found_people_list' => $found_people_list]);
Route::post('/find', array('as' => 'find.people.create', 'uses' => 'FindPeopleController@create'));
Route::post('deletefip', array('as' => 'find.person.delete', 'uses' => 'FindPeopleController@delete'))->before('auth');
Route::get('findperson/edit/{id}', array('as' => 'find.person.edit', 'uses' => function ($id) {
    $fip = FindPeople::find($id);
    return View::make('find_person/edit', ['fip' => $fip]);
Route::post('findperson/edit/{id}', array('as' => 'find.person.edit', 'uses' => 'FindPeopleController@edit'))->before('auth');
Route::get('findperson/show/{id}', array('as' => '', 'uses' => function ($id) {
    $fip = FindPeople::find($id);
    $looker = $fip->getLooker();
    return View::make('find_person/show', ['fip' => $fip, 'looker' => $looker]);
Route::post('/found', array('as' => 'found.people.create', 'uses' => 'FoundPeopleController@create'));
Route::get('foundperson/show/{id}', array('as' => '', 'uses' => function ($id) {
    $fop = FoundPeople::find($id);
    $finder = $fop->getFinder();
    return View::make('found_person/show', ['fop' => $fop, 'finder' => $finder]);
Route::get('foundperson/edit/{id}', array('as' => 'found.person.edit', 'uses' => function ($id) {
    $fop = FoundPeople::find($id);
    return View::make('found_person/edit', ['fop' => $fop]);
Route::post('foundperson/edit/{id}', array('as' => 'found.person.edit', 'uses' => 'FoundPeopleController@edit'))->before('auth');
Route::post('deletefop', array('as' => 'found.people.delete', 'uses' => 'FoundPeopleController@delete'))->before('auth');
 public function edit()
     $fip_id = Input::get('fip-id');
     Log::info("===========================in FindPeopleController EDIT [fip_id] is =>");
     $fip = FindPeople::find($fip_id);
     // Storing the image
     $image_file = Input::file('fip-photo-file');
     if ($image_file) {
         $image_file_name = 'FIP_id_' . $fip_id . '.' . $image_file->guessClientExtension();
         $image_file_location = 'images/FIP_photos/';
         $image_file->move($image_file_location, $image_file_name);
         if ($fip->photo_url) {
             // delete old upload
             unlink(app_path() . '/../public' . $fip->photo_url);
         $fip->photo_url = '/' . $image_file_location . $image_file_name;
     $fip->description = Input::get('fip-desc');
     return Redirect::route('', $fip_id);