Example #1
 public function order_act()
     if ($this->checkOnline()) {
         $ship_id = Filter::int(Req::args('ship_id'));
         // 发货库房位置 ID
         $address_id = Filter::int(Req::args('address_id'));
         // 地址
         $payment_id = Filter::int(Req::args('payment_id'));
         // 支付ID
         $prom_id = Filter::int(Req::args('prom_id'));
         // 去掉
         $is_invoice = Filter::int(Req::args('is_invoice'));
         $invoice_type = Filter::int(Req::args('invoice_type'));
         $invoice_title = Filter::text(Req::args('invoice_title'));
         $user_remark = Filter::txt(Req::args('user_remark'));
         $voucher_id = Filter::int(Req::args('voucher'));
         // $type = Req::args("type");  // 去掉
         $id = Filter::int(Req::args('id'));
         $product_id = Req::args('product_id');
         $buy_num = Req::args('buy_num');
         if (!$address_id || !$payment_id || $is_invoice == 1 && $invoice_title == '') {
             // product_id  产品ID列表 处理
             if (is_array($product_id)) {
                 foreach ($product_id as $key => $val) {
                     $product_id[$key] = Filter::int($val);
                 $product_id = implode('-', $product_id);
             } else {
                 $product_id = Filter::int($product_id);
             $data = Req::args();
             $data['is_invoice'] = $is_invoice;
             if (!$address_id) {
                 $data['msg'] = array('fail', "必需选择收货地址,才能确认订单。");
             } else {
                 if (!$payment_id) {
                     $data['msg'] = array('fail', "必需选择支付方式,才能确认订单。");
                 } else {
                     $data['msg'] = array('fail', "索要发票,必需写明发票抬头。");
             // type 类型
             // 下面代码没有使用
             //if ($type == null)
             //    $this->redirect("order", false, $data);
             //else {
             Req::args('pid', $product_id);
             Req::args('id', $id);
             //     Req::args('type', $type);
             Req::args('msg', $data['msg']);
             $this->redirect("/simple/order", true, Req::args());
             //$this->redirect("/simple/order_info", true, Req::args());
         $address_model = new Model('address');
         $address = $address_model->where("id={$address_id} and user_id=" . $this->user['id'])->find();
         if (!$address) {
             $data = Req::args();
             $data['msg'] = array('fail', "选择的地址信息不正确!");
             $this->redirect("order", false, $data);
         if ($this->getModule()->checkToken('order')) {
             //订单类型: 0普通订单 1团购订单 2限时抢购 3捆绑促销
             $order_type = 0;
             $model = new Model('');
             // 这部分去掉
                 $product_id = Filter::int($product_id[0]);
                 $num = $buy_num[0];
                 $item = $model->table("groupbuy as gb")->join("left join goods as go on gb.goods_id=go.id left join products as pr on pr.id=$product_id")->fields("*,pr.id as product_id,pr.spec")->where("gb.id=$id")->find();
                 $order_products = $this->packGroupbuyProducts($item,$num);
                 $groupbuy = $model->table("groupbuy")->where("id=$id")->find();
                 $data['prom'] = serialize($groupbuy);
                 $data['prom_id'] = $id;
                 $order_type = 1;
                 $order_products = $this->cart[$ship_id]['products'];
                 $data['prom_id'] = $prom_id;
             // 购物车
             //$cart = Cart::getCart();
             $cart_info = $this->cart_inst->all();
             $payable_amount = 0.0;
             $real_amount = 0.0;
             $weight = 0;
             $point = 0;
             $order_products = array();
             $error = 0;
             // 是否促销
             $error_list = array();
             if (isset($cart_info[$ship_id]['products'])) {
                 $order_products =& $cart_info[$ship_id]['products'];
                 // 循环购物车cart中每个产品
                 // 在这判断每个商品的购买方式
                 $prom_inst = new Prom();
                 foreach ($order_products as $goods_id => $products) {
                     foreach ($products as $product_id => $item) {
                         $item_ref =& $order_products[$goods_id][$product_id];
                         // Tiny::log(__FILE__ . __LINE__ . "-------products item----$key----" . var_export($item, true));
                         // 校验 所有商品的库存和活动是否结束
                         if (isset($item["order_type"])) {
                             if (is_array($item["order_type"])) {
                                 if ($item["order_type"]["flash_sale"] == true) {
                                     // test OK
                                     $goods_info = array("product_id" => $item["product_id"], 'goods_id' => $item['goods_id']);
                                     $flash_sale = array();
                                     $ret = $prom_inst->get_flash_sale($goods_info);
                                     if ($ret["status"] == 1 && isset($ret["data"])) {
                                         $flash_sale = $ret["data"];
                                         // 抢购促销校验
                                         // 是否有库存
                                         if ($flash_sale['max_num'] <= 0) {
                                             // test OK
                                             $error = 1;
                                             $error_item = array("msg" => '商品:' . $item['name'] . '--库存已经没有!', "product_id" => $item['product_id']);
                                             $error_list[] = $error_item;
                                         } else {
                                             if ($flash_sale['max_num'] < $item["num"]) {
                                                 // test OK
                                                 $error = 1;
                                                 $error_item = array("msg" => '商品:' . $item['name'] . '--库存只有' . $flash_sale['max_num'] . '个!', "product_id" => $item['product_id']);
                                                 $error_list[] = $error_item;
                                     } else {
                                         $error = 1;
                                         $error_item = array("msg" => '商品:' . $item['name'] . '--抢购已经结束!', "product_id" => $item['product_id']);
                                         $error_list[] = $error_item;
                                 } elseif ($item["order_type"]["prom_series"] == true && $item["order_type"]["prom_goods"] == true) {
                                     //2 判断商品促销(单品)
                                     $products_inst = new Products();
                                     $products_item = array();
                                     $ret = $products_inst->getProduct($item['product_id']);
                                     // 获取商品信息 item = product
                                     if (isset($ret['status']) && $ret['status'] == 1) {
                                         $item_new = $ret['data'];
                                     $item_new['goods_nums'] = $item['num'];
                                     // get prom goods 需要传参数goods_nums
                                     $prom_goods = $prom_inst->get_prom_goods($item_new);
                                     if (!empty($prom_goods)) {
                                         $prom_goods['parse'] = $prom_inst->do_prom_goods($item_new, $prom_goods);
                                         if (isset($prom_goods['parse']['note']) && $prom_goods['parse']['note'] != '') {
                                             $prom_goods['parse']['note'] = '商品优惠:' . $prom_goods['parse']['note'];
                                         $amount = sprintf("%01.2f", $prom_goods['parse']['real_price'] * $item["num"]);
                                         $sell_total = $item['sell_price'] * $item["num"];
                                         // 是否有库存
                                         if ($item_new['store_nums'] <= 0) {
                                             // test OK
                                             $error = 1;
                                             $error_item = array("msg" => '商品:' . $item['name'] . '--库存已经没有!', "product_id" => $item['product_id']);
                                             $error_list[] = $error_item;
                                         } else {
                                             if ($item_new['store_nums'] < $item["num"]) {
                                                 // test OK
                                                 $error = 1;
                                                 $error_item = array("msg" => '商品:' . $item['name'] . '--库存只有' . $item_new['store_nums'] . '个!', "product_id" => $item['product_id']);
                                                 $error_list[] = $error_item;
                                         //修改ITEM内容 价格
                                         $item_ref['real_price'] = $prom_goods['parse']['real_price'];
                                     } else {
                                         // 单品--商品促销结束
                                         $item_ref['order_type']['prom_goods'] = false;
                                         $item_ref['real_price'] = $item_ref['sell_price'];
                                         // 真正价格 为 原来的 销售价格
                                         $item_ref['prom'] = "";
                                         $error = 1;
                                         $error_item = array("msg" => '商品:' . $item['name'] . '--商品促销已经结束!', "product_id" => $item['product_id']);
                                         $error_list[] = $error_item;
                                     //3 系列促销
                                     //$prom_series = $prom_inst->prom_series($item, $prom_goods);
                                     $prom_series = $prom_inst->get_prom_series($item_new);
                                     if (!empty($prom_series)) {
                                         $prom_series['parse'] = $prom_inst->do_prom_series($item_new, $prom_goods, $prom_series);
                                         $note = isset($prom_goods['parse']['note']) ? $prom_goods['parse']['note'] : "";
                                         if (isset($prom_series['parse']['note']) && $prom_series['parse']['note'] != '') {
                                             $note .= '; 系列优惠:' . $prom_series['parse']['note'];
                                         $amount = sprintf("%01.2f", $prom_series['parse']['real_price'] * $item["num"]);
                                         $sell_total = $item['sell_price'] * $item["num"];
                                         // 送积分
                                         $multiple = 0;
                                         if (isset($prom_series['multiple']) && $prom_series['multiple'] >= 0) {
                                             $multiple = $prom_series['multiple'];
                                         $prom_goods['series'] = $prom_series;
                                         // 是否有库存 --- 上面检查过库存  下面部分代码不需要检查库存
                                                                                    *   if ($item_new['store_nums'] <= 0) {    // test OK
                                                                                         $error = 1;
                                                                                         $error_item = array("msg" => '商品:' . $item['name'] . '--库存已经没有!',
                                                                                             "product_id" => $item['product_id'],
                                                                                         $error_list[] = $error_item;
                                                                                     } else if ($item_new['store_nums'] < $item["num"]) {          // test OK
                                                                                         $error = 1;
                                                                                         $error_item = array("msg" => '商品:' . $item['name'] . '--库存只有' . $item_new['store_nums'] . '个!',
                                                                                             "product_id" => $item['product_id'],
                                                                                         $error_list[] = $error_item;
                                                                                     }  */
                                         $item_ref['real_price'] = $prom_series['parse']['real_price'];
                                         $item_ref['prom'] = $note;
                                         //$item_ref['store_nums']  = $prom_goods['store_nums'];
                                     } else {
                                         // 单品--商品促销结束
                                         $item_ref['order_type']['prom_series'] = false;
                                         // $item_ref['real_price'] = $item_ref['sell_price'];   // 真正价格 为 原来的 销售价格  上一步执行
                                         // $item_ref['prom'] = "";
                                         $error = 1;
                                         $error_item = array("msg" => '商品:' . $item['name'] . '--系列促销已经结束!', "product_id" => $item['product_id']);
                                         $error_list[] = $error_item;
                                 } elseif ($item["order_type"]["prom_goods"] == true) {
                                     //2 判断商品促销(单品)
                                     $products_inst = new Products();
                                     $ret = $products_inst->getProduct($item['product_id']);
                                     // 获取商品信息 item = product
                                     if (isset($ret['status']) && $ret['status'] == 1) {
                                         $item_new = $ret['data'];
                                     $item_new['goods_nums'] = $item['num'];
                                     // get prom goods 需要传参数goods_nums
                                     $prom_goods = $prom_inst->get_prom_goods($item_new);
                                     if (!empty($prom_goods)) {
                                         $prom_goods['parse'] = $prom_inst->do_prom_goods($item_new, $prom_goods);
                                         if (isset($prom_goods['parse']['note']) && $prom_goods['parse']['note'] != '') {
                                             $prom_goods['parse']['note'] = '商品优惠:' . $prom_goods['parse']['note'];
                                         $amount = sprintf("%01.2f", $prom_goods['parse']['real_price'] * $item["num"]);
                                         $sell_total = $item['sell_price'] * $item["num"];
                                         // 是否有库存
                                         if ($item_new['store_nums'] <= 0) {
                                             // test OK
                                             $error = 1;
                                             $error_item = array("msg" => '商品:' . $item['name'] . '--库存已经没有!', "product_id" => $item['product_id']);
                                             $error_list[] = $error_item;
                                         } else {
                                             if ($item_new['store_nums'] < $item["num"]) {
                                                 // test OK
                                                 $error = 1;
                                                 $error_item = array("msg" => '商品:' . $item['name'] . '--库存只有' . $item_new['store_nums'] . '个!', "product_id" => $item['product_id']);
                                                 $error_list[] = $error_item;
                                         //修改ITEM内容 价格
                                         $item_ref['real_price'] = $prom_goods['parse']['real_price'];
                                     } else {
                                         // 单品--商品促销结束
                                         $item_ref['order_type']['prom_goods'] = false;
                                         $item_ref['real_price'] = $item_ref['sell_price'];
                                         // 真正价格 为 原来的 销售价格
                                         $item_ref['prom'] = "";
                                         $error = 1;
                                         $error_item = array("msg" => '商品:' . $item['name'] . '--商品促销已经结束!', "product_id" => $item['product_id']);
                                         $error_list[] = $error_item;
                                 } elseif ($item["order_type"]["prom_series"] == true) {
                                     //3 系列促销
                                     $products_inst = new Products();
                                     $products_item = array();
                                     $note = "";
                                     $ret = $products_inst->getProduct($item['product_id']);
                                     // 获取商品信息 item = product
                                     if (isset($ret['status']) && $ret['status'] == 1) {
                                         $item_new = $ret['data'];
                                     $prom_series = $prom_inst->get_prom_series($item_new);
                                     if (!empty($prom_series)) {
                                         $prom_series['parse'] = $prom_inst->do_prom_series($item_new, NULL, $prom_series);
                                         if (isset($prom_series['parse']['note']) && $prom_series['parse']['note'] != '') {
                                             $note .= '; 系列优惠:' . $prom_series['parse']['note'];
                                         $amount = sprintf("%01.2f", $prom_series['parse']['real_price'] * $item["num"]);
                                         $sell_total = $item['sell_price'] * $item["num"];
                                         $multiple = 0;
                                         if (isset($prom_series['multiple']) && $prom_series['multiple'] >= 0) {
                                             $multiple = $prom_series['multiple'];
                                         $prom_goods['series'] = $prom_series;
                                         // 是否有库存
                                         if ($item_new['store_nums'] <= 0) {
                                             // test OK
                                             $error = 1;
                                             $error_item = array("msg" => '商品:' . $item['name'] . '--库存已经没有!', "product_id" => $item['product_id']);
                                             $error_list[] = $error_item;
                                         } else {
                                             if ($item_new['store_nums'] < $item["num"]) {
                                                 // test OK
                                                 $error = 1;
                                                 $error_item = array("msg" => '商品:' . $item['name'] . '--库存只有' . $item_new['store_nums'] . '个!', "product_id" => $item['product_id']);
                                                 $error_list[] = $error_item;
                                         $item_ref['real_price'] = $prom_series['parse']['real_price'];
                                         $item_ref['prom'] = $note;
                                         // $item_ref['store_nums']  = $prom_goods['store_nums'];
                                     } else {
                                         // 单品--商品促销结束
                                         $item_ref['order_type']['prom_series'] = false;
                                         // $item_ref['real_price'] = $item_ref['sell_price'];   // 真正价格 为 原来的 销售价格  上一步执行
                                         // $item_ref['prom'] = "";
                                         $error = 1;
                                         $error_item = array("msg" => '商品:' . $item['name'] . '--系列促销已经结束!', "product_id" => $item['product_id']);
                                         $error_list[] = $error_item;
                                 } else {
                                     // 正常的销售
                                     $products_inst = new Products();
                                     $products_item = array();
                                     $ret = $products_inst->getProduct($item['product_id']);
                                     // 获取商品信息 item = product
                                     if (isset($ret['status']) && $ret['status'] == 1) {
                                         $item_new = $ret['data'];
                                     // 是否有库存
                                     if (isset($item_new)) {
                                         if ($item_new['store_nums'] <= 0) {
                                             $error = 1;
                                             $error_item = array("msg" => '商品:' . $item['name'] . '--库存已经没有!', "product_id" => $item['product_id']);
                                             $error_list[] = $error_item;
                                         } else {
                                             if ($item_new['store_nums'] < $item["num"]) {
                                                 $error = 1;
                                                 $error_item = array("msg" => '商品:' . $item['name'] . '--库存只有' . $item_new['store_nums'] . '个!', "product_id" => $item['product_id']);
                                                 $error_list[] = $error_item;
                                     } else {
                                         $error = 1;
                                         $error_item = array("msg" => '商品:' . $item['name'] . '--已经下线!', "product_id" => $item['product_id']);
                                         $error_list[] = $error_item;
                         $payable_amount += $item['sell_price'] * $item['num'];
                         // 成交价格
                         $real_amount += $item['real_price'] * $item['num'];
                         // 真实成交价格
                         // $payable_amount += $item['sell_total'];
                         //$real_amount += $item['amount'];
                         $weight += $item['weight'] * $item['num'];
                         $point += $item['point'] * $item['num'];
             $order_bundling = null;
             $error_bd_list = array();
             if (!empty($cart_info[$ship_id]['bundling_list'])) {
                 //Tiny::log(__FILE__ . __LINE__ . "------cart info---" . var_export($cart_info, true));
                 $order_bundling =& $cart_info[$ship_id]['bundling_list'];
                 foreach ($order_bundling as $b_key => $b_val) {
                     // Tiny::log(__FILE__ . __LINE__ . "-------products item----$key----" . var_export($item, true));
                     // 判断是否存在
                     $bundling_total = 0;
                     foreach ($b_val as $v_key => $v_val) {
                         $num = $v_val['num'];
                         // 计算
                         $payable_amount += $v_val["val"]['price'] * $v_val["num"];
                         //$real_amount += $v_val["val"]['price'];  // 在item里面增加amount 项目
                         $real_amount += $v_val["val"]['price'] * $v_val["num"];
                         $bundling_total += $v_val["num"];
                         $arr_id = explode('-', $v_key);
                         //$str_ids = join(',', $arr_id);
                         $product_list = array();
                         if (!empty($arr_id)) {
                             $product_inst = new Products();
                             $ret = $product_inst->getProducts($arr_id);
                             if (isset($ret['status']) && $ret['status'] == 1) {
                                 $product_list = $ret['data'];
                         //SKM-ORDER-STORE  todo 判断库存是否足够
                         foreach ($product_list as $p_k => $p_v) {
                             if ($p_v['store_nums'] < $num) {
                                 // test OK
                                 $error = 1;
                                 $error_item = array("msg" => '套餐中商品:' . $p_v['name'] . '--库存只有' . $p_v['store_nums'] . '个!');
                                 $error_bd_list[] = $error_item;
             if ($error == 1) {
                 $this->assign('error_list', $error_list);
                 $this->assign('error_bd_list', $error_bd_list);
                 // Req::args('msg', "提交订单失败");
                 //$this->redirect("/simple/cart", true, Req::args());
                 $this->redirect("/simple/cart", false);
             // 处理整个订单
             $fare = new Fare($weight);
             $payable_freight = $fare->calculate($address_id);
             $real_freight = $payable_freight;
             $prom_order = array();
             $discount_amount = 0;
             // order_type 购买的方式
             //if ($order_type == 0) {
             if ($prom_id) {
                 // 往Prom_Order 表中查询
                 // 这部分属于整个订单促销活动
                 $prom = new Prom($real_amount);
                 $prom_order = $model->table("prom_order")->where("id={$prom_id}")->find();
                 $user = $this->user;
                 $group_id = ',0,';
                 if (isset($user['group_id'])) {
                     $group_id = ',' . $user['group_id'] . ',';
                 if (stripos(',' . $prom_order['group'] . ',', $group_id) !== false) {
                     $prom_parse = $prom->parsePorm($prom_order);
                     $discount_amount = $prom_parse['value'];
                     if ($prom_order['type'] == 4) {
                         $discount_amount = $payable_freight;
                     } else {
                         if ($prom_order['type'] == 2) {
                             $multiple = intval($prom_order['expression']);
                             $multiple = $multiple == 0 ? 1 : $multiple;
                             $point = $point * $multiple;
                     $data['prom'] = serialize($prom_order);
                 } else {
                     $data['prom'] = serialize(array());
             // }
             $tax_fee = 0;
             $config = Config::getInstance();
             $config_other = $config->get('other');
             $open_invoice = isset($config_other['other_is_invoice']) ? !!$config_other['other_is_invoice'] : false;
             $tax = isset($config_other['other_tax']) ? intval($config_other['other_tax']) : 0;
             if ($open_invoice && $is_invoice) {
                 $tax_fee = $real_amount * $tax / 100;
             $ret = $this->cart_inst->getTaxAmountByShip($ship_id);
             if (isset($ret['status']) && $ret['status'] == 1 && $ret['data'] > 0) {
                 $tax_fee = $ret['data'];
             $voucher_value = 0;
             $voucher = array();
             if ($voucher_id) {
                 $voucher = $model->table("voucher")->where("id={$voucher_id} and is_send=1 and user_id=" . $this->user['id'] . " and status = 0 and '" . date("Y-m-d H:i:s") . "' <=end_time and '" . date("Y-m-d H:i:s") . "' >=start_time and money<=" . $real_amount)->find();
                 if ($voucher) {
                     $voucher_value = $voucher['value'];
                     if ($voucher_value > $real_amount) {
                         $voucher_value = $real_amount;
             if ($tax_fee <= 50) {
                 $tax_fee = 0;
             $order_amount = $real_amount + $payable_freight + $tax_fee - $discount_amount - $voucher_value;
             $payable_amount += $payable_freight + $tax_fee;
             $data['order_no'] = Common::createOrderNo();
             $data['user_id'] = $this->user['id'];
             $data['sender_name'] = $this->user['name'];
             $data['payment'] = $payment_id;
             $data['status'] = 2;
             $data['pay_status'] = 0;
             $data['accept_name'] = $address['accept_name'];
             $data['phone'] = $address['phone'];
             $data['mobile'] = $address['mobile'];
             $data['province'] = $address['province'];
             $data['city'] = $address['city'];
             $data['county'] = $address['county'];
             $data['addr'] = $address['addr'];
             $data['zip'] = $address['zip'];
             $data['payable_amount'] = $payable_amount;
             $data['payable_freight'] = $payable_freight;
             $data['real_freight'] = $real_freight;
             $data['create_time'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
             $data['user_remark'] = $user_remark;
             $data['is_invoice'] = $is_invoice;
             if ($is_invoice == 1) {
                 $data['invoice_title'] = $invoice_type . ':' . $invoice_title;
             } else {
                 $data['invoice_title'] = '';
             $data['taxes'] = $tax_fee;
             $data['discount_amount'] = $discount_amount;
             $data['order_amount'] = $order_amount;
             $data['real_amount'] = $real_amount;
             $data['point'] = $point;
             $data['type'] = $order_type;
             // type -> order_type
             $data['voucher_id'] = $voucher_id;
             $data['voucher'] = serialize($voucher);
             // TODO SKM 写入订单数据
             $order_id = $model->table("order")->data($data)->insert();
             // 单品 加入订单详情表
             foreach ($order_products as $goods_id => $products) {
                 foreach ($products as $product_id => $item) {
                     $tem_data = array('order_id' => '', 'goods_id' => '', 'product_id' => '', 'goods_name' => '', 'goods_price' => '', 'real_price' => '', 'goods_nums' => '', 'tax_code' => '', 'spec' => '');
                     if (isset($item["order_type"])) {
                         if (is_array($item["order_type"])) {
                             if ($item["order_type"]["flash_sale"] == true) {
                             } elseif ($item["order_type"]["prom_series"] == true) {
                                 $tem_data['prom_goods'] = serialize($item['prom_goods']);
                             } elseif ($item["order_type"]["prom_series"] == false && $item["order_type"]["prom_goods"] == true) {
                                 $tem_data['prom_goods'] = serialize($item['prom_goods']);
                             } elseif ($item["order_type"]["bundling"] == true) {
                     $tem_data['order_id'] = $order_id;
                     $tem_data['goods_id'] = $item['goods_id'];
                     $tem_data['goods_no'] = $item['goods_no'];
                     $tem_data['product_id'] = $product_id;
                     $tem_data['goods_name'] = $item['name'];
                     $tem_data['goods_price'] = $item['sell_price'];
                     $tem_data['real_price'] = $item['real_price'];
                     $tem_data['goods_nums'] = $item['num'];
                     //$tem_data['goods_weight'] = $item['weight'];
                     $tem_data['tax_code'] = $item['tax_code'];
                     // todo SKM 跟税种相关
                     $tem_data['origin_country'] = $item['origin_country'];
                     $tem_data['spec'] = serialize($item['spec']);
             // 捆绑销售 加入订单详情表
             if (!empty($cart_info[$ship_id]['bundling_list'])) {
                 $order_bundling = $cart_info[$ship_id]['bundling_list'];
                 foreach ($order_bundling as $item) {
                     $tem_data = array();
                     //$tem_data['prom_goods'] = serialize($item['prom_goods']);
                     foreach ($item as $key_bundling => $val_bundling) {
                         $bundling = $val_bundling;
                         $arr_products_id = explode('-', $key_bundling);
                         $str_products_ids = join(',', $arr_products_id);
                         $tem_data['order_id'] = $order_id;
                         $tem_data['goods_ids'] = $bundling["val"]['goods_id'];
                         $tem_data['products_ids'] = $str_products_ids;
                         //  $tem_data['goods_price'] = $item['sell_price'];
                         $tem_data['title'] = $bundling["val"]['title'];
                         $tem_data['prom_type'] = "bundling";
                         $tem_data['bundling_id'] = $bundling["val"]['id'];
                         $tem_data['real_price'] = $bundling['val']['price'];
                         $tem_data['goods_nums'] = $bundling['num'];
                         // $tem_data['goods_weight'] = $item['weight'];
                         //  $tem_data['spec'] = serialize($item['spec']);
             if (!empty($voucher)) {
                 $model->table("voucher")->where("id={$voucher_id} and user_id=" . $this->user['id'])->data(array('status' => 2))->update();
             if ($order_type == 0) {
                 $this->cart_inst = Cart::getCart();
                 // 清空 ship_id 购物车   分库位置
         } else {
             $msg = array('type' => 'fail', 'msg' => '非法提交订单!');
             $this->redirect('/index/msg', false, $msg);
     } else {
Example #2
 public function withdraw_act()
     $id = Filter::int(Req::args('id'));
     $status = intval(Req::args('status'));
     $re_note = Filter::text(Req::args('re_note'));
     $model = new Model('withdraw as wd');
     $obj = $model->fields("wd.*,cu.balance")->join("left join customer as cu on wd.user_id = cu.user_id")->where("wd.id={$id} and wd.status=0")->find();
     if ($obj) {
         if ($obj['amount'] <= $obj['balance']) {
             $model->table('withdraw')->data(array('status' => $status, 're_note' => $re_note))->where("id={$id}")->update();
             if ($status == 1) {
                 $model->table('customer')->data(array('balance' => "`balance`-" . $obj['amount']))->where('user_id=' . $obj['user_id'])->update();
                 Log::balance(0 - $obj['amount'], $obj['user_id'], '提现到' . $obj['type_name'] . ',账号:' . $obj['account'], 3, $this->manager['id']);
             echo "<script>parent.close_dialog();</script>";
         } else {
             echo "<script>alert('提现金额大于了余额。')</script>";
Example #3

require_once './../../global.php';
include_once TEMPLATE_PATH . '/site/helper/format.php';
// get submitted data
$title = Filter::text($_POST['txtTitle']);
$pitch = Filter::formattedText($_POST['txtPitch']);
$specs = Filter::text($_POST['txtSpecs']);
$rules = Filter::text($_POST['txtRules']);
$deadline = Filter::text($_POST['txtDeadline']);
$private = Filter::text($_POST['chkPrivate']);
// validate data
if (empty($title)) {
    $json = array('error' => 'You must provide a project title.');
if (empty($pitch)) {
    $json = array('error' => 'You must provide a project pitch.');
// must be valid deadline or empty
$formattedDeadline = strtotime($deadline);
if ($formattedDeadline === false && $deadline != '') {
    $json = array('error' => 'Deadline must be a valid date or empty.');
// format deadline for MYSQL
$formattedDeadline = $formattedDeadline != '' ? date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $formattedDeadline) : null;
// format private
$private = empty($private) ? 0 : 1;
// create the project
Example #4

require_once "../../global.php";
$email = Filter::email($_POST['email']);
$name = Filter::text($_POST['name']);
// must provide valid email
if (empty($email)) {
    $json = array('error' => 'You must provide a valid email address.');
// save consent
$consent = new Consent(array('email' => $email, 'name' => $name));
// email confirmation
$body = '<p>You have consented to participate in a Georgia Tech research study looking at how people collaborate online.</p>';
if (!empty($name)) {
    $body .= "<p>Additionally, you have requested that we use your real name if we refer to you in our publications.</p>";
$body .= '<p>The consent form is available for viewing and printing at <a href="http://www.scribd.com/doc/66688220/Adult-Web-Consent-Testing?secret_password=4nzp5x09db318hcu9e2">this link</a>. Please retain a copy for your records.</p>';
$body .= '<p>If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the research team at <a href="mailto:' . CONTACT_EMAIL . '">' . CONTACT_EMAIL . '</a>. Thank you for your participation!</p>';
$body .= '<p>-- <a href="http://pipeline.cc.gatech.edu/">The Pipeline team</a> at Georgia Tech</p>';
$newEmail = array('to' => $email, 'subject' => 'Georgia Tech study consent form', 'message' => $body);
// send us back
Session::setMessage("Consent form complete! Please register an account.");
$json = array('success' => '1', 'successUrl' => Url::register($email));
echo json_encode($json);
             //Format Leader, if empty or an invalid name is given, don't enter in anyone
             if (!empty($line[4])) {
                 $leaderId = User::loadByUsername(Filter::alphanum($line[4]));
                 //***need to change with Chloe's updated user filter***
                 if (empty($leaderId)) {
                     $leaderId = Session::getUserID();
             } else {
                 //$leaderId = NULL;
                 $leaderId = Session::getUserID();
         //Create Task Record
         $title = Filter::text($line[0]);
         $description = Filter::text(iconv(mb_detect_encoding($line[1], mb_detect_order(), true), "UTF-8", $line[1]));
         $task = new Task(array('creator_id' => Session::getUserID(), 'leader_id' => $leaderId, 'project_id' => $projectId, 'title' => $title, 'description' => $description, 'status' => 1, 'deadline' => $deadline, 'num_needed' => $numberOfPeople));
         array_push($taskArray, $task);
         //Increment row in file
 //Save each task to the database if no errors are found
 if ($errorFound == 1) {
     $errorString = "<strong><span class='bad'>Your CSV file was not uploaded.</span></strong><br/>" . $errorString;
     $json = array("error" => $errorString);
 } else {
     foreach ($taskArray as $task) {
Example #6

require_once "../../global.php";
$action = Filter::text($_POST['action']);
if ($action == 'edit') {
    // assign POST data to variables
    $username = Filter::text($_GET['un']);
    $pw = Filter::text($_POST['txtPassword']);
    $pw2 = Filter::text($_POST['txtConfirmPassword']);
    $email = Filter::email($_POST['txtEmail']);
    $name = Filter::text($_POST['txtName']);
    $month = Filter::text($_POST['selBirthMonth']);
    $year = Filter::text($_POST['selBirthYear']);
    $sex = Filter::text($_POST['selGender']);
    $location = Filter::text($_POST['txtLocation']);
    $biography = Filter::formattedText($_POST['txtBiography']);
    $user = User::loadByUsername($username);
    // make sure user exists
    if ($user === null) {
        $json = array('error' => 'That user does not exist.');
    // new passwords provided?
    if ($pw != "" || $pw2 != "") {
        // do the passwords match?
        if ($pw != $pw2) {
            $json = array('error' => 'Sorry, your new passwords do not match.');
    // validate email address
Example #7

require_once "../../global.php";
$user = User::load(Session::getUserID());
$action = Filter::text($_POST['action']);
if ($action == 'theme') {
    // get the new theme
    $themeID = Filter::numeric($_POST['themeID']);
    $theme = Theme::load($themeID);
    // validate the theme
    if (empty($theme)) {
        $json = array('error' => 'That theme does not exist.');
    // save the new theme
    // send us back
    Session::setMessage("Theme changed.");
    $json = array('success' => '1');
    echo json_encode($json);
} elseif ($action == 'notification') {
    $notificationType = Filter::alphanum($_POST['notificationType']);
    $notificationValue = Filter::alphanum($_POST['notificationValue']);
    // convert checkbox value to database-friendly 1 or 0
    $value = $notificationValue == 'notify' ? 1 : 0;
    // figure out which User setter to use based on notification type
    switch ($notificationType) {
        case 'chkCommentTaskLeading':
Example #8
function sendChat($pageId)
    $from = $_SESSION['username'];
    $to = Filter::text($_POST['to']);
    $message = $_POST['message'];
    $_SESSION['openChatBoxes'][$to] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time());
    $fromUsername = User::load($from)->getUsername();
    $messagesan = sanitize($message);
    if (!isset($_SESSION['chatHistory'][$to])) {
        $_SESSION['chatHistory'][$to] = '';
    $_SESSION['chatHistory'][$to] .= <<<EOD
\t\t\t\t\t   {
\t\t\t"s": "1",
\t\t\t"f": "{$fromUsername}",
\t\t\t"m": "{$messagesan}"
\t   },
    $chat = new Chat(array('sender' => mysql_real_escape_string($from), 'recipient' => mysql_real_escape_string($to), 'message' => mysql_real_escape_string($messagesan), 'sent' => '2013-05-03 12:02:48'));
    $newId = $chat->getID();
    if (empty($_SESSION['openChatBoxes']["{$pageId}"])) {
        $_SESSION['openChatBoxes']["{$pageId}"] = $newId;
    } else {
        if ($newId - 1 == $_SESSION['openChatBoxes']["{$pageId}"]) {
            $_SESSION['openChatBoxes']["{$pageId}"] = $newId;
    echo formatParagraphs($messagesan, true);
Example #9

require_once "../../global.php";
$userName = Filter::text($_GET['un']);
$user = User::loadByUsername($userName);
// make sure user exists
if ($user === null) {
    header('Location: ' . Url::error());
$events = Event::getUserEvents($user->getID(), 10);
//$tasks = Task::getByUserID($user->getID(), null, false);
$projects = ProjectUser::getProjectsByUserID($user->getID());
$soup = new Soup();
$soup->set('user', $user);
$soup->set('events', $events);
//$soup->set('tasks', $tasks);
$soup->set('projects', $projects);
Example #10

require_once "../../global.php";
require_once TEMPLATE_PATH . '/site/helper/format.php';
$subject = Filter::text($_POST['subject']);
$body = Filter::formattedText($_POST['body']);
if (empty($subject) || empty($body)) {
    $json = array('error' => 'You must provide a subject and body for the email.');
$massEmailAddresses = User::getMassEmailAddresses();
$newEmail = array('to' => SMTP_FROM_EMAIL, 'subject' => '[' . PIPELINE_NAME . '] ' . $subject, 'message' => $body, 'bcc' => $massEmailAddresses);
$sendEmail = Email::send($newEmail);
if (!$sendEmail !== true) {
    $json = array('error' => $sendEmail);
$numMassEmails = formatCount(count($massEmailAddresses), 'user', 'users');
// send us back
Session::setMessage("Your mass email was sent to " . $numMassEmails . ".");
$json = array('success' => '1');
echo json_encode($json);
Example #11
    } else {
        $eventTypeID = 'lock_discussion';
        $successMessage = 'You locked the discussion.';
    // log it
    $logEvent = new Event(array('event_type_id' => $eventTypeID, 'project_id' => $project->getID(), 'user_1_id' => Session::getUserID(), 'item_1_id' => $discussion->getID()));
    // send us back
    $json = array('success' => '1');
    echo json_encode($json);
} elseif ($action == 'create') {
    // get additional POST variables
    $title = Filter::text($_POST['title']);
    $message = Filter::formattedText($_POST['message']);
    $cat = Filter::numeric($_POST['cat']);
    // validate
    if ($title == '') {
        $json = array('error' => 'You must provide a title.');
    } elseif ($message == '') {
        $json = array('error' => 'You must provide some text for the message.');
    if ($cat == '') {
        $cat = null;
    // create discussion
    $discussion = new Discussion(array('creator_id' => Session::getUserID(), 'project_id' => $project->getID(), 'title' => $title, 'message' => $message, 'category' => $cat));
Example #12
 case "register":
     // assign POST data to variables
     //	$code = 	 Filter::alphanum($_POST['code']);
     $uname = Filter::text($_POST['uname']);
     $pw = Filter::text($_POST['pw']);
     $pw2 = Filter::text($_POST['pw2']);
     $email = Filter::email($_POST['email']);
     $name = Filter::text($_POST['name']);
     $month = Filter::text($_POST['month']);
     $year = Filter::text($_POST['year']);
     $sex = Filter::text($_POST['sex']);
     $location = Filter::text($_POST['location']);
     $biography = Filter::text($_POST['biography']);
     // make sure username is provided
     if ($uname == "") {
         $json = array('error' => 'You must provide a unique username to register.');
     // make sure username doesn't exist
     $un = User::loadByUsername($uname);
     if ($un != null) {
         $json = array('error' => 'Sorry, that username is already taken. Please try another one.');
     // username blacklist
     $blacklist = array("process", "------", "administrator", "create", "new", "admin", "edit", "delete", "invite", "tasks", "people", "basics", "activity");
     foreach ($blacklist as $b) {
         if ($uname == $b) {
Example #13
if ($project == null) {
    header('Location: ' . Url::error());
// if private project, limit access to invited users, members, and admins
// and exclude banned members
if ($project->getPrivate()) {
    if (!Session::isAdmin() && !$project->isCreator(Session::getUserID())) {
        if (!$project->isInvited(Session::getUserID()) && !$project->isMember(Session::getUserID()) && !$project->isTrusted(Session::getUserID()) || ProjectUser::isBanned(Session::getUserID(), $project->getID())) {
            header('Location: ' . Url::error());
// get category, if exists
$c = isset($_GET['cat']) ? Filter::text($_GET['cat']) : null;
switch ($c) {
    case 'basics':
        $cat = BASICS_ID;
    case 'tasks':
        $cat = TASKS_ID;
    case 'people':
        $cat = PEOPLE_ID;
    case 'activity':
        $cat = ACTIVITY_ID;
        $cat = null;
Example #14

require_once "../../global.php";
$fileID = Filter::numeric($_GET['fi']);
$fileName = Filter::text($_GET['fn']);
$upload = Upload::load($fileID);
if ($upload == null || $fileName != $upload->getOriginalName() || $upload->getDeleted() == true) {
    header('Location: ' . Url::error());
$fileURL = Url::uploads() . '/' . $upload->getStoredName();
header("Pragma: public");
header("Expires: 0");
header("Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0");
header("Cache-Control: public");
header("Content-Description: File Transfer");
header('Content-Type: ' . $upload->getMime() . '"');
header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="' . $upload->getOriginalName() . '"');
header("Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary");
header('Content-Length: ' . $upload->getSize());
Example #15

require_once "../../global.php";
$slug = Filter::text($_GET['slug']);
$filter = Filter::text($_GET['filter']);
$project = Project::getProjectFromSlug($slug);
// kick us out if slug invalid
if ($project == null) {
    header('Location: ' . Url::error());
// if private project, limit access to invited users, members, and admins
// and exclude banned members
if ($project->getPrivate()) {
    if (!Session::isAdmin() && !$project->isCreator(Session::getUserID())) {
        if (!$project->isInvited(Session::getUserID()) && !$project->isMember(Session::getUserID()) && !$project->isTrusted(Session::getUserID()) || ProjectUser::isBanned(Session::getUserID(), $project->getID())) {
            header('Location: ' . Url::error());
$projectID = $project->getID();
// page number, if any
if (empty($_GET['page'])) {
    $page = 1;
} else {
    $page = Filter::numeric($_GET['page']);
define('EVENTS_PER_PAGE', 10);
// how many events per page
switch ($filter) {
Example #16
 public function info_save()
     $rules = array('name:required:昵称不能为空!', 'real_name:required:真实姓名不能为空!', 'sex:int:性别必需选择!', 'birthday:date:生日日期格式不正确!', 'mobile:mobi:手机格式不正确', 'province:[1-9]\\d*:选择地区必需完成', 'city:[1-9]\\d*:选择地区必需完成', 'county:[1-9]\\d*:选择地区必需完成');
     $info = Validator::check($rules);
     if (is_array($info)) {
         $this->redirect("info", false, array('msg' => array("info", $info['msg'])));
     } else {
         $data = array('name' => Filter::txt(Req::args('name')), 'real_name' => Filter::text(Req::args('real_name')), 'sex' => Filter::int(Req::args('sex')), 'birthday' => Filter::sql(Req::args('birthday')), 'mobile' => Filter::int(Req::args('mobile')), 'phone' => Filter::sql(Req::args('phone')), 'province' => Filter::int(Req::args('province')), 'city' => Filter::int(Req::args('city')), 'county' => Filter::int(Req::args('county')), 'addr' => Filter::text(Req::args('addr')));
         $name = Filter::sql(Req::args("name"));
         $id = $this->user['id'];
         $this->model->table("user")->data(array("name" => $name))->where("id={$id}")->update();
         $obj = $this->model->table("user as us")->join("left join customer as cu on us.id = cu.user_id")->fields("us.*,cu.group_id,cu.login_time")->where("us.id={$id}")->find();
         $this->safebox->set('user', $obj, $this->cookie_time);
         $this->redirect("info", false, array('msg' => array("success", "保存成功!")));
Example #17
} elseif ($action == 'login') {
    // assign POST vars to local vars after escaping and removing unwanted spacing.
    if (!empty($_POST['username']) && !empty($_POST['password'])) {
        $username = Filter::text($_POST['username']);
        $password = sha1(Filter::text($_POST['password']));
        $referer = Filter::text($_POST['referer']);
        // figure out if user provided username or email address
        if (Filter::email($username)) {
            $user = User::loadByEmail($username);
        } else {
            $user = User::loadByUsername($username);
        if ($user != null) {
            if ($password == $user->getPassword()) {
                // remember user?
                $remember = Filter::text($_POST['remember']);
                $remember = $remember == 'remember' ? true : false;
                // sign in
                Session::signIn($user->getID(), $remember);
                // send us onward
                if (!empty($referer) && $referer != Url::forgotPassword()) {
                    $json = array('success' => '1', 'successUrl' => $referer);
                } else {
                    $json = array('success' => 1);
            } else {
                $json = array('error' => 'Invalid username or password. Please try again.');
        } else {
Example #18

require_once "../../global.php";
$slug = Filter::text($_GET['slug']);
$project = Project::getProjectFromSlug($slug);
// kick us out if slug invalid
if ($project == null) {
    header('Location: ' . Url::error());
// if private project, limit access to invited users, members, and admins
// and exclude banned members
if ($project->getPrivate()) {
    if (!Session::isAdmin() && !$project->isCreator(Session::getUserID())) {
        if (!$project->isInvited(Session::getUserID()) && !$project->isMember(Session::getUserID()) && !$project->isTrusted(Session::getUserID()) || ProjectUser::isBanned(Session::getUserID(), $project->getID())) {
            header('Location: ' . Url::error());
// page number, if any
if (empty($_GET['page'])) {
    $page = 1;
} else {
    $page = Filter::numeric($_GET['page']);
$discussionID = Filter::numeric($_GET['d']);
$discussion = Discussion::load($discussionID);
define('REPLIES_PER_PAGE', 10);
// how many replies per page
$totalNumReplies = count($discussion->getReplies());
Example #19

require_once './../../global.php';
$relationship = Filter::text($_GET['relationship']);
$term = Filter::text($_GET['term']);
if ($relationship == 'not-me') {
    $usernames = User::getAllUsernames($term, Session::getUserID());
echo json_encode($usernames);
Example #20
    $u = User::load($userID);
    if ($u->getNotifyTrustProject()) {
        // compose email
        $body = "<p>" . formatUserLink(Session::getUserID()) . ' untrusted you in the project ' . formatProjectLink($project->getID()) . '.</p>';
        $email = array('to' => $u->getEmail(), 'subject' => '[' . PIPELINE_NAME . '] Untrusted in the project ' . $project->getTitle(), 'message' => $body);
        // send email
    // send us back
    $user = User::load($userID);
    Session::setMessage($user->getUsername() . ' is no longer trusted.');
    $json = array('success' => '1');
    echo json_encode($json);
    // --- INVITE MEMBERS --- //
} elseif ($action == 'invite-members') {
    $invitees = Filter::text($_POST['invitees']);
    $message = Filter::formattedText($_POST['message']);
    $trusted = Filter::numeric($_POST['trusted']);
    $invitees = explode(',', $invitees);
    // these arrays will hold valid users and emails to invite
    $users = array();
    $emails = array();
    // first, make sure everyone in the list is valid
    if (!empty($invitees)) {
        foreach ($invitees as $i) {
            $i = trim($i);
            if ($i == '') {
            // skip blank
            if (filter_var($i, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) {
Example #21
     foreach ($deleted as $d) {
         // save changes
         $d = Filter::numeric($d);
         $upload = Upload::load($d);
         $deletedIDs .= $d . ',';
 // are uploads added?
 if (!empty($added)) {
     $addedIDs = '';
     foreach ($added as $stored => $orig) {
         // save changes
         $stored = Filter::text($stored);
         $orig = Filter::text($orig);
         $uploadID = Upload::saveToDatabase($orig, $stored, Upload::TYPE_UPDATE, $update->getID(), $project->getID());
         $addedIDs .= $uploadID . ',';
 // deal with logging and modified flag for both adds and deletes
 if (!empty($deletedIDs) || !empty($addedIDs)) {
     // log it
     $logEvent = new Event(array('event_type_id' => 'edit_update_uploads', 'user_1_id' => Session::getUserID(), 'project_id' => $project->getID(), 'item_1_id' => $update->getID(), 'item_2_id' => $accepted->getID(), 'item_3_id' => $task->getID(), 'data_1' => $deletedIDs, 'data_2' => $addedIDs));
     // set flag
     $modified = true;
 // check flag
 if ($modified) {
     Session::setMessage('You edited the update.');
Example #22
 private function parseCondition()
     $page = intval(Req::args("p"));
     $page_size = 36;
     $sort = Filter::int(Req::args("sort"));
     $sort = $sort == null ? 0 : $sort;
     $cid = Filter::int(Req::args("cid"));
     $cid = $cid == null ? 0 : $cid;
     $brand = Filter::int(Req::args("brand"));
     $price = Req::args("price");
     $keyword = urldecode(Req::args('keyword'));
     $keyword = Filter::text($keyword);
     $keyword = Filter::commonChar($keyword);
     $attrs = $specs = $spec_attr = $category_child = $spec_attr_selected = $selected = $has_category = $category = $current_category = array();
     $where = $spec_attr_where = $url = "";
     $condition_num = 0;
     $model = $this->model;
     $action = strtolower(Req::args("act"));
     if ($action == 'search') {
         // xuzhongyi
         $seo_title = "分类检索";
         $seo_keywords = "全部分类";
         $seo_description = "所有分类商品";
         $category_ids = "";
         $categ = Category::getInstance();
         //set:$cid = 5;
         if ($cid == 0) {
             $category_child = $categ->getCategoryChild(0, 1);
         } else {
             $current_category = $this->model->table("goods_category as gc")->fields("gc.*,gt.name as gname,gt.attr,gt.spec,gc.seo_title,gc.seo_keywords,gc.seo_description")->join("left join goods_type as gt on gc.type_id = gt.id")->where("gc.id = {$cid}")->find();
             if ($current_category) {
                 $path = trim($current_category['path'], ',');
                 $rows = $this->model->table("goods_category")->where("path like '{$current_category['path']}%'")->order("field(`id`,{$path})")->findAll();
                 $category = $this->model->table("goods_category")->where("id in ({$path})")->order("field(`id`,{$path})")->findAll();
                 foreach ($rows as $row) {
                     $category_ids .= $row['id'] . ',';
                 $category_ids = trim($category_ids, ",");
                 $category_child = $categ->getCategoryChild($path, 1);
                 $attrs = unserialize($current_category['attr']);
                 $specs = unserialize($current_category['spec']);
                 $attrs = is_array($attrs) ? $attrs : array();
                 $specs = is_array($specs) ? $specs : array();
         $seo_category = $model->table('goods_category')->where("id={$cid}")->find();
         if ($seo_category) {
             if ($seo_category['seo_title'] != '') {
                 $seo_title = $seo_category['seo_title'];
             } else {
                 $seo_title = $seo_category['name'];
             if ($seo_category['seo_keywords'] != '') {
                 $seo_keywords = $seo_category['name'] . ',' . $seo_category['seo_keywords'];
             } else {
                 $seo_keywords = $seo_category['name'];
             if ($seo_category['seo_description'] != '') {
                 $seo_description = $seo_category['seo_description'];
             } else {
                 $seo_description = $seo_category['name'];
         if ($category_ids != "") {
             $where = "go.category_id in ({$category_ids})";
         } else {
             $where = "1=1";
         $seo_title = $seo_keywords = $keyword;
         $where = "name like '%{$keyword}%'";
         $rows = $model->table("goods")->fields("category_id,count(id) as num")->where($where)->group("category_id")->findAll();
         $category_ids = "";
         $category_count = array();
         foreach ($rows as $row) {
             $category_ids .= $row['category_id'] . ',';
             $category_count[$row['category_id']] = $row['num'];
         $category_ids = trim($category_ids, ",");
         $has_category = array();
         $seo_description = '';
         if ($category_ids) {
             if ($this->getModule()->checkToken()) {
                 $keyword = urldecode(Req::args('keyword'));
                 $keyword = Filter::sql($keyword);
                 $keyword = trim($keyword);
                 $len = String::strlen($keyword);
                 if ($len >= 2 && $len <= 8) {
                     $model = new Model("tags");
                     $obj = $model->where("name='{$keyword}'")->find();
                     if ($obj) {
                         $model->data(array('num' => "`num`+1"))->where("id=" . $obj['id'])->update();
                     } else {
                         $model->data(array('name' => $keyword))->insert();
             $rows = $model->table("goods_category")->where("id in ({$category_ids})")->findAll();
             foreach ($rows as $row) {
                 $path = trim($row['path'], ',');
                 $paths = explode(',', $path);
                 $root = 0;
                 if (is_array($paths)) {
                     $root = $paths[0];
                 $row['num'] = $category_count[$row['id']];
                 $has_category[$root][] = $row;
                 $seo_description .= $row['name'] . ',';
         if ($cid != 0) {
             $where = "category_id={$cid} and name like '%{$keyword}%'";
             $category = $model->table("goods_category as gc ")->join("left join goods_type as gt on gc.type_id = gt.id")->where("gc.id={$cid}")->find();
             if ($category) {
                 $attrs = unserialize($category['attr']);
                 $specs = unserialize($category['spec']);
                 if ($category['seo_title'] != '') {
                     $seo_title = $category['seo_title'];
                 } else {
                     $seo_title = $category['name'];
                 if ($category['seo_keywords'] != '') {
                     $seo_keywords = $category['seo_keywords'];
                 if ($category['seo_description'] != '') {
                     $seo_description = $category['seo_description'];
     } else {
         if ($action == 'category') {
             $seo_title = "分类检索";
             $seo_keywords = "全部分类";
             $seo_description = "所有分类商品";
             $category_ids = "";
             $categ = Category::getInstance();
             if ($cid == 0) {
                 $category_child = $categ->getCategoryChild(0, 1);
             } else {
                 $current_category = $this->model->table("goods_category as gc")->fields("gc.*,gt.name as gname,gt.attr,gt.spec,gc.seo_title,gc.seo_keywords,gc.seo_description")->join("left join goods_type as gt on gc.type_id = gt.id")->where("gc.id = {$cid}")->find();
                 if ($current_category) {
                     $path = trim($current_category['path'], ',');
                     $rows = $this->model->table("goods_category")->where("path like '{$current_category['path']}%'")->order("field(`id`,{$path})")->findAll();
                     $category = $this->model->table("goods_category")->where("id in ({$path})")->order("field(`id`,{$path})")->findAll();
                     foreach ($rows as $row) {
                         $category_ids .= $row['id'] . ',';
                     $category_ids = trim($category_ids, ",");
                     $category_child = $categ->getCategoryChild($path, 1);
                     $attrs = unserialize($current_category['attr']);
                     $specs = unserialize($current_category['spec']);
                     $attrs = is_array($attrs) ? $attrs : array();
                     $specs = is_array($specs) ? $specs : array();
             $seo_category = $model->table('goods_category')->where("id={$cid}")->find();
             if ($seo_category) {
                 if ($seo_category['seo_title'] != '') {
                     $seo_title = $seo_category['seo_title'];
                 } else {
                     $seo_title = $seo_category['name'];
                 if ($seo_category['seo_keywords'] != '') {
                     $seo_keywords = $seo_category['name'] . ',' . $seo_category['seo_keywords'];
                 } else {
                     $seo_keywords = $seo_category['name'];
                 if ($seo_category['seo_description'] != '') {
                     $seo_description = $seo_category['seo_description'];
                 } else {
                     $seo_description = $seo_category['name'];
             if ($category_ids != "") {
                 $where = "go.category_id in ({$category_ids})";
             } else {
                 $where = "1=1";
     $rows = $model->table("goods as go")->fields("brand_id,count(id) as num")->where($where)->group("brand_id")->findAll();
     $brand_ids = '';
     $brand_num = $has_brand = array();
     foreach ($rows as $row) {
         $brand_ids .= $row['brand_id'] . ',';
         $brand_num[$row['brand_id']] = $row['num'];
     $brand_ids = trim($brand_ids, ',');
     $prices = $model->table("goods as go")->fields("max(sell_price) as max,min(sell_price) as min,avg(sell_price) as avg")->where($where)->find();
     $price_range = Common::priceRange($prices);
     if ($brand_ids) {
         $has_brand = $model->table("brand")->where("id in ({$brand_ids})")->findAll();
     if (!empty($price_range)) {
         $has_price = array_flip($price_range);
     } else {
         $has_price = array();
     if ($price && isset($has_price[$price])) {
         $prices = explode('-', $price);
         if (count($prices) == 2) {
             $where .= " and sell_price>=" . Filter::int($prices[0]) . " and sell_price <=" . Filter::int($prices[1]);
         } else {
             $where .= " and sell_price>=" . Filter::int($prices[0]);
         $url .= "/price/{$price}";
     if ($brand && isset($brand_num[$brand])) {
         $url .= "/brand/{$brand}";
         $where .= " and brand_id = {$brand} ";
     if ($attrs != null) {
         foreach ($attrs as $attr) {
             if ($attr['show_type'] == 1) {
                 $spec_attr[$attr['id']] = $attr;
     if ($specs != null) {
         foreach ($specs as $spec) {
             $spec['values'] = unserialize($spec['value']);
             unset($spec['value'], $spec['spec']);
             $spec_attr[$spec['id']] = $spec;
     foreach ($selected as $key => $value) {
         if (isset($spec_attr[$key])) {
             $spec_attr_selected[$key] = $spec_attr[$key];
             foreach ($spec_attr_selected[$key]['values'] as $k => $v) {
                 if ($value == $v['id']) {
                     $spec_attr_selected[$key]['values'] = $v;
     $args = Req::args();
     unset($args['con'], $args['act'], $args['p'], $args['sort'], $args['brand'], $args['price']);
     foreach ($args as $key => $value) {
         if (is_numeric($key) && is_numeric($value)) {
             if (isset($spec_attr[$key])) {
                 $spec_attr_where .= "or (`key`={$key} and `value` = {$value}) ";
                 $url .= '/' . $key . '/' . $value;
         $selected[$key] = $value;
     $selected['price'] = $price;
     $selected['brand'] = $brand;
     $spec_attr_where = trim($spec_attr_where, "or");
     $where .= ' and go.is_online =0';
     if ($condition_num > 0) {
         $where .= " and go.id in (select goods_id from tiny_spec_attr where {$spec_attr_where} group by goods_id having count(goods_id) >= {$condition_num})";
     switch ($sort) {
         case '1':
             $goods_model = $model->table("goods as go")->join("left join tiny_order_goods as og on go.id = og.goods_id")->fields("go.*,sum(og.goods_nums) as sell_num")->order("sell_num desc")->group("go.id");
         case '2':
             $goods_model = $model->table("goods as go")->join("left join tiny_review as re on go.id = re.goods_id")->fields("go.*,count(re.goods_id) as renum")->group("go.id")->order("renum desc");
         case '3':
             $goods_model = $model->table("goods as go")->order("sell_price desc");
         case '4':
             $goods_model = $model->table("goods as go")->order("sell_price");
         case '5':
             $goods_model = $model->table("goods as go")->order("id desc");
             $goods_model = $model->table("goods as go")->order("sort desc");
     $goods = $goods_model->where($where)->findPage($page, $page_size);
     preg_match_all('!(<(a|span)[^>]+>(上一页|下一页)</\\2>)!', $goods['html'], $matches);
     $topPageBar = "";
     if (count($matches[0]) > 0) {
         $topPageBar = implode("", $matches[0]);
     $this->assign("topPageBar", $topPageBar);
     $this->assign('seo_title', $seo_title);
     $this->assign('seo_keywords', $seo_keywords);
     $this->assign('seo_description', '对应的商品共有' . $goods['page']['total'] . '件商品,包括以下分类:' . $seo_description);
     $this->assign("keyword", $keyword);
     $this->assign("sort", $sort);
     $this->assign("has_brand", $has_brand);
     $this->assign("brand_num", $brand_num);
     $this->assign("current_category", $current_category);
     $this->assign("goods", $goods);
     $this->assign("selected", $selected);
     $this->assign("spec_attr", $spec_attr);
     $this->assign("spec_attr_selected", $spec_attr_selected);
     $this->assign("category_child", $category_child);
     $this->assign("price_range", $price_range);
     $this->assign("category_nav", $category);
     $this->assign("has_category", $has_category);
     if ($action == 'search') {
         $this->assign("url", "/index/search/keyword/" . $keyword . "/cid/{$cid}/sort/{$sort}" . $url);
     } else {
         $this->assign("url", "/index/category/cid/" . $cid . "/sort/{$sort}" . $url);