function publishPages($urls)
     $base = Director::baseFolder();
     $framework = FRAMEWORK_DIR;
     // Get variable that can turn off the rsync component of publication
     if (isset($_GET['norsync']) && $_GET['norsync']) {
     $extraArg = "";
     if (self::$excluded_folders) {
         foreach (self::$excluded_folders as $folder) {
             $extraArg .= " --exclude " . escapeshellarg($folder);
     foreach (self::$targets as $target) {
         // Transfer non-PHP content from everything to the target; that will ensure that we have all the JS/CSS/etc
         $rsyncOutput = `cd {$base}; rsync -av -e ssh --exclude /.htaccess --exclude /web.config --exclude '*.php' --exclude '*.svn' --exclude '*.git' --exclude '*~' {$extraArg} --delete . {$target}`;
         // Then transfer "safe" PHP from the cache/ directory
         $rsyncOutput .= `cd {$base}; rsync -av -e ssh --exclude '*.svn' --exclude '*~' {$extraArg} --delete cache {$target}`;
         // Transfer framework/static-main.php to the target
         $rsyncOutput .= `cd {$base}; rsync -av -e ssh --delete {$framework}/static-main.php {$target}/{$framework}`;
         if (StaticPublisher::echo_progress()) {
             echo $rsyncOutput;
 function onAfterWrite()
     $urls = array();
     $urls[] = "";
     // Homepage
     $sp = new FilesystemPublisher();
 function publishPages($urls)
     $base = Director::baseFolder();
     // Get variable that can turn off the rsync component of publication
     if (isset($_GET['norsync']) && $_GET['norsync']) {
     foreach (self::$targets as $target) {
         // Transfer non-PHP content from everything to the target; that will ensure that we have all the JS/CSS/etc
         $rsyncOutput = `cd {$base}; rsync -av -e ssh --exclude /.htaccess --exclude '*.php' --exclude '*.svn' --exclude '*~' --delete . {$target}`;
         // Then transfer "safe" PHP from the cache/ directory
         $rsyncOutput .= `cd {$base}; rsync -av -e ssh --exclude '*.svn' --exclude '*~' --delete cache {$target}`;
         if (StaticPublisher::echo_progress()) {
             echo $rsyncOutput;
 function onAfterWrite()
     $sp = new FilesystemPublisher();