Example #1
  * Get list of supported languages from the filesystem.
  * Storing the values in a static attribute ensures the
  * filesystem is never parsed more than once per request
  * @return array Supported languages
 public function get_supported_languages()
     if (isset(self::$languages)) {
         return self::$languages;
     self::$languages = $this->fao->get_list_of_directories($this->locales_location);
     self::$languages[] = $this->default_language;
     self::$languages = array_unique(self::$languages);
     return self::$languages;
Example #2
  * Test that log() returns a string when an object is passed as message.
  * @covers Lunr\Feedback\PHPLogger::log
 public function testLogReturnsStringWhenObjectPassedAsMessage()
     $object = new MockLogMessage();
     $this->fao->expects($this->once())->method('put_file_content')->with($this->equalTo($this->filename), $this->equalTo("[2011-11-10 10:30:22]: WARNING: Foo\n"), $this->equalTo(TRUE));
     $this->class->log(LogLevel::WARNING, $object);
Example #3
  * Get the controller responsible for the request.
  * @param String  $src       Project subfolder to look for controllers in.
  * @param Array   $list      List of controller names
  * @param Boolean $blacklist Whether to use the controller list as blacklist or whitelist
  * @return String $controller Fully qualified name of the responsible controller.
 public function get_controller($src, $list = [], $blacklist = TRUE)
     $name = $this->request->controller . 'controller';
     if ($name == 'controller') {
         return '';
     if ($blacklist === TRUE && in_array($this->request->controller, $list)) {
         return '';
     } elseif ($blacklist === FALSE && !in_array($this->request->controller, $list)) {
         return '';
     $matches = $this->fao->find_matches("/^.+\\/{$name}.php/i", $src);
     if (empty($matches) === TRUE) {
         return '';
     $search = ['.php', $src, '/'];
     $replace = ['', '', '\\'];
     return ltrim(str_replace($search, $replace, $matches[0]), '\\');