function exploitscanner_fix_vulnerability_page()
    if (!current_user_can('edit_plugins')) {
        wp_die('You do not have sufficient permissions to perform this action.');
    if (!in_array($_GET['vulnerability'], array('timthumb'))) {
        wp_die('Unknown action.');
    if (validate_file($_GET['file']) || !is_file(ABSPATH . $_GET['file'])) {
        wp_die('Invalid file.');
    if (!File_Exploit_Scanner::is_vulnerable_file($_GET['file'], ABSPATH)) {
        wp_die('Invalid file.');
    check_admin_referer('exploit-scanner_fix_' . $_GET['vulnerability'] . '_' . $_GET['file']);
    if ($_GET['vulnerability'] == 'timthumb') {
        echo '<h3>Fixing TimThumb vulnerability</h3>';
        $contents = file_get_contents(ABSPATH . $_GET['file']);
        $fix = '
		// Exploit Scanner security fix
		if ( ! defined( "ALLOW_EXTERNAL" ) || ! ALLOW_EXTERNAL ) {
			$isAllowedSite = false;
			foreach ( $allowedSites as $site ) {
				if ( preg_match (\'/(?:^|\\.)\' . preg_quote( $site ) . \'$/i\', $url_info[\'host\'] ) )
					$isAllowedSite = true;
		// End fix
		if ($isAllowedSite) {
        $contents = str_replace('if ($isAllowedSite) {', $fix, $contents);
        if (file_put_contents(ABSPATH . $_GET['file'], $contents)) {
            echo '<p>This instance of TimThumb has had a security fix applied. It is recommended that you download the latest version of TimThumb and completely replace this file.</p>';
        } else {
            echo '<p>An error occurred. It was not possible to apply a fix to this file. It is recommended that you download the latest version of TimThumb and completely replace this file.</p>';
    echo '<p>The vulnerability will still show in your scan results until you run another scan.</p>';
    echo '<p><a href="' . menu_page_url('exploit-scanner', false) . '">Go back.</a></p>';