public function after_create() { UserMailer::deliver_new_user($this->email, $this); $path = FileUtils::join(NIMBLE_ROOT, 'get', $this->username); FileUtils::mkdir_p($path); chmod($path, 0755); }
public function setUp() { $dir = dirname(__FILE__); $this->nimble = Nimble::getINstance(); Nimble::set_config('stylesheet_folder', FileUtils::join($dir, 'assets', 'stylesheets')); Nimble::set_config('stylesheet_folder_url', '/stylesheet'); Nimble::set_config('javascript_folder', FileUtils::join($dir, 'assets', 'javascript')); Nimble::set_config('javascript_folder_url', '/javascript'); }
public function about() { $this->set_default_side_bar(); require_once FileUtils::join(NIMBLE_ROOT, 'lib', 'markdown.php'); $template = FileUtils::join(NIMBLE_ROOT, 'app', 'view', 'help', 'about.markdown'); $this->about = file_get_contents($template); $this->title = 'About Pearfarm'; Nimble::set_title($this->title); }
public static function create_package() { $user = User::find_by_username('bob'); $file = FileUtils::join(NIMBLE_ROOT, 'test', 'data', 'bobs_other_package-0.0.1.tgz'); $package = Package::from_upload(array('file' => $file, 'user' => $user)); foreach (User::_find('all') as $user) { $raiting = '0.' . $user->id; PackageRating::_create(array('user_id' => $user->id, 'package_id' => $package->id, 'rating' => (double) $raiting)); } }
public function testUploadHtmlFailsnoFile() { $localfile = FileUtils::join(NIMBLE_ROOT, 'test', 'data', 'bobs_other_package-1.0.4.tgz'); $_FILES = array(); $_FILES['file'] = array(); $_FILES['file']['tmp_name'] = ''; $key = md5(time()); $this->post('upload', array(), array('upload_key' => $key), array('upload_key' => md5(md5(time())), 'user' => User::find_by_username('bob')->id), 'html'); $this->assertEquals($_SESSION['flashes']['notice'], 'Package channel does not match'); $this->assertRedirect(url_for('LandingController', 'user_index', User::find_by_username('bob')->username)); }
public function testUploadFailbadSig() { $localfile = FileUtils::join(NIMBLE_ROOT, 'test', 'data', 'joes_other_package-1.0.4.tgz'); $sig = PackageVerifyTest::calculatePackageSignature($localfile); $user = User::find_by_username('joe'); try { $p = Package::from_upload(array('file' => $localfile, 'sig' => $sig, 'user' => $user), true); } catch (NimbleException $e) { $this->assertEquals("Invalid package signature", $e->getMessage()); } }
/** * @param string $action action you wish to call * @param array $action_params array of arguments to pass to the action method */ private function load_action($action, $action_params) { global $_SESSION, $_POST, $_GET; $nimble = Nimble::getInstance(); ob_start(); $controller = new $this->controller_name(); $controller->format = !empty($action_params['format']) ? $action_params['format'] : $controller->default_format; call_user_func(array($controller, "run_before_filters"), $action); call_user_func_array(array($controller, $action), array($action_params)); $path = strtolower(Inflector::underscore(str_replace('Controller', '', $this->controller_name))); $template = FileUtils::join($path, $action); if ($controller->has_rendered === false) { if (empty($controller->layout_template) && $controller->layout) { $controller->set_layout_template(); } $controller->render($template); } call_user_func(array($controller, "run_after_filters"), $action); $this->response = ob_get_clean(); $this->controller = $controller; }
public function file_path($version) { return FileUtils::join(NIMBLE_ROOT, 'get', $this->user->username, "{$this->name}-{$version}.tgz"); }
public function testFileJoinReturnsString() { $string = 'test' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'myfolder'; $this->assertEquals($string, FileUtils::join('test', 'myfolder')); }
public static function load_interfaces($dir = '') { $dirs = array(__DIR__ . '/interfaces'); if (!empty($dir)) { $dirs[] = $dir; } foreach ($dirs as $dir) { if ($dh = opendir($dir)) { while (($file = readdir($dh)) !== false) { if (strpos($file, '.php') !== false) { require_once FileUtils::join($dir, $file); $class = Inflector::classify(substr(basename($file), 0, -4)); $methods = call_user_func(array($class, 'methods')); $out = array(); foreach ($methods as $method) { $out[$method] = $class; } static::$interface_map = array_merge(static::$interface_map, $out); } } closedir($dh); } } }
/** * Include a PHP file, inject the controller's properties into that file, and return the output. * @param string $file The view file to render, relative to the base of the application. * @return string The rendered view file. */ public function render_partial($file) { $this->rendered_partials[] = $file; return $this->open_template(FileUtils::join(Nimble::getInstance()->config['view_path'], $file)); }
function nimble_load_helper($name) { require_once FileUtils::join(dirname(__FILE__), $name . '.php'); }
<?php /** * @package NimbleSupport * Loads in all support classes */ $dir = __DIR__; require_once $dir . '/file_utils.php'; foreach (array('tag_helper', 'mime', 'string_cacher', 'asset_tag', 'cycler', 'form_helper') as $file) { require_once FileUtils::join($dir, $file . '.php'); }
private static function mailer_template($class, $method) { FileUtils::mkdir_p(FileUtils::join(NIMBLE_ROOT, 'app', 'view', strtolower(Inflector::underscore($class)))); touch(FileUtils::join(NIMBLE_ROOT, 'app', 'view', strtolower(Inflector::underscore($class)), strtolower($method) . '.php')); touch(FileUtils::join(NIMBLE_ROOT, 'app', 'view', strtolower(Inflector::underscore($class)), strtolower($method) . '.txt')); }
/** * Include a PHP file, inject the controller's properties into that file, and return the output. * @param string $file The view file to render, relative to the base of the application. * @return string The rendered view file. */ public function render_partial($file) { NimbleLogger::log("RENDERING PARTIAL: {$file}"); $this->rendered_partials[] = $file; return $this->open_template(FileUtils::join(Nimble::getInstance()->config['view_path'], $file)); }
/** * Retrieve the help documentation. */ public static function help() { return file_get_contents(FileUtils::join(static::$template_path, 'help.tmpl')); }
/** * Renders a partial template * @param string $name name of partial to load and render */ public function render_partial($name) { $vars = get_object_vars($this); $partial = FileUtils::join($this->view_path, strtolower($this->class), $name); if (!file_exists($partial)) { $partial = $name; } ob_start(); if (count($vars) > 0) { foreach ($vars as $key => $value) { if ($key == 'nimble') { continue; } ${$key} = $value; } } require $partial; return ob_get_clean(); }
/** * Require the requested plugins' init.php files into the program. * @param string $array The list of plugin directories. */ public static function require_plugins($array) { $klass = self::getInstance(); foreach ($array as $plugin) { if (array_key_exists('plugins_path', $klass->config)) { $file = FileUtils::join($klass->config['plugins_path'], $plugin, 'init.php'); if (file_exists($file)) { require_once $file; continue; } } $file = FileUtils::join(dirname(__FILE__), '..', 'plugins', $plugin, 'init.php'); require_once $file; } }
/** * Renders the email templates and stores the data in the $this->_content class variable * * @param string $name name of function we are in, ie the template type */ private function load_templates($name) { $class = get_class($this); $view_class_folder = strtolower(Inflector::underscore($class)); $file_root = FileUtils::join($this->view_path, $view_class_folder, $name); $tp_html = $file_root . '.php'; if (file_exists($tp_html)) { $this->prep_template($tp_html, 'html'); } $tp_txt = $file_root . '.txt'; if (file_exists($tp_txt)) { $this->prep_template($tp_txt, 'txt'); } if (empty($this->_content)) { throw new NimbleException("No valid templates found at {$file_root}"); } }
Nimble::set_config('stylesheet_folder', FileUtils::join(dirname(__FILE__), '..', 'public', 'style')); Nimble::set_config('stylesheet_folder_url', '/public/style'); Nimble::set_config('javascript_folder', FileUtils::join(dirname(__FILE__), '..', 'public', 'javascript')); Nimble::set_config('javascript_folder_url', '/public/javascript'); Nimble::set_config('image_url', 'public/image'); Nimble::set_config('image_path', FileUtils::join(dirname(__FILE__), '..', 'public', 'image')); Nimble::set_config('uri', '/'); //define the root define('NIMBLE_ROOT', FileUtils::join(dirname(__FILE__), '..')); // load any custom global config options require_once FileUtils::join(dirname(__FILE__), 'config.php'); require_once FileUtils::join(dirname(__FILE__), 'routes.php'); require_once FileUtils::join(dirname(__FILE__), 'r404.php'); // load any custom enviroment config options // Nimble::Log('loading ' . NIMBLE_ENV . ' enviroment'); require_once FileUtils::join(dirname(__FILE__), NIMBLE_ENV, 'config.php'); require_once FileUtils::join(NIMBLE_ROOT, 'app', 'controller', 'application_controller.php'); /** load controlers and models */ foreach (array('model', 'controller') as $dir) { __load_files(FileUtils::join(dirname(__FILE__), '..', 'app', $dir)); } session_set_cookie_params(time() + 1000, '/', '.' . DOMAIN); session_start(); //load database connection $database_info = json_decode(file_get_contents(FileUtils::join(NIMBLE_ROOT, 'config', NIMBLE_ENV, 'database.json')), true); $database_info = $database_info[NIMBLE_ENV]; NimbleRecord::establish_connection($database_info); /** boot the framework */ if (!defined('CLI_RUNNER')) { Run(); }
<?php define("CLI_RUNNER", true); require_once 'nimblize/nimble_support/lib/command_line_colors.php'; require_once 'nimblize/nimble_record/migrations/lib/migration_runner.php'; require_once 'nimblize/nimble_record/migrations/migration.php'; $nimble_root = dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '..'; require_once join(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, array($nimble_root, 'config', 'boot.php')); MigrationRunner::$dir = FileUtils::join(NIMBLE_ROOT, 'db', 'migrations'); $storyhelper_path = FileUtils::join(NIMBLE_ROOT, 'lib', 'story_helper.php'); if (file_exists($storyhelper_path)) { require_once $storyhelper_path; }
public function __construct() { if (static::$enabled) { FileUtils::mkdir_p(FileUtils::join(FileUtils::join(NIMBLE_ROOT, 'log'))); $this->log_file = FileUtils::join(NIMBLE_ROOT, 'log', NIMBLE_ENV . '.log'); } }
public static function create_package() { $user = User::find_by_username('bob'); $file = FileUtils::join(NIMBLE_ROOT, 'test', 'data', 'bobs_other_package-0.0.1.tgz'); $pp = Package::from_upload(array('file' => $file, 'user' => $user)); $p = Package::update($pp->id, array('url' => '')); }
public function testGetHelp() { $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] = ''; $dir = FileUtils::join(NIMBLE_ROOT, 'app', 'view', 'help', 'markdown'); foreach (HelpController::get_markdown_files($dir) as $help) { $name = substr(basename($help), 0, -9); $this->get('show', array(), array('name' => $name)); $this->responseIncludes(ucwords(Inflector::humanize($name))); $this->controller = new HelpController(); } }