Example #1
 $form->setMaxFileSize(FileSystemTree::getUploadMaxSize() * 1024);
 $form->addElement('text', 'url_upload', _UPLOADFILEFROMURL, 'class = "inputText"');
 $form->addElement('select', 'embed_type', _EMBEDTYPE, array('iframe' => _INLINEIFRAME, 'popup' => _NEWWINDOWPOPUP), 'class = "inputSelect"');
 $form->addElement('text', 'popup_parameters', _POPUPPARAMETERS, 'class = "inputText" style = "width:600px"');
 $form->addElement('text', 'iframe_parameters', _IFRAMEPARAMETERS, 'class = "inputText" style = "width:600px"');
 $form->addElement('submit', 'submit_upload_scorm', _SUBMIT, 'class = "flatButton"');
 $form->setDefaults(array('popup_parameters' => 'width=800,height=600,scrollbars=no,resizable=yes,status=yes,toolbar=no,location=no,menubar=no,top="+(parseInt(parseInt(screen.height)/2) - 300)+",left="+(parseInt(parseInt(screen.width)/2) - 400)+"', 'iframe_parameters' => 'height = "100%"  width = "100%" frameborder = "no"'));
 //@todo: url upload, if not exists, report a human-readable error!
 $timestamp = time();
 if ($form->isSubmitted() && $form->validate()) {
     $values = $form->exportValues();
     try {
         $urlUpload = $form->exportValue('url_upload');
         $scormFiles = array();
         if ($urlUpload != "") {
             $urlArray = explode("/", $urlUpload);
             $urlFile = preg_replace("/\\?.*/", "", urldecode($urlArray[sizeof($urlArray) - 1]));
             if (!copy($urlUpload, $currentLesson->getDirectory() . $urlFile)) {
                 $error = error_get_last();
                 throw new Exception(_PROBLEMUPLOADINGFILE . ': ' . $error['message']);
             } else {
                 $scormFiles[] = new EfrontFile($currentLesson->getDirectory() . $urlFile);
         } else {
             $filesystem = new FileSystemTree($currentLesson->getDirectory(), true);
             foreach ($_FILES['scorm_file']['name'] as $key => $value) {
                 if (!in_array($value, $scormFiles)) {
                     //This way we bypass duplicates
                     try {
                         $scormFiles[$value] = $filesystem->uploadFile("scorm_file", $currentLesson->getDirectory(), $key);
Example #2
         $urlArray = explode("/", $urlUpload);
         $urlFile = urldecode($urlArray[sizeof($urlArray) - 1]);
         if (!copy(dirname($urlUpload) . '/' . rawurlencode(basename($urlUpload)), $uploadDir . "/" . $urlFile)) {
             $errors[] = _PROBLEMUPLOADINGFILE . ': ' . $urlUpload;
         } else {
             $uploadedFiles[basename($urlUpload)] = new EfrontFile($uploadDir . "/" . $urlFile);
 //Perform any path uploads
 foreach ($values['import_path'] as $key => $pathUpload) {
     if ($pathUpload && !in_array($pathUpload, $uploadedFiles)) {
         $pathUpload = EfrontDirectory::normalize($pathUpload);
         if (strpos(dirname($pathUpload), rtrim(G_ROOTPATH, "/")) !== false) {
             $pathArray = explode("/", $pathUpload);
             $pathFile = urldecode($pathArray[sizeof($pathArray) - 1]);
             if (!copy($pathUpload, $uploadDir . "/" . $pathFile)) {
                 $errors[] = _PROBLEMUPLOADINGFILE . ': ' . $pathUpload;
             } else {
                 $uploadedFiles[basename($pathUpload)] = new EfrontFile($uploadDir . "/" . $pathFile);
         } else {
             $errors[] = _PROBLEMUPLOADINGFILE . ': ' . $pathUpload;
 if (!empty($errors)) {
     throw new Exception(implode("<br>", $errors));
  * Uncompress file
  * This function is used to uncompress the current file.
  * The uncompressed files will have a database representation, unless $addDb is set to false.
  * The function supports zip and tar.gz files
  * <br/>Example:
  * <code>
  * $file = new EfrontFile('/var/www/test.zip');
  * $uncompressedFiles = $file -> uncompress();
  * </code>
  * @param  boolean $addDB Whether to create a database representation for the extracted files
  * @return array An array of EfrontFile objects or file paths (depending on wheter a database representation exists)
  * @since 3.5.0
  * @access public
 public function uncompress($addDB = true)
     if ($this['extension'] == 'zip') {
         if ($GLOBALS['configuration']['zip_method'] == 'system') {
             $blackList = explode(",", $GLOBALS['configuration']['file_black_list']);
             $blackList[] = 'php';
             $blackList[] = 'htaccess';
             $blackList = '-x "*.' . implode('" "*.', $blackList) . '"';
             if ($GLOBALS['configuration']['file_white_list']) {
                 $whiteList = '"*.' . implode('" "*.', explode(",", $GLOBALS['configuration']['file_white_list'])) . '"';
             } else {
                 $whiteList = '';
             if (defined("NO_CHECK_FILE_INTEGRITY") && NO_CHECK_FILE_INTEGRITY) {
                 $blackList = $whiteList = '';
             $response = exec('unzip -qqο "' . $this['path'] . '" ' . $whiteList . ' ' . $blackList . ' -d "' . $this['directory'] . '" 2>&1', $output, $code);
             if (stripos($response, 'caution') === false && stripos($response, 'warning') === false && $code != 0) {
                 throw new EfrontFileException(_COMMANDFAILEDWITHOUTPUT . ': ' . $response . ". " . _PERHAPSDONTSUPPORTZIP, EfrontFileException::ERROR_ZIP_PROCESSING);
         } else {
             $zip = new ZipArchive();
             if ($zip->open($this['path']) === true && $zip->extractTo($this['directory'])) {
                 for ($i = 0; $i < $zip->numFiles; $i++) {
                     $file = $this['directory'] . '/' . $zip->getNameIndex($i);
                     try {
                         //If the file is not allowed, then append to its extension '.ext'
                     } catch (EfrontFileException $e) {
                         $fileObj = new EfrontFile($file);
                         $fileObj->rename($this['directory'] . '/' . $zip->getNameIndex($i) . '.ext', true);
                         $file = $fileObj['path'];
                     $zipFiles[] = $file;
                 if ($this['id'] != -1 && $addDB) {
                     $importedFiles = FileSystemTree::importFiles($zipFiles, $options);
                     return $importedFiles;
                 } else {
                     return $zipFiles;
             } else {
                 throw new EfrontFileException(_CANNOTOPENCOMPRESSEDFILE . ': ' . $this['path'], EfrontFileException::ERROR_OPEN_ZIP);