Example #1
 public function testFileSize()
     // file size
     $this->assertEquals(FileHandler::filesize(0), '0Byte');
     $this->assertEquals(FileHandler::filesize(1), '1Byte');
     $this->assertEquals(FileHandler::filesize(386), '386Bytes');
     $this->assertEquals(FileHandler::filesize(1023), '1023Bytes');
     $this->assertEquals(FileHandler::filesize(1024), '1.0KB');
     $this->assertEquals(FileHandler::filesize(2480), '2.4KB');
     $this->assertEquals(FileHandler::filesize(1024 * 1024 - 1), '1024.0KB');
     $this->assertEquals(FileHandler::filesize(1024 * 1024), '1.00MB');
     $this->assertEquals(FileHandler::filesize(3 * 1024 * 1024 + 210 * 1024), '3.21MB');
     // return bytes
     $this->assertEquals(FileHandler::returnBytes('0B'), 0);
     $this->assertEquals(FileHandler::returnBytes('1024B'), 1024);
     $this->assertEquals(FileHandler::returnBytes('1K'), 1024);
     $this->assertEquals(FileHandler::returnBytes('102.48K'), 1024 * 102.48);
     $this->assertEquals(FileHandler::returnBytes('1M'), 1024 * 1024);
     $this->assertEquals(FileHandler::returnBytes('1.12M'), 1024 * 1024 * 1.12);
     $this->assertEquals(FileHandler::returnBytes('1023.99M'), 1024 * 1024 * 1023.99);
     $this->assertEquals(FileHandler::returnBytes('1G'), 1024 * 1024 * 1024);
     $this->assertEquals(FileHandler::returnBytes('12.02G'), 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 12.02);
Example #2
  * Return messages for file upload and it depends whether an admin is or not
  * @param int $attached_size
  * @return string
 function getUploadStatus($attached_size = 0)
     $file_config = $this->getUploadConfig();
     // Display upload status
     $upload_status = sprintf('%s : %s/ %s<br /> %s : %s (%s : %s)', Context::getLang('allowed_attach_size'), FileHandler::filesize($attached_size), FileHandler::filesize($file_config->allowed_attach_size * 1024 * 1024), Context::getLang('allowed_filesize'), FileHandler::filesize($file_config->allowed_filesize * 1024 * 1024), Context::getLang('allowed_filetypes'), $file_config->allowed_filetypes);
     return $upload_status;
				<!-- one document end -->
				<td><a href="<?php 
        echo htmlspecialchars_decode($__Context->val->download_url);
        echo htmlspecialchars($__Context->val->source_filename, ENT_COMPAT | ENT_HTML401, 'UTF-8', false);
				<td class="nowr"><?php 
        echo FileHandler::filesize($__Context->val->file_size);
				<td class="nowr"><?php 
        echo $__Context->val->download_count;
				<td class="nowr">
        if ($__Context->val->upload_target_type == 'doc' && $__Context->document_list[$__Context->document_srl]) {
					<a href="#popup_menu_area" class="member_<?php 
            echo $__Context->document_list[$__Context->document_srl]->get('member_srl');
            echo $__Context->document_list[$__Context->document_srl]->getNickName();
Example #4
 * Prints debug messages 
 * Display $buff contents into the file ./files/_debug_message.php.
 * You can see the file on your prompt by command: tail-f./files/_debug_message.php
 * @param mixed $debug_output Target object to be printed
 * @param bool $display_option boolean Flag whether to print seperator (default:true)
 * @param string $file Target file name
 * @return void
function debugPrint($debug_output = NULL, $display_option = TRUE, $file = '_debug_message.php')
    static $debug_file;
    static $debug_file_exist;
    if (!(__DEBUG__ & 1)) {
    static $firephp;
    $bt = debug_backtrace();
    if (is_array($bt)) {
        $bt_debug_print = array_shift($bt);
        $bt_called_function = array_shift($bt);
    $file_name = str_replace(_XE_PATH_, '', $bt_debug_print['file']);
    $line_num = $bt_debug_print['line'];
    $function = $bt_called_function['class'] . $bt_called_function['type'] . $bt_called_function['function'];
    if (__DEBUG_OUTPUT__ == 2 && version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '6.0.0') === -1) {
        if (!isset($firephp)) {
            $firephp = FirePHP::getInstance(TRUE);
        $type = FirePHP::INFO;
        $label = sprintf('[%s:%d] %s() (Memory usage: current=%s, peak=%s)', $file_name, $line_num, $function, FileHandler::filesize(memory_get_usage()), FileHandler::filesize(memory_get_peak_usage()));
        // Check a FirePHP option
        if ($display_option === 'TABLE') {
            $label = $display_option;
        if ($display_option === 'ERROR') {
            $type = $display_option;
        // Check if the IP specified by __DEBUG_PROTECT__ option is same as the access IP.
        if (__DEBUG_PROTECT__ === 1 && __DEBUG_PROTECT_IP__ != $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) {
            $debug_output = 'The IP address is not allowed. Change the value of __DEBUG_PROTECT_IP__ into your IP address in config/config.user.inc.php or config/config.inc.php';
            $label = NULL;
        $firephp->fb($debug_output, $label, $type);
    } else {
        if (__DEBUG_PROTECT__ === 1 && __DEBUG_PROTECT_IP__ != $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) {
        $print = array();
        if ($debug_file_exist === NULL) {
            $print[] = '<?php exit() ?>';
        if (!$debug_file) {
            $debug_file = _XE_PATH_ . 'files/' . $file;
        if (!$debug_file_exist) {
            $debug_file_exist = file_exists($debug_file);
        if ($display_option === TRUE || $display_option === 'ERROR') {
            $print[] = str_repeat('=', 80);
        $print[] = sprintf("[%s %s:%d] %s() - mem(%s)", date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), $file_name, $line_num, $function, FileHandler::filesize(memory_get_usage()));
        $type = gettype($debug_output);
        if (!in_array($type, array('array', 'object', 'resource'))) {
            if ($display_option === 'ERROR') {
                $print[] = 'ERROR : ' . var_export($debug_output, TRUE);
            } else {
                $print[] = $type . '(' . var_export($debug_output, TRUE) . ')';
            $print[] = PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL;
        } else {
            $print[] = print_r($debug_output, TRUE);
            $print[] = PHP_EOL;
        @file_put_contents($debug_file, implode(PHP_EOL, $print), FILE_APPEND | LOCK_EX);
  * Print debugging message to designated output source depending on the value set to __DEBUG_OUTPUT_. \n
  * This method only functions when __DEBUG__ variable is set to 1.
  * __DEBUG_OUTPUT__ == 0, messages are written in ./files/_debug_message.php
  * @return void
 function _debugOutput()
     if (!__DEBUG__) {
     $end = getMicroTime();
     // Firebug console output
     if (__DEBUG_OUTPUT__ == 2 && version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '6.0.0') === -1) {
         static $firephp;
         if (!isset($firephp)) {
             $firephp = FirePHP::getInstance(true);
         if (__DEBUG_PROTECT__ == 1 && __DEBUG_PROTECT_IP__ != $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) {
             $firephp->fb('Change the value of __DEBUG_PROTECT_IP__ into your IP address in config/config.user.inc.php or config/config.inc.php', 'The IP address is not allowed.');
         // display total execution time and Request/Response info
         if (__DEBUG__ & 2) {
             $firephp->fb(array('Request / Response info >>> ' . $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] . ' / ' . Context::getResponseMethod(), array(array('Request URI', 'Request method', 'Response method', 'Response contents size', 'Memory peak usage'), array(sprintf("%s:%s%s%s%s", $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'], $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'], $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] ? '?' : '', $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']), $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'], Context::getResponseMethod(), $this->content_size . ' byte', FileHandler::filesize(memory_get_peak_usage())))), 'TABLE');
             $firephp->fb(array('Elapsed time >>> Total : ' . sprintf('%0.5f sec', $end - __StartTime__), array(array('DB queries', 'class file load', 'Template compile', 'XmlParse compile', 'PHP', 'Widgets', 'Trans Content'), array(sprintf('%0.5f sec', $GLOBALS['__db_elapsed_time__']), sprintf('%0.5f sec', $GLOBALS['__elapsed_class_load__']), sprintf('%0.5f sec (%d called)', $GLOBALS['__template_elapsed__'], $GLOBALS['__TemplateHandlerCalled__']), sprintf('%0.5f sec', $GLOBALS['__xmlparse_elapsed__']), sprintf('%0.5f sec', $end - __StartTime__ - $GLOBALS['__template_elapsed__'] - $GLOBALS['__xmlparse_elapsed__'] - $GLOBALS['__db_elapsed_time__'] - $GLOBALS['__elapsed_class_load__']), sprintf('%0.5f sec', $GLOBALS['__widget_excute_elapsed__']), sprintf('%0.5f sec', $GLOBALS['__trans_content_elapsed__'])))), 'TABLE');
         // display DB query history
         if (__DEBUG__ & 4 && $GLOBALS['__db_queries__']) {
             $queries_output = array(array('Result/' . PHP_EOL . 'Elapsed time', 'Query ID', 'Query'));
             foreach ($GLOBALS['__db_queries__'] as $query) {
                 $queries_output[] = array($query['result'] . PHP_EOL . sprintf('%0.5f', $query['elapsed_time']), str_replace(_XE_PATH_, '', $query['called_file']) . PHP_EOL . $query['called_method'] . '()' . PHP_EOL . $query['query_id'], $query['query']);
             $firephp->fb(array('DB Queries >>> ' . count($GLOBALS['__db_queries__']) . ' Queries, ' . sprintf('%0.5f sec', $GLOBALS['__db_elapsed_time__']), $queries_output), 'TABLE');
         // dislpay the file and HTML comments
     } else {
         $buff = array();
         // display total execution time and Request/Response info
         if (__DEBUG__ & 2) {
             if (__DEBUG_PROTECT__ == 1 && __DEBUG_PROTECT_IP__ != $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) {
             // Request/Response information
             $buff[] = "\n- Request/ Response info";
             $buff[] = sprintf("\tRequest URI \t\t\t: %s:%s%s%s%s", $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'], $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'], $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] ? '?' : '', $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']);
             $buff[] = sprintf("\tRequest method \t\t\t: %s", $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']);
             $buff[] = sprintf("\tResponse method \t\t: %s", Context::getResponseMethod());
             $buff[] = sprintf("\tResponse contents size\t: %d byte", $this->content_size);
             // total execution time
             $buff[] = sprintf("\n- Total elapsed time : %0.5f sec", $end - __StartTime__);
             $buff[] = sprintf("\tclass file load elapsed time \t: %0.5f sec", $GLOBALS['__elapsed_class_load__']);
             $buff[] = sprintf("\tTemplate compile elapsed time\t: %0.5f sec (%d called)", $GLOBALS['__template_elapsed__'], $GLOBALS['__TemplateHandlerCalled__']);
             $buff[] = sprintf("\tXmlParse compile elapsed time\t: %0.5f sec", $GLOBALS['__xmlparse_elapsed__']);
             $buff[] = sprintf("\tPHP elapsed time \t\t\t\t: %0.5f sec", $end - __StartTime__ - $GLOBALS['__template_elapsed__'] - $GLOBALS['__xmlparse_elapsed__'] - $GLOBALS['__db_elapsed_time__'] - $GLOBALS['__elapsed_class_load__']);
             $buff[] = sprintf("\tDB class elapsed time \t\t\t: %0.5f sec", $GLOBALS['__dbclass_elapsed_time__'] - $GLOBALS['__db_elapsed_time__']);
             // widget execution time
             $buff[] = sprintf("\tWidgets elapsed time \t\t\t: %0.5f sec", $GLOBALS['__widget_excute_elapsed__']);
             // layout execution time
             $buff[] = sprintf("\tLayout compile elapsed time \t: %0.5f sec", $GLOBALS['__layout_compile_elapsed__']);
             // Widgets, the editor component replacement time
             $buff[] = sprintf("\tTrans Content \t\t\t\t\t: %0.5f sec", $GLOBALS['__trans_content_elapsed__']);
         // DB Logging
         if (__DEBUG__ & 4) {
             if (__DEBUG_PROTECT__ == 1 && __DEBUG_PROTECT_IP__ != $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) {
             if ($GLOBALS['__db_queries__']) {
                 $buff[] = sprintf("\n- DB Queries : %d Queries. %0.5f sec", count($GLOBALS['__db_queries__']), $GLOBALS['__db_elapsed_time__']);
                 $num = 0;
                 foreach ($GLOBALS['__db_queries__'] as $query) {
                     if ($query['result'] == 'Success') {
                         $query_result = "Query Success";
                     } else {
                         $query_result = sprintf("Query {$s} : %d\n\t\t\t   %s", $query['result'], $query['errno'], $query['errstr']);
                     $buff[] = sprintf("\t%02d. %s\n\t\t%0.6f sec. %s.", ++$num, $query['query'], $query['elapsed_time'], $query_result);
                     $buff[] = sprintf("\t\tConnection: %s.", $query['connection']);
                     $buff[] = sprintf("\t\tQuery ID: %s", $query['query_id']);
                     $buff[] = sprintf("\t\tCalled: %s. %s()", str_replace(_XE_PATH_, '', $query['called_file']), $query['called_method']);
         // Output in HTML comments
         if ($buff && __DEBUG_OUTPUT__ == 1 && Context::getResponseMethod() == 'HTML') {
             $buff = implode("\r\n", $buff);
             $buff = sprintf("[%s %s:%d]\r\n%s", date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), $file_name, $line_num, print_r($buff, true));
             if (__DEBUG_PROTECT__ == 1 && __DEBUG_PROTECT_IP__ != $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) {
                 $buff = 'The IP address is not allowed. Change the value of __DEBUG_PROTECT_IP__ into your IP address in config/config.user.inc.php or config/config.inc.php';
             return "<!--\r\n" . $buff . "\r\n-->";
         // Output to a file
         if ($buff && __DEBUG_OUTPUT__ == 0) {
             $debug_file = _XE_PATH_ . 'files/_debug_message.php';
             $buff = implode(PHP_EOL, $buff);
             $buff = sprintf("[%s]\n%s", date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), print_r($buff, true));
             $buff = str_repeat('=', 80) . "\n" . $buff . "\n" . str_repeat('-', 80);
             $buff = "\n<?php\n/*" . $buff . "*/\n?>\n";
             if (!@file_put_contents($debug_file, $buff, FILE_APPEND | LOCK_EX)) {
Example #6
  * get file list
  * @return Object
 function procFileGetList()
     if (!Context::get('is_logged')) {
         return new Object(-1, 'msg_not_permitted');
     $fileSrls = Context::get('file_srls');
     if ($fileSrls) {
         $fileSrlList = explode(',', $fileSrls);
     global $lang;
     if (count($fileSrlList) > 0) {
         $oFileModel =& getModel('file');
         $fileList = $oFileModel->getFile($fileSrlList);
         if (!is_array($fileList)) {
             $fileList = array($fileList);
         if (is_array($fileList)) {
             foreach ($fileList as $key => $value) {
                 $value->human_file_size = FileHandler::filesize($value->file_size);
                 if ($value->isvalid == 'Y') {
                     $value->validName = $lang->is_valid;
                 } else {
                     $value->validName = $lang->is_stand_by;
     } else {
         $fileList = array();
     $this->add('file_list', $fileList);
  * @brief get input extra vars
 function getNproductInputExtraVars($extra_info)
     $extend_form_list = $extra_info;
     $formTags = array();
     if (!$extend_form_list) {
         return $formTags;
     foreach ($extend_form_list as $no => $formInfo) {
         $inputTag = '';
         $formTag = $formInfo;
         $formTag->title = $formInfo->column_title;
         if ($formInfo->required == 'Y') {
             $formTag->title = $formTag->title . ' <em style="color:red">*</em>';
         $extendForm = $formInfo;
         $replace = array('column_name' => $extendForm->column_name, 'value' => $extendForm->value);
         $extentionReplace = array();
         if ($extendForm->column_type == 'text' || $extendForm->column_type == 'homepage' || $extendForm->column_type == 'email_address') {
             $template = '<input type="text" name="%column_name%" value="%value%" />';
         } else {
             if ($extendForm->column_type == 'tel') {
                 $extentionReplace = array('tel_0' => $extendForm->value[0], 'tel_1' => $extendForm->value[1], 'tel_2' => $extendForm->value[2]);
                 $template = '<input type="text" name="%column_name%[]" value="%tel_0%" size="4" />-<input type="text" name="%column_name%[]" value="%tel_1%" size="4" />-<input type="text" name="%column_name%" value="%tel_2%" size="4" />';
             } else {
                 if ($extendForm->column_type == 'textarea') {
                     $template = '<textarea name="%column_name%">%value%</textarea>';
                 } else {
                     if ($extendForm->column_type == 'checkbox') {
                         $template = '';
                         if ($extendForm->default_value) {
                             $__i = 0;
                             foreach ($extendForm->default_value as $v) {
                                 $checked = '';
                                 if (is_array($extendForm->value) && in_array($v, $extendForm->value)) {
                                     $checked = 'checked="checked"';
                                 $template .= '<input type="checkbox" id="%column_name%' . $__i . '" name="%column_name%[]" value="' . htmlspecialchars($v) . '" ' . $checked . ' /><label for="%column_name%' . $__i . '">' . $v . '</label>';
                     } else {
                         if ($extendForm->column_type == 'radio') {
                             $template = '';
                             if ($extendForm->default_value) {
                                 $template = '<ul class="radio">%s</ul>';
                                 $optionTag = array();
                                 foreach ($extendForm->default_value as $v) {
                                     if ($extendForm->value == $v) {
                                         $checked = 'checked="checked"';
                                     } else {
                                         $checked = '';
                                     $optionTag[] = '<li><input type="radio" name="%column_name%" value="' . $v . '" ' . $checked . ' />' . $v . '</li>';
                                 $template = sprintf($template, implode('', $optionTag));
                         } else {
                             if ($extendForm->column_type == 'select') {
                                 $template = '<select name="' . $formInfo->column_name . '">%s</select>';
                                 $optionTag = array();
                                 if ($extendForm->default_value) {
                                     foreach ($extendForm->default_value as $v) {
                                         if ($v == $extendForm->value) {
                                             $selected = 'selected="selected"';
                                         } else {
                                             $selected = '';
                                         $optionTag[] = sprintf('<option value="%s" %s >%s</option>', $v, $selected, $v);
                                 $template = sprintf($template, implode('', $optionTag));
                             } else {
                                 if ($extendForm->column_type == 'date') {
                                     $extentionReplace = array('date' => zdate($extendForm->value, 'Y-m-d'), 'cmd_delete' => $lang->cmd_delete);
                                     $template = '<input type="hidden" name="%column_name%" id="date_%column_name%" value="%value%" /><input type="text" class="inputDate" value="%date%" readonly="readonly" /> <input type="button" value="%cmd_delete%" class="dateRemover" />';
                                 } else {
                                     if ($extendForm->column_type == 'file') {
                                         $oFileModel =& getModel('file');
                                         if ($extendForm->value) {
                                             $file = $oFileModel->getFile($extendForm->value);
                                             $template = '<p><a href="' . $file->download_url . '">' . $file->source_filename . '</a> (' . FileHandler::filesize($file->file_size) . ')</p>';
                                         $template .= '<input type="file" name="%column_name%" />';
         $replace = array_merge($extentionReplace, $replace);
         $inputTag = preg_replace('@%(\\w+)%@e', '$replace[$1]', $template);
         $formTag->inputTag = $inputTag;
         $formTags[] = $formTag;
     return $formTags;
Example #8
  * Set attachment information (for administrator)
  * @return Object
 function dispFileAdminConfig()
     $oFileModel = getModel('file');
     $config = $oFileModel->getFileConfig();
     Context::set('config', $config);
     $iniPostMaxSize = FileHandler::returnbytes(ini_get('post_max_size'));
     $iniUploadMaxSize = FileHandler::returnbytes(ini_get('upload_max_filesize'));
     $iniMinSize = min($iniPostMaxSize, $iniUploadMaxSize);
     Context::set('upload_max_filesize', FileHandler::filesize($iniMinSize));
     // Set a template file
     $this->setTemplatePath($this->module_path . 'tpl');
if ($__Context->item_info->download_file) {
<div id="contents_file_select" class="x_control-group">
			<label class="x_control-label" for="contents_file"><?php 
    echo $__Context->lang->contents_file;
			<div class="x_controls">
				<p id="file_info"><a href="<?php 
    echo $__Context->item_info->download_file->download_url;
    echo $__Context->item_info->download_file->source_filename;
</a> (<?php 
    echo FileHandler::filesize($__Context->item_info->download_file->file_size);
) <button onClick="delete_file(<?php 
    echo $__Context->item_info->file_srl;
    echo $__Context->lang->cmd_delete;
				<p><a href="<?php 
    echo getUrl('act', 'dispNstore_digital_contentsAdminItemList');
    echo $__Context->lang->nstore_digital_management;
Example #10
 * Prints debug messages 
 * Display $buff contents into the file ./files/_debug_message.php.
 * You can see the file on your prompt by command: tail-f./files/_debug_message.php
 * @param mixed $debug_output Target object to be printed
 * @param bool $display_option boolean Flag whether to print seperator (default:true)
 * @param string $file Target file name
 * @return void
function debugPrint($debug_output = null, $display_option = true, $file = '_debug_message.php')
    if (!(__DEBUG__ & 1)) {
    static $firephp;
    $bt = debug_backtrace();
    if (is_array($bt)) {
        $first = array_shift($bt);
    $file_name = array_pop(explode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $first['file']));
    $line_num = $first['line'];
    if (__DEBUG_OUTPUT__ == 2 && version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '6.0.0') === -1) {
        if (!isset($firephp)) {
            $firephp = FirePHP::getInstance(true);
        if (function_exists("memory_get_usage")) {
            $label = sprintf('[%s:%d] (m:%s)', $file_name, $line_num, FileHandler::filesize(memory_get_usage()));
        } else {
            $label = sprintf('[%s:%d] ', $file_name, $line_num);
        // Check a FirePHP option
        if ($display_option === 'TABLE') {
            $label = $display_option;
        // Check if the IP specified by __DEBUG_PROTECT__ option is same as the access IP.
        if (__DEBUG_PROTECT__ === 1 && __DEBUG_PROTECT_IP__ != $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) {
            $debug_output = 'The IP address is not allowed. Change the value of __DEBUG_PROTECT_IP__ into your IP address in config/config.user.inc.php or config/config.inc.php';
            $label = null;
        $firephp->fb($debug_output, $label);
    } else {
        if (__DEBUG_PROTECT__ === 1 && __DEBUG_PROTECT_IP__ != $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) {
        $debug_file = _XE_PATH_ . 'files/' . $file;
        if (function_exists("memory_get_usage")) {
            $debug_output = sprintf("[%s %s:%d] - mem(%s)\n%s\n", date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), $file_name, $line_num, FileHandler::filesize(memory_get_usage()), print_r($debug_output, true));
        } else {
            $debug_output = sprintf("[%s %s:%d]\n%s\n", date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), $file_name, $line_num, print_r($debug_output, true));
        if ($display_option === true) {
            $debug_output = str_repeat('=', 40) . "\n" . $debug_output . str_repeat('-', 40);
        $debug_output = "\n<?php\n/*" . $debug_output . "*/\n?>\n";
        if (@(!($fp = fopen($debug_file, 'a')))) {
        fwrite($fp, $debug_output);