Groups shouldn't just be thought of as a top-level collection of fields (like a meta box). Groups can be infinitely nested, they can be used to create tabbed interfaces, and so on. Groups submit data as nested arrays.
Inheritance: extends Fieldmanager_Field
  * Test behavior when using the time support for datepicker
  * @group 1111
 public function test_time_feature()
     $base = new Fieldmanager_Group(array('name' => 'test_datetime_group', 'children' => array('test_datetime_field' => new Fieldmanager_Datepicker(false, array('use_time' => true)))));
     // No time fields set
     $test_data = array('test_datetime_group' => array('test_datetime_field' => array('date' => '', 'hour' => '', 'minute' => '', 'ampm' => 'am')));
     $base->add_meta_box('test meta box', $this->post)->save_to_post_meta($this->post_id, $test_data['test_datetime_group']);
     $saved_data = get_post_meta($this->post_id, 'test_datetime_group', true);
     // Date set, but no time
     $test_data = array('test_datetime_group' => array('test_datetime_field' => array('date' => '13 Mar 2014', 'hour' => '', 'minute' => '', 'ampm' => 'am')));
     $base->add_meta_box('test meta box', $this->post)->save_to_post_meta($this->post_id, $test_data['test_datetime_group']);
     $saved_data = get_post_meta($this->post_id, 'test_datetime_group', true);
     $this->assertEquals(strtotime('13 Mar 2014'), $saved_data['test_datetime_field']);
     // Time set, but no date
     $test_data = array('test_datetime_group' => array('test_datetime_field' => array('date' => '', 'hour' => '2', 'minute' => '37', 'ampm' => 'am')));
     $base->add_meta_box('test meta box', $this->post)->save_to_post_meta($this->post_id, $test_data['test_datetime_group']);
     $saved_data = get_post_meta($this->post_id, 'test_datetime_group', true);
     $this->assertEquals(strtotime('2:37 am'), $saved_data['test_datetime_field']);
     // Date and time set
     // Time set, but no date
     $test_data = array('test_datetime_group' => array('test_datetime_field' => array('date' => '13 Mar 2014', 'hour' => '2', 'minute' => '37', 'ampm' => 'am')));
     $base->add_meta_box('test meta box', $this->post)->save_to_post_meta($this->post_id, $test_data['test_datetime_group']);
     $saved_data = get_post_meta($this->post_id, 'test_datetime_group', true);
     $this->assertEquals(strtotime('13 Mar 2014 2:37am'), $saved_data['test_datetime_field']);
 public function init()
     $fm = new Fieldmanager_Grid(array('name' => 'grid'));
     $fm->add_meta_box('Basic Grid', 'demo-grid');
     $fm = new Fieldmanager_Grid(array('name' => 'sidebar_grid'));
     $fm->add_meta_box('Basic Sidebar Grid', 'demo-grid', 'side');
     $fm = new Fieldmanager_Grid(array('name' => 'grid_options', 'js_options' => array('startRows' => 20, 'startCols' => 20, 'colHeaders' => true, 'rowHeaders' => true, 'minSpareCols' => 1, 'minSpareRows' => 1, 'contextMenu' => true)));
     $fm->add_meta_box('Grid with Options', 'demo-grid');
     $fm = new Fieldmanager_Group(array('name' => 'repeatable_grid', 'limit' => 0, 'add_more_label' => 'Add another grid', 'sortable' => true, 'label' => 'Grid', 'children' => array('grid' => new Fieldmanager_Grid(array('js_options' => array('startRows' => 20, 'startCols' => 20, 'colHeaders' => true, 'rowHeaders' => true, 'minSpareCols' => 1, 'minSpareRows' => 1, 'contextMenu' => true))))));
     $fm->add_meta_box('Repeatable Grids', 'demo-grid');
     $fm = new Fieldmanager_Group(array('name' => 'repeatable_sidebar_grid', 'limit' => 0, 'add_more_label' => 'Add another grid', 'sortable' => true, 'collapsible' => true, 'label' => 'Grid', 'children' => array('grid' => new Fieldmanager_Grid())));
     $fm->add_meta_box('Repeatable Sidebar Grids', 'demo-grid');
     // $fm = new Fieldmanager_Textfield( false, array( 'name' => 'sidebar_text' ) );
     // $fm->add_meta_box( 'Sidebar Text Field', 'demo-grid', 'side' );
     // $fm = new Fieldmanager_Group( array(
     // 	'name'           => 'sidebar_repeatable_text',
     // 	'limit'          => 0,
     // 	'add_more_label' => 'Add another field',
     // 	'sortable'       => true,
     // 	'label'          => 'Field',
     // 	'children'       => array(
     // 		'text_field' => new Fieldmanager_Textfield( 'Repeatable Field' )
     // 	)
     // ) );
     // $fm->add_meta_box( 'Sidebar Repeatable Text Fields', 'demo-grid', 'side' );
  * Handles adding meta boxes for a given post type
  * @access protected
  * @return void
 public function add_meta_boxes()
     if (class_exists('Fieldmanager_Field')) {
         $fm_property = new Fieldmanager_Group(array('name' => 'property-meta', 'children' => array('name' => new Fieldmanager_Textfield(array('description' => __('The name of the property.', 'ahny'), 'label' => __('Property Name', 'ahny'))), 'architect' => new Fieldmanager_Textfield(array('description' => __('The name of the architect.', 'ahny'), 'label' => __('Architect', 'ahny'))), 'address' => new Fieldmanager_Textarea(array('description' => __('The property address.', 'ahny'), 'label' => __('Property Address', 'ahny'))), 'price' => new Fieldmanager_Textfield(array('description' => __('The price of the property.', 'ahny'), 'label' => __('Property Price', 'ahny'))), 'status' => new Fieldmanager_Select(array('label' => __('Property Status', 'ahny'), 'first_empty' => false, 'options' => array(__('Active', 'ahny'), __('Inactive', 'ahny')))), 'listing-number' => new Fieldmanager_Textfield(array('description' => __('The property listing number.', 'ahny'), 'label' => __('Listing Number', 'ahny'))), 'listing-provided-by' => new Fieldmanager_Textfield(array('description' => __('Who provided the listing?.', 'ahny'), 'label' => __('Listing Provided By', 'ahny'))), 'type' => new Fieldmanager_Textfield(array('description' => __('The property type.', 'ahny'), 'label' => __('Property Type', 'ahny'))), 'bedrooms' => new Fieldmanager_Textfield(array('description' => __('The number of bedrooms.', 'ahny'), 'label' => __('Number of Bedrooms', 'ahny'))), 'bathrooms' => new Fieldmanager_Textfield(array('description' => __('The number of bathrooms.', 'ahny'), 'label' => __('Number of Bathrooms', 'ahny'))), 'square-footage' => new Fieldmanager_Textfield(array('description' => __('The square footage of the property.', 'ahny'), 'label' => __('Square Footage', 'ahny'))), 'lot-size' => new Fieldmanager_Textfield(array('description' => __('The property lot size.', 'ahny'), 'label' => __('Lot Size', 'ahny'))), 'year-built' => new Fieldmanager_Textfield(array('description' => __('The year the property was built.', 'ahny'), 'label' => __('Year Built', 'ahny'))), 'parking' => new Fieldmanager_Textfield(array('description' => __('The property parking amenities.', 'ahny'), 'label' => __('Parking', 'ahny'))), 'fireplaces' => new Fieldmanager_Textfield(array('description' => __('Fireplaces on the property.', 'ahny'), 'label' => __('Fireplaces', 'ahny'))), 'amenities' => new Fieldmanager_Textarea(array('description' => __('The property amenities.', 'ahny'), 'label' => __('Property Amenities', 'ahny'))), 'appliances' => new Fieldmanager_Textarea(array('description' => __('Available appliances.', 'ahny'), 'label' => __('Appliances', 'ahny'))), 'features' => new Fieldmanager_Textarea(array('description' => __('Property features.', 'ahny'), 'label' => __('Features', 'ahny'))), 'slideshow' => new Fieldmanager_Group(array('limit' => 0, 'add_more_label' => __('Add another image', 'ahny'), 'sortable' => true, 'label' => __('Gallery Images', 'ahny'), 'children' => array('image_id' => new Fieldmanager_Media(array('preview_size' => 'medium', 'label' => __('Select an image for the gallery', 'ahny'), 'button_label' => __('Select Image', 'ahny'), 'modal_button_label' => __('Use Image', 'ahny'), 'modal_title' => __('Select an image for the gallery', 'ahny')))))))));
         $fm_property->add_meta_box(__('Property Data', 'ahny'), 'property', 'normal', 'default');
 public function init()
     $fm = new Fieldmanager_Group(array('name' => 'meta_fields', 'children' => array('text' => new Fieldmanager_Textfield('Text Field'), 'text2' => new Fieldmanager_Select('Dropdown', array('options' => array('first', 'second', 'third', 'fourth'))))));
     $fm->add_quickedit_box('Custom Text Field', 'post', function ($post_id, $data) {
         return !empty($data['text']) ? $data['text'] : 'not set';
     }, 'Custom Column Column');
 public function init()
     $months = array('January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December');
     $fm = new Fieldmanager_Group(array('name' => 'autocomplete', 'children' => array('datasource_post' => new Fieldmanager_Autocomplete(array('label' => 'Datasource Post', 'datasource' => new Fieldmanager_Datasource_Post(array('query_args' => array('post_type' => 'post'))))), 'datasource_post_edit' => new Fieldmanager_Autocomplete(array('label' => 'Datasource Post with Edit Link', 'show_edit_link' => true, 'description' => 'You must save the post to see this', 'datasource' => new Fieldmanager_Datasource_Post(array('query_args' => array('post_type' => 'post'))))), 'datasource_custom' => new Fieldmanager_Autocomplete(array('label' => 'Custom Datasource, non-ajax', 'description' => 'Start typing a month of the year', 'datasource' => new Fieldmanager_Datasource(array('options' => $months)))))));
     $fm->add_meta_box('Autocomplete Fields', 'demo-autocomplete');
     $fm = new Fieldmanager_Group(array('name' => 'repeatable_autocomplete', 'limit' => 0, 'add_more_label' => 'Add another field', 'sortable' => true, 'label' => 'Field', 'children' => array('datasource_post' => new Fieldmanager_Autocomplete(array('label' => 'Datasource Post', 'datasource' => new Fieldmanager_Datasource_Post(array('query_args' => array('post_type' => 'post'))))), 'datasource_custom' => new Fieldmanager_Autocomplete(array('label' => 'Enter a month', 'datasource' => new Fieldmanager_Datasource(array('options' => $months)))))));
     $fm->add_meta_box('Repeatable Text Fields', 'demo-autocomplete');
Example #6
 public function add_meta_box()
     $fm = new Fieldmanager_Group(array('name' => 'alfath_slide', 'limit' => 0, 'add_more_label' => __('Add another slide', 'alfath'), 'sortable' => true, 'collapsible' => true, 'label' => 'Slide image', 'children' => array('media' => new Fieldmanager_Media(false, array('thumbnail_class' => 'fm-thumbnail', 'label' => 'Select Image', 'button_label' => 'Select Image', 'modal_button_label' => 'Select Image', 'modal_title' => 'Select Image')), 'textarea' => new Fieldmanager_TextArea('Carousel Text', array('attributes' => array('style' => 'width:100%'))), 'url' => new Fieldmanager_Link(__('Slide Url', 'alfath'), array('description' => __('optional - leave blank for no link', 'alfath'))), 'url_openblank' => new Fieldmanager_Checkbox(false, array('description' => 'Open link in new window/tab')))));
     $screens = array('bs_slide');
     foreach ($screens as $screen) {
         $fm->add_meta_box('Add Slides', $screen, 'normal');
 public function add_meta_box()
     $fm = new Fieldmanager_Group(array('name' => 'agenda_date', 'children' => array('lokasi' => new Fieldmanager_TextArea('Lokasi', array('attributes' => array('style' => 'width:100%'))), 'mulai' => new Fieldmanager_Datepicker(array('label' => 'Tanggal dan waktu Mulai', 'use_time' => true, 'use_am_pm' => false, 'js_opts' => array('changeMonth' => true, 'changeYear' => true, 'dateFormat' => 'd M yy'))), 'selesai' => new Fieldmanager_Datepicker(array('label' => 'Tanggal dan waktu Selesai', 'use_time' => true, 'use_am_pm' => false, 'js_opts' => array('changeMonth' => true, 'changeYear' => true, 'dateFormat' => 'd M yy'))))));
     $screens = array('agenda');
     foreach ($screens as $screen) {
         $fm->add_meta_box('Detail Agenda', $screen, 'side');
  * Adds the meta boxes required to manage an overlay.
 public function add_meta_boxes()
     // Main Content
     $fm = new Fieldmanager_Group(array('name' => 'fm_overlays_content', 'children' => array('content_type_select' => new Fieldmanager_Select(array('label' => __('Select content type', 'fm-overlays'), 'first_empty' => true, 'options' => array('richtext' => __('Rich Text Editor'), 'image' => __('Image', 'fm-overlays')))), 'richtext_content' => new Fieldmanager_RichTextArea(array('label' => __('Rich Text Content', 'fm-overlays'), 'display_if' => array('src' => 'content_type_select', 'value' => 'richtext'))), 'image_link' => new Fieldmanager_Link(array('label' => __('Image Link', 'fm-overlays'), 'display_if' => array('src' => 'content_type_select', 'value' => 'image'))), 'image_link_target' => new Fieldmanager_Checkbox(array('label' => __('Open in New Window', 'fm-overlays'), 'display_if' => array('src' => 'content_type_select', 'value' => 'image'))), 'image_id' => new Fieldmanager_Media(array('label' => __('Image Content', 'fm-overlays'), 'display_if' => array('src' => 'content_type_select', 'value' => 'image'))))));
     $fm->add_meta_box(__('Overlay content', 'fm-overlays'), $this->post_type, 'normal', 'high');
     // Conditionals
     $fm = new Fieldmanager_Group(array('name' => 'fm_overlays_conditionals', 'collapsible' => true, 'sortable' => true, 'limit' => 0, 'label' => __('Condition', 'fm-overlays'), 'add_more_label' => __('Add another condition', 'fm-overlays'), 'extra_elements' => 0, 'children' => array('condition_select' => new Fieldmanager_Select(array('attributes' => array('conditional' => 'labels'), 'options' => array('is_home' => __('Is Home', 'fm-overlays'), 'is_front_page' => __('Is Front Page', 'fm-overlays'), 'is_category' => __('Is Category', 'fm-overlays'), 'has_category' => __('Has Category', 'fm-overlays'), 'is_single' => __('Is Single', 'fm-overlays'), 'is_page' => __('Is Page', 'fm-overlays'), 'is_tag' => __('Is Tag', 'fm-overlays'), 'has_tag' => __('Has Tag', 'fm-overlays')))), 'condition_argument_category' => new Fieldmanager_Autocomplete(array('display_if' => array('src' => 'condition_select', 'value' => 'is_category,has_category'), 'label' => __('Specific Category (Leave blank for any category)', 'fm-overlays'), 'datasource' => new Fieldmanager_Datasource_Term(array('taxonomy' => 'category')))), 'condition_argument_tag' => new Fieldmanager_Autocomplete(array('display_if' => array('src' => 'condition_select', 'value' => 'is_tag,has_tag'), 'label' => __('Specific tag (Leave blank for any tag)', 'fm-overlays'), 'datasource' => new Fieldmanager_Datasource_Term(array('taxonomy' => 'post_tag')))), 'condition_argument_single' => new Fieldmanager_Autocomplete(array('display_if' => array('src' => 'condition_select', 'value' => 'is_single'), 'label' => __('Specific post (Leave blank for any single post)', 'fm-overlays'), 'datasource' => new Fieldmanager_Datasource_Post(array('query_args' => array('post_type' => 'post'))))), 'condition_argument_page' => new Fieldmanager_Autocomplete(array('display_if' => array('src' => 'condition_select', 'value' => 'is_page'), 'label' => __('Specific page (Leave blank for any WP page)', 'fm-overlays'), 'datasource' => new Fieldmanager_Datasource_Post(array('query_args' => array('post_type' => 'page'))))), 'condition_negation' => new Fieldmanager_Checkbox(array('label_after_element' => false, 'label' => __('Not this condition', 'fm-overlays'), 'checked_value' => 'negated', 'default_value' => '0')))));
     $fm->add_meta_box(__('Use these fields to determine on which pages this overlay will appear.', 'fm-overlays'), $this->post_type, 'normal', 'high');
  * Add the ad layer priority management page.
  * @access public
 public function add_settings_pages()
     if (!class_exists('Fieldmanager_Field')) {
     $fm_priority = new Fieldmanager_Group(array('name' => 'ad_layers', 'sortable' => true, 'collapsible' => true, 'collapsed' => true, 'limit' => 0, 'extra_elements' => 0, 'label' => __('Ad Layer', 'ad-layers'), 'label_macro' => array(__('%s', 'ad-layers'), 'title'), 'children' => array('post_id' => new Fieldmanager_Hidden(), 'title' => new Fieldmanager_Textfield(array('label' => __('Title', 'ad-layers'), 'attributes' => array('readonly' => 'readonly'))))));
     $fm_priority->add_submenu_page(Ad_Layers::instance()->get_edit_link(), __('Layer Priority', 'ad-layers'));
     $fm_custom = new Fieldmanager_Textfield(array('name' => 'ad_layers_custom_variables', 'limit' => 0, 'extra_elements' => 0, 'one_label_per_item' => false, 'label' => __('Add one or more custom variables for targeting.', 'ad-layers'), 'add_more_label' => __('Add a custom variable', 'ad-layers')));
     $fm_custom->add_submenu_page(Ad_Layers::instance()->get_edit_link(), __('Custom Variables', 'ad-layers'));
 public function init()
     $months = array('January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December');
     $fm = new Fieldmanager_Group(array('name' => 'meta_fields', 'children' => array('text' => new Fieldmanager_Textfield('Text Field'), 'autocomplete' => new Fieldmanager_Autocomplete('Autocomplete', array('datasource' => new Fieldmanager_Datasource_Post())), 'local_data' => new Fieldmanager_Autocomplete('Autocomplete without ajax', array('datasource' => new Fieldmanager_Datasource(array('options' => $months)))), 'textarea' => new Fieldmanager_TextArea('TextArea'), 'media' => new Fieldmanager_Media('Media File'), 'checkbox' => new Fieldmanager_Checkbox('Checkbox'), 'radios' => new Fieldmanager_Radios('Radio Buttons', array('options' => array('One', 'Two', 'Three'))), 'select' => new Fieldmanager_Select('Select Dropdown', array('options' => array('One', 'Two', 'Three'))), 'richtextarea' => new Fieldmanager_RichTextArea('Rich Text Area'))));
     $fm->add_user_form('Meta Fields');
     $fm = new Fieldmanager_Group(array('name' => 'repeatable_meta_fields', 'limit' => 0, 'add_more_label' => 'Add another set of fields', 'sortable' => true, 'label' => 'Fields', 'children' => array('text' => new Fieldmanager_Textfield('Text Field'), 'autocomplete' => new Fieldmanager_Autocomplete('Autocomplete', array('datasource' => new Fieldmanager_Datasource_Post())), 'local_data' => new Fieldmanager_Autocomplete('Autocomplete without ajax', array('datasource' => new Fieldmanager_Datasource(array('options' => $months)))), 'textarea' => new Fieldmanager_TextArea('TextArea'), 'media' => new Fieldmanager_Media('Media File'), 'checkbox' => new Fieldmanager_Checkbox('Checkbox'), 'radios' => new Fieldmanager_Radios('Radio Buttons', array('options' => array('One', 'Two', 'Three'))), 'select' => new Fieldmanager_Select('Select Dropdown', array('options' => array('One', 'Two', 'Three'))), 'richtextarea' => new Fieldmanager_RichTextArea('Rich Text Area'))));
     $fm->add_user_form('Meta Boxes');
     $fm = new Fieldmanager_Group(array('name' => 'repeatable_meta_boxes', 'limit' => 0, 'add_more_label' => 'Add another Meta Box', 'sortable' => true, 'label' => 'Meta Box', 'children' => array('repeatable_group' => new Fieldmanager_Group(array('limit' => 0, 'add_more_label' => 'Add another set of fields', 'sortable' => true, 'label' => 'Fields', 'children' => array('text' => new Fieldmanager_Textfield('Text Field'), 'autocomplete' => new Fieldmanager_Autocomplete('Autocomplete', array('datasource' => new Fieldmanager_Datasource_Post())), 'local_data' => new Fieldmanager_Autocomplete('Autocomplete without ajax', array('datasource' => new Fieldmanager_Datasource(array('options' => $months)))), 'textarea' => new Fieldmanager_TextArea('TextArea'), 'media' => new Fieldmanager_Media('Media File'), 'checkbox' => new Fieldmanager_Checkbox('Checkbox'), 'radios' => new Fieldmanager_Radios('Radio Buttons', array('options' => array('One', 'Two', 'Three'))), 'select' => new Fieldmanager_Select('Select Dropdown', array('options' => array('One', 'Two', 'Three'))), 'richtextarea' => new Fieldmanager_RichTextArea('Rich Text Area')))))));
     $fm->add_user_form('Meta Boxes of Met aBoxes');
  * Activate stuff and options.
  * Create tables, register options, import templates.
  * @since    1.0.0
 public static function create_types()
      *  map_list custom post type
     register_post_type('map_list', array('labels' => array('name' => __('Map List'), 'singular_name' => __('Map List'), 'edit_item' => __('Edit Map List'), 'add_new_item' => __('Add Map List'), 'new_item' => __('New Map List'), 'add_new' => __('Add new Map List')), 'public' => true, 'has_archive' => true, 'menu_icon' => 'dashicons-location-alt', 'rewrite' => array('slug' => 'map_list'), 'supports' => array('title')));
     $fm = new Fieldmanager_Group(array('name' => 'contact_information', 'children' => array('name' => new Fieldmanager_Textfield('Name'), 'street' => new Fieldmanager_Textfield('Street'), 'city' => new Fieldmanager_Textfield('City'), 'county' => new Fieldmanager_Textfield('County'), 'stateprovince' => new Fieldmanager_Textfield('State Province'), 'postalcode' => new Fieldmanager_Textfield('Postal Code'), 'country' => new Fieldmanager_Textfield('Country'), 'phone' => new Fieldmanager_Textfield('Phone'), 'fax' => new Fieldmanager_Textfield('Fax'), 'email' => new Fieldmanager_Textfield('E-Mail'), 'url' => new Fieldmanager_Textfield('Url'), 'contact' => new Fieldmanager_Textfield('Contact Name'), 'areas' => new Fieldmanager_Textfield('Practice Areas'))));
     $fm->add_meta_box('Contact Information', array('map_list'));
     $fmc = new Fieldmanager_Group(array('name' => 'map_coordinates', 'children' => array('latitude' => new Fieldmanager_Textfield('Latitude'), 'longitude' => new Fieldmanager_Textfield('Longitude'))));
     $fmc->add_meta_box('Map Coordinates', array('map_list'));
 public function init()
     $fm = new Fieldmanager_Media(false, array('name' => 'basic_media'));
     $fm->add_meta_box('Basic Media Field', 'demo-media');
     $fm = new Fieldmanager_Media(false, array('name' => 'media_options', 'description' => 'This field has four customizations: the button text above, the modal title, modal button label, and the preview image size', 'preview_size' => 'medium', 'label' => 'Modified Media Popup', 'button_label' => 'Modified Button Label', 'modal_button_label' => 'Modified Modal Button', 'modal_title' => 'Modified Modal Title'));
     $fm->add_meta_box('Media field with options', 'demo-media');
     $fm = new Fieldmanager_Group(array('name' => 'repeatable_media', 'limit' => 0, 'add_more_label' => 'Add another field', 'sortable' => true, 'label' => 'Field', 'children' => array('media_field' => new Fieldmanager_Media('Repeatable Field'))));
     $fm->add_meta_box('Repeatable Media Fields', 'demo-media');
     $fm = new Fieldmanager_Media(false, array('name' => 'sidebar_media'));
     $fm->add_meta_box('Sidebar Media Field', 'demo-media', 'side');
     $fm = new Fieldmanager_Group(array('name' => 'sidebar_repeatable_media', 'limit' => 0, 'add_more_label' => 'Add another field', 'sortable' => true, 'label' => 'Field', 'children' => array('media_field' => new Fieldmanager_Media('Repeatable Field'))));
     $fm->add_meta_box('Sidebar Repeatable Media Fields', 'demo-media', 'side');
 public function init()
     $fm = new Fieldmanager_Radios(false, array('name' => 'basic_radios', 'options' => array('One', 'Two', 'Three')));
     $fm->add_meta_box('Basic Radio Field', 'demo-radio');
     $fm = new Fieldmanager_Radios(false, array('name' => 'radio_options', 'default_value' => '2', 'options' => array(1 => 'One', 2 => 'Two', 3 => 'Three')));
     $fm->add_meta_box('Radio field with options', 'demo-radio');
     $fm = new Fieldmanager_Group(array('name' => 'repeatable_radios', 'limit' => 0, 'add_more_label' => 'Add another field', 'sortable' => true, 'label' => 'Field', 'children' => array('radio_field' => new Fieldmanager_Radios('Repeatable Field', array('options' => array('One', 'Two', 'Three'))))));
     $fm->add_meta_box('Repeatable Radio Fields', 'demo-radio');
     $fm = new Fieldmanager_Radios(false, array('name' => 'sidebar_radios', 'options' => array('One', 'Two', 'Three')));
     $fm->add_meta_box('Sidebar Radio Field', 'demo-radio', 'side');
     $fm = new Fieldmanager_Group(array('name' => 'sidebar_repeatable_radios', 'limit' => 0, 'add_more_label' => 'Add another field', 'sortable' => true, 'label' => 'Field', 'children' => array('radio_field' => new Fieldmanager_Radios('Repeatable Field', array('options' => array('One', 'Two', 'Three'))))));
     $fm->add_meta_box('Sidebar Repeatable Radio Fields', 'demo-radio', 'side');
 public function init()
     $fm = new Fieldmanager_TextArea(false, array('name' => 'basic_textarea'));
     $fm->add_meta_box('Basic TextArea Field', 'demo-textarea');
     $fm = new Fieldmanager_TextArea(false, array('name' => 'textarea_options', 'default_value' => 'Some default text', 'attributes' => array('style' => 'width:100%')));
     $fm->add_meta_box('TextArea field with options', 'demo-textarea');
     $fm = new Fieldmanager_Group(array('name' => 'repeatable_textarea', 'limit' => 0, 'add_more_label' => 'Add another field', 'sortable' => true, 'label' => 'Field', 'children' => array('textarea_field' => new Fieldmanager_TextArea('Repeatable Field'))));
     $fm->add_meta_box('Repeatable TextArea Fields', 'demo-textarea');
     $fm = new Fieldmanager_TextArea(false, array('name' => 'sidebar_textarea'));
     $fm->add_meta_box('Sidebar TextArea Field', 'demo-textarea', 'side');
     $fm = new Fieldmanager_Group(array('name' => 'sidebar_repeatable_textarea', 'limit' => 0, 'add_more_label' => 'Add another field', 'sortable' => true, 'label' => 'Field', 'children' => array('textarea_field' => new Fieldmanager_TextArea('Repeatable Field'))));
     $fm->add_meta_box('Sidebar Repeatable TextArea Fields', 'demo-textarea', 'side');
 public function init()
     $fm = new Fieldmanager_Select('Basic Select', array('name' => 'basic_select', 'options' => array('One', 'Two', 'Three')));
     $fm->add_meta_box('Basic Select Field', 'demo-select');
     $fm = new Fieldmanager_Group(array('name' => 'select_assorted', 'children' => array('first_empty' => new Fieldmanager_Select(array('label' => 'First Empty', 'first_empty' => true, 'options' => array(1 => 'One', 2 => 'Two', 3 => 'Three'), 'attributes' => array('style' => 'width:150px'))), 'first_instruct' => new Fieldmanager_Select(array('label' => 'First Instruction', 'options' => array('' => 'Choose one', 1 => 'One', 2 => 'Two', 3 => 'Three'), 'attributes' => array('style' => 'width:150px'))), 'default_set' => new Fieldmanager_Select(array('label' => 'Default Set', 'default_value' => '2', 'options' => array(1 => 'One', 2 => 'Two', 3 => 'Three'), 'attributes' => array('style' => 'width:150px'))), 'multiple' => new Fieldmanager_Select(array('label' => 'Multiple Select', 'options' => array(1 => 'One', 2 => 'Two', 3 => 'Three'), 'attributes' => array('multiple' => 'mutliple', 'style' => 'width:150px'))))));
     $fm->add_meta_box('Select Fields with Assorted Options', 'demo-select');
     $fm = new Fieldmanager_Group(array('name' => 'repeatable_select', 'limit' => 0, 'add_more_label' => 'Add another field', 'sortable' => true, 'label' => 'Field', 'children' => array('select_field' => new Fieldmanager_Select('Repeatable Field', array('options' => array('One', 'Two', 'Three'))))));
     $fm->add_meta_box('Repeatable Select Fields', 'demo-select');
     $fm = new Fieldmanager_Select('Basic Select', array('name' => 'sidebar_select', 'options' => array('One', 'Two', 'Three')));
     $fm->add_meta_box('Sidebar Select Field', 'demo-select', 'side');
     $fm = new Fieldmanager_Group(array('name' => 'sidebar_repeatable_select', 'limit' => 0, 'add_more_label' => 'Add another field', 'sortable' => true, 'label' => 'Field', 'children' => array('select_field' => new Fieldmanager_Select('Repeatable Field', array('options' => array('One', 'Two', 'Three'))))));
     $fm->add_meta_box('Sidebar Repeatable Select Fields', 'demo-select', 'side');
 public function init()
     $fm = new Fieldmanager_Textfield(array('name' => 'basic_text'));
     $fm->add_meta_box('Basic Text Field', 'demo-text');
     $fm = new Fieldmanager_Textfield(array('name' => 'repeating_text_field', 'label' => 'Text Field', 'limit' => 0, 'add_more_label' => 'Add another field', 'sortable' => true));
     $fm->add_meta_box('Repeating Standalone Text Field', 'demo-text');
     $fm = new Fieldmanager_Textfield(array('name' => 'text_options', 'default_value' => 'Some default text', 'attributes' => array('style' => 'width:100%')));
     $fm->add_meta_box('Text field with options', 'demo-text');
     $fm = new Fieldmanager_Textfield(array('name' => 'repeatable_text', 'limit' => 0, 'add_more_label' => 'Add another field', 'add_more_position' => 'top', 'sortable' => true, 'label' => 'Text Field'));
     $fm->add_meta_box('Repeatable text fields with new items at the top', 'demo-text');
     $fm = new Fieldmanager_Textfield(array('name' => 'sidebar_text'));
     $fm->add_meta_box('Sidebar Text Field', 'demo-text', 'side');
     $fm = new Fieldmanager_Group(array('name' => 'sidebar_repeatable_text', 'limit' => 0, 'add_more_label' => 'Add another field', 'sortable' => true, 'label' => 'Field', 'children' => array('text_field' => new Fieldmanager_Textfield('Repeatable Field'))));
     $fm->add_meta_box('Sidebar Repeatable Text Fields', 'demo-text', 'side');
 public function init()
     $fm = new Fieldmanager_RichTextArea(false, array('name' => 'basic_richtextarea'));
     $fm->add_meta_box('Basic RichTextArea', 'demo-richtextarea');
     $fm = new Fieldmanager_RichTextArea(false, array('name' => 'richtextarea_options', 'default_value' => '<h1>Some default text</h1>'));
     $fm->add_meta_box('RichTextArea with options', 'demo-richtextarea');
     $fm = new Fieldmanager_Group(array('name' => 'repeatable_richtextarea', 'limit' => 0, 'add_more_label' => 'Add another field', 'sortable' => true, 'collapsible' => true, 'label' => 'Field', 'children' => array('richtextarea_field' => new Fieldmanager_RichTextArea('Repeatable Field'))));
     $fm->add_meta_box('Repeatable RichTextAreas', 'demo-richtextarea');
     $fm = new Fieldmanager_Group(array('name' => 'collapsed_repeatable_richtextarea', 'limit' => 0, 'add_more_label' => 'Add another field', 'sortable' => true, 'collapsible' => true, 'collapsed' => true, 'label' => 'Field', 'children' => array('richtextarea_field' => new Fieldmanager_RichTextArea('Repeatable Field'))));
     $fm->add_meta_box('Collapsed Repeatable RichTextAreas', 'demo-richtextarea');
     $fm = new Fieldmanager_RichTextArea(false, array('name' => 'sidebar_richtextarea'));
     $fm->add_meta_box('Sidebar RichTextArea', 'demo-richtextarea', 'side');
     $fm = new Fieldmanager_Group(array('name' => 'sidebar_repeatable_richtextarea', 'limit' => 0, 'add_more_label' => 'Add another field', 'sortable' => true, 'collapsible' => true, 'label' => 'Field', 'children' => array('richtextarea_field' => new Fieldmanager_RichTextArea('Repeatable Field'))));
     $fm->add_meta_box('Sidebar Repeatable RichTextAreas', 'demo-richtextarea', 'side');
 public function init()
     $datasource_post = new Fieldmanager_Datasource_Post(array('query_args' => array('post_type' => 'post'), 'use_ajax' => false));
     $fm = new Fieldmanager_Group(array('name' => 'datasource_post', 'children' => array('autocomplete' => new Fieldmanager_Autocomplete('Autocomplete without ajax', array('datasource' => $datasource_post)), 'ajax' => new Fieldmanager_Autocomplete(array('label' => 'Autocomplete with ajax', 'datasource' => new Fieldmanager_Datasource_Post(array('query_args' => array('post_type' => 'post'))))), 'select' => new Fieldmanager_Select('Select', array('datasource' => $datasource_post)), 'radio' => new Fieldmanager_Radios('Radio', array('datasource' => $datasource_post)), 'checkboxes' => new Fieldmanager_Checkboxes('Checkboxes', array('datasource' => $datasource_post)))));
     $fm->add_meta_box('Post Datasource', 'demo-datasource');
     $datasource_term = new Fieldmanager_Datasource_Term(array('taxonomy' => 'category', 'taxonomy_save_to_terms' => false, 'use_ajax' => false));
     $fm = new Fieldmanager_Group(array('name' => 'datasource_term', 'children' => array('autocomplete' => new Fieldmanager_Autocomplete('Autocomplete without ajax', array('datasource' => $datasource_term)), 'ajax' => new Fieldmanager_Autocomplete(array('label' => 'Autocomplete with ajax', 'datasource' => new Fieldmanager_Datasource_Term(array('taxonomy' => 'category', 'taxonomy_save_to_terms' => false)))), 'select' => new Fieldmanager_Select('Select', array('datasource' => $datasource_term)), 'radio' => new Fieldmanager_Radios('Radio', array('datasource' => $datasource_term)), 'checkboxes' => new Fieldmanager_Checkboxes('Checkboxes', array('datasource' => $datasource_term)))));
     $fm->add_meta_box('Term Datasource', 'demo-datasource');
     $datasource_user = new Fieldmanager_Datasource_User(array('use_ajax' => false));
     $fm = new Fieldmanager_Group(array('name' => 'datasource_user', 'children' => array('autocomplete' => new Fieldmanager_Autocomplete('Autocomplete without ajax', array('datasource' => $datasource_user, 'description' => 'Search users by email address, URL, ID or username (this does not currently include display name)')), 'ajax' => new Fieldmanager_Autocomplete(array('label' => 'Autocomplete with ajax', 'datasource' => new Fieldmanager_Datasource_User())), 'select' => new Fieldmanager_Select('Select', array('datasource' => $datasource_user)), 'radio' => new Fieldmanager_Radios('Radio', array('datasource' => $datasource_user)), 'checkboxes' => new Fieldmanager_Checkboxes('Checkboxes', array('datasource' => $datasource_user)))));
     $fm->add_meta_box('User Datasource', 'demo-datasource');
     $datasource_custom = new Fieldmanager_Datasource(array('options' => array('January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December')));
     $fm = new Fieldmanager_Group(array('name' => 'datasource_custom', 'children' => array('autocomplete' => new Fieldmanager_Autocomplete('Autocomplete without ajax', array('datasource' => $datasource_custom)), 'ajax' => new Fieldmanager_Autocomplete(array('label' => 'Autocomplete with ajax', 'datasource' => new Fieldmanager_Datasource(array('options' => array('January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December'), 'use_ajax' => true)))), 'select' => new Fieldmanager_Select('Select', array('datasource' => $datasource_custom)), 'radio' => new Fieldmanager_Radios('Radio', array('datasource' => $datasource_custom)), 'checkboxes' => new Fieldmanager_Checkboxes('Checkboxes', array('datasource' => $datasource_custom)))));
     $fm->add_meta_box('Custom Datasource', 'demo-datasource');
  * Takes $_POST data and saves it to, calling save_to_post_meta() once validation is passed
  * When using Fieldmanager as an API, do not call this function directly, call save_to_post_meta()
  * @param int $post_id
  * @return void
 public function save_fields_for_quickedit($post_id)
     // Make sure this field is attached to the post type being saved.
     if (!isset($_POST['post_type']) || defined('DOING_AUTOSAVE') && DOING_AUTOSAVE || $_POST['action'] != 'inline-save') {
     $use_this_post_type = false;
     foreach ($this->post_types as $type) {
         if ($type == $_POST['post_type']) {
             $use_this_post_type = true;
     if (!$use_this_post_type) {
     // Ensure that the nonce is set and valid
     if (!$this->is_valid_nonce()) {
     // Make sure the current user can save this post
     if ($_POST['post_type'] == 'post') {
         if (!current_user_can('edit_post', $post_id)) {
             $this->fm->_unauthorized_access(__('User cannot edit this post', 'fieldmanager'));
 public function init()
     $months = array('January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December');
     $fm = new Fieldmanager_Group(array('name' => 'meta_fields', 'children' => array('text' => new Fieldmanager_Textfield('Text Field'), 'autocomplete' => new Fieldmanager_Autocomplete('Autocomplete', array('datasource' => new Fieldmanager_Datasource_Post())), 'local_data' => new Fieldmanager_Autocomplete('Autocomplete without ajax', array('datasource' => new Fieldmanager_Datasource(array('options' => $months)))), 'textarea' => new Fieldmanager_TextArea('TextArea'), 'media' => new Fieldmanager_Media('Media File'), 'checkbox' => new Fieldmanager_Checkbox('Checkbox'), 'radios' => new Fieldmanager_Radios('Radio Buttons', array('options' => array('One', 'Two', 'Three'))), 'select' => new Fieldmanager_Select('Select Dropdown', array('options' => array('One', 'Two', 'Three'))), 'richtextarea' => new Fieldmanager_RichTextArea('Rich Text Area'))));
     $fm->add_meta_box('Single-Level Group', 'demo-group');
     $fm = new Fieldmanager_Group(array('name' => 'tabbed_meta_fields', 'tabbed' => true, 'children' => array('tab-1' => new Fieldmanager_Group(array('label' => 'Tab One', 'children' => array('text' => new Fieldmanager_Textfield('Text Field'), 'autocomplete' => new Fieldmanager_Autocomplete('Autocomplete', array('datasource' => new Fieldmanager_Datasource_Post())), 'local_data' => new Fieldmanager_Autocomplete('Autocomplete without ajax', array('datasource' => new Fieldmanager_Datasource(array('options' => $months))))))), 'tab-2' => new Fieldmanager_Group(array('label' => 'Tab Two', 'children' => array('textarea' => new Fieldmanager_TextArea('TextArea'), 'media' => new Fieldmanager_Media('Media File')))), 'tab-3' => new Fieldmanager_Group(array('label' => 'Tab Three', 'children' => array('checkbox' => new Fieldmanager_Checkbox('Checkbox'), 'radios' => new Fieldmanager_Radios('Radio Buttons', array('options' => array('One', 'Two', 'Three'))), 'select' => new Fieldmanager_Select('Select Dropdown', array('options' => array('One', 'Two', 'Three')))))), 'tab-4' => new Fieldmanager_Group(array('label' => 'Tab Four', 'children' => array('richtextarea' => new Fieldmanager_RichTextArea('Rich Text Area')))))));
     $fm->add_meta_box('Tabbed Group', 'demo-group');
     $fm = new Fieldmanager_Group(array('name' => 'vertical_tabbed_meta_fields', 'tabbed' => 'vertical', 'children' => array('tab-1' => new Fieldmanager_Group(array('label' => 'Tab One', 'children' => array('text' => new Fieldmanager_Textfield('Text Field'), 'autocomplete' => new Fieldmanager_Autocomplete('Autocomplete', array('datasource' => new Fieldmanager_Datasource_Post())), 'local_data' => new Fieldmanager_Autocomplete('Autocomplete without ajax', array('datasource' => new Fieldmanager_Datasource(array('options' => $months))))))), 'tab-2' => new Fieldmanager_Group(array('label' => 'Tab Two', 'children' => array('textarea' => new Fieldmanager_TextArea('TextArea'), 'media' => new Fieldmanager_Media('Media File')))), 'tab-3' => new Fieldmanager_Group(array('label' => 'Tab Three', 'children' => array('checkbox' => new Fieldmanager_Checkbox('Checkbox'), 'radios' => new Fieldmanager_Radios('Radio Buttons', array('options' => array('One', 'Two', 'Three'))), 'select' => new Fieldmanager_Select('Select Dropdown', array('options' => array('One', 'Two', 'Three')))))), 'tab-4' => new Fieldmanager_Group(array('label' => 'Tab Four', 'children' => array('richtextarea' => new Fieldmanager_RichTextArea('Rich Text Area')))))));
     $fm->add_meta_box('Vertical Tabbed Group', 'demo-group');
     $fm = new Fieldmanager_Group(array('name' => 'repeatable_meta_fields', 'limit' => 0, 'add_more_label' => 'Add another set of fields', 'sortable' => true, 'collapsible' => true, 'label' => 'Fields', 'children' => array('text' => new Fieldmanager_Textfield('Text Field'), 'autocomplete' => new Fieldmanager_Autocomplete('Autocomplete', array('datasource' => new Fieldmanager_Datasource_Post())), 'local_data' => new Fieldmanager_Autocomplete('Autocomplete without ajax', array('datasource' => new Fieldmanager_Datasource(array('options' => $months)))), 'textarea' => new Fieldmanager_TextArea('TextArea'), 'media' => new Fieldmanager_Media('Media File'), 'checkbox' => new Fieldmanager_Checkbox('Checkbox'), 'radios' => new Fieldmanager_Radios('Radio Buttons', array('options' => array('One', 'Two', 'Three'))), 'select' => new Fieldmanager_Select('Select Dropdown', array('options' => array('One', 'Two', 'Three'))), 'richtextarea' => new Fieldmanager_RichTextArea('Rich Text Area'))));
     $fm->add_meta_box('Two-Level Group', 'demo-group');
     $fm = new Fieldmanager_Group(array('name' => 'repeatable_meta_boxes', 'limit' => 0, 'add_more_label' => 'Add another Meta Box', 'sortable' => true, 'collapsible' => true, 'label' => 'Meta Box', 'children' => array('repeatable_group' => new Fieldmanager_Group(array('limit' => 0, 'add_more_label' => 'Add another set of fields', 'sortable' => true, 'collapsible' => true, 'label' => 'Fields', 'children' => array('text' => new Fieldmanager_Textfield('Text Field'), 'autocomplete' => new Fieldmanager_Autocomplete('Autocomplete', array('datasource' => new Fieldmanager_Datasource_Post())), 'local_data' => new Fieldmanager_Autocomplete('Autocomplete without ajax', array('datasource' => new Fieldmanager_Datasource(array('options' => $months)))), 'textarea' => new Fieldmanager_TextArea('TextArea'), 'media' => new Fieldmanager_Media('Media File'), 'checkbox' => new Fieldmanager_Checkbox('Checkbox'), 'radios' => new Fieldmanager_Radios('Radio Buttons', array('options' => array('One', 'Two', 'Three'))), 'select' => new Fieldmanager_Select('Select Dropdown', array('options' => array('One', 'Two', 'Three'))), 'richtextarea' => new Fieldmanager_RichTextArea('Rich Text Area')))))));
     $fm->add_meta_box('Three-Level Group', 'demo-group');
     $fm = new Fieldmanager_Group(array('name' => 'sidebar_meta_fields', 'children' => array('text' => new Fieldmanager_Textfield('Text Field'), 'autocomplete' => new Fieldmanager_Autocomplete('Autocomplete', array('datasource' => new Fieldmanager_Datasource_Post())), 'local_data' => new Fieldmanager_Autocomplete('Autocomplete without ajax', array('datasource' => new Fieldmanager_Datasource(array('options' => $months)))), 'textarea' => new Fieldmanager_TextArea('TextArea'), 'media' => new Fieldmanager_Media('Media File'), 'checkbox' => new Fieldmanager_Checkbox('Checkbox'), 'radios' => new Fieldmanager_Radios('Radio Buttons', array('options' => array('One', 'Two', 'Three'))), 'select' => new Fieldmanager_Select('Select Dropdown', array('options' => array('One', 'Two', 'Three'))), 'richtextarea' => new Fieldmanager_RichTextArea('Rich Text Area'))));
     $fm->add_meta_box('Sidebar Single-Level Group', 'demo-group', 'side');
     $fm = new Fieldmanager_Group(array('name' => 'sidebar_repeatable_meta_fields', 'limit' => 0, 'add_more_label' => 'Add another set of fields', 'sortable' => true, 'collapsible' => true, 'label' => 'Fields', 'children' => array('text' => new Fieldmanager_Textfield('Text Field'), 'autocomplete' => new Fieldmanager_Autocomplete('Autocomplete', array('datasource' => new Fieldmanager_Datasource_Post())), 'local_data' => new Fieldmanager_Autocomplete('Autocomplete without ajax', array('datasource' => new Fieldmanager_Datasource(array('options' => $months)))), 'textarea' => new Fieldmanager_TextArea('TextArea'), 'media' => new Fieldmanager_Media('Media File'), 'checkbox' => new Fieldmanager_Checkbox('Checkbox'), 'radios' => new Fieldmanager_Radios('Radio Buttons', array('options' => array('One', 'Two', 'Three'))), 'select' => new Fieldmanager_Select('Select Dropdown', array('options' => array('One', 'Two', 'Three'))), 'richtextarea' => new Fieldmanager_RichTextArea('Rich Text Area'))));
     $fm->add_meta_box('Sidebar Two-Level Group', 'demo-group', 'side');
     $fm = new Fieldmanager_Group(array('name' => 'sidebar_repeatable_meta_boxes', 'limit' => 0, 'add_more_label' => 'Add another Meta Box', 'sortable' => true, 'collapsible' => true, 'label' => 'Meta Box', 'children' => array('repeatable_group' => new Fieldmanager_Group(array('limit' => 0, 'add_more_label' => 'Add another set of fields', 'sortable' => true, 'collapsible' => true, 'label' => 'Fields', 'children' => array('text' => new Fieldmanager_Textfield('Text Field'), 'autocomplete' => new Fieldmanager_Autocomplete('Autocomplete', array('datasource' => new Fieldmanager_Datasource_Post())), 'local_data' => new Fieldmanager_Autocomplete('Autocomplete without ajax', array('datasource' => new Fieldmanager_Datasource(array('options' => $months)))), 'textarea' => new Fieldmanager_TextArea('TextArea'), 'media' => new Fieldmanager_Media('Media File'), 'checkbox' => new Fieldmanager_Checkbox('Checkbox'), 'radios' => new Fieldmanager_Radios('Radio Buttons', array('options' => array('One', 'Two', 'Three'))), 'select' => new Fieldmanager_Select('Select Dropdown', array('options' => array('One', 'Two', 'Three'))), 'richtextarea' => new Fieldmanager_RichTextArea('Rich Text Area')))))));
     $fm->add_meta_box('Sidebar Three-Level Group', 'demo-group', 'side');
  * Saves custom term fields
  * @access public
  * @param int $term_id
  * @param int $tt_id
  * @param string $taxonomy
  * @return void
 public function save_term_fields($term_id, $tt_id, $taxonomy)
     // Make sure this field is attached to the taxonomy being saved and this is the appropriate action
     if (!in_array($taxonomy, $this->taxonomies)) {
     // Make sure that our nonce field arrived intact
     if (!$this->is_valid_nonce()) {
     // Make sure the current user can save this post
     $tax_obj = get_taxonomy($taxonomy);
     if (!current_user_can($tax_obj->cap->manage_terms)) {
         $this->fm->_unauthorized_access(__('User cannot edit this term', 'fieldmanager'));
     // Save the data
     $this->save_to_term_meta($term_id, $taxonomy);
  * Takes $_POST data and saves it to, calling save_to_post_meta() once validation is passed
  * When using Fieldmanager as an API, do not call this function directly, call save_to_post_meta()
  * @param int $post_id
  * @return void
 public function save_fields_for_post($post_id)
     // Make sure this field is attached to the post type being saved.
     if (empty($_POST['post_ID']) || defined('DOING_AUTOSAVE') && DOING_AUTOSAVE || $_POST['action'] != 'editpost') {
     // Make sure this hook fired on the post being saved, not a side-effect post for which the $_POST context is invalid.
     if ($post_id !== absint($_POST['post_ID'])) {
     // Prevent saving the same post twice; FM does not yet use revisions.
     if (get_post_type($post_id) == 'revision') {
     // Make sure this post type is intended for handling by this FM context.
     if (!in_array(get_post_type($post_id), $this->post_types)) {
     // Do not handle quickedit in this context.
     if ($_POST['action'] == 'inline-save') {
     // Verify nonce is present and valid. If present but not valid, this
     // throws an exception, but if it's absent we can assume our data is
     // not present.
     if (!$this->is_valid_nonce()) {
     // Make sure the current user is authorized to save this post.
     if ($_POST['post_type'] == 'post') {
         if (!current_user_can('edit_post', $post_id)) {
             $this->fm->_unauthorized_access(__('User cannot edit this post', 'fieldmanager'));
 public function options_init()
     $fm = new Fieldmanager_Group(array('name' => 'option_fields', 'limit' => 0, 'add_more_label' => 'Add another Meta Box', 'sortable' => true, 'collapsible' => true, 'label' => 'Meta Box', 'children' => array('repeatable_group' => new Fieldmanager_Group(array('limit' => 0, 'add_more_label' => 'Add another set of fields', 'sortable' => true, 'label' => 'Fields', 'children' => array('text' => new Fieldmanager_Textfield('Text Field'), 'autocomplete' => new Fieldmanager_Autocomplete('Autocomplete', array('datasource' => new Fieldmanager_Datasource_Post())), 'local_data' => new Fieldmanager_Autocomplete('Autocomplete without ajax', array('datasource' => new Fieldmanager_Datasource(array('options' => $this->months)))), 'textarea' => new Fieldmanager_TextArea('TextArea'), 'media' => new Fieldmanager_Media('Media File'), 'checkbox' => new Fieldmanager_Checkbox('Checkbox'), 'radios' => new Fieldmanager_Radios('Radio Buttons', array('options' => array('One', 'Two', 'Three'))), 'select' => new Fieldmanager_Select('Select Dropdown', array('options' => array('One', 'Two', 'Three'))), 'richtextarea' => new Fieldmanager_RichTextArea('Rich Text Area')))))));
  * Add in a FM_Byline meta box w/ all it's bells and whistles
  * @param string $type
  * @param string. Optional label
  * @param array $args
 function add_byline_meta_box($type = 'author', $label = null, $args = array())
     if (is_admin()) {
         $context = fm_get_context();
         $fm_context = $context[0];
         $fm_context_type = $context[1];
         $label = empty($label) ? fm_bylines_wordify_slug($type) : $label;
         $defaults = array('name' => 'fm_bylines_' . sanitize_title_with_dashes($type), 'limit' => 0, 'add_more_label' => __('Add another', 'fm_bylines'), 'sortable' => true, 'label' => __('Name', 'fm_bylines'), 'children' => array('byline_id' => new Fieldmanager_Autocomplete(array('default_value' => null, 'datasource' => new Fieldmanager_Datasource_Post(array('query_args' => array('post_type' => $this->name, 'no_found_rows' => true, 'ignore_sticky_posts' => true, 'post_status' => 'publish', 'suppress_filters' => false))))), 'fm_byline_type' => new Fieldmanager_Hidden(array('default_value' => sanitize_title_with_dashes($type)))));
         $fm_byline_box = new Fieldmanager_Group(wp_parse_args($args, $defaults));
         if ('post' == $fm_context) {
             $fm_byline_box->add_meta_box($label, $fm_context_type, apply_filters('fm_bylines_' . sanitize_title_with_dashes($type) . '_filter_post_metabox_context', 'normal'), apply_filters('fm_bylines_' . sanitize_title_with_dashes($type) . '_filter_post_metabox_priority', 'default'));
         } elseif ('term' == $fm_context) {
             $fm_byline_box->add_term_form($label, $fm_context_type);
         } elseif ('submenu' == $fm_context) {
             fm_register_submenu_page('fm_bylines_' . sanitize_title_with_dashes($type), apply_filters('fm_bylines_' . sanitize_title_with_dashes($type) . '_filter_metabox_submenu', 'tools.php'), $label);
         } elseif ('user' == $fm_context) {
         } elseif ('quickedit' == $fm_context) {
             $fm_byline_box->add_quickedit_box($label, $fm_context_type, function ($post_id, $data) {
                 return !empty($data['fm_bylines_' . sanitize_title_with_dashes($type)]) ? $data['fm_bylines_' . sanitize_title_with_dashes($type)] : 'not set';
  * @expectedException FM_Exception
  * @expectedExceptionMessage submitted 5 values against a limit of 3
 public function test_limit_exceeded_exceptions()
     $test_data_too_many = array('test_element' => array(array('text' => 'a'), array('text' => 'b'), array('text' => 'c'), array('text' => 'd'), array('text' => 'e')));
     $field = new Fieldmanager_Group(array('name' => 'base_group', 'children' => array('test_element' => new Fieldmanager_Group(array('limit' => 3, 'children' => array('text' => new Fieldmanager_TextField(false)))))));
     $context = $field->add_meta_box('test meta box', $this->post);
     $context->save_to_post_meta($this->post_id, $test_data_too_many);
  * Adds the meta boxes required to manage an ad layer.
  * @param string|array $post_types
  * @param string $context
  * @param string $priority
 public function add_meta_boxes()
     if (!class_exists('Fieldmanager_Field')) {
     // Add ad units
     $ad_unit_args = array('name' => 'ad_layer_ad_units', 'limit' => 0, 'extra_elements' => 0, 'one_label_per_item' => false, 'sortable' => true, 'label' => __('Select one or more ad units.', 'ad-layers'), 'add_more_label' => __('Add an ad unit', 'ad-layers'), 'children' => array('ad_unit' => new Fieldmanager_Select(array('label' => __('Ad Unit', 'ad-layers'), 'options' => Ad_Layers_Ad_Server::instance()->get_ad_units())), 'do_not_render' => new Fieldmanager_Checkbox(__('Do not render the ad on load', 'ad-layers'))));
     $targeting_args = Ad_Layers_Ad_Server::instance()->get_custom_targeting_args('custom_targeting');
     if (!empty($targeting_args)) {
         $ad_unit_args['children']['custom_targeting'] = new Fieldmanager_Group(apply_filters('ad_layers_custom_targeting_ad_unit_args', $targeting_args));
     $fm_ad_units = new Fieldmanager_Group(apply_filters('ad_layers_ad_units_field_args', $ad_unit_args));
     $fm_ad_units->add_meta_box(__('Ad Units', 'ad-layers'), $this->post_type, 'normal', 'high');
     // Add page types
     $fm_page_types = new Fieldmanager_Select(apply_filters('ad_layers_page_types_field_args', array('name' => 'ad_layer_page_types', 'limit' => 0, 'extra_elements' => 0, 'one_label_per_item' => false, 'label' => __('Select one or more page types to be targeted with this ad layer.', 'ad-layers'), 'add_more_label' => __('Add a page type', 'ad-layers'), 'options' => Ad_Layers::instance()->get_page_types())));
     $fm_page_types->add_meta_box(__('Page Types', 'ad-layers'), $this->post_type, 'normal', 'high');
     // Add taxonomies
     $fm_taxonomies = new Fieldmanager_Select(apply_filters('ad_layers_taxonomies_field_args', array('name' => 'ad_layer_taxonomies', 'limit' => 0, 'extra_elements' => 0, 'one_label_per_item' => false, 'label' => __('Select one or more optional taxonomies for targeting. Posts with any term in these taxonomies will get the ad layer.', 'ad-layers'), 'add_more_label' => __('Add a taxonomy', 'ad-layers'), 'options' => Ad_Layers::instance()->get_taxonomies())));
     $fm_taxonomies->add_meta_box(__('Taxonomies', 'ad-layers'), $this->post_type, 'normal', 'high');
     // Add post types
     $fm_post_types = new Fieldmanager_Select(apply_filters('ad_layers_post_types_field_args', array('name' => 'ad_layer_post_types', 'limit' => 0, 'extra_elements' => 0, 'one_label_per_item' => false, 'label' => __('Select one or more optional post types for targeting. Any post of this type will get the ad layer.', 'ad-layers'), 'add_more_label' => __('Add a post type', 'ad-layers'), 'options' => Ad_Layers::instance()->get_post_types())));
     $fm_post_types->add_meta_box(__('Post Types', 'ad-layers'), $this->post_type, 'normal', 'high');
     // Custom targeting variables
     $targeting_args = Ad_Layers_Ad_Server::instance()->get_custom_targeting_args();
     if (!empty($targeting_args)) {
         $fm_custom = new Fieldmanager_Group(apply_filters('ad_layers_custom_targeting_field_args', $targeting_args));
         $fm_custom->add_meta_box(__('Page Level Custom Targeting', 'ad-layers'), $this->post_type, 'normal', 'low');
  * Test behavior when only saving to taxonomy within a group set to not use
  * serialized meta.
  * @group serialize_data
 public function test_group_datasource_term_save_only_tax_with_unseriaized_data()
     $this->assertCount(0, wp_get_post_terms($this->post->ID, $this->term->taxonomy, array('fields' => 'names')));
     $args = array('name' => 'base_group', 'serialize_data' => false, 'children' => array('test_basic' => new Fieldmanager_TextField(), 'test_datasource' => new Fieldmanager_Autocomplete(array('datasource' => new Fieldmanager_Datasource_Term(array('taxonomy' => $this->term->taxonomy, 'only_save_to_taxonomy' => true))))));
     $data = array('test_basic' => rand_str(), 'test_datasource' => $this->term->term_id);
     $base = new Fieldmanager_Group($args);
     $base->add_meta_box('test meta box', 'post')->save_to_post_meta($this->post->ID, $data);
     $this->assertSame($data['test_basic'], get_post_meta($this->post->ID, 'base_group_test_basic', true));
     $this->assertSame(array(), get_post_meta($this->post->ID, 'base_group_test_datasource', true));
     $this->assertSame(array($this->term->term_id), wp_get_post_terms($this->post->ID, $this->term->taxonomy, array('fields' => 'ids')));
     wp_set_object_terms($this->post->ID, null, 'post_tag');
     $base = new Fieldmanager_Group(array_merge($args, array('add_to_prefix' => false)));
     $base->add_meta_box('test meta box', 'post')->save_to_post_meta($this->post->ID, $data);
     $this->assertSame($data['test_basic'], get_post_meta($this->post->ID, 'test_basic', true));
     $this->assertSame(array(), get_post_meta($this->post->ID, 'test_datasource', true));
     $this->assertSame(array($this->term->term_id), wp_get_post_terms($this->post->ID, $this->term->taxonomy, array('fields' => 'ids')));
 public function init()
     $fm = new Fieldmanager_Group(array('name' => 'repeatable_text', 'description' => '<hr />Psst... There is also a hidden field in this meta box with a set value.', 'children' => array('password_field' => new Fieldmanager_Password('Password Field'), 'hidden_field' => new Fieldmanager_Hidden('Hidden Field', array('default_value' => 'Fieldmanager was here')), 'link_field' => new Fieldmanager_Link('Link Field', array('description' => 'This is a text field that sanitizes the value as a URL')), 'date_field' => new Fieldmanager_Datepicker('Datepicker Field'), 'date_customized_field' => new Fieldmanager_Datepicker(array('label' => 'Datepicker Field with Options', 'date_format' => 'Y-m-d', 'use_time' => true, 'js_opts' => array('dateFormat' => 'yy-mm-dd', 'changeMonth' => true, 'changeYear' => true, 'minDate' => '2010-01-01', 'maxDate' => '2015-12-31'))))));
     $fm->add_meta_box('Miscellaneous Fields', 'demo-misc');
 public function test_textfield_zero_input_in_repeating_group()
     $save_data = array(array('a' => '1'), array('a' => '0'), array('a' => ''), array('a' => '2'));
     $stored_data = array(array('a' => '1'), array('a' => '0'), array('a' => '2'));
     $group = new Fieldmanager_Group(array('name' => 'group', 'limit' => 0, 'children' => array('a' => new Fieldmanager_Textfield())));
     $group->add_meta_box('group', $this->post->ID)->save_to_post_meta($this->post->ID, $save_data);
     $this->assertEquals($stored_data, get_post_meta($this->post->ID, 'group', true));
Example #30
function hsinsider_fm_school_info()
    $fm = new Fieldmanager_Group(array('name' => 'school_info', 'children' => array('address' => new Fieldmanager_Textfield('Address', array('name' => 'address', 'attributes' => array('placeholder' => '202 W 1st St. Los Angeles, CA 90012'))), 'logo' => new Fieldmanager_Media('Logo'))));
    $fm->add_term_form('School Info', 'school');