  * function to get the prospect lost to competitor by competitor name
  * @param string $where
  * @param integer $iduser
  * @param integer $date_filter_type
  * @param string $start_date
  * @param string $date_end
  * @return array
 public function get_prospect_lost_to_competitor($where = '', $iduser = 0, $date_filter_type = 15, $start_date = '', $end_date = '')
     if ($where == '') {
         if ((int) $iduser == 0) {
             $iduser = $_SESSION["do_user"]->iduser;
         $where = '';
         $user_where = $this->get_report_where($iduser, 'p', 'ptg');
         $date_where = $this->get_date_filter_where('p', 'expected_closing_date', $date_filter_type, $start_date = '', $end_date = '');
         $where = $user_where . $date_where;
     $qry = "\n\t\tselect p.competitor_name,sum(p.amount) as amount\n\t\tfrom potentials p\n\t\tleft join pot_to_grp_rel ptg on ptg.idpotentials = p.idpotentials\n\t\twhere p.deleted = 0\n\t\tand p.sales_stage = 'Close Lost'\n\t\tand p.lost_reason = 'Lost To Competitor'\n\t\t{$where}\n\t\tgroup by p.competitor_name\n\t\t";
     $return_array = array();
     $grand_total = 0.0;
     if ($this->getNumRows() > 0) {
         while ($this->next()) {
             $return_array[$this->competitor_name . ' - ' . FieldType30::display_value($this->amount)] = $this->amount;
             $grand_total += $this->amount;
     return array("data" => $return_array, "grand_total" => $grand_total);
  * event function to add the invoice payment 
  * @param object $evctl
 public function eventAjaxAddInvoicePayment(EventControler $evctl)
     $err = false;
     $error_code = 0;
     if (trim($evctl->payment_date) == '') {
         $err = true;
         $error_code = 1;
     } elseif (trim($evctl->ref_num) == '') {
         $err = true;
         $error_code = 2;
     } elseif ((int) FieldType30::convert_before_save(trim($evctl->amount)) == 0) {
         $err = true;
         $error_code = 3;
     } elseif (true === $this->is_payment_more_than_due($evctl->idinvoice, FieldType30::convert_before_save(trim($evctl->amount)))) {
         $err = true;
         $error_code = 4;
     if (true === $err) {
         echo $error_code;
     } else {
         $payment_date = FieldType9::convert_before_save($evctl->payment_date);
         $payment_mode = $evctl->payment_mode;
         $amount = FieldType30::convert_before_save($evctl->amount);
         $ref_num = CommonUtils::purify_input($evctl->ref_num);
         $additional_note = CommonUtils::purify_input($evctl->additional_note);
         $idinvoice = (int) $evctl->idinvoice;
         // add to paymentlog
         $do_paymentlog = new Paymentlog();
         $do_paymentlog->date_added = $payment_date;
         $do_paymentlog->amount = $amount;
         $do_paymentlog->ref_num = $ref_num;
         $do_paymentlog->idpayment_mode = $payment_mode;
         $idpaymentlog = $do_paymentlog->getInsertId();
         // add to invoice payment
         $this->idinvoice = $idinvoice;
         $this->idpaymentlog = $idpaymentlog;
         $this->additional_note = $additional_note;
         $this->iduser = $_SESSION["do_user"]->iduser;
         $qry = "\n\t\t\tselect * from `payment_mode` where `idpayment_mode` = ?\n\t\t\t";
         $stmt = $this->getDbConnection()->executeQuery($qry, array($evctl->payment_mode));
         $data = $stmt->fetch();
         $payment_mode_name = $data['mode_name'];
         $html = '';
         $html .= '<tr>';
         $html .= '<td>' . FieldType9::display_value($payment_date) . '</td>';
         $html .= '<td>' . FieldType30::display_value($amount) . '</td>';
         $html .= '<td>' . FieldType1::display_value($ref_num) . '</td>';
         $html .= '<td>' . FieldType1::display_value($payment_mode_name) . '</td>';
         $html .= '<td>' . _('charge') . '</td>';
         $html .= '<td>' . nl2br($additional_note) . '</td>';
         $html .= '</tr>';
         $invoice_payments = new InvoicePayments();
         $due_amount = FieldType30::display_value($invoice_payments->get_due_amount($idinvoice));
         echo json_encode(array('html' => $html, 'due_amount' => $due_amount));
     * function to generate inventory (quote,invoice,sales order,purchase order) PDF
     * @param integer $idquotes
     * @param boolean $save
     * @see http://www.mpdf1.com/mpdf/index.php
    public function generate_inventory_pdf($idrecord, $idmodule, $save = false)
        include_once BASE_PATH . THIRD_PARTY_LIB_PATH . "/mpdf/mpdf.php";
        //echo BASE_PATH.THIRD_PARTY_LIB_PATH ;exit;
        $pdf = new \mPDF();
        $crm_global_settings = new \CRMGlobalSettings();
        if ($idmodule == 13) {
            $obj = new \Quotes();
            $prefix = $crm_global_settings->get_setting_data_by_name('quote_num_prefix');
            $inventory_type = _('QUOTE');
            $inv = 'q';
            $inv_number_fld = 'quote_number';
            $inv_date_fld = 'valid_till';
            $file_name = 'Quote_' . $prefix . $obj->quote_number . '.pdf';
            $inventory_number = _('Quote #');
        } elseif ($idmodule == 14) {
            $obj = new \SalesOrder();
            $prefix = $crm_global_settings->get_setting_data_by_name('salesorder_num_prefix');
            $inventory_type = _('SALES ORDER');
            $inv = 'so';
            $inv_number_fld = 'sales_order_number';
            $inv_date_fld = 'due_date';
            $file_name = 'SalesOrder_' . $prefix . $obj->sales_order_number . '.pdf';
            $inventory_number = _('Sales Order #');
        } elseif ($idmodule == 15) {
            $obj = new \Invoice();
            $prefix = $crm_global_settings->get_setting_data_by_name('invoice_num_prefix');
            $inventory_type = _('INVOICE');
            $inv = 'inv';
            $inv_number_fld = 'invoice_number';
            $inv_date_fld = 'due_date';
            $file_name = 'Invoice_' . $prefix . $obj->invoice_number . '.pdf';
            $inventory_number = _('Invoice #');
        } elseif ($idmodule == 16) {
            $obj = new \PurchaseOrder();
            $prefix = $crm_global_settings->get_setting_data_by_name('purchaseorder_num_prefix');
            $inventory_type = _('PURCHASE ORDER');
            $inv = 'po';
            $inv_number_fld = 'po_number';
            $inv_date_fld = 'due_date';
            $file_name = 'PurchaseOrder_' . $prefix . $obj->po_number . '.pdf';
            $inventory_number = _('Purchase Order #');
        $inventory_logo = $crm_global_settings->get_setting_data_by_name('inventory_logo');
        $company_address = $crm_global_settings->get_setting_data_by_name('company_address');
        $do_lineitems = new \Lineitems();
        $do_lineitems->get_line_items($idmodule, $idrecord);
        $lineitems = array();
        if ($do_lineitems->getNumRows() > 0) {
            while ($do_lineitems->next()) {
                $lineitems[] = array("idlineitems" => $do_lineitems->idlineitems, "item_type" => $do_lineitems->item_type, "item_name" => $do_lineitems->item_name, "item_value" => $do_lineitems->item_value, "item_description" => $do_lineitems->item_description, "item_quantity" => $do_lineitems->item_quantity, "item_price" => $do_lineitems->item_price, "discount_type" => $do_lineitems->discount_type, "discount_value" => $do_lineitems->discount_value, "discounted_amount" => $do_lineitems->discounted_amount, "tax_values" => $do_lineitems->tax_values, "taxed_amount" => $do_lineitems->taxed_amount, "total_after_discount" => $do_lineitems->total_after_discount, "total_after_tax" => $do_lineitems->total_after_tax, "net_total" => $do_lineitems->net_total);
        $html = '';
        if (is_array($lineitems) && count($lineitems) > 0) {
            //--load the stylesheet
            $stylesheet = file_get_contents(BASE_PATH . '/themes/custom-css/inventory_export.css');
            $pdf->WriteHTML($stylesheet, 1);
            $html .= '
				<div class="inv_wrapper">
					<h1 class="inv_heading">' . $inventory_type . '</h1>
					<div class="inv_address_wrapper">
						<p class="inv_address_section">
							<span class="inv_address_to_from">FROM:</span><br>
							' . nl2br($company_address) . '
					<div class="inv_company_address_wrapper">
						<img class="inv_company_address_logo" src="' . $GLOBALS['FILE_UPLOAD_DISPLAY_PATH'] . '/' . $inventory_logo . '">
				<div style="clear:both;"></div>
				<div class="inv_wrapper">
				<div class="inv_address_wrapper">
					<p class="inv_address_section">
						<span class="inv_address_to_from">To:</span><br>' . $this->generate_to_address($obj, $inv) . '
				<div class="inv_brief_section">
					<table class="inv_brief_section_table">
							<th class="inv_brief_section_table_heading">
								<span>' . $inventory_number . '</span>
							<td class="inv_brief_section_table_content">
								<span>' . $prefix . $obj->{$inv_number_fld} . '</span>
							<th class="inv_brief_section_table_heading">
							<td class="inv_brief_section_table_content">
								<span>' . \FieldType9::display_value($obj->{$inv_date_fld}) . '</span>
							<th class="inv_brief_section_table_heading">
								<span>Amount Due</span>
							<td class="inv_brief_section_table_content">
								<span>' . \FieldType30::display_value($obj->grand_total) . '</span>
			<div style="clear:both;"></div>
            $html .= '
			<table class="inv_line_table">
						<th class="inv_line_table_header inv_line_table_header_width_30">
							<span>Item Name</span>
						<th class="inv_line_table_header inv_line_table_header_width_10">
						<th class="inv_line_table_header inv_line_table_header_width_30">
						<th class="inv_line_table_header inv_line_table_header_width_15">
						<th class="inv_line_table_header inv_line_table_header_width_15">
							<span>Net Price</span>
            $html .= '<tbody>';
            foreach ($lineitems as $key => $items) {
                $line_discount = '';
                if ($items["discount_type"] == 'direct') {
                    $line_discount = _('Discount') . '-' . \FieldType30::display_value($items["discount_value"]);
                } elseif ($items["discount_type"] == 'percentage') {
                    $line_discount = _('Discount') . '-' . $items["discount_value"] . ' %';
                } else {
                    $line_discount = _('Discount') . '-' . _('no discount');
                $line_tax = '';
                if ($items["tax_values"] != '') {
                    $line_tax = ' - ' . rtrim($items["tax_values"], ',');
                } else {
                    $line_tax = ' - no tax';
                $html .= '
					<td class="inv_line_table_content inv_line_table_content_vertical_top">
						<div class="inv_line_table_content_block">
							' . $items["item_name"] . ' <br><br>
							' . nl2br($items["item_description"]) . '
					<td class="inv_line_table_content inv_line_table_content_vertical_top">
						<div class="inv_line_table_content_block">
							' . \FieldType16::display_value($items["item_quantity"]) . '
					<td class="inv_line_table_content">
						<div class="inv_line_table_content_block">
							' . \FieldType30::display_value($items["item_price"]) . '
						<div class="inv_line_table_content_block">
							' . $line_discount . '
						<div class="inv_line_table_content_block">
							<b>Total after discount</b>
						<div class="inv_line_table_content_block">
							<b>Tax </b> ' . $line_tax . '
					<td class="inv_line_table_content">
						<div class="inv_line_table_content_block">
							' . \FieldType30::display_value($items["item_price"] * $items["item_quantity"]) . '
						<div class="inv_line_table_content_block">
							' . \FieldType30::display_value($items["discounted_amount"]) . '
						<div class="inv_line_table_content_block">
							' . \FieldType30::display_value($items["total_after_discount"]) . '
						<div class="inv_line_table_content_block">
							' . \FieldType30::display_value($items["taxed_amount"]) . '
					<td class="inv_line_table_content inv_line_table_content_vertical_top">
						' . \FieldType30::display_value($items["net_total"]) . '
            $html .= '
            $net_discount = '';
            if ($obj->discount_type == 'percentage') {
                $net_discount = $obj->discount_value . ' %';
            } elseif ($obj->discount_type == 'direct') {
                $net_discount = FieldType30::display_value($obj->discount_value);
            } else {
                $net_discount = _('no discount');
            $net_tax = '';
            if ($obj->tax_values != '') {
                $net_tax = rtrim($obj->tax_values, ',');
            $ship_hand_tax = '';
            if ($obj->shipping_handling_tax_values != '') {
                $ship_hand_tax = rtrim($obj->shipping_handling_tax_values, ',');
            $final_adj = '';
            if ($obj->final_adjustment_type == 'add') {
                $final_adj = '(+)';
            } elseif ($obj->final_adjustment_type == 'deduct') {
                $final_adj = '(-)';
            $html .= '
			<div style="clear:both;"></div>
			<div class="inv_grand_total_section">
				<table class="inv_grand_total_table">
						<td class="inv_grand_total_table_header">
							<span><b>Net Total</b></span>
						<td class="inv_grand_total_table_content">
							<span>' . \FieldType30::display_value($obj->net_total) . '</span>
						<td class="inv_grand_total_table_header">
							<span><b>Discount -</b> ' . $net_discount . '</span>
						<td class="inv_grand_total_table_content">
							<span>' . \FieldType30::display_value($obj->discounted_amount) . '</span>
						<td class="inv_grand_total_table_header">
							<span><b>Tax -</b> ' . $net_tax . ' </span>
						<td class="inv_grand_total_table_content">
							<span>' . \FieldType30::display_value($obj->taxed_amount) . '</span>
						<td class="inv_grand_total_table_header">
							<span><b>Shipping/Handling charges</b></span>
						<td class="inv_grand_total_table_content">
							<span>' . \FieldType30::display_value($obj->shipping_handling_charge) . '</span>
						<td class="inv_grand_total_table_header">
							<span><b>Shipping/Handling Tax -</b>' . $ship_hand_tax . '</span>
						<td class="inv_grand_total_table_content">
							<span>' . \FieldType30::display_value($obj->shipping_handling_taxed_amount) . '</span>
						<td class="inv_grand_total_table_header">
							<span><b>Final Adjustment</b>' . $final_adj . '</span>
						<td class="inv_grand_total_table_content">
							<span>' . \FieldType30::display_value($obj->final_adjustment_amount) . '</span>
						<td class="inv_grand_total_table_header">
							<span><b>Grand Total</span>
						<td class="inv_grand_total_table_content">
							<span>' . \FieldType30::display_value($obj->grand_total) . '</span>
			<div style="clear:both;"></div>
			<h3 class="inv_terms_cond_section">
				<span>Terms & Condition</span>
			<div style="top:2px;">
					' . nl2br($obj->terms_condition) . '
        if (true === $save) {
            $pdf->Output(OUTBOUND_PATH . '/' . $file_name, 'F');
            return $file_name;
        } else {
            $pdf->WriteHTML($html, 2);
            $pdf->Output($file_name, 'D');
Example #4
				<br />
	<div class="clear_float"></div>
	<div class="row-fluid">
		<div class="span6">
			<div class="datadisplay-outer">
echo _('Prospect Funnel By Stage and Amount');
echo $funnel_data_by_amount["grand_total"] > 0 ? _(' - Totalling ') . FieldType30::display_value($funnel_data_by_amount["grand_total"]) : '';
				<div id="c1">
		<div class="span6">
			<div class="datadisplay-outer" >
echo _('Prospect Funnel By Stage and Number');
echo $funnel_data_by_no["grand_total"] > 0 ? _(' - Totalling ') . $funnel_data_by_no["grand_total"] : '';
Example #5
echo _('Sales Stage');
							<div class="controls">
echo FieldType5::display_field('sales_stage', 117);
							</div><br />
							<label class="control-label" for="amount">* <?php 
echo _('Amount');
							<div class="controls">
								<!--<input type = "text" name="amount" id="amount" value="">-->
echo FieldType30::display_field('amount');
							</div><br />
							<label class="control-label" for="probability">* <?php 
echo _('Probability');
							<div class="controls">
								<input type = "text" class="form-control input-sm" name="probability" id="probability" value="">
							</div><br />   
						<div id="close_lost_reason" style="display:none;margin-left:30px;margin-top:5px;">
							<label class="control-label" for="lost_reason"><?php 
echo _('Lost Reason');
Example #6
				<br />
	<div class="clear_float"></div>
	<div class="row">
		<div class="col-md-12">
			<div class="datadisplay-outer">
echo _('Prospect Lost to Competitor ');
echo $prospect_lostto_competitor_by_name["grand_total"] > 0 ? _(' - Totalling ') . FieldType30::display_value($prospect_lostto_competitor_by_name["grand_total"]) : '';
				<div id="c1">
	<div class="clear_float"></div>
	<div class="row">
		<div class="col-md-12">
			<div class="datadisplay-outer">
				<div class="left_300"  id="">
echo _('Detailed report');
Example #7
				<br />
	<div class="clear_float"></div>
	<div class="row">
		<div class="col-md-6">
			<div class="datadisplay-outer">
echo _('Prospect Lost By Amount');
echo $prospect_lost_data_by_amount["grand_total"] > 0 ? _(' - Totalling ') . FieldType30::display_value($prospect_lost_data_by_amount["grand_total"]) : '';
				<div id="c1">
		<div class="col-md-6">
			<div class="datadisplay-outer" >
echo _('Prospect Lost By Number');
echo $prospect_lost_data_by_no["grand_total"] > 0 ? _(' - Totalling ') . $prospect_lost_data_by_no["grand_total"] : '';
Example #8

// Copyright SQCRM. For licensing, reuse, modification and distribution see license.txt
* @author Abhik Chakraborty
$idmodule = (int) $_GET["idmodule"];
$sqcrm_record_id = (int) $_GET["sqrecord"];
$module_name = $modules_info[$idmodule]['name'];
$do_module_object = new $module_name();
$do_invoice_payments = new InvoicePayments();
$payments = $do_invoice_payments->get_invoice_payments($sqcrm_record_id);
$due_amount = FieldType30::display_value($do_invoice_payments->get_due_amount($sqcrm_record_id));
$payment_modes = $do_invoice_payments->get_payment_modes();
include_once 'view/plugin_view.php';
echo _('Mode');
				<th width="15%"><?php 
echo _('Transaction Type');
				<th width="30%"><?php 
echo _('Note');
		<tbody id="payment_details_tbody">
if (count($payments) > 0) {
    foreach ($payments as $key => $val) {
        echo '<tr>';
        echo '<td>' . FieldType9::display_value($val['date_added']) . '</td>';
        echo '<td>' . FieldType30::display_value($val['amount']) . '</td>';
        echo '<td>' . FieldType1::display_value($val['ref_num']) . '</td>';
        echo '<td>' . FieldType1::display_value($val['mode_name']) . '</td>';
        echo '<td>' . FieldType1::display_value($val['transaction_type']) . '</td>';
        echo '<td>' . nl2br($val['additional_note']) . '</td>';
        echo '</tr>';
Example #10
							echo '(+)';
						} elseif ($module_obj->final_adjustment_type == 'deduct') {
							echo '(-)';
				<td width="20%">
					<div style="height:30px;text-align:right;line-height:1.3;">
						<?php echo FieldType30::display_value($module_obj->final_adjustment_amount); ?>
				<td width="80%" style="text-align: right;">
					<div style="height:20px;text-align:right;line-height:1.3;">
						<b><?php echo _('Grand Total');?></b>
				<td width="20%">
					<div style="height:20px;text-align:right;line-height:1.3;">
						<?php echo FieldType30::display_value($module_obj->grand_total); ?>
} ?>
<script src="/js/lineitem.js"></script>
Example #11
  * function to create a new potential at the time of conversion
  * @param object $evctl
  * @param array $assigned_to_data
  * @param integer $related_to
  * @param integer $related_to_module
  * @return integer $idpotentials
 public function create_new_potential_converted($evctl, $assigned_to_data, $related_to, $related_to_module)
     $this->insert("potentials", array("potential_name" => $evctl->potential_name, "expected_closing_date" => FieldType9::convert_before_save($evctl->expected_closing_date), "sales_stage" => $evctl->sales_stage, "probability" => $evctl->probability, "amount" => FieldType30::convert_before_save($evctl->amount), "iduser" => $assigned_to_data["value"], "added_on" => date("Y-m-d H:i:s"), "lost_reason" => $evctl->lost_reason, "competitor_name" => $evctl->competitor_name));
     $idpotentials = $this->getInsertId();
     $this->insert("potentials_custom_fld", array("idpotentials" => $idpotentials));
     $this->insert("potentials_related_to", array("idpotentials" => $idpotentials, "related_to" => $related_to, "idmodule" => $related_to_module));
     return $idpotentials;